Chapter 426
Although the first battle between the two sides was tied, Wang Xuba flinched a bit.The reason was the same, and it was because this battle made him a little desperate.

He doubted himself again.

Can it defeat the Northern Jin Army?

In terms of numbers, he and Liu Jianhan combined undoubtedly surpassed the Northern Jin army, but in terms of strength, they could not win.

Under such circumstances, he fell into distress.

"Sir, what exactly should we do to defeat the Northern Jin Army?"

In the big tent, Wang Xuba looked at Gao Xi.

To be honest, Gao Xi didn't know either, because there was too much difference in strength between the two, and it was extremely difficult to defeat the Northern Jin army head-on.

"Your Majesty, we have to fight with our backs, otherwise the Northern Jin army will drive straight into Hebei, and we will be taken captive."

There is no doubt about this, in the eyes of the Northern Jin court, they are the damn rebels, once defeated and captured, they will die.

Wang Xuba took a deep breath, nodded and said, "If Gao Lie is willing to send troops for reinforcements, he might not be able to fight."

This person is always short-sighted, perhaps in Gao Lie's view, the Northern Jin Army is not worthy of his vigilance.

Gao Xi cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, we should get in touch with Liu Jianhan as soon as possible, unite our troops and attack the Northern Jin army together, otherwise, once the Northern Jin increases its troops, we will be in danger."

"Don't worry sir, I've sent people to go."

On the other side, Liu Jianhan saw Wang Xuba's emissary, and agreed to Wang Xuba's suggestion without thinking about it. Now, for him, the Northern Jin army must be defeated, otherwise he would surely die.

"The envoy will go back and tell your Majesty that I am willing to do my best to cooperate with him."

"Okay, as long as our two families join hands to meet the enemy, the Northern Jin army will be defeated." The envoy cupped his hands and turned to leave.

Liu Jianhan is also determined to put all his eggs in one basket. The current situation is already the worst for him. He can only block all his belongings.

If he wins, he can survive.

If he is defeated, he must either surrender to the Northern Jin Dynasty or kill himself.However, Liu Jianhan felt that the Northern Jin court would definitely not agree to his surrender. He was a traitor.

The next day, Liu Jianhan opened the gate of the city and personally led more than [-] remnants and defeated generals to cooperate with Wang Xuba's army to attack the Northern Jin army.

The war between the two sides was on the verge of breaking out, and intermittent fighting wars began around Hejian.

On the other side, Li Yaoshi led an army of [-] troops and quietly entered Hejian County, passed through Wen'an, and directly attacked Wang Xuba's capital, Jingcheng!

Yuyang County.

As a county in Beidi, there is actually not much cultivated land here, and it only takes up a little light in the Hebei Plain, but it is enough for the sparsely populated Yuyang County.

Since the violent bandits in Yuyang County were pacified by King Zhao, the people's livelihood here has rapidly recovered under the governance of the county governor Wen Daya.

In the early spring of March, people can already be seen farming and weeding in the farmland, and tidying up the fields.

The Gengshui in the north nourishes the people here, so they don't lack water, they just lack a stable environment.

In order to resume production as soon as possible, the Northern Jin Dynasty issued a decree to exempt the people of Yuyang County from taxes for three years so that they can recuperate.

"Master Wen, here we come again today." The old farmer looked at the young man in sackcloth with a simple and honest smile on his face.

"How's the old man doing these few days?" Wen Yanfei smiled faintly, bent down, rolled up his underwear, took off his shoes, stepped on the muddy ground with bare feet, and walked towards the old farmer.

The old farmer was not surprised by Mr. Wen's behavior. In fact, he was really surprised when he saw the official lord go to the field for the first time.

"It's the same as before. Our family hopes to have a good harvest this year."

"For sure, the imperial court has already exempted Yuyang County from taxes, don't worry, old man."

The old farmer nodded, "Of course I don't worry. King Zhao is really a good man. Who would have survived without him giving us a bowl of rice last year? I believe what the court said." The old farmer was full of confidence.

Wen Yanfei chuckled, and immediately chatted with several other old farmers.

At noon, Wen Yanfei and the old farmers found a shady place and sat on the ground.

"Come on, Mrs. Wen, try the meat pie made by my mother-in-law." An old farmer enthusiastically broke his own meat pie in half and gave it to Wen Yanfei.

"Hey, I'm eating meat!" Wen Yanfei took the meat pie and joked with a smile.

"Hey, my Sanlang is a soldier in Liaodong, and he has mutton and beef every month. If he can't finish it, he will send it back to us."

"Sanlang is doing his best." Other old farmers praised him one after another.

Wen Yanfei bent his muddy legs and drank water while biting the meatloaf.

"By the way, Mrs. Wen, what are you doing in the ground so often? You are not our muddy legs. Is it uncomfortable to sit in the yamen?"

Wen Yanfei chuckled, and explained: "It's comfortable, why is it uncomfortable. But sitting in the yamen, I don't know the situation of the old men, what they need, what they lack, how to deal with it."

An old farmer held out his thumb, "Lord Wen Xiao is a good official."

In the past, apart from the Hucao and Cangcao officials who were in charge of farming in the county, they rarely saw other officials.

"I can only be considered competent as an official if I can feed everyone well and dress warmly."

Wen Yanfei finished eating the meatloaf, licked the residue on his hands, and took another sip of water.

He didn't say this, but that King Zhao told him.

He thinks it makes sense!
As a local parental official, if the people don't have enough food and clothing, can he still be considered a good official?

"Well said."

A voice came suddenly, and Wen Yanfei and others turned their heads to look back at the same time.

A few steps away, a man in black clothes was riding on a horse, surrounded by a circle of armed guards.

Wen Yanfei was shocked, it was King Zhao who came!

He was just about to get up to worship, but Jiang Chengxiao waved his hand to signal him to be calm, and immediately got off his horse and walked over.

"Old men, I'm a business traveler going north, passing by here, asking some old men for saliva, I wonder if it's okay?"

Jiang Chengxiao smiled and cupped his hands.

"What's the matter, little brother, sit down."

The old men did not suspect him, and warmly greeted Jiang Chengxiao to sit down and drink water.

"Little brother, this turbulent man still wants to do business, don't die."

"I can't help it. Every day when I open my eyes, there are dozens of people in the family to support. If I don't come out, I will just sit and eat." Jiang Chengxiao put down the kettle and responded with a smile.

"that's right."

Wen Yanfei had never seen the enthusiastic King Zhao who was able to chat with the old farmer, and more importantly, King Zhao seemed not unfamiliar with farming, and was even very familiar with it, and some of the opinions he put forward were quite useful.

This was something Wen Yanfei never thought of, because in his impression, beings like King Zhao might have a lot of experience in fighting and governing the country, but he didn't expect to be so good at farming, which made him admire.

Moreover, it surprised him the most to be able to talk happily with the old peasants without any scruples.

The sun is just right, and the warm wind is howling.

Jiang Chengxiao led the horse and walked on the official road, and people could be seen farming in the fields from far or near on both sides.

Thinking back to a few years ago, this place was full of violent bandits and barren fields.

"Mr. Wen governed well. This is what the common people should look like." Jiang Chengxiao said.

Wen Yanfei hurriedly cupped his hands, "Don't dare, it's all thanks to the king's kindness to the people."

"No matter how kind I am to the people, if the officials below me are obedient and disobedient, the people will still suffer. Therefore, you deserve praise."

It was an accident to see Wen Yanfei today, the purpose of his trip was not for Wen Yanfei.However, Jiang Chengxiao was very satisfied to see him go down to the field and be pragmatic. He is a good official for the people.

"Thank you sir." Wen Yanfei cupped his hands.

"How about it, have you gained anything since you went to the ground these days?"

"I have gained a lot." Wen Yanfei tidied up his words, and said slowly: "In the past when sitting in the yamen, many things were just fantasies, without considering the actual situation of the people at all. Many government orders are not helpful to the people, but a burden."

Listening to Wen Yanfei's narration like pouring beans, Jiang Chengxiao knew that he had worked hard.

The two talked while walking, and they arrived at the gate of Yuyang without knowing it.

"Is Your Majesty going to see Governor Wen?"

It wasn't until here that Wen Yanfei stopped talking and asked Jiang Chengxiao the purpose of his trip.

"You go, I'll go see Governor Wen." Jiang Chengxiao said with a smile.

Hearing this, Wen Yanfei knew that King Zhao had something to do, so he bowed and said goodbye.

Looking at the back of Wen Yanfei going away, Jiang Chengxiao asked: "Jiyun, what do you think of Wen Yanfei?"

Nan Jiyun said: "According to my subordinates, Wen Yanfei is a person who does practical things and listens to persuasion."

"Yes, I did mention him back then, but I didn't expect him to really be willing to work hard for it."

Jiang Chengxiao smiled lightly, and immediately got on his horse.The guards behind him got on their horses and waited for orders.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

After saying that, he led his personal guards into Yuyang.

(End of this chapter)

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