Dajin royal family

Chapter 435 Cui's Choice

Chapter 435 Cui's Choice (Thanks for the reward)
When Liu Jialun heard the commotion outside, he knew that something was wrong. Immediately afterwards, his personal guards told him that the Northern Jin army had already entered the city, and the two camps in the east and west were surrounded and suppressed. Since they were not prepared to be raided by the opponent, the soldiers suffered heavy casualties.

"How did they get in?"

After being stunned for a while, Liu Jialun remembered this question when he came back to his senses.

"Zhao Feng at the north gate used the rotation of soldiers to sacrifice the city gate." The guard hurriedly said: "General, the Northern Jin army has come in. We must retreat immediately, otherwise."

Of course Liu Jialun knew the meaning of what the guard didn't finish, but he refused.

"Pack up your things and go to the Qingzhou Army, I won't leave."



At this time, Liu Jialun didn't get angry and entangled with Zhao Feng's defection to the enemy, because he knew that this day would come sooner or later, but it was only a matter of time.

That night, Liu Jialun committed suicide in the mansion, and the last trace of Liu Jianhan's remnants disappeared without a trace.

Wei Zhongzheng reorganized the soldiers left by Liu Jialun, selected the elite to stay, and enriched the army by [-], while the rest of the soldiers were sent away to work in agriculture.

So far, only Gao Lie, who occupies the two counties of Pingyuan and Bohai, is left in Hebei.

King Zhao is March [-]th.

The leading family in Hebei is undoubtedly the Fan Yang Lu family.But this does not mean that only the Lu family dominates Hebei.

The so-called Shandong Qiwang, the prestige of the seven families is roughly the same, but the suppression of the Pei, Zheng, and Wang families in the former emperor's dynasty was not serious, so the strength of these three families is stronger.

Among them, the Zheng family in Xingyang developed the best. Although Zheng Shanyuan was only the Minister of Dali Temple in the period of the first emperor, because of his relationship with King Zhao, he has already defaulted to be the leader of Qiwang in Shandong, and he is undoubtedly the first family in the Central Plains.

The Pei family was not bad either. The Pei brothers were also highly valued in the first emperor's dynasty. There were two servants in one family. Later, Pei Ju even became a minister.

On the contrary, the development of the Wang family is a little bit worse. If King Zhao hadn't pushed Wang Hong from the back and let him return to the court, it would be hard to say.

However, Bingzhou's "Northern King and Southern Pei" is not a joke.

The development of the remaining Fanyang Lu family, Boling Cui family, Qinghe Cui family, and Zhaojun Li family is somewhat shaky.

Needless to say, the Lu family of Fanyang and the Cui family of Qinghe went the wrong way in the first emperor's dynasty and supported Prince Zhao, but they were suppressed by the first emperor.

The rest of the Cui family of Boling and the Li family of Zhaojun were a little on the sidelines, feeling like outsiders.

Therefore, in terms of prestige, the Boling Cui family is not bad, but because no one in the clan has been in a high position in the temple for a long time, these years have been somewhat tepid.

The Boling Cui family was also called the Boling Anping Cui family.

The Cui family gathered in Anping County, Boling County, which can be regarded as the base camp of the Cui family in Boling.

Because of the war, all the children of the Cui family in Boling gathered in the city. Although Liu Jianhan took down Boling County earlier, he didn't dare to do anything to the Cui family in Boling. Of course, extortion of money and food was inevitable.

On this day, several elderly members of the Cui clan gathered in the Pingshan hall of the Cui clan. Their status was quite high in the clan, the three elders and the head of the Cui clan were all there.

Opposite them, Wen Yanfei was kneeling upright on the futon, looking calmly at his uncle, the chief of the Cui clan, Cui Wenxuan.

"Yanfei, you have grown up." Cui Wenyu looked at his nephew and said with a smile.

Wen Yanfei smiled shyly.

"I heard that when you were in Yuyang, you often went to work in the fields, checked hundreds of households, and investigated the people's conditions. Your mother wrote to say that you have forgotten to eat and sleep." Cui Wenyu took a sip of the tea cup, and the three elders beside him were all silent. He drank his tea and had no intention of speaking.

Wen Yanfei leaned back, "Uncle Mingjian, the king once told me that if you don't check the facts, you don't know what to say. If you sit high in the temple, how will you know what the people are anxious about?"

Cui Wenyu nodded, "Not bad."

After just saying a good word, Cui Wenyu didn't speak any more, as if he was waiting for Wen Yanfei to say the purpose of his trip.

Because this time, he is visiting Cui Mansion on behalf of King Zhao, and King Zhao will come to the door in person tomorrow.

Otherwise, why would he take the three elders of the clan with him when receiving his nephew.

Wen Yanfei coughed lightly, and said, "Your Majesty asked me to tell Uncle that the Hebei thugs Liu Jianhan, Wang Xuba, and Lu Mingyue have all recovered. Please rest assured, Uncle."

Hearing this, the three elders who had been silent all this time looked at each other with a little surprise in their eyes.

In fact, they had expected such a result a long time ago, King Zhao had the support of Zheng, Wang, and Pei, and that King Zhao was not a mediocre person, and it was easy to wipe out the rootless bandits.

However, such a fast speed surprised them a little. It seemed that Hebei would be pacified soon.

"Wu De Zhaozhao, King Zhao is really a blessing to the Jin family." Cui Wenyu praised calmly.

He was still waiting for Wen Yanfei to reveal the purpose of King Zhao's visit to Cui's mansion.

But Wen Yanfei didn't mention this, and said a lot of nonsense, and finally handed the letter entrusted to him by his uncle to Cui Wenxuan, and immediately got up to leave.

In fact, he was really just sent by the king to inform the Cui family, and the king did not ask him to do other things.

Therefore, after Wen Yanfei left, Cui Wenxuan was a little at a loss.

Just gone?
Looking at the letter in his hand, Cui Wenyu was about to open it, when the elder Zong said, "King Zhao came here to stabilize Hebei."

"That's right, the bandits are gone, King Zhao needs us to stand up to appease the people and calm down the county officials." Another Zong Lao stroked his beard.

Zong Zhu said: "So, King Zhao sent Wen Yanfei to remind us, let us think about it?"

Cui Wenxuan stopped his movements and pondered for a while, "It should be like this. King Zhao is also worried that if we say something rashly tomorrow, we will not respond. Isn't that right?"

The crowd fell silent.

"Three elders, this matter is actually not difficult to decide. Looking at all the forces in the world, King Zhao is our best choice."

After a pause, Cui Wenxuan said: "Guanzhong is beyond reach, let alone the opponent is a nobleman in Guanzhong. Qingzhou is fighting in chaos, and there is no master. Needless to say, there has never been a case of the south establishing a dynasty since ancient times."

"King Zhao won the support of Zheng, Pei, and Wang, and has already occupied Bingzhou. Now the troops are out of Hebei, and it will take only ten months to unify the north of the river. We can only support him. Moreover, King Zhao is orthodox and has a righteous name. The national jade seals are all in Taiyuan."

Zong Laodao: "We all know what you said. In fact, Zheng Shanyuan sent someone to test us a long time ago, but I didn't give him an answer at that time. I didn't want the world to change too fast. Before we could react, the sun and the moon had changed. .”

"That's right." The remaining two clan elders nodded.

Cui Wenyu was puzzled and said, "What are those three hesitant about?"

Zong Zhu reminded: "Don't you think it's strange? Yuyang is the Beidi county where King Zhao first recovered. Fanyang Lu's family is there. Why didn't Zhao Wang look for them? Comparatively speaking, Fanyang Lu's family is not the most suitable for this job." Is there someone who can calm down Hebei?"

Hearing this, Cui Wenyu paused.

That's a good thing to say, and it's true.

Everyone was silent again.

"There is only one possibility." Cui Wenyu raised his head slowly, "King Zhao must have had a quarrel with the Lu family."

The other three did not speak. In fact, they were also biased towards this idea.

"But, what quarrel can there be between the Lu family and King Zhao?" Elder Zong was puzzled.

At this time, Cui Wenyu suddenly remembered that the letter in his hand was written by Wen Daya. He was in Yuyang, so he might know some inside information.

Immediately, he opened the letter and read it.

"So that's how it is." Cui Wenyu passed the letter to several others to watch.

After everyone read the letter, Cui Wenxuan said: "I believe what Wen Daya said in the letter. This time the bandits are put down, King Zhao will definitely take back the farmland in Hebei to reward the soldiers and appease the people. This refusal is not difficult to explain because of the quarrel between King Zhao and the Lu family."

Zong Zhu sneered, "I originally thought that the Lu family was dissatisfied with the position that King Zhao had arranged for them in the court, but it turned out to be because of the land, ha ha."

Another elder said: "If Lu Huaishen enters the court, he will be a servant at worst. In order to stabilize Hebei, King Zhao may promote him to be a minister."

"He refused, I'm afraid it's because Lu's land is precious." The last elder Zong laughed.

Cui Wenxuan stroked his chin and said, "Everyone, will King Zhao make this request to us tomorrow?"

Hearing this, the three elders fell silent.

In this case, it is very possible.

(End of this chapter)

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