Dajin royal family

Chapter 439 each with their own minds

Chapter 439 each with their own minds


The cup carved from jasper fell to the ground, and the fragments splashed and fell at the feet of the surrounding generals.

"Short-sighted rat!"

Li Fazhu slapped three letters from Chi Ju, Shan Ding, Qu Rang and others on the table, and he was in a state of extreme anger.

Although he had no hope for Qu Rang and others to send troops before, Li Fazhu was still very angry when he actually received the letter.

This group of thieves only know how to live in the nest, Lu Mingyue and others from Hebei are a lesson from the past, and they don't think about the future at all.The Northern Jin Dynasty is so powerful, Hebei is unified, and will soon cross the river to attack Qingzhou, who can resist then?
"Your Majesty, they refused?" Adviser Wang Shunde came out and asked softly.

"look by youself."

Transferring the letters on the case table and still on the ground, Li Fazhu said angrily: "These guys don't even know how strong the Northern Jin Dynasty is, and they are still dreaming of separatist regimes."

Wang Shunde picked up the letters and read them one by one.The content inside is not worth scrutinizing, it is nothing more than finding reasons not to send troops.

"Your Majesty, Shan Ding plotted against Pengcheng County, and Qu Rang had already captured Langya County. Now he is fighting fiercely with Meng Changtian of Donghai County. The two refused to send troops. I am not surprised at all. Back then, they refused to obey His Majesty, let alone Now it’s time. What my subordinates don’t understand is why Chiju didn’t send troops, he is not a short-sighted person.”

Li Fazhu sneered, "He is indeed not a short-sighted person, but he is a half-hearted person and a successful person. He guards Donglai County and does nothing. Hmph, I think he is worried that if he sends troops, the rear will be attacked by Qu Rang .”

Wang Shunde said: "Your Majesty, they are not sending troops now, and my subordinates do not suggest sending troops."

"Why, you should know that the threat brought by the Northern Jin Dynasty is several times higher than that of Gao Lie." Master Li frowned.

Wang Shunde nodded, "Of course my subordinates know the threat of the Northern Jin Dynasty, but have you ever thought about it? If you send troops to Bohai County, who can guarantee that Shan Ding and others will not be distracted?"

Hearing this, everyone suddenly gasped, they forgot about this incident, and now their relationship with Qu Rang and others is not good.

"Furthermore, General Hu Yu is still at war with Yu Wenshu's Luoyang army. If we divide our forces, what will happen to General Hu Yu? Once there is a loss in the east, there is no guarantee that other people will not have delusions."

As Wang Shunde's voice fell, Fazhu Li fell into deep entanglement.

He knew that his current situation was not as bad as Wang Shunde said, but it would not be much better.

If he sent troops to rescue Gao Lie, he would definitely fight to the death with the Northern Jin army, and no matter whether he wins or loses, he will suffer heavy losses.

The Northern Jin army can retreat if they can't fight for a while, but if he is dragged to Bohai County, what should he do in Qi County and other places?
This is a question he has to consider, and he even agrees with what Wang Shunde said, once the army leaves Qi County, who can guarantee that Qu Rang, Shan Ding and others will not take advantage of it?

Fazhu Li rubbed the center of his brows tiredly, and let out a foul breath, as if he had aged ten years.

If Li Yang wins the battle and takes down the Li Yang warehouse, now Qingzhou will be monolithic and can be conquered from east to west.

But no, his important link was interrupted by Jiang Chengxiao, and he even fled back to Qi County exhausted.He originally wanted to use the title of emperor to gather people's hearts and unite Qingzhou.But Qu Rang and the others were very ambitious and refused to accept him at all.

He didn't even win Qingzhou, so how can he fight for world hegemony?

"Do you really want to sit back and watch the Northern Jin Dynasty unify Hebei?" Fazhu Li looked at Wang Shunde sadly.

"Your Majesty, even if we can send troops to aid Gao Lie, he can only hold on for a while. When King Zhao consolidates other places in Hebei, the little Bohai County will still be unable to resist."

Now that the matter has come to this point, Li Fazhu is not an indecisive person, he knows that he does not have the strength to go head-to-head with Bei Jin, and he even has to worry about Shan Ding and others behind him.

"Okay, let's let go of the matter of sending troops to Hebei. However, we must start discussing the matter of Qingzhou immediately!"

There was a fierce light in Li Fazhu's eyes. This Gao Lie incident reminded him that he had to make some changes before the Northern Jin army attacked Qingzhou.

Wang Shunde understood Li Fazhu's meaning, and immediately said: "If this matter is discussed, Your Majesty must first strike down with Yu Wenshu."

"That's right, the Hu octopus army was restrained by Yu Wenshu outside, and they were beyond the reach of Qingzhou's affairs. He should indeed be transferred back first."

Donglai County, Huang County.

Shenju pulled the reins and looked at the newly built dock in front of him. It was already busy inside, and ships were being built one after another.

"Sir, it's amazing to start building ships so quickly."

Fang Xuanzhan waved his hand, "It's not that I'm good. There were many fishermen in Donglai County. They have more or less experience in boat construction. With the blueprints and craftsmen sent by the king, this is what they are today. "

Shenju said: "We can't delay the matter of the king. The king means that we will build a navy within three years."

Fang Xuanzao said: "It's not difficult. We have money and supplies, and ships are easy to build. It's just that we are blind to the training of the navy, but this is the most important thing."

"Don't worry, sir. I've sent someone to make a deal with Nan Chen secretly. They lack horses, and we lack soldiers to fight on the water."

"It's feasible, but we have to be careful, don't let Nan Chen see our plan." Fang Xuanzhan reminded.

Shen raised his head and said, "We are trading in the black market, so it shouldn't matter, but since the sir reminded me, I will let the person in charge carefully check it later."

The two talked about some things about the navy, and then they talked about Qingzhou and Hebei.

"The spies from Qi County reported that Li Fazhu and others did not send troops. It seems that the master's plan has worked." Shenju said.

Fang Xuanzhan shook his head, "It's just a small plan, Li Fazhu and others don't trust each other, and Qu Rang and Li Fazhu are in conflict. They are all worried that if they send troops, they will be plotted against by others. I just added a hand. It's just fire."

"In the final analysis, it's all thanks to the king. They all know that even if they really go to rescue Gao Lie, it's a matter of success. Take risks. Qingzhou, a plate of scattered sand, is the best for the king."

"In my opinion, when will the king unify Qingzhou?"

"The time won't be too long. In my opinion, the king will pacify Hebei before May, and it is very likely that he will go south to attack Li Fazhu. Therefore, we must also be prepared to meet the king."

Hearing this, Shenju's eyes flickered, "After waiting for so long, the king is finally coming."

More than ten days passed quietly like this, and the outside of Yangxin City was in a mess. After several days of tough battle, the soldiers on both sides were already exhausted.

However, the moods of the two sides are quite different.

Jiang Chengxiao received the news from Shenju that Li Fazhu and others would not send troops to Bohai County, so he ordered a fierce attack without any consideration.

In contrast, Gao Lie's monarch and ministers were full of depression.

Qingzhou does not send troops, how can they persist?

As time passed, the morale of the three armies became more and more low, and the people in the city were overwhelmed, and they were in depression.

As the battering ram smashed open the city gate, the cavalry of the Northern Jin Army roared into the city.

"Your Majesty, the city is broken!"

Wen Yanfei watched the marching flag fluttering in front of him and charged forward, and waved his fist excitedly!
Jiang Chengxiao was not very excited. He lost 2 horses after fighting in an isolated city for more than half a month. He still felt very distressed.

But having said that, Yangxin was taken down, and Hebei was finally unified, which is something to be happy about.

Gao Lie's general Zhang Lifa brandished a spear and led his army to fight to the death with the Northern Jin army in the city.

But now that the city was broken, the already low morale became even lower. Facing the wolf-like cavalry of the Northern Jin Army, they had little resistance at all, and they surrendered a large area within half a day.

One gate was broken, and the other three gates were breached shortly thereafter. The Northern Jin army poured into Yangxin from all directions, chasing and killing Gao Lie's army in the city.

Yuchijing saw Zhang Lifao among the soldiers at a glance, and knowing that this person was General Gao Lie, the chief general who defended Yangxin, Yuchijing immediately slapped his horse and joined him in battle.

Zhang Lifa hadn't survived ten moves in Yu Chijing's hands before being stabbed by Yu Chijing's horse lance and died on the spot.

Following Zhang Lifa's death, Gao Lie's army was immediately demoralized, and they all raised their hands and surrendered.

So far, the last rebel force in Hebei has been put down.

(End of this chapter)

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