Chapter 44
Looking at Jiang Chengxiao who left, Gongsun Wuji looked at Li Anmin puzzled, "What does he mean? Why did he mention my father twice?"

Li Jishi on the side said lightly: "Father tiger and dog son."

Hearing this, Gongsun Wuji's face flushed suddenly, he lowered his head and was speechless for a while.Dou who was standing aside smoothed things over and said, "Okay, everything is over."

Li Anmin patted Gongsun Wuji on the shoulder and said, "Wuji, don't take it to heart."

Gongsun Wuji snorted coldly, turned his head and remained silent.

On the other side, the three of Zheng's were sitting in the car on their way home.

"Aniang seems to see that Mrs. Bingguo is resentful today?" Jiang Chengxiao asked.

Mrs. Zheng explained: "You don't know, that Li Jishi of Duke Binguo's mansion had a marriage contract with Mrs. Zheng before, but my mother heard from your grandmother not long ago that Duke Binguo seemed to show signs of repentance. Regret the marriage."

"Why is this? A woman from the Zheng family in Xingyang, many people in the world want to pursue her, so why should the Li family be picky?" Jiang Chengxiao frowned.

It's not that he is complacent, but the fact.The Zheng family in Xingyang is a famous family in the world, a big family that has been passed down for hundreds of years, and the women in the family will never marry others.Those who can marry women from aristocratic families are all descendants of aristocratic families.

Although the Li family is also a member of the Guanzhong nobles, they are not ranked at all. They cannot be compared with the Dugu family, Dou family, and Wei family, and they are not even as good as Yu Wenshu's Yuwen family.The Gongsun clan where Gongsun Wuji, who spoke so rudely today, belongs to the family is even more in decline, not worth mentioning.

The Guanzhong nobles do not just refer to those few families, but a group. The leaders of this group are the Dugu family, the Dou family, and the Wei family. The rest of the Li family, Yuwen family, Gongsun family, Yu family, etc. are all around their little nobles.

And the royal Jiang family of the Jin Dynasty was once also a noble in Guanzhong, and it was the most powerful branch, so it was the Jiang family that replaced the Northern Wei Dynasty and turned the family into a country.

Therefore, the marriage between Li Jianeng and the Zheng family of Xingyang is not only a good match, but to a certain extent, it is also a high-ranking one.

That's why Mrs. Zheng was so angry when she knew that the Li family showed signs of regretting the marriage.

Zheng Shi said: "My mother is also angry because of this. I, Zheng Shi, didn't dislike his Li family, but now it's the Li family who dislike Zheng Shi."

"The reason, the Li family must have a reason to regret the marriage."

Mrs. Zheng frowned and said, "I'm not very clear about being a mother. I just heard from your grandmother that the daughter of Mrs. Zheng who was married to the Li family seems to have been kidnapped by thieves, and it took more than ten days before she escaped. Doubt that her body is not perfect anymore."

Jiang Chengxiao originally wanted to say that it would be enough to find someone to test it, but then he thought that things might not be so simple. Li Jishi is the legitimate son of the Li family, and the daughter of the Zheng family he took must also be the legitimate daughter. This will be repentance.

There must be some deep-seated reason for this, which caused the Li family to be unwilling to admit this marriage, otherwise Li Jishi's official career would be smooth sailing if he married a daughter of the Zheng family, but at least he had a bright future.

"What did grandfather say?"

Mrs. Zheng sighed, and said: "These days, because of the rebellion of the King of Han, how can the old man have time to manage these things, so he has no time to be distracted."

"Brother, are you really planning to marry that daughter of the Zheng family? She was kidnapped for more than ten days, who knows?" Li Anmin said to Li Jishi outside the hall.

Li Jishi frowned slightly, "Okay, this matter is over, don't talk about it anymore."

"However, today's generation of concubines bullies Auntie so much, is it true that elder brother really wants to marry a daughter of the Zheng family and come back to be looked down upon by others? I heard that many people in Chang'an know about this." Li Anmin said.

Li Jishi is one of the embarrassment, now it doesn't matter whether the daughter of the Zheng family has been corrupted or not, but public opinion has made her innocent.If he married Zheng's daughter, he might become a joke in the circle of noble children.

"When father comes back, let father make a decision." Li Jishi could only say this, this marriage was made by the elders, not a junior who said he would not marry if he didn't marry.

Li Anmin snorted, and said: "That prince is not a simple person, he has to bring Duke Sheng along to humiliate Wuji."

Weijun, Hanwang camp.

In the past few days, the king of Han has been thinking about what to do, whether to fight Yang Taisu in Weijun, or retreat to Qijun, or according to what Cui Qi said, go south for health.

Before he knew it, he found that he had completely lost his initiative.In other words, since he failed to poison and murder the emperor from the very beginning, he has been in a passive state.If the first thing is that the subordinates are not good at doing things, then Dongjun was defeated, how to distinguish.

At this time, Song Jingang, a personal soldier, walked into the big tent and knelt down on one knee, "My lord, General Xiao is back."


Song Jingang was ordered to leave, and after a while, a general in his 50s in military uniform entered the tent.

"See the lord, the subordinate returned after being defeated, and is willing to accept the crime." Xiao Daoyan looked ashamed.

The King of Han was also full of anger towards Xiao Daoyan. If Xiao Daoyan could defeat Yu Wenshu in Changping County, he would be the one who took the initiative now. Perhaps they had already surrounded Luoyang by now.

"General Xiao, this king has entrusted you with a heavy responsibility, is this how you repay this king?" Han Wang said in a bad tone, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Seeing this, Xiao Daoyan knelt down on one knee and blamed himself: "My lord, this defeat is indeed the fault of my subordinates, I dare not ask my lord for forgiveness, I also ask my lord to give my subordinates a chance to make a contribution."

"Huh." The King of Han said, "Opportunity? Now that our army has just been defeated, how can we be Yang Taisu's opponent? In a few days, we will all be kidnapped to Chang'an, and all of this is because you did not defeat Yang Taisu in Changping County." Yu Wenshu!"

These days, the King of Han had nowhere to vent his anger. He couldn't admit that he had lost to Yang Taisu on the frontal battlefield, so he could only hold back his depression.Now that Xiao Daoyan came back, he found a place to vent his anger, and scolded him severely.

After scolding for nearly half an hour, the King of Han finally stopped.

Xiao Daoyan said: "This subordinate deserves to die, I dare not extravagantly ask the lord to spare my life, but I beg the lord to let me die on the battlefield."

After speaking, he knelt down on the ground.

The King of Han looked at Xiao Daoyan, although his anger was still in his heart, he also understood that the situation was critical and he could no longer kill the general, and it would still be useful to keep Xiao Daoyan.

"Get up." The king of Han said coldly: "This king gave you this opportunity, I hope you will not let me down."

"Thank you, my lord, I will serve you to death."

Xiao Daoyan got up, cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, on the way here, my subordinates received news that Yu Wenshu led the army into Qi County, and now Qi County is in danger."

The King of Han was silent for a moment, then walked to Kanyutu, looked at Qi Commanderies, Wuyang Commanderies, and Wei Commanderies, and turned his eyes to Jiyin County, Dongping County, and Liang County in the south.

"My king remembers that General Xiao used to be the younger brother of General Xiao Tong of the Chen Dynasty." The King of Han said suddenly.

Xiao Daoyan paused, then sweated profusely and explained: "This subordinate was indeed the younger brother of the puppet general in the past, but now this subordinate has no second thoughts about the prince."

The King of Han said: "It's okay, I'm just asking, General Xiao, I have an important task for you now."

"This subordinate listens to the order." Xiao Daoyan said seriously.

The King of Han said: "Quickly lead three thousand cavalry back to Qi County, and bring out the king's family."

Xiao Daoyan was taken aback, what does this mean? Is the King of Han planning to give up Qi County?

"What? You can't do it?" King Han stared at him sternly.

Xiao Daoyan shook his head and said firmly: "This subordinate obeys orders!"

(End of this chapter)

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