Dajin royal family

Chapter 451 Breaking the camp and fleeing

Chapter 451 Breaking the camp and fleeing (thanks to book friends 2020...16452 for the reward)
After hearing Wang Yuanzhen's words, Qu Rang forced a wry smile on his face.

cheer up?

Of course he also wants to cheer up, but the question is how can he cheer up in this situation?

Not to mention that his younger brother's life and death are unpredictable, but in terms of the current situation, what can he do if he cheers up, can he withstand the army of the Northern Jin Dynasty?
The cavalry of the Northern Jin Dynasty has completely cut off their retreat route, and their own food is about to run out. No matter what choice they make at that time, the result will be the same.

If you advance, you will die, if you retreat, you will die.

Wang Yuanzhen persuaded: "My lord, although the situation is extremely unfavorable to us, we have not yet reached the end of the road. As long as the lord can return to Gaomi County, everything has a chance to be saved."

Qu Rang shrank his eyes, subconsciously looked at the generals around him, and immediately glared at Wang Yuanzhen, motioning him to shut up.

At this time, the atmosphere in the tent was a little quiet, and the generals present knew that the current situation was very dangerous for them, so some people had already begun to subconsciously think about retreating.

What Wang Yuanzhen said was actually hinting at Qu Rang's withdrawal.

But how to withdraw troops now?

They don't have enough food, how can they ensure the safe retreat of the army.There is only one way, to abandon the army and use it as a bait to drag the Northern Jin army in front.

But the question is, who wants to do this?
Don't look at them usually calling them brothers and sisters, but there are not many real brothers in need. Once this is said, mutiny is possible.

After all, no one knows violent bandits better than violent bandits.

At nightfall, the scouts sent out to investigate returned, and the news of the report made the only trace of luck in Qu Rang and others' hearts disappear.

The two armies sent to Duchang and Shouguang were wiped out, and the main generals Qu Yao and Shan Xin disappeared.

In order to stabilize the morale of the army, Qu Rang ordered that the generals who knew the matter should not speak out, otherwise they would be dealt with by military law.

That night, Qu Rang called Wang Yuanzhen to the camp.

"Sir, for the current plan, what should we do?"

The dim candlelight is dim, and the large tent reflects the figures of soldiers guarded outside.Qu Rang and Wang Yuanzhen sat kneeling on both sides of the table, with very ugly expressions on their faces.

It was at this point that he had no other choice.

"My lord, my subordinates still say the same thing, as long as we return to Gaomi County and regroup, we might not be able to make a comeback."

"But will Northern Jin give me a chance to escape?" Qu Rang asked the crux of the problem.

Wang Yuanzhen analyzed: "The Northern Jin Dynasty has been stranded in Qingzhou for a long time, and our food is about to run out. The situation in the Northern Jin Dynasty must be the same. Now we have to abandon the car to save the commander. As long as the lord is still alive, everything will have a chance."

"You mean to abandon the army?"

Wang Yuanzhen nodded silently.

"The only way now is to use the army as a bait to exchange for a glimmer of life."

Qu Rang remained silent and clenched his hands silently.

In the current situation, he has no other way, this is the only way out.

"Okay, I agree."

Hearing this, Wang Yuanzhen quietly breathed a sigh of relief, he was worried that Qu Rang would go into a dead end and want to fight Bei Jin for life and death.

"My lord, this matter should be done sooner rather than later."

Qu Rang nodded lightly. If this kind of thing was leaked, I'm afraid it would be in vain.

Wang Yuanzhen reminded: "There are also Shan Ding and Chi Ju, we need to take strict precautions."

"Sir is right."

However, the development of things is always beyond imagination.

That night, the army fell into a crisis situation. The fact that the three generals wanted to abandon their soldiers and escape was like waves in the coalition camp. All the soldiers knew that they were besieged on all sides and their food was about to run out.

As a result, signs of soldiers fleeing inevitably appeared.

Even though Qu Rang, who had learned about the incident, the three of them repeatedly expressed their denials, and even stated that the army had enough food, but this did not dispel the doubts in the hearts of the soldiers in the slightest.

Because Shan Xin and Qu Yao are gone forever, this is the biggest flaw.

On the second day, Qu Rang and Shan Ding began massacring the deserters in an attempt to contain the signs of a 'broken camp'.

But this is of no use, because the 'rumor' has already burst, and the most powerful evidence for the 'rumor' is the disappearance of Qu Yao and Shan Xin.

The last straw that breaks the camel's back is often the person who knows the real situation.

At night, as the first general who knew the situation took the lead to leave the camp with his personal guards, other soldiers heard the news and the noise resounded over the camp. Soon after, continuous fire broke out into the sky, and the collapse of the camp officially began. !
The soldiers scurried back and forth in the camp like headless chickens, some rushed to the camp where the food and grass were escorted, some rushed to the commander's camp, some didn't know what to do, they just stayed where they were, and more Soldiers who took the opportunity to rob property.

The soldiers who rushed to the grain and grass camp found that there was no food in it, and the soldiers who rushed to the general's tent found that the three generals had disappeared without a trace.

So far, the rumors have been confirmed.

In the northwest of the camp, Shenju rode on a horse, looked back at the coalition camp where the fire was spreading, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Brother, why don't you take this opportunity to persuade those soldiers to surrender, so that the Lord will save the trouble of strangling them in the future." Jiang Lu said.

Shenju shook his head lightly, "My lord has given me a secret letter on this matter, these people can't move, they still have great use. By the way, Jiang Qi should let them go back."

"Yes, after Jiang Qi led the elite to leave, according to the order, he passed through the blockade of the Lord's cavalry, and he should have arrived in Gaomi County by this time."

"Very well, pass on the order, and the three armies will rush to Gaomi County at full speed."


Shenju glanced in the other two directions, his eyes moved slightly, and immediately led the army away.

There was a slight sign of the collapse of the camp, and Qu Rang and the three of them were all ready to retreat. After all, there were too many generals who knew about the incident that day, and this kind of incident could not be kept hidden for long, not to mention the fact that there was no food.

Therefore, what happened tonight was within their expectations.

There was no grain left in the camp, and they were all divided up by the three of them, and the remaining soldiers were just abandoned.

The sound of horseshoes sounded quickly, and Qu Rang took the lead, galloping wildly while urging the soldiers behind him to run faster.

The news of the collapse of the camp reached Jiang Chengxiao's ears not long after. He would definitely lead his army to intercept and kill him, and he had to flee back to Gaomi County.

Wang Yuanzhen's face was also very anxious, this time the camp came too fast, many things were not arranged well, even the most basic escape route was decided hastily.

The night seemed to be slowly enveloping them like a big black hand. Although it was far away, it felt full of oppression, and everyone hurried on their way without saying a word.

The sound of footsteps, horseshoes, armor clashing.

call out!
A cold arrow shot out from the darkness, grazed Qu Rang's cheek, and hit the guard behind him, only to hear an 'ah', and then fell off his horse and died.

Qu Rang quickly ordered the three armies to stop their guard. He reached out and touched the scar on his face, and a trace of bright red blood flowed down his cheek.

At this moment, arrows all over the sky fell from the sky!

Brush brush!
Qu, who was unprepared for a while, caused the army to suffer heavy losses.

Qu Rang took the shield sent by the guards and raised it to block the arrows, but his eyes were fixed on the front.

There, the vibration of the sound of horseshoes 'rumbling' seemed to be trampling on his heart.

There is an ambush here, how is this possible!

Wang Yuanzhen swallowed, as if he had seen his own doom.

What is going on, why is this happening, why is there an ambush here?
There are ghosts!
However, there are not many people who know their escape route, only Shan Ding and Chi Ju, they can't betray the news, what is the problem?

He didn't have time to think, because the marching flag of the Northern Jin Army came over.

The battle between the two sides is about to start!
On the other side, Shan Ding also met the Northern Jin cavalry. He didn't know how his escape route was leaked, but he didn't have time to think about it now.He only took away about [-] soldiers from the camp, but the number of cavalry on the opposite side was not lost to him!

Shan Zhen brandished his spear and fell deep into the enemy's formation.


With a roar from Shan Ding, Ma Qian pushed aside the Northern Jin cavalry surrounding him, slapped his horse and killed them, trying to save his son.

But at this time, a person blocked him.

"Who are you!" Shan Ding attacked with a long spear.

The man didn't say anything, he held a long spear and fought with Shan Ding.

"Han Su, Hussar General of the Northern Jin Dynasty, remember it for me!"

"Go away!"

Shan Ding wanted to retreat the enemy with one move, but how could Han Su be defeated so easily by him.

The two fought together, and it was hard to tell the winner for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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