Chapter 456
As Li Yuan's old opponent, Wei Guo's situation is actually not much better.They wiped out Yu Binghong to the north and expanded their territory, but they were still trapped in Guanzhong after all.

Moreover, after Yu Binghong's death, there were still three goals of the Wei State, either to attack Li Yuan to the west, or to attack Zhou Niu'er to the north, or to send troops out of Tongguan to deal with Yu Wenshu.

Among the three, Wei Hong chose Zhou Niu'er without hesitation.

The reason is very simple, neither Yu Wenshu nor Li Yuan are easy bones to chew on, and it won't be too late for him to have a decisive battle with them after he finishes eating the little fish and shrimp.

Chang'an, the imperial palace.

Wearing a dragon robe, Wei Hong stood in the royal study.Surrounded by confidant ministers and his sons.

He had three sons, the eldest son Wei Zhen was named the King of Qin, the second son Wei Yuan was named the King of Zhao, and the third son Wei Bi was named the King of Han.

After ascending the throne, the concubines in the palace gave him several sons, but they were still in their infancy.

"My dear friends, tell me, where should we fight next?" Wei Hong asked.

Prime Minister Zuo Wu Kui cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, Li Yuan has solved the worries of the rear, and his power has greatly increased. We should not move lightly for the time being. Yu Wenshu defeated Zhu Jie and Wang Kuoxiong. Rest and recuperate, and prepare for the next year's battle against Li Yuan."

Wu Kui was born in Guanzhong aristocrats with a prominent status. He was also one of the first batch of veterans who supported Wei Hongjiang to proclaim himself emperor.

At first, everyone present thought that Wu Kui was supporting Emperor Wei Hong in his conquest of Zhou Niu'er, but who knew that when his voice changed, he wanted to strike down.

Wei Yuan sneered and said, "The prime minister is old, and now is a time of great strife, where the feudal lords are fighting for hegemony, there is no time to rest and cultivate. If we don't move, maybe Zhou Niu'er will fight over by himself."

Wei Hong glared at Wei Yuan, and scolded, "You bastard, why are you talking to the prime minister?"

Wei Yuan curled his lips, and apologized to Wu Kui, "It's Meng Lang, the kid, please don't blame the Prime Minister."

Wu Kui laughed, "Your Highness don't need to worry about it. When you speak for the country, how do you distinguish between them? It's normal to have different political opinions. Even though you are old, you can still tell the good from the bad."

After asking Wu Kui's opinion, Wei Hong asked other people's opinions, and most of them tended to solve Zhou Niu'er first.

There is only one person who disagrees. This person is called Du Lianggong, who was born in the Jingzhao Du family and is currently the Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

"Du Aiqing has other opinions?" Wei Hong asked.

"That's right." Du Lianggong stood up, bowed, and then said slowly: "Zhou Niu'er is just a puppet of the Turkic people, and he is nothing without the support of the Turkic people. The county will definitely bring pressure to the Northern Jin Dynasty."

"According to my guess, the Northern Jin Dynasty will definitely take action against the Turks in the near future. First, it is to completely resolve the threat of the Turks to the northern counties of Bingzhou, and second, it is also to attack Zhou Niu'er to prevent it from invading Bingzhou. At this time, if my court Sending troops to attack Zhou Niu'er, isn't this sharing the pressure for the Northern Jin Dynasty?"

Wei Zhen questioned: "This is just your guess. If the Northern Jin Dynasty did not send troops to the Turks, what would happen?"

Du Lianggong said indifferently: "The Northern Jin Dynasty will definitely send troops. After the two battles in Hebei and Qingzhou, the threat to the east of the Northern Jin Dynasty has been reduced to the minimum. Now the only threat to the Northern Jin Dynasty is the northern Turks. The Northern Jin Dynasty will definitely not sit idly by. Turks continue to grow and develop."

"Because once the Turks rise, the Northern Jin will bear the brunt!"

Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

Nowadays, only the Northern Jin Dynasty borders on the forces of the grassland, and Du Lianggong's words are not groundless.

Wei Hongdao: "If so, what should I do?"

"Your Majesty should immediately call back the army and march westward to destroy Li Yuan! Among the major forces in Guanzhong, the only one that can pose a threat to us is Li Yuan. As long as Li Yuan dies, Guanzhong can be unified at any time. The previous strike was just for Solving the worries behind each other, now that Li Yuan has occupied the Kansai counties, I am afraid that he will show his fangs soon."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking carefully about Du Lianggong's words.

Wei Xin, Secretary of the Ministry of War, said: "But once we start a war with Li Yuan, we won't have time to worry about Zhou Niu'er, so this is not an appropriate move."

Wei Xin was originally the Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry in the Jin Dynasty. After Wei Hong's rebellion, he was named the Shangshu of the Ministry of War of the Song King.

Du Lianggong frowned. Didn't he already say that Zhou Niu'er was restrained by the Northern Jin Dynasty?Just as he was about to refute, Wei Hong interrupted him.

"Du Aiqing." Wei Hong chuckled, "Your idea is very good, but the Northern Jin Dynasty is not that stupid. If the Northern Jin Dynasty really sends troops to the Turks, it will not hinder Zhou Niuer. Even, maybe Zhou Niuer will Because they lost the help of the Turks, they forcibly attacked us."

King Wei Bi of Han asked for orders: "I am willing to lead the army north to attack Zhou Niu'er!"

"I also hope to lead an army to attack Zhou Niuer!" Wei Zhen and Wei Yuan clasped their hands together after Wei Bi spoke.

Seeing this, Du Lianggong sighed silently in his heart, and swallowed back the words of persuasion he had prepared.

He knew very well that now everyone in Wei State wanted to deal with Zhou Niu'er first and then fight Li Yuan, but Li Yuan's strength was growing day by day, and he would not lose to them at all.

After all, they all want to squeeze the persimmons first.

Wei Hong finally decided to attack Zhou Niu'er first, leaving Li Yuan in the final battle.

Nanjun, Jiangling.

The fight was lively in the north, and the south was not far behind. Xiao Tong occupied Jingzhou, with strong soldiers and horses, sufficient food and grass, and once invaded the middle of Shu, occupying several counties.

However, since Yu Wenshu solved Zhu Jie and Wang Kuoxiong, Xiao Tong's strategic center of gravity began to shift northward.

In the palace, Xiao Tong summoned Cen Zhenben, Zhang Xuan and Xie Yunjie to discuss matters.

"Three lovers, Yu Wenshu wiped out Wang Kuoxiong and Zhu Jie, and now he has unified the Central Plains. He must start spying on the Southern Kingdom in the near future. What do you think about it?"

Xie Yunjie bowed and said: "Your Majesty, Yu Wenshu occupies the Central Plains, and there are enemies in all directions. If you go west, you will be Wei Hong in Guanzhong. Tongguan is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Yu Wenshu will not attack Wei in a short time."

"The north is the Northern Jin Dynasty. Not long ago, Yu Wenshu was defeated by the Northern Jin Dynasty. In addition, the Northern Jin Dynasty unified Hebei this time, and went south to wipe out Qu Rang and Shan Ding in Qingzhou. Yu Wenshu probably would not provoke the Northern Jin Dynasty. .”

"The rest are Qingzhou and our dynasty. Judging by my minister, Yu Wenshu is likely to choose our dynasty."

Zhang Xuan retorted: "The bandits in Qingzhou were severely injured by the Northern Jin Dynasty, and they are extremely weak at the moment. Logically speaking, it is more reasonable for Yu Wenshu to attack Qingzhou."

Xie Yunjie shook his head, "Although that is the case, Mr. Zhang, don't forget that although the Northern Jin Dynasty did not occupy the entire territory of Qingzhou, it did garrison and occupy Qi County. Jiang Chengxiao is telling everyone that Qingzhou is in his pocket. He will chop off the hand of anyone who moves. If Yu Wenshu really dares to send troops to Qingzhou, then the Northern Jin Dynasty will definitely march from Hanoi County, cross the river and attack Luoyang again."

Cen Zhenben nodded, "Master Xie's words are reasonable, Your Majesty, Yu Wenshu must be guarded."

Several people looked at Kanyu map at the same time, Xiao Tong picked up the wooden pole, pointed to Chunling County on Kanyu map, and said: "At present, General Yu Qie is stationed here with [-] troops. If Yu Wenshu goes south, General Yu Qie will be hard to resist."

"I have decided to send another [-] troops to Xiangyang County and Handong County, so as to serve as each other's horns and guard against Yu Wenshu."

The three ministers naturally had no objection to this arrangement.

Cen Zhenben said: "Yu Wenshu has to be guarded against, but the same goes for Nan Chen."

Hearing this, Xiao Tong frowned.

Ever since he and Chen Qiujin founded countries one after another, although they were brothers on the surface, they didn't regard each other as brothers at all, and they each guarded against each other at the border.

"I'm worried that Yu Wenshu will join forces with Nan Chen in the future." Cen Zhenben said something that made Xiao Tong's face change.

Xiao Tong said with a gloomy face: "Only in terms of geography, they are very likely to join forces."

Yu Wenshu is in the Central Plains, and Chen Qiujin is in the southeast. There is no conflict between the two sides. It would be bad if they join forces to attack him.

"Does Cen Aiqing have a countermeasure?" Xiao Tong asked.

Although the two sides have not joined forces now, there is no guarantee that they will not join forces in the future, so Xiao Tong must be prepared.

This kind of thing, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Cen Zhenben said slowly: "Your Majesty, have you forgotten the Northern Jin Dynasty?"

Hearing this, Xiao Tong frowned and said, "You mean to let me join hands with the Northern Jin Dynasty?"


Zhang Xuan said with a sneer, "But is the Northern Jin Society willing to join forces with us? We are the rebels that the Jin family speaks of."

"My lord Zhang, the current Northern Jin Dynasty and the former Jin family are two different things. Everyone in the world knows that the ruler of the Northern Jin Dynasty is King Zhao. This person is not in the lineage of the former emperor, but the son of King Zhao."

Cen Zhenben explained unhurriedly: "If our court forms an alliance with the Northern Jin Dynasty, we will make friends with each other and attack each other, and Yu Wenshu will be caught in the middle in Luoyang. No matter whether he goes north or south, it will not be easy."

"If he goes north, he has to take care of our court, and if he goes south, he has to take care of the Northern Jin Dynasty. Therefore, even if he really joins hands with Nan Chen, then as long as our court joins forces with the Northern Jin Dynasty, everything can be resolved."

(End of this chapter)

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