Chapter 464

To some extent, they have no way to stop Cui Wenyu's entry into the court, or there is no need to stop it.

First, the Cui clan of Boling, where Cui Wenyu works, also went all out this time, and took out a large amount of grain as a certificate of honor, and King Zhao must give it back.

Second, the Cui family of Boling is different from the Lu family of Fan Yang. The prestige of the former is not as high as that of the latter. If the Lu family of Fan Yang enters the court, the existing structure of the court will be broken.

What pattern?

Naturally, it is a situation where the three dominate.

Even though the current six ministers, Zheng, Wang, and Pei, only occupy three seats, these three positions are very important.

Wang Hong's Minister of the Ministry of Officials is in charge of the evaluation and promotion of officials, Pei Ju's Ministry of Rites is still in charge of education and etiquette, and Zheng Shanyuan's Minister of the Household, needless to say, is the money bag of the court.

Wei Chijiong, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, is the spokesperson of King Zhao, Wei Shijian, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, is a half-transparent person, and Li Chun, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, is an extra and will be sent away sooner or later.

If Lu family enters the sixth department at this time, the situation will not be so good.

King Zhao, is this trying to balance the court situation?

Thinking of this, Wang Hong and the others looked slightly ugly.

Zheng Shanyuan cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, there are still vacancies in the temples in the court, which can be filled."

"Master Zheng, this is not right." Yu Chijiong, who had been silent all this time, said lightly.

"What's wrong?" Wang Hong asked.

Yu Chijiong also ignored Wang Hong, and turned to look at King Zhao.

"May I ask my lord, who from the Lu clan became an official?"

"Lord Lu Huaishen."


Pei Ju's heart skipped a beat, King Zhao really planned to use Lu Shi to balance them.

Yu Chijiong looked at Wang Hong, and said slowly: "Lu Huaishen is the Secretary of the Household Department of the former emperor's dynasty, and he is very clear about the affairs of the Six Departments. If you ask him to fill in the vacancies in various temples, isn't it saying that the king is ignorant of people? "

Wang Hong retorted: "My lord Yuchi, the administration of the six ministries of my dynasty is stable, and each of them performs their own duties. If we change the minister at will at this time, I'm afraid the situation in the court will be unstable."

Yu Chijiong smiled, "Master Wang, I didn't say that Lord Lu would fill the post of Minister."

Next, they quarreled over whether Lu Huaishen would enter the court or not.Naturally, Wang Hong, Pei Ju, and Zheng Shanyuan always objected, while Yu Chijiong and Wei Shijian occasionally retorted.

All in all, Wang Hong and others have a relatively large advantage.

After all, three against two.

They were arguing, but Jiang Chengxiao didn't look at them, and lowered his head to deal with other government affairs.

Yu Qingze and Du Ruming recorded it calmly with slight smiles on their lips.

After arguing for about half an hour, Pei Ju turned his attention to King Zhao who had been silent all this time.

He felt a little strange, King Zhao's reaction was too calm.

It seems like he didn't take this matter to heart, suspicious strategy?

"Jiyun, serve tea to the adults." Jiang Chengxiao put down the vermilion pen and ordered lightly.


Nan Jiyun greeted the guards on both sides and went out to serve tea. Jiang Chengxiao only opened his mouth slowly when the tea was delivered to the hands of the six ministers.

"It's a good thing for several adults to express their opinions. The opinions are not unified, which shows that several adults are sincerely thinking about the court and the society, and they are very happy." As he spoke, Jiang Chengxiao showed a gratifying smile on his face in real time .

Tsk tsk, it's true!
Pei Ju's heart immediately became vigilant, the king's scheming was too deep, and he was still smiling at this time, without the slightest hint of anger.

In his heart, he was certain that King Zhao wanted Lu Huaishen to enter the court to balance and restrain them, but King Zhao's reaction was really incomprehensible.

Jiang Chengxiao went on to say: "Let's do this. Since everyone has their own opinions on this matter, let all officials decide together when the court discusses it in a few days."

Ziweitang was quiet for a while, and Pei Ju and others agreed.

If you don't agree, you can't do it. The king made it clear that he is not satisfied with the result.

Jiang Chengxiao said: "Since this matter has been decided, let's discuss the matter of military expansion."

"This campaign against Hebei and Qingzhou resulted in many casualties, and I plan to recruit [-] troops from Bingzhou and Hebei. What do you think?"

Yu Chijiong said: "I'm going to the north of the Tongtong River. First, I want to guard against the bandits in Qingzhou, second, I want to guard against Luoyang Yuwenshu, and third, I want to guard against the frontier tribes. I agree with the expansion of the army."

Zheng Shanyuan said: "Your Majesty, the veterans of the expansion of the army have no objections, but this year's conquest of Hebei has caused too much loss of granaries, so we can't recruit [-] soldiers at once, otherwise the food will not be able to keep up."

"Master Zheng is right. I will consider this matter carefully."

The shadow of the sun slanted, and Ziwei Hall gradually darkened.

Before you know it, evening is approaching.

"I'm waiting to retire."

Pei Ju and others bowed and retreated.

After leaving Ziweitang, the three of Pei Ju naturally came together.

"Tell me, what does your majesty mean?" Wang Hong asked as he walked.

Pei Ju said: "What do you mean? Your Majesty will unify Hebei this time, and he must accept the gentry from Hebei as officials."

"Brother Pei, why pretend to be deaf and dumb? Your Majesty obviously wants to let Mrs. Lu enter the Sixth Division. You know what that means." Wang Hong was upset that Pei Ju was pretending to be blind.

Zheng Shanyuan said: "If Li Chun hadn't offered to abdicate, maybe this matter would not be so passive."

"This is not Li Chun's problem. He has no foundation in the court, and he is the Minister of the Ministry of Industry with the support of the king. Once the king needs it, he will naturally be the first to stand up and give up his position." Pei Ju said.

After a pause, Pei Ju's eyes were full of doubts, "I just think the king's reaction today is a bit strange."


"Yes, at the beginning the king wanted to appoint Cui Wenyu as the order of the internal history. In fact, his attitude was very strong and he would not allow me to refuse. But let Lu Huaishen enter the sixth department, but he was relieved, and he was willing to join the court. Isn't it strange?"

When Wang Hong and Zheng Shanyuan thought about it carefully, it was really strange.

Seventy-five percent of the officials in the Northern Jin Dynasty belonged to Bingzhou, and the final result was obvious. Why did the king make such an unnecessary move?
Wang Hong thought for a while, and said: "Do you still remember that the king said earlier that the Boling Cui family not only provided food, but also a large amount of land. Perhaps it is because of this that the king treats the Lu family and the Cui family well." attitude is completely different.”

Pei Ju nodded first, then shook his head again.

"No, according to what you said, the king should confiscate the Qinghe Cui family and the Zhang family as officials, and they also handed over the land."


This is also a problem.

Can't see through!
The three of them were thinking at the same time, completely unable to understand the deep meaning of King Zhao's move.

Zheng Shanyuan said: "No matter what, Lu Huaishen must not be allowed to enter the court as an official."

Pei Ju and Wang Hong nodded at the same time.

There is no other reason. The reason why Fan Yang Lu and Qing He Cui were deposed by the late emperor was also related to them standing by and watching.

If the Lu family enters the court, I'm afraid they will not be of the same mind.Furthermore, Lu Huaishen represented the gentry of Hebei. Once they were united, wouldn't it be training their opponents?


Jiang Chengxiao picked up the cup of tea and took a sip happily.This is a newly tested 'black tea', very sweet.

"Qing Ze, how much food is there in Bingzhou?"

Yu Qing bowed and said: "At present, there is still a granary full of about 15 shi. Including the old grain in some emergency granaries in various places, we should be able to make up 20 shi."

Jiang Chengxiao nodded, "That's good."

In troubled times, food and grass are equal to gold.

Only with food in hand can Jiang Chengxiao sleep peacefully.

"My lord, is there something you don't understand?" Yu Qing asked.

Jiang Chengxiao stood up slowly, kicking his numb legs.

"Go ahead."

Yu Qing asked: "Compared to Fan Yanggong, isn't Master Gao Xun more suitable to enter the Sixth Division?"

During the political discussion just now, Jiang Chengxiao appointed Gao Xun as the Grand Master by the way.

Pei Ju and the others did not reject this decision.Because the grand master is just a vacant position, the kind that doesn't care about things.

They also understand that the reason why King Zhao wins over Gao Xun is nothing more than to enhance the prestige of the Northern Jin Dynasty, stabilize Hebei, and attract talents from all over the world to join him.

Therefore, this appointment was passed happily.

Jiang Chengxiao smiled, walked to the window, and looked at the dots of torches below.

"Then do you think Master Gao Xun can enter the Six Divisions?"

Yu Qing thought for a while, Fan Yang and Lu's family were still the largest family in Hebei, and Lu Huaishen himself had written six books, all of which were rejected.

Mr. Gao Xun once served as Prime Minister, and the Bohai Gao family is also a famous family in the county, maybe the result will be different?
No, I'm afraid the result will still be the same.

"Should not be." Yu Qing smiled wryly.

Jiang Chengxiao smiled, but did not speak.

After a while, it was getting dark, and when Jiang Chengxiao was about to go back home, Du Ruming walked up to Jiang Chengxiao shyly.

"My lord, my ministers have something to say."

Yu Qing who was on the side smiled, and bowed to Jiang Chengxiao, "Your Majesty, I will take my leave."

Jiang Chengxiao nodded, while Yu Qing turned and left, giving Du Ruming an encouraging look as he passed by.

(End of this chapter)

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