Dajin royal family

Chapter 479 Issuance of Silver Dollars

Chapter 479 Issuance of Silver Dollars
In October of the first year of King Zhao, the matter of Zhongzheng's selection of scholars had come to an end. After the Hebei scholars' petition, the Bingzhou faction headed by Pei Ju and Wang Hong and the Hebei faction headed by Lu Huaishen reached a compromise.

The list on the case table is the one that was finally compromised by the two parties. Scholars from Bingzhou accounted for [-]%, Scholars from Hebei accounted for [-]%, and Scholars from Central Plains accounted for [-]%.

Zheng Shan wished to represent the interests of the Central Plains officials in the court. This time, he only took [-]% of the quota. This is entirely because there are not many Central Plains scholars coming to Taiyuan. The most important thing is that the Central Plains is still in the hands of Yu Wenshu, and many things are not easy to solve.

Jiang Chengxiao looked at the list and sneered 'hehe', unable to hide the anger in his chest.

With a fist on the table, he sighed heavily.

It's not time yet, and wait a little longer.

His eyes were slightly stern, and a sneer appeared on the corner of Jiang Chengxiao's mouth.The reason why the launch of a weakened version of the 'imperial examination' failed this time was because the planning was not comprehensive enough.

At the same time, Lu Huaishen's shy behavior caught him by surprise.

"It's useless."

Jiang Chengxiao said two words, reached out for a pen, and began to write his own handwriting on the list.

Three days later, the new CKS selection list was released.

This list made the Bingzhou and Hebei departments extremely happy.

Jiang Chengxiao took away [-]% of the Bingzhou department and put it on the Hebei department, and both sides had the same number of scholars selected.

Cui Wenxuan and Gao Xun from the Hebei Department were quite happy, which shows that the king is still on their side.However, Lu Huaishen was not so happy, because in the list given by the king, among the selected scholars from the Hebei Department, the Lu family had only eight scholars, and the rest were all the Boling Cui family, Qinghe Cui family, Qinghe Zhang family, A scholar of the Gao family in Bohai.

Holding the list, Lu Huaishen stared blankly at the names on it.He argued hard with Pei Ju and others, and even condoned the Hebei scholars to make trouble this time. Unexpectedly, in the end, there were only eight scholars from the Lu family selected.

What does this mean, Your Majesty?
Suppress Lu Shi?

No, in Tiange, the king obviously favored him, and the original [-]% of Hebei scholars were also increased by [-]% by the king.

But why only eight scholars from the Lu family were selected?
Moreover, the last places where the eight scholars worked were the chief historians and Cangcao of some impoverished counties, and there was not even a county magistrate.

Looking at the Cui family of Boling, one of the scholars was actually appointed as the chief bookkeeper of Wenshui County, Taiyuan County. The gap is too obvious.

Lu Huaishen was puzzled, he couldn't figure out what the king meant.If it is said to suppress them, the king will not give them [-]% of the quota for Hebei scholars. Isn't this offending the Bingzhou department?

But if there is no suppression, then why only eight people from the Lu family were selected.

Or is it that the king is just suppressing Lu Shi?
At this thought, Lu Huaishen trembled all over.

He remembered that the Boling Cui family and other families provided a large amount of land to the court. This may be the king's dissatisfaction.

Lu Huaishen was not happy, but Cui Wenxuan and Gao Xun were very happy.

Because the extra [-]% of the quota by the king was given to several scholars from their families, and many of them were reused in the big county.

At this time, Cui Wenyu couldn't help but secretly proud of himself, if it wasn't for buying horse bones with thousands of dollars at that time and giving [-]% of the land to the court, how could it be where it is today!
On the other side, the Bingzhou department was equally happy. Although they were taken away from [-]% of the quota, they did not give it to Lu's children in the end.

This shows that the king is still biased towards them!

Pei Ju pinched the list and thought about it carefully.

In his opinion, it doesn't matter whether you want the [-]% quota or not, there will be a long way to go.

But King Zhao's attitude is very important!

After the 'assessment', Pei Ju pondered more than once whether King Zhao was planning to suppress them.It doesn't seem to be the case now, King Zhao suppressed Lu Shi this time, this is the attitude of King Zhao.

The Bingzhou lineage is the direct lineage!
At this point, Pei Ju's doubts gradually disappeared.It seems that because the Lu family did not hand over the land, they were not valued in the king's heart.

After the Zhongzheng selection list came out this time, the Hebei scholars did not make trouble anymore, because they have achieved their goal, even more than before!

For a while, scholars in Hebei praised King Zhao for his integrity.

However, the Lu family's disciples were not in such a good mood, because most of them came here in a happy mood and returned disappointed, and their mood was extremely bad.

East City.

Wei Wei is a businessman who sells bulk goods in the south of the Yangtze River. His main items are special products in the south of the Yangtze River, such as silk, Suzhou embroidery, traditional Chinese medicine, and jewelry.

Every time he came to Taiyuan, at least a few thousand taels of silver came into his pocket, and sometimes tens of thousands of taels were bought and sold.

No way, Taiyuan is stable and prosperous.There are Bashu merchants, Guanzhong merchants, Western Region merchants, prairie merchants, etc., who exchange specialties from various places here, transport them back and sell them, and their profits have more than doubled.

Especially now that there are wars and warlords everywhere, the circulation of materials is even more difficult, so the price has also doubled.

If you can buy a war horse and transport it back, at least it will be settled in gold.

Furthermore, the four commercial markets in the Northern Jin Dynasty opened their night markets every once in a while, and there were gold selling caves everywhere, filled with various transactions.

However, a recent policy of the Northern Jin Dynasty gave him a headache.

Silver Dollar Settlement!

All merchants trading in Taiyuan must go to Taifu Temple to exchange silver taels for an equal amount of silver dollars for settlement.

For the commercial tax in the commercial market, silver dollars must be used for ordinary transactions.

To be honest, he naturally didn't want to do this, but he couldn't bear it because it was a death order from the Northern Jin court. If he disagreed, he settled with silver taels in private, immediately expelled Taiyuan, and was never allowed to enter the Northern Jin Dynasty for business.

Who is willing to offend the Northern Jin Dynasty?
The current number one prince in the world, the overlord of the north, controls all the resources of the entire northern land.

If you leave here, many special products from the grassland will not be available for purchase.

Therefore, no matter how dissatisfied he was, he still chose to compromise in order to make money.

Fortunately, the Northern Jin Dynasty did not withhold their silver, and did not fiddle with it when exchanging silver dollars, so how many taels of silver were exchanged for how many pieces of silver dollars.

A large silver dollar is one tael, and a small silver dollar is five qian.

Wei Wei exchanged 500 taels of silver on the first day, and got 500 silver dollars in his hand. That night, he summoned his men who were able to identify the authenticity of silver taels to identify the 500 taels of silver one by one.

It's all real money, there's nothing fake in it!

This greatly relieved Wei Yu, the Northern Jin court was still very reputable.

After confirming that Bei Jin hadn't tampered with the silver dollar, he also had the leisure to look carefully at the big silver dollar.

Needless to say, it is really exquisite!

Not to mention the 'Peach Blossom' pattern on the back, the circle of small characters on the front is very clear, more than ten times more refined than the previous 'Official Ding'!
He remembered what the staff who identified the authenticity of the silver dollar said; such a silver dollar, it is impossible to make a mold, it is too thin, and the thickness of the silver dollar is too thin compared to the silver ingot!There is no way to mix other metals in it.

What's more, this silver dollar blows gently.

The voice was clear and loud, and many people used it to judge the quality of silver coins.Coupled with a series of methods to identify genuine and fake, even though he didn't like the Northern Jin Dynasty forcing them to switch to silver dollars, he had to admit that silver dollars were indeed more comfortable and safer to use than silver ingots.

Round, easy to carry and place.

Moreover, it is also very convenient to use.

One silver dollar is one tael, and you only need to count the silver dollars when trading, and you don't need to check carefully.

Settlement is also very convenient, one silver dollar is exchanged for one thousand copper plates, and a small silver dollar of five qian is worth five hundred copper plates.

Tsk tsk, it looks good and is practical.

When the silver dollar was first introduced, many merchants complained about it. Under the pressure of the Northern Jin Dynasty, they had to obey.

But it smells so good after using silver dollars!

Accordingly, merchants gave silver dollars many nicknames.Among them, the most famous one is the "Peach Blossom Dollar". The peach blossoms painted on Gein's silver dollar are very delicate.A small number of people call it 'silver dollar money', and the official name is 'Dajin silver dollar'.

Because Taifu Temple is responsible for making silver dollars for merchants, it has also earned a lot of hard money these days.

Of course, some will obey and some will not.

Disobedient merchants traded with loose silver in private, but were caught by the Northern Jin court and punished for collaborating with the enemy!
Merchants have no status at all, and the Northern Jin court killed chickens to make an example to monkeys, and all merchants immediately obeyed.

After the benefits of silver dollars became apparent, merchants did not resist so much, and went to Taifu Temple to exchange for silver dollars spontaneously.

Even though the shape has changed, it is still silver, and the weight is very regular, so it is easy to use, and those who refuse to use it are fools.

Merchants were all in line with their interests, and after accepting the silver dollars, they quickly brought the silver dollars back to all parts of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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