Dajin royal family

Chapter 482 Fighting Yulin

Chapter 482 Fighting Yulin

Beidi, Dingxiang County.

Before meeting Xie Yingjing, Li Yaoshi felt that the generals were nothing more than Pei Yuanyan, Wei Zhonghao and others, charging forward bravely.Although it looked very powerful, Li Yaoshi didn't take it seriously, it was just Xiaodaoer.

Strictly speaking, this kind of fierce general takes the way of "soldier situation".Throughout the past and present, the only one who has achieved great success in the military situation is Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu.Thunder moves like a storm, strikes late and arrives first, and the clutch and back are changeable, and it is also easy to defeat the enemy.

In Li Yaoshi's eyes, Pei Yuanyan, Wei Zhongzheng and others didn't even touch the threshold of the "soldier situation".It's just that, Yaoshi Li is not afraid at all.

But after seeing Xie Yingjing, Li Yaoshi put away his contempt. This person has already mastered the military situation. Although he has not reached the peak, he must not be underestimated.

The four styles of the military strategist, if one of the essentials is obtained, one will be a good general in the world, and if one is proficient in one, one will be a handsome talent.

If you can penetrate two or three of them, you will be a peerless handsome talent!

At present, Li Yaoshi has only seen such a person as King Zhao.

Not far away from him, under the leadership of Xie Yingjing, five thousand black eagle cavalry from the Northern Jin Dynasty, like a soaring dragon, fought vertically and horizontally among the [-] Turkic cavalry. withstand.

Almost crushed!
Especially Xie Yingjing, holding a black horse lance weighing [-] jins, with one blow, he smashed the Turkic cavalry to pieces with both men and horses!
The previous fighting general, Xie Yingjing even leaped forward, felling the Tianling Gai with a long knife, splitting the Turkic general and his horse in half!

The end is scary, bloody, and unstoppable!
At this moment, although the Turkic thieves had the upper hand, they had no heart to fight against the god-killing Xie Yingjing, and they fled crazily.

Under this power, Xie Yingjing led his army to kill through the enemy's formation, surrounded and suppressed from left to right, and the massacre was over ten li before it ended.

"A peerless general, there is no one who can defeat General Xie in the world!" Li Yaoshi had to say with emotion.

This person can no longer be judged by common sense. With just one person's prestige, he can improve the morale of the three armies.

With such a fierce general charging into battle, the soldiers under his command are irresistible.

It is really unexpected that the king has hidden such a strong general in the north.

Not long after, Xie Yingjing came on horseback, he was wearing black dense armor, not showing an inch of skin from head to tail.

Li Yaoshi couldn't help but carefully looked at the armor on Xie Yingjing's body. The more he looked at it, the more confused he became, because he had never seen the armor pattern on Xie Yingjing's body before!
Different from the appearance of Mingguang armor and heavy riding armor, the armor on Xie Yingjing's body is very 'close to the body'. It is completely made of human limbs. There is no hem, no girdle, it is all close-fitting dense armor, and even the soles of the feet are actually ' Armor boots'.

From the whole point of view, Xie Yingjing seemed to be wearing an iron armor 'jacket', very strange.

Li Yaoshi could tell at a glance that this kind of armor had greatly liberated Xie Yingjing's limbs and joints, allowing him to display martial arts wantonly.

Xie Yingjing stuck the horse on the ground, and took off the helmet with both hands, exposing his cheeks.

"The person who came is General Li Yaoshi."

His voice was a little immature, sounding young.

Pharmacist Li cupped his hands and said, "It's Pharmacist Li!"

"I'm Xie Yingjing, the king canonized General Longxiang, and I have seen General Li." Xie Yingjing could only nod to Li Yaoshi because he was holding the helmet with both hands.

Pharmacist Li praised: "General Xie had a bloody battle just now, he was extremely brave."

"General Li, the king has sent a letter to me to lead my troops to obey orders under General Li's tent. General Li will definitely obey orders if there are any attachments."

Pharmacist Li was slightly embarrassed, the first compliment was ignored.However, he quickly recovered his mood, and said solemnly: "Okay, General Xie and order the cavalry, let's talk as we walk."

"it is good."

Taiyuan, Prince Zhao's Mansion.

"My lord, Xie Yingjing has already met with Li Yaoshi and is heading towards Yulin County." Nan Jiyun reported.

Jiang Chengxiao finished approving a memorial, put down his ink brush, got up and walked to the Kanyu map, reached out and clicked on the location of 'Dali City in Dingxiang County', then moved westward and landed in Yulin County.

"Currently, part of the main force of the Turks is over there. This time Li Yaoshi leads an army of [-], which should be able to deal with the Turks in Yulin County."

Nan Jiyun said in a low voice: "My lord, according to the news from there, the Turks stationed a total of [-] troops in Guanbei, and General Li Yaoshi only has [-] soldiers and horses in his hands this time. Is there something wrong?"

Jiang Chengxiao chuckled, "That's the best, how can you become an elite without going through hell?"

"Although Li Yaoshi's [-] soldiers are all new troops, after several months of training, they must have some combat effectiveness. If they want to make them elite as soon as possible, they can only fight against the Turkic people and win the battle against the Turkic people. people, they can transform."

"What's more, Xie Yingjing still has [-] elite black eagles under his command. The Turkic people will definitely die this time. You must know that Wei Guo is now dealing with Zhou Niu'er. This is our best chance to completely solve the Turkic crisis."

Jiang Chengxiao was full of confidence in Xie Yingjing, and he was even more confident in the elite Black Hawk team trained by Xiao Xie Eighteen Cavalry.

Since the third year of Hongye, when the Northern Jin Dynasty beheaded two Eastern and Western Turkic Khans in one fell swoop, the entire Turks were torn apart and turned into countless tribes.

Among them, the two sons of Chuluo Khan, Dulan and Jiaoli, and the Zhisiguli tribe of the Western Turks were the most powerful.

This time it was the Dulan Department that supported Zhou Niuer's going south. After several years of recuperation and conquests, Dulan now has 10,000+ Turkic warriors.

When he was strong, he had several wars with Cao Li and robbed the position of Turkic Khan.Although the strength of the Ministry of Li is not as strong as him, it has joined forces with the Western Turkic guards to attack him, which made him very uncomfortable.

However, in the rear of Jiali, there is a man-eating eagle hovering over Liaodong!

A black eagle flag became straw's nightmare.

It was only later that Du Lan found out that it was the Black Eagle Army under King Zhao of the Northern Jin Dynasty!

They hovered in Liaodong, their intentions were unknown, but they would go out every few months to wantonly massacre the grassland people, regardless of the elderly, women and children, they would kill them without mercy.

This is how Jiao Li was forced by the Northern Jin Dynasty to flee to the ice field.

Without the restraint of straw, Du Lan immediately led his army to the south and occupied Wuyuan, Yulin, Lingwu and other counties, greatly increasing his strength!

He never dared to cross Yulin County to spy on Bingzhou, because of the notoriety of the Black Eagle Army, that Black Eagle flag became a nightmare for the entire Mobei.

However, he didn't take the initiative to provoke the Black Eagle Army, but they came here by themselves!

Yulin County, Jinhe Town.

The sky is full of yellow sand, the black eagle marching flag appears from the sky, and the oppressive force of the roar of the war horse passes through the earth and enters the hearts of every Turkic soldier who is facing the enemy.

Du Lan clenched the saber in his hand and stared into the distance.

He is waiting, waiting for that devilish masked general!

That devil rushed to kill the enemy line alone, and no one could stop him. It is rumored that the horse in his hand is worth a thousand catties!
Du Lan didn't know if it was that important, he only knew that he had to take the Black Eagle Army seriously!
The two armies rushed to kill, and the five thousand elite black eagles led by Xie Yingjing were like a dragon, piercing the enemy's viscera and rushing towards Dulan.

Along the way, Xie Yingjing's horse galloped wildly, and the horse in his hand struck out horizontally, and the Turkic soldiers overturned two or three meters high!

Du Lan's eyes widened. Is that guy still human? How could he be so fierce?

"The whole army is pressing! He won't last long!"

Drag, drag this masked general to death!

An hour later, Xie Yingjing was still slaughtering and advancing, and the Turkic soldiers couldn't stop him from rushing forward.

The horse under his crotch was exhausted, Xie Yingjing jumped up and landed on another horse with full armor.

Elite Black Hawk Army, one man and two horses!
"Golden Wolf Cavalry!"

Du Lan roared, his eyes bloodshot.

The golden wolf cavalry of the [-] Turkic Khan's guards galloped on their horses, stabilizing themselves with their legs firmly clamped in the belly of the horse, drew out their double scimitars with both hands, bowed left and right, and passed a group of black eagle cavalry in three breaths.

As they passed by, the Black Eagle Cavalrymen were all wiped off their necks.

Not waiting for the Golden Wolf Cavalry to be complacent, a cloud piercing arrow was shot from a hundred paces away, piercing the Golden Wolf Cavalry's throat in an instant.


His body fell stiffly.

A hundred paces away, Wang Boju's eyes were cold, and he calmly drew out his second arrow, aiming at another Golden Wolf cavalryman.

Let go!


Another Golden Wolf cavalry fell.

A horse's hoof stepped on his corpse, and a yellow-faced lieutenant jumped up on his horse.Facing a golden wolf cavalry to kill.

The bronze mace was as fast as lightning, and it landed on the chest of the Golden Wolf Cavalry in an instant.His internal organs were shattered in an instant, and blood flowed out from the seven holes.

"Double Crescent Knife, is it really elite?"

When the war horse landed on the ground, Qin Yujing pulled the reins, with a sneer on his face, then turned the horse's head and charged into the Golden Wolf cavalry with a long and short mace.

And behind him was a tiger-headed golden gun!
(End of this chapter)

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