Chapter 492
Little snow fell, and the vast expanse of whiteness began to fall at night in Taiyuan. Children from every household stood in the yard to welcome the snowflakes, looking forward to seeing the ground covered with snow tomorrow morning.

In the street market, Pei Ningwen squinted his eyes and looked at the drowsy sky for a while, then spread his palms, and the snowflakes fell on the palms and turned into water.

The temperature in his palm is the same as the temperature in his heart at this moment.

Not long ago, when Zhongzheng selected scholars, a large number of acquaintances from the Wang family, Liu family, Xue family, etc. had entered the court as officials, or served as Shaocheng in a temple, or sent down to counties to serve as the chief secretary.Everyone has a place to go and a goal to strive for.

He is the only one who is still studying in Fuzhong.

Grandfather is not optimistic about him, but more optimistic about Pei Ningqing and Pei Yuanyan.If he hadn't stayed in Taiyuan Pei Mansion, he once thought that he would be abandoned by his grandfather.

Pedestrians came and went in a hurry on the street, and he blended in the blurred crowd like a wandering ghost.With just one glance, he can see his lonely loneliness, and he can't forget the eyes of those former friends who looked at him after Zhongzheng selected scholars.


Maybe it wasn't sarcasm, just plain surprise.

Surprised that he, the eldest grandson of the Wenxi Pei clan, did not enter the court as an official, and fell far behind the two brothers of the same clan.

Not to mention Pei Yuanyan, he followed Zhao Wang in the southern and northern wars, and he was known for his military exploits.Even many uncles were not valued by the king as much as Pei Yuanyan.

Once, my grandfather guessed that the world would be pacified in the future, and Pei Yuanyan would be named Duke of the State by King Zhao.

If it was simply that Pei Yuanyan was overpowering him, he would have admitted it.After all, now that the world is in trouble, Yuan Yan has martial arts, and it is easy to make contributions.

But Pei Ningqing is now the Chancellor of Loufan County, so he is the Chancellor!

He has no doubt that when Pei Ningqing has enough qualifications and becomes more mature, King Zhao will transfer him back to the court, either as a young minister of a temple, or as a servant, and there may be a chance to reach the height of his grandfather in the future.

But what about him?
Still a white body!
Even if she becomes an official in the court in the future, she will always be overwhelmed by Pei Ningqing.

"How happy is life?"

Pei Ning smiled self-deprecatingly, and walked towards Sang's restaurant with ease.These days, whenever he was bored, he would go to Sang's Restaurant to drink away his worries.

He used to abide by the rules and never drink excessively outside, but over time, he has broken through his inner bottom line.

Pei Ju has fallen into deep anxiety these days because of Li Chun, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, and has no time to take care of Pei Ningfan, so he has never noticed that Pei Ningfan is drinking carelessly outside.

"Master Sun is here." Sang Lou came over to greet him with a smile.

During this period of time, he and Pei Ningfan have become very familiar.


Pei Ning snorted, and went upstairs to the private room.Sang Lou smiled and didn't care, and greeted the servant with good wine and brought it up.

When Pei Ning was drunk, Sang Lou walked into the private room with a plate of pastries, and chatted with Pei Ning while admiring the snow.

Most of the time, Sang Lou was talking about anecdotes about the various places in the business, and occasionally Pei Ning would ask a few questions when he encountered something he didn't understand.

"Some time ago, I went to Loufan County to trade a batch of fur business with prairie merchants. I didn't want to be taken away by the county magistrate there, and those prairie merchants were also locked up. It is a violation of the law. , selling war horses privately."

Sang Lou shook his head, "I didn't see any war horses at the time, they just used old horses to travel. After I inquired, I realized that the grassland people were so cunning that they deliberately starved those war horses to make people look at them." It looks sickly, like an old horse."

Hearing Loufan County, Pei Ning's heart moved, and he asked, "How is Loufan County?"

"What?" Sang Lou didn't understand his words.

"I'm asking, how is the people's livelihood in Loufan County?"

Sang Lou replied: "Barely enough, the common people will not starve to death."

Pei Ning was slightly silent, and silently took another sip of wine.

The night was getting darker and the wine was thick.

When he got up, he lost his footing and fell to the ground.He only felt dizzy in his head, weak in his hands and feet, gradually lost consciousness, and finally fell into darkness.

Seeing this, Sang Lou smiled faintly, took a sip from the wine cup on the case table.

Not long after, a figure opened the sliding door and walked in.


"Yeah." Sang Lou stood up slowly, looked at Pei Ningwen who was sprawled on the ground, "It's time for the medicine to take effect."

"You don't know how to use poison, do you?" The man frowned, they didn't intend to use poison to control Pei Ningwen.

Sang Lou explained: "If poison is used, I'm afraid it will arouse his resistance. I just used some drugs."

"Then how do we control him?"

"The children of the family have their own pride, and it is not good to force the bull's head to drink water."

"Speak human." The man gave Sang Lou a blank look.

"Ahem, the children of the aristocratic family value their reputation the most. If their reputation is ruined, they will have no place to live." Sang Lou said.

The man nodded, "I understand, then let's make this decision."

But Sang Lou worried: "Pei Ningwen has not been an official in the court so far, is it really useful to control him?"

The man smiled, walked over and carried Pei Ningwen on his shoulders.

"Don't forget, Pei Ju is now one of the Six Prime Ministers of the Northern Jin Dynasty."

"I see, Xiang Zhuang's sword dance is aimed at Pei Gong." Sang Lou chuckled.

Honglu Temple.

Jiang Chengxiao took Du Ruming and Yu Qing to meet Xiao Liang's envoy, Cen Zhenben. Princess Xiao Liang had already been sent to the palace, but she was not currently in Honglu Temple.

In the hall, Jiang Chengxiao and Cen Zhenben sat facing each other, and there was a table in the middle with a map of the Central Plains on it, and braziers on both sides.

"Currently, Yu Wenshu has increased his troops by [-] in Nanyang County, and Nanchen has increased his troops by [-] in Jiujiang County to threaten Jiangxia County. We have received definite news that Yu Wenshu has joined hands with Chen Qiujin." Cen Zhenben said solemnly.

Jiang Chengxiao scanned the Kanyu map, and said slowly: "Don't worry, even though Yu Wenshu has teamed up with Chen Qiujin, they have been fighting this year, and they will not provoke a war at present. Nan Chen is in Jiangdu County. The war is not completely over yet, Chen Qiujin will not attack you at this time."

"Chen Qiujin is adding troops to Jiujiang County now, just to respond to Yu Wenshu."

"But we have to guard against it." Cen Zhenben said.

Jiang Chengxiao said indifferently: "Don't worry, as long as Yu Wenshu dares to mobilize troops, the cavalry of the Northern Jin Dynasty will definitely cross the frozen Yellow River in winter and wipe out Luoyang."

This is where his confidence lies. If Jiang Chengxiao was worried that he would be intercepted and killed by Yu Wenshu when he crossed the river, but it will be different in winter. He directly entered Henan County and beheaded Yu Wenshu.

Therefore, Yu Wenshu would never gamble like this. He knew that Pei Yuanyan had [-] troops in Hanoi County.

Hearing what Jiang Chengxiao said, Cen Zhenben felt a little relieved, and immediately said, "Where is Nan Chen?"

After the words fell, Jiang Chengxiao chuckled.

"Why is King Zhao laughing?" Cen Zhenben asked strangely.

This is a business to discuss, can you be more serious!

Cen Zhenben found helplessly that this King Zhao was serious most of the time, but he often wandered off.

Jiang Chengxiao said unhurriedly: "Northern Jin has formed an alliance with Xiao Liang, is it possible that Northern Jin can deal with Yu Wenshu and Nan Chen alone?"

Cen Zhenben choked, and said: "Naturally that's not the case, it's just that Nan Chen is a wolf, and I'm afraid he has plans for Qingzhou. The minister wants to remind King Zhao to be careful that Nan Chen will attack Qingzhou."

"It turns out that Gu misunderstood Mr. Cen." Jiang Chengxiao continued: "Since Mr. Cen is so considerate of me, Gu also reminds Mr."

"King Zhao, please tell me."

"Be careful that Li Yuan goes south from Dasan Pass to attack Hanzhong."

Cen Zhenben was stunned for a moment, then said in disbelief: "This is unlikely. Now that the two heroes in Guanzhong are fighting side by side, Li Yuan probably won't divide his troops to go south to Hanzhong."

Jiang Chengxiao said: "Gu just said that this is a possibility. In addition, you have to be careful that Wei Guo enters Nanyang County through Wuguan."

"This..." Cen Zhenben suddenly realized that something was not simple.

Now that Northern Jin is allied with Xiaoliang, and Yuwenshu is allied with Southern Chen, it is difficult to guarantee that Li Yuan and Wei Guo in Guanzhong have no other ideas.

Because once the war starts, the Central Plains will definitely become the main battlefield. This is a war that will affect several counties.

It is not impossible for Li Yuan and Wei Guo to take advantage of the fire!

After thinking it through, Cen Zhenben cupped his hands, "Thank you King Zhao for reminding me."

"You are welcome, sir."

(End of this chapter)

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