Dajin royal family

Chapter 501 He Dong Xue Ting

Chapter 501 He Dong Xue Ting

In the past, it goes without saying that Zheng, Pei, and Wang had a close relationship.They were the first batch of people who invested in Jiang Chengxiao.Since Jiang Chengxiao occupied Taiyuan and established the Northern Jin Dynasty, the three of them also enjoyed the rewards they deserved.

Without the support of the two major families in Bingzhou, it would be impossible for Jiang Chengxiao's Northern Jin Dynasty to have won the approval of the people of Bingzhou and even the support of Bingzhou officials when it was first established.What's more, a large part of the food, grass and silver when the imperial court was first established was supported by the Pei family and the Wang family.

Otherwise, how could Jiang Chengxiao's power take shape so quickly.If you want to recruit soldiers, you can recruit soldiers, and if you want to conquer, you can conquer them. This is the support of the aristocratic family behind the scenes.

Therefore, their entry into Ziwei Hall is justifiable, and no one can stop them.

But now the situation has become more complicated. After Hebei is taken, the imperial court must admit the Hebei gentry into the imperial court, otherwise it will not be conducive to the rule of the imperial court.

Both Pei Ju and Wang Hong were well aware of this point, so they did not obstruct it.

But the meaning of Zheng Renguo's entry into Ziweitang is different. Zheng Shanyuan is now the Secretary of the Household Department, one of the six ministers. If Zheng Renguo enters Ziweitang again, the power of the gentry in the Central Plains will be greatly increased, equal to that of the Bingzhou gentry.

Neither Pei Ju nor Wang Hong wanted to see this.

Therefore, the three major alliances of the first generation are very fragile at this time.

Zheng Shanyuan was unable to speak for his son because of his status.He wanted to wait a little longer, wait for Zheng Renguo to lay a good foundation in the Ministry of Industry, wait for him to deploy the chess pieces in the court, and then "slowly push the boat" to send his son to the position of Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry.

But Pei Ju brought this up at this time, which made him not fully prepared.Now he can only hope that King Zhao can help him and support Zheng Renguo to enter Ziweitang.

"Pei Gong's words are good, let's put this matter aside for the time being, and think about it later." Jiang Chengxiao showed hesitation, as if he had changed his mind because of Pei Ju and Wang Hong's persuasion.

Zheng Shanyuan felt cold in his heart, "Let it go" is tantamount to denying Zheng Renguo's qualification to enter Ziweitang, which is not very good.

But when the matter developed to this point, he himself knew that it was unrealistic for his son to enter Ziweitang, because it was impossible for Pei Ju and Wang Hong to let go.

But who can make up for the sacrifices made by the Zheng family?

That being the case, if you are unkind first, don't blame me for being unrighteous!

"Your Majesty." Zheng Shanyuan spoke up, and everyone's eyes turned to him, Pei Ju and Wang Hong's eyes were very vigilant.

Jiang Chengxiao looked at Zheng Shanyuan with a 'guilt' face; "What does Mr. Zheng have to say?"

"The words of Mr. Pei and Mr. Wang just now are not unreasonable. After all, Ren Guo is still a little bit worse, and I don't agree with this matter."

Pei Ju did not let down his vigilance because of Zheng Shanyuan's remarks. As an old friend and competitor, he knew that Zheng Shanyuan must have something to say.

Sure enough, at this moment, Zheng Shanyuan continued: "The minister thought that Lu Huaishen, the censor, was once the secretary of the household department of the late emperor, and he was familiar with the affairs of the six departments, so he could be the secretary of the Ministry of Industry."

Pei Ju's pupils shrank suddenly. This old lunatic was planning to kill himself. If his own people could not enter the Sixth Division, he would let the Hebei gentry enter the Sixth Division to make things difficult for them.

Yu Qing pursed his lips, secretly contemptuous in his heart.You were the ones who didn't allow Lu Huaishen to enter the sixth part at that time, and you are the ones who let him enter the sixth part now, you have no morals!
Regarding Lu Huaishen's entry into the Sixth Part, Pei Ju and Wang Hong naturally still objected, and the reasons were still the same, anyway, it was to prevent Lu Huaishen from entering the Sixth Part.

"Then, does Mr. Pei have anyone to recommend?" Jiang Chengxiao looked at Pei Ju with a pleasant face, as if he wasn't angry because they were arguing and annihilating each other in Ziweitang.

Now Pei Ju hesitated, he did have a candidate in his heart, but Zheng Shanyuan would definitely reject it.

"Minister, King Fu Wei is in charge." Pei Ju returned the power to Jiang Chengxiao.

He knew very well that preventing Zheng Renguo from entering the Six Divisions had already offended Zheng Shanyuan, and this matter could not be resolved, so King Zhao could only decide the candidate.

Jiang Chengxiao didn't speak, and gently rubbed the corner of his clothes, waiting for the reactions of the other ministers.Yu Chijiong and Wei Shijian naturally followed suit, as did Wang Hong and Pei Ju.

Zheng Shanyuan naturally had no objection.

Seeing this, Jiang Chengxiao raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and then said: "Xue Ting Zhijun in Hedong has a party, and he is the Minister of the Ministry of Promotion."

Hearing this, Pei Ju and Wang Hong breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they were from the Bingzhou gentry, and the king still favored them.

Zheng Shanyuan's face darkened slightly, because he saw Jiang Chengxiao gave him a 'helpless' expression. He knew that King Zhao had nothing to do. After all, Pei Ju and Wang Hong were wearing a pair of pants now, and it was impossible to disagree.

Zheng Shanyuan, who left Tiange, became more and more angry, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became!
In order to be able to push their son up, the Zheng family kept a low profile during this time, and many peripheral affiliates were eliminated.

But now the chickens are flying eggs, and the matter failed, and in the end Pei Ju and Wang Hong took advantage.

Wang Hong was naturally happy, he and Pei Juxin exchanged eyes in the snow with a tacit understanding, and they were both very satisfied with this matter.

Pei Ju was in a so-so mood, because Wang Hong was the one who made the most money this time.Thinking of Ning Qing and Yuan Yan, he felt a little better.

The New Year is approaching quietly, and the wars in various places seem to have become a little calmer. Everyone is busy celebrating the New Year, and the war has become less enthusiastic.

Furthermore, after fighting for a year, the rations and grass are almost exhausted, and the soldiers are quite tired, so it is better to take advantage of the new year to take a good rest and continue fighting next year.

Zhao Palace.

The construction of this new palace is almost finished. Looking at this palace, Jiang Chengxiao has a new understanding of the bureaucrats.

This group of guys are usually bloated and greedy for fat, but if they are serious, their strength is extremely terrifying.

King Zhao's Palace is very heavy, all the halls, towers and pavilions are black and black, and there are almost no blue bricks and yellow tiles.

When the palace was being built, Jiang Chengxiao only said one sentence, "No black color can show the authority of the Jin family."

He doesn't like the palace in Chang'an, let alone the palace in Luoyang.

The two are brightly contested, extremely luxurious, although the gold and jade carvings are magnificent, but it is like the prosperity of paper, which can be broken with a poke.

As the core of the Northern Jin Dynasty, this place should make people feel awe, feel oppressed, and let people surrender!

The general framework, King Zhao Palace has been completed, and now waiting for the decoration of each palace to be completed, Jiang Chengxiao will move in and become the master here.

Standing on a high platform with 99 steps, the 'Mingde Palace' is behind it. As far as Jiang Chengxiao could see, it was extremely empty.

"Ru Ming, how do you feel?"

After a while, Jiang Chengxiao asked Du Ruming, the servant next to him.

Although the document to release Du Ruming has been issued, but because of the approach of the New Year, Du Ruming will temporarily stay in Ziweitang and Wen Yanfei to hand over the documents and related matters.

"Prestige serious Lun." Du Ruming said.

He had seen the Chang'an Palace, but compared to the Zhao Palace, it felt very depressing, as if he had plunged into a dark abyss.

Jiang Chengxiao said: "This time when Xue Ting entered Ziweitang, it will be more convenient for you to do things in Hedong. If the local gentry make things difficult for you, you can do things cheaper with Pei Yuanyan."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your care."

When Xue Ting entered Ziweitang, the Xue family in Hedong was naturally very happy about it, which was beneficial for Du Ruming to work there.

Du Ruming paused, and persuaded: "Your Majesty, Mr. Zheng must be in a bad mood this time."

Can you?
The answer is no. After Wei Xuancheng entered Dali Temple, he turned on the mode of a workaholic, crazily reviewing the backlog of cases in Dali Temple, leading people to investigate around, and many officials with criminal records were found out. During the time approaching the New Year , the officials are actually not in a good mood.

Not only is it not good, but it is a little scary.

Jiang Chengxiao deliberately opened the way for Wei Xuancheng, letting him get rid of many officials who were attached to aristocratic families for him, and promoted many children from Liaodong or poor families to become officials.

In short, the Central Plains series suffered serious damage this time.Pei Ju and Wang Hong had some twists and turns, but the impact was not significant.

"The two heroes of Guanzhong will decide the outcome next year. At this moment, the king must focus on stability." Du Ruming reminded.

"Hmm." Jiang Chengxiao snorted, took two steps with his hands behind his back, and said slowly, "Ru Ming, Gu now somewhat understands the late emperor."

Hearing this, Du Ruming looked left and right subconsciously, and found that only Nan Jiyun was by his side, he was quietly relieved.

"Your Majesty, speak carefully."

His scalp was numb. If the gentry heard such words, there would be a big mess.

Jiang Chengxiao snorted, but did not refute.

 I'm writing very hard, and the more I get stuck, I can't afford it after graduation, huh huh
(End of this chapter)

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