Dajin royal family

Chapter 522 Detention of the eldest grandson

Chapter 522 Detention of the eldest grandson (thanks to the literary youth c for the reward)
Li Yuan's emissaries are two people, one is his good friend Pei Ji, and the other is Li Anmin's good friend Sun Wuji.

When the two came to the Jin army camp, they looked very lonely, even ugly.

Generally speaking, the ministers and generals in Chang'an City are all in the same mood at this moment, as if they fell to the ground from a high altitude.

During this peace negotiation, both of them knew that Li Yuan's fundamental purpose was to stall for time, so they had no hope at all.

"Auxiliary machine, that King Zhao is your sister-in-law, what do you think of him?" Pei Ji and his eldest grandson Wuji stood in the tent, idle and bored, Pei Ji asked casually.

Changsun Wuji was too lazy to talk to him, what's the use of talking about it at this time, since it's not a sincere peace negotiation, what's the use of knowing Jiang Chengxiao.

Besides, Jiang Chengxiao would not agree to a sincere peace negotiation.

Anyway, they came here to waste time, Changsun Wuji didn't want to argue with Pei Ji.

The eldest grandson Wuji didn't speak, Pei Ji didn't care, and said to himself: "It is said that this King Zhao has no strength to restrain a chicken, but he has capable ministers and loyal generals under him. experience."

Pei Ji talked tirelessly about his curiosity about Jiang Chengxiao, and the eldest grandson Wuji rolled his eyes, staring at the corner of the desk in a daze with a dazed expression.

He was desperate for his own future, Li Anmin's and the future of Li Yuan's forces. If the plan really succeeded, and he went south from Dasan Pass to Hanzhong, it would be nothing more than a trapped side.

Losing the fertile soil of Guanzhong and the support of the nobles in Guanzhong, how can we compete for world hegemony?
Furthermore, the Northern Jin Dynasty already had Bingzhou, Hebei, and Liaodong, and then Guanzhong, and the entire north fell into the hands of the Northern Jin Dynasty. Who in the world can compete with him?
Long Wangshu, can Bashu really hold on?
"Oh." Inexplicably, he sighed.

Pei Ji said: "Auxiliary machine, if it were you, Jiang Chengxiao might treat you kindly."

"Treat me kindly?" Changsun Wuji sneered and said, "Lord Pei, Wen Xipei and Sang Quanpei should still be in touch, and Jiang Chengxiao should treat you kindly too."

Pei Ji rolled his eyes, waved his sleeves and turned around without saying a word.

Not long after, Du Ruming walked in and formally discussed the peace with Pei Ji.The two sides did not intend to negotiate a peace at all, so the conversation was very relaxed.

Pei Ji even proposed that as long as the Northern Jin Dynasty withdraws from Guanzhong, they are willing to submit to the Northern Jin Dynasty.

Du Ruming rolled his eyes, it's all nonsense, we're all in, you want us to quit?
Therefore, Du Ruming proposed that it is okay to withdraw from Guanzhong and hand over Li Yuan's family.

Hearing this, Pei Ji knew in his heart that Northern Jin had no intention of negotiating peace with them.

The two sides were talking nonsense, and Du Ruming was a little tireless, but he was secretly thinking about the purpose of Li Yuan's envoy.

You will never send an envoy with the mentality of 'try to negotiate a peace'.

The two sides met for the first time and talked a lot of nonsense. Pei Ji made various promises to the Northern Jin Dynasty and didn't want the bottom line at all.

Du Ruming made all kinds of excessive demands, and even asked Li Yuan to leave the city immediately and surrender.

After the nonsense was over, Du Ruming took his leave temporarily and wanted to go back and ask King Zhao for his opinion.

After a while, a guard came.

"Eldest grandson Wuji, my king wants to see you alone."

"Me?" Changsun Wuji bit his lips, wondering if he still wanted to see him.

"What about me?" Pei Ji stretched out his head, "I am the leader of the peace talks, he is just a follower."

"It has nothing to do with you, the king only sees the eldest grandson Wuji." The guards ignored him indifferently.

Pei Ji hummed, squinted at the other side, and said casually, "Master Changsun, please don't seek personal affection."

Changsun Wuji took a deep breath and told himself not to pay attention to this villain.

"No need to remind Mr. Pei."

After all, follow the guards.

main account.

Changsun Wuji walked in, and at a glance he saw the figure of Xin Chang standing in front of the Kanyu map with his hands behind his back.

Even though I haven't seen him for many years, that figure is still so familiar.

He has been dissatisfied for so many years, and he has complained in his heart for so many years. At this moment, he is depressed, extremely depressed, and seems so powerless.

After all, he never won once, not even An Min.

Even though he really wanted to defeat Jiang Chengxiao, the surprise attack on Guanzhong made him feel desperate.Before the Northern Jin Dynasty took Hebei and destroyed Qingzhou, in his opinion, it was just mediocre.As long as Guanzhong is unified, Anmin can also flatten the Central Plains and take Jingzhou.

What Jiang Chengxiao was relying on was just a small opportunity he had gained.

But precisely because of this little opportunity, Bingzhou was stabilized within a year and Hebei was taken, otherwise how could he have the opportunity to surprise Guanzhong.

"The eldest grandson Wuji of the Foreign Minister has met King Zhao." He clasped his fists.

"You're here." Jiang Chengxiao didn't look back, but just quietly looked at the Kanyu map, taking out a brush and tapping on it from time to time.

The eldest grandson Wuji did not speak.

Jiang Chengxiao said to himself: "Qingyi has been doing well in the past few years, her qi disease has not recurred, and Wunan and Heng'er are both in good health. She is now the queen of the Northern Jin Dynasty, and she has won the approval of the government and the public, and has a good reputation. She They are all very happy, and have taken good care of the back house for me, but at the end of the year, they are not very happy, and they often chatter in front of the tomb of the wife and husband."

"Sometimes, when she wakes up in the middle of the night, she will tell me that she misses her family. We are husband and wife, and we talk about everything. She knows that you are a traitor, and she is worried that I will be upset if you mention it, so she always holds back Did not say."

"I didn't know this at first. Later, when the imperial physician was routinely checking the concubine's pulse, he mentioned it, and the queen was depressed. I paid attention, and found an opportunity to finally ask the reason. Although she said she wanted to I put the overall situation first, and don't lose the big because of small things, if I really meet you on the battlefield, she will not blame me."

"But I know that she misses you."

Having said that, Jiang Chengxiao slowly turned around.At this moment, Changsun Wuji bowed his head at some point.

"I just want to tell you this. After all, you are different from Li Yuan's family. They are rebels and must die. But you are different. Even if you are rebellious, I will not kill you. I will put you in Taiyuan. Even if it's just to leave a seed for your eldest grandson's family, even if it's to comfort my wife."

Jiang Chengxiao paced, as if recalling: "The last time I saw the woman, he begged me to spare your life if I caught you in the future. I promised him, so you won't die."

"I'm telling you this today, not because I want you to lower your unruly head, to subdue the inexplicable hostility in your heart, and to destroy your pride. I just want to tell you that I will give you special treatment and protect you , just because I promised your father, just because of your sister, she is the queen of the Northern Jin Dynasty, and she is an orphaned wife. That's all."

"Of course, you don't need to say nonsense like 'I don't need you to be pitiful', because it doesn't matter whether you agree or not, I will definitely hand you over to Qingyi. At that time, you can talk to your sister yourself, If you make her angry, I don't mind breaking your five legs and trapping you in Taiyuan."

"Anyway, I just promised the woman to spare your life, but I didn't promise whether he would turn you into a cripple."

Jiang Chengxiao had no expression on his cheeks, and his words were cold.

Changsun Wuji opened his mouth, and suddenly found that he had nothing to say.Because everything he said was nonsense, he would definitely not let him go back.

"You think you're sure to win?" He gritted his teeth and retorted.

Jiang Chengxiao said slowly: "You guys are just delaying the peace by coming here, I know that very well."

Changsun Wuji pursed his lips.

"No matter who it is, the soldiers encircling Chang'an will never agree to negotiate a peace now. Li Yuan is just doing useless work."

"I think he must be consolidating the army, and then looking for a way to break through. Maybe he will go to Wuguan to enter Nanyang, maybe he will go to Dashanguan to enter Hanzhong. Of course, it is also possible to go to Tongguan to join Yuwenshu. But I personally guess that you should It is Wuguan or Dashanguan. After all, one can win Nanyang, and the other can win Hanzhong."

Changsun Wuji's whole body was icy cold, it turned out that everything had been seen through.

"What do you want to do."

"What are you doing?" Jiang Chengxiao sneered, "You really like to talk nonsense, of course it is to kill the rebels and regain Guanzhong."

"You must kill. Kill them?" Changsun Wuji said: "Li Gong was also forced by the faint king, you can't let it go."

"No!" Jiang Chengxiao interrupted coldly.

After a pause, Jiang Chengxiao said to Nan Jiyun: "Take Changsun Wuji down to watch it. I won't allow him to die before returning to Taiyuan."


Nan Jiyun stretched out his hand to ask him to go out, the eldest grandson Wuji was furious, but he had to give in, and could only leave with a livid face.

Jiang Chengxiao shook his head mockingly, he really didn't make any progress.

(End of this chapter)

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