Dajin royal family

Chapter 526 Executed one by one

Chapter 526 Executed one by one (thanks to the little man for his reward)

After occupying Chang'an, Guanzhong was calmed down, but Jiang Chengxiao didn't just relax, but became even busier.

He discussed with Du Ruming for a few hours just about Guanzhong's appeasement policy, and then he met Duguzheng, Dou Wei and other nobles in Guanzhong who surrendered, and appeased them.

Although the Jin army did not commit any crimes against those Guanzhong nobles who surrendered after entering the city, they still couldn't help feeling scared when they heard that King Zhao decided to kill [-]% of the Guanzhong nobles who had not surrendered at the Weihe River.

So, in order to test Jiang Chengxiao's attitude towards them, Duguzheng and Dou Wei took the initiative to come to the palace and asked to meet Jiang Chengxiao.

After the two parties greeted each other, Dugu said, "Your Majesty, we are well aware of the chaos in Chang'an. Every household in Guanzhong volunteered their food reserves, hoping to help Your Majesty stabilize Chang'an."

"Yes." Dou Wei took out a folder from his sleeve and handed it over.

Nan Jiyun took the folder and handed it to Jiang Chengxiao.

The booklets stated how much food and how much gold and silver each household in Guanzhong provided, which was worth a lot in rough calculations.

Jiang Chengxiao put down the note, and said gently: "Don't worry, the two Ming lords. Gu said it. Knowing your mistakes can make a big difference. Now that you have turned around, Gu will naturally not do anything to you. This time the Guanzhong is initially decided, and many important tasks are still hoped that the two Minggong can cooperate with the court to complete it together."

"I dare not obey my orders." Dugu cupped his hands, then said hesitantly: "Your Majesty, we are members of our tribe in Longxi."

When Li Yuan fought Wei Hong, Duguzheng and other family members were all placed in Longxi. Now that Li Yuan is defeated, Longxi will be captured by the Northern Jin soon, so they are worried that the tribe will be hurt by Qiu Ba.

"Don't worry, Duke Ming. General Li Yaoshi has already taken control of Longxi, and all his family members have already taken over. Since you all surrender to our dynasty, your family members naturally don't have to worry."

Dou Wei was secretly startled, when did Li Yaoshi enter Guanzhong?

"Your Majesty, General Li Yaoshi." He couldn't help asking.

Jiang Chengxiao said: "General Li went south from Xiaoguan."

Hearing this, Dugu was silent in his heart, and the Northern Jin Dynasty had made full preparations to win Guanzhong.Regardless of whether Li Yuan can enter Chang'an City or not, the two armies of the Northern Jin Dynasty will not escape defeat.

Jiang Chengxiao said lightly: "I hope that after the two Minggongs go back, they will be able to appease the patriarchs, and work together to stabilize Guanzhong, and there must be no trouble."

Dugu nodded quickly, he understood that the last sentence was a warning to them, if they dared to make trouble secretly, they might end up beheaded by Weihe.

On the day Weihe was beheaded, the people in Chang'an couldn't help being curious and flocked to watch.The people who beheaded were all dignitaries in the past, and this kind of mentality of watching the show has always existed.

"That's Duke Huai!" Someone recognized the first dignitary to be beheaded.

The nephew grabbed Duke Huaiguo with his hands, tied him behind his back, and knelt by the river.

"The puppet dynasty's anti-thief, the Liu family, oppressed goodness and ran amok in Chang'an. According to my king's order, I will behead him for public display!" The man next to Duke Huai held a booklet and read out Duke Huai's crimes.

The common people stared wide-eyed, watching the executioner's glaring beheading knife fall down. With a sound of 'puchi', a large head fell to the ground, and blood sprayed into the river, staining a small piece of river water red.

"Really killed?" The common people watched in disbelief, feeling like they were dreaming, the court actually beheaded the Duke.

At this time, the executioner dragged out another dignitary.This dignitary was far less calm than Duke Huai. He cried and begged the executioner for his life, and said hoarsely, "I am a loyal subject, and I want to surrender to the king."

The man who announced the charges ignored him, and continued to report his name, lord, and the charges he committed one by one, and then the executioner neatly chopped off another one.

Seventy percent of the Guanzhong aristocrats and the three tribes of Yi, add up to thousands of people.The Jin army did not try to save trouble and beheaded row by row, but chose the dignitaries among them, executed them one by one, and beheaded them one by one.

For each beheading, the man who pronounced the charge made his charges public.

Gradually, the people recovered from their stupefaction, and some saw the nobles who had oppressed them beheaded, and immediately shouted: "Good job!"

As more and more people were killed, the river became more and more red, and finally turned into a piece of blood red, and the corpses piled up together, like dead fish, lying in the mud with their stomachs hanging out.

The applause of the common people became louder and louder. In the end, almost every time a person was killed, the common people shouted: Good!

From early morning beheading to night, torches illuminate both sides of the Weihe River, the executioners changed one after another, and the servants who pronounced the crimes changed one after another, but the constant is more and more common people.

These common people went from watching the opera before, to "happy people's hearts" later, to "excited" later, and finally became "Zhao Wang Yingming".

Because too much blood had entered the river, it became extremely viscous on the second day, and a bloody smell wafted between the mouths and noses of the people around.

People with poor tolerance covered their mouths and retched, and people with strong tolerance also had swollen eyes due to staying up late.

The Guanzhong nobles who were executed later almost fainted from fright. Death is not terrible, what is terrible is waiting for death.

In the empty school grounds, the Jin army dug a huge earth pit, piled dry firewood and straw in it, and poured kerosene on it. All the beheaded bodies were thrown into the pit and burned.The fire has been burning continuously since the first day.

The smell of blood and the pungent smell of burnt corpses made even the soldiers of the Jin army who had experienced many battles feel sick.

The open-air beheading activities lasted for three days and three nights, and the common people also changed.

The Wei River has turned into a river of blood, and many people secretly warned themselves that the fish in this river must not be touched, they all eat blood!

As the last prominent Guanzhong nobleman was beheaded and his body was thrown into the fire pit, the servant who read out the crime finally let out a long sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, those who were nameless and involved because of the "Three Yi Clans" were all pulled out and beheaded at the same time.

At this time, Du Ruming walked up to the people with steady steps, took out the Wang Ling written by Jiang Chengxiao himself and read it aloud.

"Wang Zhao, the officials of the puppet dynasty have harmed the people, searched for the people's fat and anointment, and made the living and the people of our dynasty suffer unspeakably. All these are too numerous to record. Today, the solitary justice and the people of the world are all lonely sisters and brothers. All the gains made by the puppet officials of the dynasty belong to the people. !"

After reading the Wang Ling that he had polished in one breath, dense sweat appeared on Du Ruming's forehead. He said loudly to the people: "My king has set up a soup kitchen at the four gates of Chang'an. You can go there to collect money and food!"

The common people were originally grateful for King Zhao beheading these dignitaries who oppressed them, and now they heard that King Zhao took out the belongings of these dignitaries and distributed them, and burst into applause.

"King for thousands of years!"

"King for thousands of years!"

"King for thousands of years!"

First the people shouted, followed by the soldiers of the three armies.

A smile appeared on the corner of Du Ruming's mouth, the king's move can be said to kill two birds with one stone.It not only killed those Guanzhong nobles who were vacillating and hiding evil intentions, but also won the hearts of the Chang'an people.

Weihe's beheading caused the remaining [-]% of the nobles in Guanzhong to shut themselves up in fear, praying for the future anxiously.

The people of Chang'an played the crowns and celebrated each other, shouting that King Zhao is just and the court is just.

At the same time, Li Yaoshi led the army to end the action of intercepting and killing Li Yuan's remnants, and escorted the family members of the rebels to the city of Chang'an.

Seeing the fire soaring into the sky in the distance, and the bloody smell in the Weihe River, he couldn't help asking what happened to Prince Zhao's personal guards who came to meet them.

The personal guard recounted the beheading of the nobles in Guanzhong in the past three days and three nights.

Li Yaoshi was secretly startled, Wang Shang's handwriting was not insignificant, it could not be said that he was not ruthless.

The palace, the imperial study.

Jiang Chengxiao received Li Yaoshi.

"Your Majesty, by luck, the last general wiped out the remnants of Li Yuan at the Dasan Pass. Li Yuan, his father and son were all executed, and all the remaining loyalists were beheaded. All the family members of the rebels have been escorted from Longxi, and they are waiting for the king. deal with it."

"The pharmacist has worked hard." Jiang Chengxiao helped him up, and said: "This time Li Yuan and the other rebels were killed, the pharmacist contributed a lot."

Li Yaoshi said humbly: "Your Majesty is absurd, the last general just did what he was supposed to do, if not for the king's ingenious plan to defeat Li Yuan and Wei Hong in one fell swoop, how could the last general be able to break through Xiaoguan and enter Fufeng County back road."

He is not humble, he speaks from the heart.He had never thought of such a "risky strategy" for raiding Guanzhong this time, and at the same time, he couldn't do such a thing.

Every time he looked back at the king's strategy, he was shocked.At the same time, he felt ashamed of the current result of such a complete victory.

If it were him, he would not dare to take out a hundred thousand troops to enter the pass to gamble.

(End of this chapter)

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