Dajin royal family

Chapter 530 Responses from all parties

Chapter 530 Responses from all parties (thanks to Bairi Yuandian for the reward)

Yu Wenshu nodded and said, "Does Aiqing have a plan to retreat from the enemy?"

Ge Qiu said: "The minister has already said that the Northern Jin Dynasty intends to test, and our army will never retreat. While desperately resisting, at the same time sending people to negotiate peace."

"Negotiate peace?" Yu Wenshu frowned.

"Yes, we can't show weakness. The more we show weakness, the more the Northern Jin will push forward. Their food and grass will not support their attack for too long. As long as we persist, the Northern Jin will definitely retreat. At that time, I will send people to discuss peace, and the Northern Jin will make a decision. promise."

Xu Yixin lowered her head and pondered over this method, and after a while she had to admit that this was the best way to get through the crisis.

"Since the Northern Jin Dynasty will eventually retreat because of food and grass issues, why do we have to negotiate peace with them." Yu Wenshu's face was ugly.

When he had just entered Luoyang, Jiang Chengxiao led his troops across the river to attack Henan County by surprise, forcing him to bow his head to negotiate a peace, sent the three of them out, and even gave them a lot of food.

Now that Daxu has been established for less than a year, he actually wants to negotiate a peace again.

Ge Qiu sighed: "Because all this is my guess, if Jiang Chengxiao desperately attacks our dynasty regardless of food and grass, then we may be able to repel the Northern Jin Dynasty, but we will also suffer heavy losses. Once Xiao Liang attacks Nanyang , we will face the enemy."

Hearing this, Yu Wenshu's expression changed again.

He almost forgot that the Northern Jin Dynasty had already formed an alliance with Xiao Liang.

The hall was quiet, Yu Wenshu closed his eyes and thought for a long time, and finally ordered: "Ge Aiqing, this matter is up to you, and the Northern Jin Dynasty must be forced to retreat."

At this moment, he has no choice. If the Northern Jin Dynasty really goes crazy and Yu Chijing in the east, Pei Yuanyan in Hanoi County, Tongguan soldiers and horses, the three armies send troops to attack Luoyang at the same time, then the situation will be dangerous.

After Jiang Chengxiao's surprise attack on Guanzhong, Yu Wenshu dare not bet now.

Who knows what that lunatic Jiang Chengxiao will do?
"I will live up to your Majesty's entrustment." Ge Qiu bowed deeply.


"Great victory! Wang Shike settled Guanzhong, Guanzhong was pacified!"

"Great victory! Wang Shike settled Guanzhong, Guanzhong was pacified!"

"Great victory! Wang Shike settled Guanzhong, Guanzhong was pacified!"

Yiqi passed Taiyuan Street quickly, and hoarsely announced the good news to the people of Taiyuan.

The people on the street stopped to watch, and the merchants and scholars in the restaurants and teahouses stretched their heads to watch the cavalry going away.

"Didn't King Zhao attack the Central Plains?"

"Yeah, how did it become Pingding Guanzhong?"

The scholars were confused and talked about it.

A burly scholar stood up and shouted loudly: "This is the strategy of King Zhao's long-distance plan to build plank roads and build warehouses in secret!"

Grand Master Gao Xun sat in a corner of the teahouse, listening to the scholar's eloquent talk, he couldn't help showing a smile.

Although there was a calm expression on his face, Gao Xun had already set off a turbulent sea in his heart.King Zhao deceived everyone with this move, even he, who is a senior member of the court, did not know until today that the Tiange document was handed down.

King Zhao's strategy deceived everyone.

Now that Guanzhong has been settled, there is no one in this world who is a threat to the Northern Jin Dynasty.

Gao Xun couldn't help but sigh, he had guessed that King Zhao might decide the Central Plains first, and then plan for Guanzhong, but he didn't expect King Zhao's dangerous move this time, he seized the opportunity of the two heroes in Guanzhong to annihilate them in one fell swoop.

The Jin room is full of energy.

If King Zhao was the son of the late emperor, perhaps this world would never be like this.

Shaking his head, Gao Xun got up and left. Now that Guanzhong is pacified, the government and the public must be busy.

Zhaowang Palace, Tiange!
Zhaowang Palace was completed in March this year. According to Zhaowang's instructions, the first place to repair and live in is the Tiange and other government affairs offices, and the harem and concubines and other palaces are the last to be repaired.

Now that September is about to enter, all the facilities in King Zhao Palace have been completed, and they will officially move in when King Zhao comes back.

A total of nine floors were built in Tiange, the eighth floor is where Ziwei Hall is located, and the ninth floor is the military and political hall of King Zhao.

At this moment, in Ziwei hall, there are six ministers, Wen Yanfei, the minister under the door, and Yu Qing, the minister of internal history, all of them are there.

They were the first to know the news that King Zhao pacified Guanzhong, and they were discussing to adjust grain in Guanzhong.

Zheng Shanyuan, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, looked embarrassed. The 20 troops have been fighting for so long. At the beginning of the year, the grain and grass filled in Taiyuan were almost bottomed out. In addition to the grain allocated to Guanzhong, the grain reserves of the Northern Jin Dynasty would have to be taken. Out.

More importantly, the 20 troops have not returned yet.

Several people discussed for a long time, and finally decided to transfer [-] shi of stored grain to Guanzhong. At the same time, they sent envoys to Guanzhong to meet King Zhao and explain the situation in the Northern Jin Dynasty.

The purpose, of course, is to hope that King Zhao will retreat.

If the fight continues, the food will be gone.

After all the discussions were completed, the six ministers returned to their respective offices to handle government affairs.

Leaving Tiange, Pei Ju, Wang Hong and Xue Ting walked side by side.

"This time Guanzhong is pacified, we have to be more careful." Pei Ju's face was full of sorrow, and an inexplicable uneasiness was entrenched in his heart.

Wang Hongdao: "Guanzhong is settled, and the unification of the world will not be short. We should spare the government affairs and share the worries of the king."

Pei Ju glanced at him and thought to himself, could he be pretending to be stupid because he couldn't understand what he meant?

Xue Ting remained silent. In fact, he had already received the letter from Xue, and he also knew about the defection of Xue's children.

The three of them had their own thoughts and went away side by side.

Zhao Wangfu.

Because King Zhao has not returned from the battle, Jiang Chengxiao's family members are still staying in the palace for the time being.

A letter from Jiang Chengxiao's family was sent to Queen Sun Qingyi.

In the letter, he first stated that he was in good condition and there was no need to worry. He then greeted his wife and concubines, then mentioned his two daughters, and finally told Changsun Qingyi that he had captured Changsun Wuji so she didn't have to worry.

After reading the letter, Changsun Qingyi breathed a sigh of relief, crying and laughing alone in the room, and it took a while to calm down.

At the same time, Donglai County and Ye County in Qingzhou.

"Sir, the king has succeeded!" Shenju walked into the hall with a big smile.

Fang Xuanzao was kneeling on the porch, with tea boiling in front of him, Tingting's curling smoke dissipated in the air.

"I heard your laughter from far away." Fang Xuanzao smiled, stretched out his hand to uncover the tea cover, picked up a wooden spoon and gently scooped a spoonful into the teacup, and a few pieces of tea were stretched in the water, The aroma is overflowing.

Shenju casually walked across to him and sat cross-legged, excitedly said: "The Guanzhong is established, and the Central Plains will not be far away. We can finally return to the King."

Pushing the teacup to Shenju, the latter picked it up and took a sip, shaking his head, "I can't taste it."

Fang Xuanzhan said slowly: "The general situation of the world is in the hands of the king, but the Central Plains may not be able to calm down for the time being."


"Do you think the king has used 20 troops to fight for so long, how much food is there in the court? If the Central Plains is barely flattened, how much food will be needed to help the people in the Central Plains? Not to mention that there is Guanzhong at this moment."

"That's true." After listening to Shenju, he smiled wryly and shook his head, "When is this a head? I can't control Qingzhou. Said, there is a problem with our funds here, if we cannot complete the task assigned by the king, I am afraid that we will be punished in the end."

"Severe codes should be used in troubled times." Fang Xuanzao said unhurriedly: "Guanzhong is determined, and Yu Wenshu has no energy to look east. At this time, you can strictly discipline the three armies. If anyone refuses to accept it, kill immediately!"

"If so, will it cause mutiny among the soldiers?"

"No, the king's army is by your side. You have the highest prestige in Qingzhou. If they want to mutiny, they will surrender to the king." Be diligent in government affairs, appease the people, and wait for the king's order to send the king to a stable Qingzhou. When the time comes, your contribution is self-evident!"


"Of course!" Fang Xuanzhan said with a smile: "The Guanzhong rebels who can make the king worry have been destroyed. Next, the king should recharge his energy and prepare for the next time to pacify the Central Plains. If you can offer a In Qingzhou, where the Qingming is stable and the people serve the farmers with peace of mind, tell me how much you have contributed."

Shenju's eyes lit up, and he immediately cupped his hands and said, "I hope you will help me, sir!"

"Naturally, I stayed here to help you." Fang Xuanzhan laughed.

It was relatively slow for the south to receive news from the north, but Xiao Liang and Nan Chen'an's careful work in the Central Plains quickly brought back the news of the Northern Jin's pacification of Guanzhong.

The two countries that got the news also ordered the frontline troops to stop attacking each other.

Nanjun, Jiangling.

Standing in the hall, Xiao Tong was stunned for a while after hearing the news about Xi Zuo, and then a look of deep fear appeared on his face.

He closed his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows, unable to exhale even if he took in a breath.

Cen Zhenben and Zhang Xuan looked at each other, both of them felt very bad.

It's more than bad, it's like swallowing gold in your throat, it's hard to swallow.

(End of this chapter)

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