Dajin royal family

Chapter 539 Yang Feng Yin Yin Violation

Chapter 539 Yang Feng Yin Yin Violation (Thanks Dao Wu for the reward)

This time when King Zhao came back from a great victory, there were not a few ministers who had the same doubts as Pei Ju. They all thought that the enthronement matter could be put on the agenda, but at this time King Zhao didn't reveal anything, which made many people very anxious.

After all, when King Zhao ascends the throne, he will definitely reward his ministers. This is the real little girl in everyone's heart.

King Zhao didn't show his words, and others didn't dare to speculate, let alone add any "auspiciousness" at will.

After Jiang Chengxiao came back, everything gradually became stable, and the matter of moving to King Zhao's Palace also began to unfold in an orderly manner.

In December of the second year of King Zhao, King Zhao moved into the Palace of King Zhao.

The northern land began to snow, and within a few days, it was covered with snow and white for thousands of miles.

Taiyuan County, Taigu County.

A horse team in ordinary clothes slowly stopped at the entrance of a village outside the county.The knights were dressed in ermine winter coats, and the snowflakes fell on them, adding a layer of silver.

The leading man was riding on the horse, revealing his eyes under the bamboo hat, looking at the withered village entrance, he couldn't help squinting.

At this moment, there seemed to be some small animal hiding in his arms, and it squirmed for a while, making a 'woo-woo' sound.

The man smiled lightly, stretched out his hand and pushed aside his overcoat, revealing a little boy carved in powder and jade.

"Daddy, it's so boring." Jiang Shirt pouted, took a breath of air-conditioning, and then shrank his head again, "It's so cold."

A smile appeared on the corner of Jiang Chengxiao's mouth, and he twisted his small mouth.

"Then you are still following Daddy, you passed by Taiyuan earlier, why don't you want to go back?"

"It's fun outside." Jiang Shirt answered solemnly with his eyes wide open.

Jiang Chengxiao laughed dumbfounded, just because it was fun.

At this time, Nan Jiyun rode his horse and came to Jiang Chengxiao's side.

"My lord, according to the news, this is the last place."

Jiang Chengxiao nodded, and got off the horse holding Jiang Shirt.The guards behind him got off their horses one after another to guard the left and right sides.

Jiang Shirt was wearing a thick winter coat, and his short legs couldn't be pulled out in the snow, looking at his father pitifully.

"Find out your own way." Jiang Chengxiao didn't do anything, and patted his little head casually, "I want you to learn martial arts hard, see, this is the end of being lazy."

Jiang Shirt bit his lip, pulled out his short legs with great effort, and fell down in the snow nest with a 'slap'.

Jiang Chengxiao stretched out his hand like a chicken, grabbed his clothes and lifted him up to hold him in his arms.

When everyone came to the entrance of the village, the place they saw was desolate, the houses collapsed to the ground, and there were few people.It doesn't look like a populated place, but rather a village that has been deserted for a long time.

"It seems that your news is not wrong." Jiang Chengxiao's brows were full of blackness.

There is still such a withered village in Taiyuan County, it seems that he has indeed neglected some things for too long.

"Who are you?" An old man in thin clothes leaned on a stick, trembling in the snow, looking at a group of people who suddenly appeared.

Nan Jiyun stepped forward, cupped his hands and said: "Old man, we are traveling business travelers from the north. Seeing that it is getting late and the gate of Taigu County has been closed, we would like to stay here for one night. Please come here convenient."

As he spoke, a guard stepped forward, took out a bag of silver dollars and presented it.

The old man looked at the bulging purse in the guard's hand and shook his head, "If you don't mind it, you can stay for one night, but one silver dollar is enough, it's too much."

After saying that, the old man didn't reach out for the silver coins, but turned around and led them towards the village.

The village is not big, about thirty households, and everyone in the village has the surname Yan.The old man's name is Yan Qiutu, but he is the head of the village, which means the head of the village.

When I arrived at Yanqiu Tujia, I saw an even more dilapidated house, with many holes in the roof, and not much decoration in the house, the slightly better place is the bed in the middle.But it's not much better, the top is paved with hay, and a tattered quilt is placed on it.

"It's a bad luck for you to come here. The harvest is not good this year, and there is no extra fodder, so you can only suffer from starving your horses all night." Yan Qiutu said, and went to the stove to heat water for them.

Jiang Chengxiao had someone clean up the house a bit, and lit a fire in the main room to keep warm.

"My lord, there is no hay here. I'm afraid it will be tonight." Nan Jiyun frowned, still holding a cushion in his hand. He originally wanted to spread hay on the ground first, but he couldn't find it after searching around.

"It's okay."

Jiang Chengxiao asked someone to move the stone from the corner of the wall, sat on it, put down the ginger shirt and warmed himself by the fire.

The guards were divided into two groups, one group stayed outside and the other group stayed inside.

Not long after, the old man came back with a wooden barrel full of hot water.

"Everyone, wash your face."

Jiang Chengxiao smiled and beckoned him to sit down.

"Old man, I heard that the harvests in all parts of Taiyuan are good this year, and the imperial court also exempted them from taxes for three years. Why are they still living in such poverty?"

Hearing this, Li Chang Yan sneered, "This year's harvest is indeed good, but it's all harvested by other people's families, so it has nothing to do with us tenants."

"Tenants?" Jiang Chengxiao squinted his eyes, "Don't lie to me, old man, the imperial court re-divided the official land and gave a lot of land to tenants."

"You are foreigners, so I don't know." Chief Yan sighed and said, "Our village did get a lot of land from the imperial court the year before last. At the end of the new year, there was no money to buy new year's goods. But later, the officials and lords above came down repeatedly to collect grain, saying that the court was fighting a war and wanted to collect grain."

"Our family can't eat enough, so why would we want to sell food? We couldn't hold back our thighs, so we sold it in the end. But the government didn't pay us a single word, and we haven't given us the money until now. After this, everyone can't hold on anymore. , only sell the fields, and finally become tenants again.”

The old man's palms were shriveled, his eyes were sunken, and he looked like he had been hungry for a long time.

Jiang Chengxiao pursed his lips and asked, "The person collecting the grain didn't even leave a written record?"

"Receipts?" The old man shook his head and smiled wryly, "We will be thankful if the officials can save you a few visits. How dare you ask for a receipt."

"Didn't the old man think about going to the government to ask for an explanation?" Jiang Chengxiao just said it, and immediately realized that he had said a nonsense, and he looked stupid.

Sure enough, the old man looked at him like a fool, "You, you are too young. If we mud legs go to the government, we are asking for trouble. If there is no explanation, maybe we will punish you for a few years sky."

After talking a lot with the old man, Jiang Chengxiao gradually figured out the situation.

It is true that he wanted to collect food during the war, but he never ordered officials to collect food, let alone order officials to collect food without paying money.

Some people, under the banner of him, acted positively and violated the law, enriching their own pockets.

This is not only the case in Taigu County, but also in Lishi County, Loufan County, Xihe County and other places.

Because it is not particularly serious at the moment, things are still in a budding state.


It was late at night, Jiang Chengxiao didn't sleep, his son Jiang Shih in his arms yawned and woke up with his little head curled up in his arms.

"Daddy, are you angry?" The little guy blinked and looked at him.

Jiang Chengxiao came back to his senses and looked at his son.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because Daddy looks like when Auntie is angry." The little guy said.

"What does your aunt look like when she is angry?" Jiang Chengxiao asked casually.

The little guy pouted and thought for a while, "Auntie doesn't speak when she's angry, her face is tense, like a big bug."

Big bug?

Jiang Chengxiao froze for a moment, then laughed.

"You kid, how dare you bury your mother like this."

"Father, what does Mai Tai mean? Sir, you never said that." The little guy raised his neck, opened his big bright eyes, and his face was full of curiosity.

"Sir?" Jiang Chengxiao asked in confusion, "When did your mother invite you to have a husband?"

At present, Jiang Heng and Jiang Ke are not enlightened, how could this kid invite Mr.

"Sister is sir." The little guy said innocently.


Such a picture appeared in Jiang Chengxiao's mind, Wunan and Chang Le were pretending to teach their younger brothers to read.

Well, such a picture is very friendly.

"You will know what Mai Tai means in the future." Jiang Chengxiao patted him, "Go to sleep, you have to go early tomorrow morning."

"No, I want to know now." The little guy clenched his father's clothes tightly, and his little face was full of coquettishness.


The little guy sneezed again, and Ssangyong came out of the hole with a blue snot hanging from his mouth.

"Haha!" Not only Jiang Chengxiao laughed, but the guards also lowered their heads and covered their mouths.

"Okay, when you get home, Daddy will tell you what Mai Tai means. Now you have to sleep well, or you will get sick." Jiang Chengxiao lovingly wiped his snot off his nose, and kissed his little cheek again.

Jiang Shirt pouted, shrank his neck and closed his eyes obediently to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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