Dajin royal family

Chapter 544 The Great Court Discusses Politics

Chapter 544 The Great Court Discusses Politics (Thanks to Yanyu Brother Yang Sanmao for the reward)
If all these numbers are represented by '10,000+', it really takes a lot of thought to see the tricks, but if they are replaced with Arabic numerals, what about a little calculation?

The answer is clear and obvious at a glance.

Jiang Chengxiao is not a fool, not a fool whose mind is full of fighting and killing. He was consciously training himself when he was in Liaodong.Later, when he returned to Luoyang, King Zhao also gave him some advice in private, or took him to Shangshutai, or asked him to sort out relevant documents and ask his teacher Yu Shinan for advice.

At this moment, there is silence in Mingde Hall, and no one dares to despise King Zhao any more.In the past, the officials still underestimated King Zhao in terms of government affairs. After all, the six ministers dealt with government affairs.

But finding fault with the Ministry of Finance this time almost made them raise their hearts in their throats.The string of data burst out, which surprised them.

"Master Wei!" Jiang Chengxiao's voice sounded again.

The ministers couldn't help but feel tense.

"The minister is here!" Wei Shijian got up quickly.

"The household department has neglected its duty this time, what should it do!" Jiang Chengxiao had no expression on his face, as if he was asking Wei Shijian, but in fact, his attitude showed everything.

"Shang Shu Zheng adults neglected to supervise, and the officials of the Ministry of Household Affairs neglected their administration. They should be severely punished!"

"Master Zheng, what do you think?" Jiang Chengxiao looked at Zheng Shanyuan.

Zheng Shanyuan had a bitter mouth, "I have no objection."

Jiang Chengxiao closed his eyes and meditated, opened his eyes after a while, and said slowly: "The Ministry of Households is the most important place for the country, the place where the people live and live in the world. If there is a slight difference, all the people will suffer. Politics must not be ignored. Shangshu Zheng Shanyuan cannot excuse himself To blame, I have to do self-examination in the government for two months. The rest of the officials are thoroughly investigated by the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple, and we must do everything to get rid of the evil!"

"Yes!" Wei Shijian and Dali Temple Minister Gu Ciming replied at the same time.

Zheng Shanyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, cupped his hands and said: "I obey the order."

How can this work, isn't this board raised high and gently put down!

Self-examination for two months?

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, Zheng Shanyuan is back after one year, how is this different from no punishment?
Lu Huaishen, the censor, was about to say something, but he didn't want to meet Zhao Wang's peaceful eyes.

Lu Huaishen: "."

Some people are sensible, and naturally some are not.

"I think it's wrong!" the censor officer Di suddenly said.

"What's wrong." Jiang Chengxiao squinted his eyes and looked at Shangguan Di.

Brush what sense of presence?

Is this kid coming to tear down the stage at this time?

Shangguan Di is not a boy, he is close to 40 years old, but his blood has never been wiped out.

"Your Majesty, if the Minister of the Household Department did not understand this mistake, it would have caused heavy losses. We have been fighting for years, and the people are suffering." Before he finished speaking, he happened to see Lu Huaishen's staring eyes. He paused, helpless. Swallowing the 'unspeakable suffering', he continued: "The people barely have enough food and clothing, please ask the king to take heavy responsibility, give an explanation to the people in the world, and let the court be clear!"


The officials suddenly gasped, this little censor really dared to speak.

Who is Zheng Shanyuan?

Not to mention that he is the head of the Zheng family in Xingyang, and he is also the grandfather of the king and the father of the queen mother. This little censor dares to ask the king of Zhao to respect Zheng Shan's wish in the court, especially when the king has already issued an order Rebuttal King Zhao.

Don't you die?

"What do you want to explain?" Jiang Chengxiao's voice became gloomy.

Just because he took the Ministry of Households this time, it doesn't mean he wants to take Zheng Shanyuan's knife.Cleaning up the moths in the household department is his main purpose, and he can't move Zheng Shanyuan for the time being.

"According to the law of the Jin Dynasty, all things of officials should be played but not played, and those who should not be played should be played, and those who play but not observed, the court staff will be eighty, and they will be dismissed from office!"

The ministers were shocked.

What does this little censor want to do?
Is he crazy?

Leaving aside the rank and dismissal for the time being, this guy has lost his mind and gone crazy to a minister!
This is not a question of whether to fight or not, nor is it a question of whether to fight hard or not.This is a matter of dignity!A matter of face!

A scholar can be killed but not humiliated. To Shangshu Tingzhang, this is equivalent to insulting Zheng Shanyuan.

Lu Huaishen dared not say such words.

Zheng Shanyuan's eyes widened suddenly, and a surge of anger condensed in his chest. He stared at Shangguan Di with a murderous look on his face.

Since he became an official, no one has dared to say such things in front of him.

Pei Ju, Wang Hong, Xue Ting and others also took a look at Shangguan Di, and wrote down the appearance of this little censor who had just entered the court.

It's a prick!

"Silence!" Mai Congde shouted.

The hall fell silent again.

Jiang Chengxiao pinched the corner of his clothes and looked at Shangguan Di.He had forgotten that this kid's temperament was extremely troublesome.

Originally, he wanted him to make trouble for the officials, but he didn't expect him to make trouble for himself first.

"Shangguan loves you, Mr. Zheng has worked hard to prepare the military salary for the lonely, and stabilize the tax for the court. Although there is a fault, the crime does not end there."

Lu Huaishen glared at Shangguan Di several times in a row, hoping that the boy would accept him as soon as he was good. This is enough. King Zhao obviously didn't want to blame Zheng Shanyuan, and talking like this would only embarrass King Zhao.

However, Shangguan Di ignored him.Go straight to the middle road and take off your official hat.

When the officials looked at him, they couldn't help but tremble in their hearts. With this posture, this kid is going to grow up.

"Your Majesty, if the crimes of the officials are all based on this, what order can there be in the court, what laws can there be, the law of the Jin Dynasty is nothing more than a piece of paper in the toilet!"

"Bold!" Jiang Chengxiao slapped the desk with a slap, and with a 'boom', the officials shrank their heads subconsciously.

"Shangguan Di, you are so courageous. You dare to blaspheme the law of the Jin Dynasty, despise the king, and commit the crime below. You are a capital crime!" An official from the household department seized the opportunity and immediately scolded him.

Shangguan Di Si was not afraid, and angrily reprimanded: "It is because of you in the court that you are a dog and a dog, which caused the suffering of the people, the loss of the court's trust, and the loss of the king's morality!"


Pei Ju's pupils shrank sharply, and he looked at Shangguan Di again.

The ministers couldn't close their mouths in shock.

This guy wants to die, he must want to die, otherwise how could he be so outspoken?

Wang Hong's eyes stared out in shock. He said that he admitted that the Ministry of Finance was a dog in the camp, and he was secretly happy, but you said that the king lost his morals. You are too courageous.

How can the king lose his virtue?

Jiang Chengxiao was so angry that his hands and feet were cold, he was really pissed off by Shangguan Di.

He asked himself that he had never done anything immoral, whether it was towards the courtiers or the common people, and even himself was quite selfish, and he never randomly searched for good families to fill the harem.

When did he lose his morals?

"Shangguan Di, you fucking court death!" General Long Xiang Xie Yingjing couldn't sit still any longer, all the generals in court suddenly stood up, glaring angrily, wishing to tear Shangguan Di's broken mouth.

"You said the king lost his morals, where did you say that he lost his virtues!" Xie Yingjing strode up to Shangguan Di with such an aura that if Shangguan Di didn't tell the reason, he would have great plans to kill Shangguan Di.

"The dereliction of duty of the household department is related to the livelihood of the people of a country, but because of the past, the king punished the mastermind lightly. This is to shield the sinners who harmed the people. The minister has no way, the king punishes him, the king has no balance, and the people spit on him! "Shangguan Disi stared at Xie Yingjing relentlessly.

"I'm admonishing you to die, and you're going to punish people with virtue, so as to show the people!"


"We were all taken aback," the courtier said.

"Mother, I" said Xie Yingjing and was about to punch Shangguan Di twice.

"Stop!" Jiang Chengxiao yelled, interrupting Xie Yingjing's movements.

Xie Yingjing turned to look at King Zhao.


"Back off!" Jiang Chengxiao shouted: "Where is this place, dare you be rude!"

Holding back his anger, Xie Yingjing gave Shangguan Di a hard look, "Don't run away if you have the guts!"

Hearing this, the corners of Jiang Chengxiao's mouth twitched.He actually hoped that Xie Yingjing would give Shangguan Di a few punches, but this is Mingde Hall, not a martial arts arena.

Jiang Chengxiao took a deep breath, barely suppressing the anger in his heart.

This bastard can't hold back his mouth, and he actually said that he was immoral, he deserves to die.

"Shangguan Aiqing, Mr. Zheng is old, so the court stick is not appropriate."

"Your Majesty, the court staff can be spared, but the guilt cannot be escaped." Shangguan Di refused to budge.

"Shangguan Di, don't make an inch!" Zheng Renguo, the left servant of the Ministry of Industry, couldn't hold back anymore. He was suppressed by the Pei and Wang families because he coveted the Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry last time, so he kept silent, but until now he finally endured Can't stop.

"Do you want to kill a minister!"

Shangguan Di said indifferently: "When did I kill a Shangshu? This is Mr. Zheng's own fault."

Zheng Shanyuan's eyes almost burst into flames, wishing he could eat Shangguan Di.Obviously, King Zhao had dealt with him leniently, and it was this kid who was looking for a sense of existence.

However, he really had nothing to do with Shangguan Di.

The censor, don't ask the crime with words.

In other words, it was the censor's job to roar at the court, and it was his job to find fault with the officials and the king.

"Enough!" Jiang Chengxiao interrupted the two people who were on the verge of sword fighting, settled down, and looked at Zheng Shanyuan.

The latter saw King Zhao's gaze and knew it in his heart.

"The minister is the king's judge." Zheng Shanyuan handed over his hand.

Jiang Chengxiao said slowly: "What the imperial censor Di said is not unreasonable. Although Mr. Zheng has made merits in the past, his merits and demerits cannot be offset this time, so Zheng Shanyuan will be removed from the post of secretary."

The officials were in an uproar, the king actually gave in to Shangguan Di!

(End of this chapter)

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