Daqin: Integrate ten times Lu Bu's combat power at the start

Chapter 56 Summoning the 8 White Robe Army: Drilling the Red Cannon

Chapter 56 Summoning Eight Thousand White-robed Army: Drilling the Red-clothed Cannon
Xu Fu traveled to overseas fairy mountains to seek the elixir of life!

This story is very legendary in history.

After the first emperor became emperor, he was afraid of life and death, so he began to believe in alchemists and refine elixirs in an attempt to live forever.

One day, a alchemist Xu Fu, who claimed to be the elder of the Yin-Yang Family, entered the palace to persuade Qin Shihuang, saying that there were immortals living in the fairy mountains overseas, and that there were immortal medicines on the fairy mountains, and they could live forever if they got them.

The first emperor believed it and allowed Xu Fu to lead 3000 boys and girls to travel overseas in search of the elixir of life.

Once Xu Fu is gone, he will never return, and the white clouds will be empty for thousands of years.

The first emperor was angry.

"Come here, prepare a palace for Master Yang, and send someone to protect it strictly."

Mo Wuyin said quickly.


After arranging Yang Baimei, the Mohists in the stone hall and some colleagues in the Jianghu began to discuss with some worries.

"Do you think we should transfer now?!"

Mo Wuji proposed.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Yang Baimei, it's just that people are drifting in the rivers and lakes, there is no harm in having multiple thoughts, once an accident really happens, it will be really bad.

"Juzi, I second my proposal that we transfer them in batches tomorrow morning."

"Also, I suggest canceling the assassination plan this time. Since Tianshi Yang has alarmed the dog emperor, the current Xianyang City will definitely be on high alert. Our assassination at this time will not be successful."

"Tianshi Yang has been involved in good fortune, and there are masters around the first emperor who can beat him like this, which shows that our preparations are not sufficient."

"Daqin's energy is endless!"

"This matter must not be reckless!"

"I need to think twice, lest I lose my life in vain and die in the imperial city of Great Qin."

The eyes of a man in green robe and eagle eyes, who looked about 35 or [-], shone with a sinister brilliance.

This person is a heavyweight figure in the military strategist.

Name: Sun Shengwu.

This time, on behalf of the military strategists, he participated in the plan to assassinate the first emperor.

Cultivation level: the early stage of Transforming God Realm.

Sun Shengwu is well versed in the art of war, and he originally controlled a valley of Tibetan soldiers in the strategists. This time, he led thousands of troops to guide them outside the city to prevent Qin soldiers from chasing them.

This time the assassination plan is aimed at taking a countermeasure against the political theory of "conquering the hundred schools of thought" that the first emperor recently advocated in the court. Over the years, the hundred schools of thought have been suppressed by the first emperor, and many forces have already been suppressed. were wiped out one after another.

Now Mohism, Confucianism, peasantry, and military strategists have become one of the most important forces, especially the [-] peasant disciples in Shandong have become one of the forces that Emperor Shi Huang feared the most.

The main force of the "Shen Prison" has been carrying out various splitting events against the peasant family, and has been assassinating and cooperating with the local Qin army to suppress and suppress the power of the peasant family, at least to prevent it from spreading.

"In this case, it really needs to be taken seriously!"

"Elder Tong, Elder He, what do you two think?!"

"Now whether we stay or retire, we still need the precious opinions of the two of you."

Mo Wuyin said.

"Juzi, if what Yang Tianshi said is not bad, we really have no chance to operate now, and we are the only choice to settle for the second best. I agree with this point."

"But since we want to retreat, we must hurry up."

"Once the Qin dogs react, we will be in trouble."

He Dongkui said.

As the law enforcement elder of the Mohist family, his status in the Mohist family is second only to the giant, and he has always been impartial and impartial.

Tong Mo is the elder of the Mohist School of teaching skills, and also has a high position and authority. No wonder Mo Wuyin, who is a giant, wants to listen to the opinions of the two of them? !After comprehending everyone's thoughts, he said, "Juzi, I suggest going out of the city early tomorrow morning in the dark."

"This time we will evacuate in batches, so how about it, Brother Sun and the others retreat first."

"Ask him to contact the people outside the city to meet us after he leaves the city!"

This kind of planning is still very mature. It has to be said that the elder Tong surnamed has some strategies. After listening to his arrangement and suggestions, Mo Wuxian, who is a giant, did not have any jealousy, but expressed his approval with special appreciation.

"Everyone will act according to Elder Tong's words!"

"This time we are the Empress of the Mo family."

"Everyone, the failure of this assassination is due to my Mo family's lack of consideration. Mo Wuyin hereby apologizes to everyone."

As he spoke, he bowed his head and bowed to everyone.

This is also an atmosphere.

Everyone quickly returned the gift.

After solving these things, the next thing is to redeploy the light and dark sentries and the emergency plan for retreat. After that, most of them have gone back to rest.

Gradually, the sky became darker and darker.
A group of black figures are monitoring the changes on the outskirts of this stronghold. In a dark and remote place, a figure approaches.


"what's the situation?!"

"Here are the traitors from all schools of thought. My lord, we also found that many spies are approaching here. It seems to be the Black Ice Terrace, the Shadow Secret Guards. Look at us?!"

"Don't worry about them, tell our brothers not to conflict with them, if there is a conflict, we will show our identity, but don't call us Jinyiwei, just say we are from the Eastern Palace."



After knowing the information, Yuhuatian, the supervisor of the Jinyiwei, immediately sent someone to send the information to the East Palace to report the situation to Su Chen. After that, he went into battle in person and began to take charge of the monitoring this time to prevent any accidents.

There was nothing to say all night, until early in the morning, when Su Chen heard someone knocking on the door, his face tightened. He hated being disturbed, and he had always told the servants in the palace not to come if there was nothing serious. bother him.

He opened his eyes, turned around and saw Zhao Caiyi beside him was sleeping soundly, a little bit of fatigue appeared on his alluring face.

Su Chen couldn't help chuckling when he thought of the madness last night. He didn't expect his body to be so strong after practicing cultivation. He tossed hard for two hours last night. The fierce battle will not stop like this.

Su Chen on the side kissed Zhao Caiyi gently on the cheek, then got up and went to the ground, and changed his clothes.

He came to the door lightly.

open the door.

Outside the door was a secret guard in Jinyi and Feiyu suit, with an anxious expression on his face, it was obvious that something big had happened.

Su Chen knew that he might have found the stronghold of various schools of thought.

He knew it was time to work.

These daring rebels, rebellious criminals, not to mention military criminals, dared to gather in Xianyang City, it could be anything other than intending to seek rebellion.

Kill the chicken and the monkey!
How could the great Qin Empire allow its dignity to be trampled on at will, this time it must be severely punished.

"Come here, go and wake up Li Yuanba to me. Tonight, I want to stain Xianyang City with blood, and tell all the factions in the world who are about to move, that if they dare to plot rebellion, they will surely die."

"Kill it!"


Fifteen minutes later, Su Chen summoned 15 white-robed troops on the large campus of the East Palace.

And Chen Qingzhi.

"Meet the lord!"

A group of generals and soldiers saluted.

After some mobilization, Su Chen summoned 1000 red-clothed cannons and [-] rounds of shells to teach [-] white-robed troops how to adjust and use the red-clothed cannons.

Training is complete.

Li Yuanba also galloped over on the mad war white tiger.

Su Chen negotiated with him about the general action situation, and the latter immediately burst out with killing intent. Now the cooling time of the combat power seal on Su Chen has just passed.

This time he can also kill the Quartet.

Main task: put a long line, catch big fish, and ambush various schools of thought.

This time the task can also be completed.

There is only one main task this time, and of course the rewards have become much less. It is only the first time for a beautiful doctor, Sun Rong, but for Su Chen, such rewards are more touching, and he likes them even more. .

Beauty? !

I, Hu Hansan, are here.

Ha ha
"Chen Qingzhi, now take all the men and horses, and follow me to destroy those rebels."

Su Chen ordered.


Chen Qingzhi said quickly.

"set off!"

"Green Willow Lane, South City!"

Su Chen sat on his ancient golden chariot, Li Yuanba rode his furious white tiger, Chen Qingzhi and other [-] white-robed troops followed, and a group of people went straight to the stronghold where the various schools of thought were located. .

Cherry Blossom Courtyard!

After Su Chen quietly left, Ayu slipped over.

The guards knew her identity and did not stop her.

Ayu on the side walked over nervously.

When she came to the front of the bed and looked at Zhao Caiyi who was sleeping soundly, her face immediately turned pale. Seeing Zhao Caiyi's radiant face, her frowns and smiles became more charming and charming, and she had a strong femininity on her body.

This is a unique sign after breaking.

She's seen it before.



She called out softly.

Zhao Caiyi, who was sleeping soundly, really heard someone calling her, she gently opened her eyes, and then realized that the person in front of her could be Ayu.

She said with some confusion: "Ayu, what time is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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