Daqin: Integrate ten times Lu Bu's combat power at the start

Chapter 91 Blood-Stained City Gate: The End of Tianshengjiao

Chapter 91 Blood-Stained City Gate: The End of Tianshengjiao
"What's going on here?"

"It's scary too."

"Qian'er, why are these soldiers attacking us? Didn't we give them money?"

"Are they crazy?"

Liu shi asked suspiciously while being frightened.

She turned pale with fright.

This scene is too scary.

"Mother, I don't know about this either."

"They obviously took our little yellow croaker."

"A full six!"

"I really didn't expect them to have no credibility!"

"why is that?"

"I see. Someone attacked the military officer defending the city just now. He must have thought it was us who did it, so he did it."

"We are the victims."

"Damn it, who is so wicked?"

"I cursed him, the child was born to the old Wang next door."

Wen Qian's brain reacted very quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the key point has already been figured out. They were wronged. This is "a fire at the city gate will bring disaster to the pond fish".

At this moment, his eyeballs were wide open.

Red one.

This is the ultimate manifestation of anger.

who is it?

He wants to know this person.


Too many people in the Wen family died because of this person, this is more than 100 lives.

He won't let it go.

This is blood feud.

In just one round of arrow rain, their Wen family lost one-third of their servants. Even if they really rushed out, there might not be many people left alive.

"Stop them, kill them for me, bullshit nobles, attacking the army of the imperial court, tantamount to conspiracy, kill them for me."

"I want none of them to stay!"

"All dead!"

Duan Chong is very irritable now.

The person is nailed to it and hangs, because of the gravity of his body, the pierced palm is torn again and again, which is very painful.

Every time the pain made his nerves tense, his hatred increased by one point.

The caravan, common people, vegetable vendors and other passers-by who were about to enter and leave near the west gate saw this scene from a distance, and immediately retreated.

Keep enough distance from it.

This is too scary.

They feel a little shaky.

"Brother, what happened in front?"

"I don't know, it seems that someone is attacking the city gate, trying to break through, and the military officer guarding the gate was also injured by those people."


"No way. Who is so courageous?"

"Don't you die?"

"This is Xianyang City, they don't want to live anymore?"

"Jing is looking for death here?!"

"Oh, God knows, it's possible that after the original Donggong Habayashi Guards changed their defenses, a new garrison was replaced here."

"It's possible that these soldiers are asking for too much black money."

"In these years, although there are fewer and fewer people who dare to say no to the evil forces, there are still some."

"There's no need to be surprised."


"To be honest, it's better than the Habayashi Guard of the East Palace a few days ago. They enforce the law strictly and don't accept black money. Everyone enters the city fairly and justly."

"Now, I'm afraid I have to spend again."

"I didn't earn enough this time. If it really made me bleed, I would be very reluctant."

"It's all hard-earned money."


"A sin."

"Who said it wasn't? There were many conflicts between vegetable farmers and soldiers defending the city before, and then they broke out in conflicts."

"Later, one vegetable farmer was directly detained, and the others were charged double the fine."

"These people are too dark."

While these people were discussing, the second round of arrows rained down, and this time the foremost members of Wen's family finally rushed into the opening of the west gate.

Everything looked like it was going to be successful.

"Don't let them run away, let go of the rock!"


"Kill them."

Duan Chong has gone crazy.

Leishi is also Leimu and stone.

This is a strategic material, which is usually used to prevent foreign enemies from attacking the city. It cannot be used until the time of war.


The soldiers on the wall hesitated.

Because this is a violation of the imperial military law, once discovered, it is a capital offense.

"What are you still standing here for?"

"Hurry up!"

"Those Wen family members are about to run away."

"You can't let them run away. Who of you is disobedient now? Afterwards, I will kill him and his family members. Don't disbelieve my words. I will do what I say."

"Can you give it a try?!"

Duan Chong said viciously.

He barked very loudly.

This is an upright threat, the soldiers guarding the city hesitated for a while, they deeply knew that Duan Chong was a ruthless man who would do what he said.

He has always kept his promise, and he is not afraid of the sky and the earth, and dares to provoke anyone.

After a moment of hesitation, the soldiers immediately threw the stones on the city wall down.

At this moment, he finally panicked.

All of a sudden, the soldiers threw down the stones and the wooden poles from the top of the wall, and the carriage of the Wen family who had just rushed to the other side of the city gate was directly hit by people and horses, and the tall horse was directly knocked to the ground. , blood flowed profusely, and the people on the carriage were directly thrown out by the huge inertia.

He hit the ground with his head, and was smashed into bloody mud by the stones and poles on the high wall, which was extremely tragic.


"These soldiers are so cruel!"

"But are they crazy? Why are they doing this?"

"In times of non-war, using a lapping stone is a capital offense."

"To deal with some ordinary people, do they need to do this?"

"How cruel!"

At this moment, on the third floor of Yuelai Restaurant, which is 1000 meters away from the west gate, there are a hundred plainclothes warriors densely packed here, and Ah Qing is also here.

Where there is her, there must be Su Chen.

Now that Li Yuanba has left Xianyang City, Ah Qing is the only one in Su Chendu Tribulation Emperor Realm.

In order to protect his own safety, Su Chen always let Ah Qing accompany him when he went out. As for Diao Chan, he was leading two thousand white-robed soldiers to search for some rebels from the Tiansheng Sect next to the people on the list.

Ning Xiaohuan was placed in the East Palace, under the protection of some masters of the "East Factory". This was the first task Jia Xu received, and within a few days in front of Jia Xu's means, the East Factory had already been initially set up. , 100 people were recruited, and the one with the highest cultivation level was a warrior in the divine realm.

Name: Kuang Tianya.

Cultivation level: middle stage of God Realm.

Martial Arts: Blood Shadow Without Trace.

At this moment, this glamorous woman is dressed in a strong outfit, guarding Ning Xiaohuan's side, ready to fight, an invisible coldness lingers on his body.

This woman is very murderous.


"What's your name?"

"Can we chat? I'm so bored."

While Ning Xiaohuan was meditating, she looked at Kuang Tianya in the distance and said, she was a little speechless because this beauty was so cold.

It's been three hours, and he hasn't said a word.

Cow breaking!

Zhang Han has activated all the hidden stakes. At this moment, the main strongholds of the Tiansheng Sect in the north of the empire, headed by Xianyang City, have all encountered a joint raid by the Black Ice Platform, the Shadow Secret Guards, and the Black Armored Forbidden Army.

Tianshengjiao suffered a great loss this time, six out of ten, most of the main backbone members were cleaned up, those who should be arrested, and those who should be killed were not spared.

In this battle, the Great Qin Empire completely crippled Tianshengjiao in one fell swoop, and today there are only two senior leaders of the holy religion, Shengzhu and Liu Wuming.

Everyone else is dead.

Tianshengjiao is extinct.

Blood flows into a river.

(End of this chapter)

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