Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 102 Re-entry

Chapter 102 Re-entry
Although the bandits suffered few casualties, panic spread.The thieves on the ladder felt that the weapons in their hands were in the way, so they threw them away one after another, and then turned down the ladder with hands and feet.Some bandit soldiers jumped off when they were several meters above the ground, and hit the bandit soldiers who were holding on to the ladders. Regardless of the screams of the people who were hit, they quickly got up and ran.

Because these thieves knew in their hearts that without the cover of the archers, it would be time for the traditional dish-lime bottle to play next.

Sure enough, when the thieves on the ladder began to retreat, and the thieves who hadn't climbed the ladder were about to turn around and run back, with a command, dense gray bottles and stones fell from the sky like a torrential rain, and soon completely wiped out the area where the thieves ascended the city. cover.

The sixty or seventy bandit soldiers on more than a dozen ladders, plus nearly a hundred people holding the ladders, and the bandit soldiers around the ladders who were about to climb, were either killed or maimed under this blow with nowhere to hide. Under the city wall, there were stumps and broken arms everywhere, brains and meat paste, and the blood soon dyed the ground red.The bandit soldiers who were injured and survived wailed and hoped that someone would save them. Hundreds of bandits rushed for their lives, and no one cared about their pleadings.

Liu Wenxiu, who was hundreds of steps away, carefully observed the top of the city, indifferent to the casualties of his subordinates.Compassion does not control soldiers, the righteous father has used this sentence countless times to warn them, just recruit when the soldiers are gone, if you have money and food in your hands, you can have as many soldiers as you want.

Although there were many people throwing lime bottles on the top of the city, they were all strong men and guards wearing red mandarin duck battle jackets. There were no regular officers in armor and iron helmets.

Liu Wenxiu breathed a sigh of relief.He was startled by the dense sound of gunfire just now, thinking that it was the reinforcements from the imperial court.If the officers and soldiers guard the city, I have thousands of old soldiers for nothing. Besides, I don’t know the number of officers and soldiers. It is the right way for Nengqi to run away quickly.

He turned sideways to Ainengqi and said, "Fourth, will you go up later or should I go up? This time the old pawn is sent in, those muddy legs won't help, so I'll fight with the back! If I lose again, I'm afraid." If morale is broken, those thieves who broke into the camp will laugh at us!"

Ai Nengqi, who is short and stocky, is usually reticent, but he is brave in battle and likes to charge, which is quite popular with Zhang Xianzhong.

Ai Nengqi was very dissatisfied with Liu Wenxiu calling him the fourth child: I am the same age as you, so why do you call me the fourth child?Don't you just have more eyes than me?
"Go! Just lead the team and get ready to enter the city! I see that there are people moving the camp over there, I'm afraid they are waiting to compete with us to enter the city! You have a lot of thought, try to stop them!" Ai Neng Qi replied without even looking at him.

Liu Wenxiu is used to this attitude of his: foster father praises you for being brave, which means that you are short-hearted.It is not enough to fight with strength alone, you have to use your brain.Those with great strength often die the first, you know?
He smiled and said: "Fourth, there are firecrackers on the top of the city, and the sound is only a hundred shots. Don't start when you climb the city, wait for the officers and soldiers to finish their two rounds of firecrackers before you go up. The firecrackers are time-consuming to reload. Two rounds is scrap iron. But you must be careful, I didn't expect the soldiers in the guards to learn firecrackers, maybe there are other things, you just need to be more careful!"

Ainengqi snorted as a promise.While thanking Liu Wenxiu for caring about him, he was very unconvinced in his heart: I am not stupid, I heard that the officers and soldiers fought two rounds of muskets, there is no guarantee there will be a third round.I waited for three bursts of gunshots before charging.When I meet my adoptive father, my contribution to seizing the city is the number one, you can't take it away! "

In the arrow tower of Shouzhou City, Liu Zhiyuan and other Shouzhou chief officials were chatting and laughing happily. Since Huang Dewei entered the city, their minds were completely relieved, and their words and deeds returned to their former chic and calm.

Several thousand households including Huang Degong and Wu Qun were watching carefully the formation of thieves below the city through the lookout holes and windows of the watchtower.Including the number of people, siege weapons and utensils, whether the soldiers are elite, etc., according to the conclusions drawn from observation, the adjustment of the defense method and the deployment are carried out.

Huang Degong has taken over the command of the city defense with full authority. Under his arrangement, the folks built straw sheds overnight to avoid bows and arrows. This trick really worked.The more than a thousand long arrows of the rebel soldiers did not pose any threat to the soldiers and civilians defending the city.The gunslinger's throwing after two rounds of bombardment is also a continuous strike strategy determined after his judgment and deduction.

Not long after the first wave of attacks was repulsed, after the bandit camp was busy for a while, another group of bandits began to line up and prepare.

After Huang Degong saw the arrangement of the thief from the viewing hole, he immediately ordered: "Splash water on the grass shed! Use a wooden bucket to pack the sand! The thief may use a rocket this time!"

A thousand households took the order and went to arrange it. Wang Wei volunteered to ask Min Zhuang for help, and followed him out of the watchtower.

Huang Degong continued to order: "Call another [-] musketeers, and [-] archers! Put [-] archers on each side of the city! After the thieves shoot and retreat, they immediately shoot arrows at the thieves below the city!"

Another thousand households took the order and left.

"Two hundred pikemen are ready! The pikemen are back after shooting! The pikemen push flat!"

Wu Qun took the order and left.This was the first time he led his troops to participate in the battle against the rogues, and he was eager to try, hoping to have the opportunity to fight outside the city, line up and fight the rogues face to face, that would be a joy in life.

After a series of military orders were issued, Huang Degong walked to a small table, grabbed the teacup, raised his neck and poured the tea in the cup into his mouth, feeling unsatisfied, grabbed the teapot next to him and gurgled.

Liu Zhiyuan and Xu You on the side both secretly despised: A martial artist is a martial artist, acting so vulgarly!The best Xinyang Maojian is like drinking white water, without a trace of elegance!
Huang Degong drank the water in the teapot in one breath, wiped the water stains on the corners of his mouth with his big hands, let out a long and comfortable breath, and praised: "It's the first time I think tea is delicious! But I'm afraid it would be better if it was replaced with wine It's gone! Haha! Let the two adults laugh!"

Liu Zhiyuan waved his hands with a smile and said: "General Huang is also a man of temperament! I like simple people the most, and it's easy to associate with them! It's not like some hypocrites who claim to be well-versed in poetry and books, but they are actually two-faced! Hehehe~ "

Xu You was a little embarrassed, and always felt that Liu Zhiyuan was referring to something.Could it be that last night Huang Degong's personal soldiers said they wanted to see Zhizhou, and he sent someone to lead the way in annoyance?Whose mouth is this!To let the official know, hehe, I must make you look good!

He said with a smile on his face: "A person who practices martial arts must be so proud! I am just like Mr. Liu, and I also appreciate the straightforwardness of the general! Just like what Mr. Liu said, although some people are born as Jinshi, they are indeed women. The small belly and chicken intestines are really disdainful!"

Liu Zhiyuan was born as a Jinshi in the fifth year of Tianqi, but he was just a juren, who spent money to follow the old Zhang Zhifa's door, and was released as a general judge in one state.

Huang Degong's roughness is rough, but it doesn't mean he is a fool. He can hear the verbal exchanges between the two.Can't help sighing secretly: "The enemy is not thinking about how to defend the city against the enemy, but they are swearing at each other here. These big turbans are not good things!"

He hastily opened his mouth to change the subject and said: "The humble official has sent his own soldiers to meet the governor, Mr. Chen. If there is no accident, Mr. Chen should lead his troops to arrive today. The people sent by the humble official will report the current situation of the enemy and us in Shouzhou in detail. Chen My lord is far-sighted, and my humble job guesses, Lord Chen may not lead his troops into the city!"

Liu Zhiyuan hurriedly asked: "Why did General Huang say that? Why didn't Mr. Chen enter the city? I know that I will meet the officials and gentry in the city, and I am ready to clean up the dust for Mr. Chen!"

Xu You cursed inwardly: You are a sycophant!Seeing Shangguan is even closer than my own father!
Just as Huang Degong was about to answer, the guard who was watching shouted loudly: "The thieves have begun to attack the city!"

Ainengqi wore cotton armor inside and a double-breasted mountain armor on the outside. He wore an eight-petal iron helmet and held a mace weighing more than ten kilograms in one hand. He stood beside a ladder, and more than ten armed men The guard with the shield and knife protected him in the middle.

The two hundred archers were slightly spaced apart from each other, and a brazier was placed between each two, and the charcoal inside was burning vigorously.The arrowheads were wrapped with a layer of cotton cloth soaked in grease. Following the command, the archers stretched their long arrows into the brazier to ignite, and the two hundred longbows pointed obliquely at the head of the city.

With the sound of a whistle, a rain of arrows with black smoke shot towards the top of the city, and the old thief who dedicated his camp also quickly climbed up the ladder and began to climb.After the three rounds of rocket shooting, the archers replaced with ordinary arrows and continued to shoot at the top of the city, one for killing and the other for suppressing.

The siege of the city this time is all veterans who have experienced dozens of battles in the dedicated camp. They have rich experience in battle. Many of them have participated in several battles to destroy houses and counties. Rocket, many people have reached the top, and then stood on the crenel with their waists and legs.

The old soldiers already knew about the firecrackers at the top of the city. Standing on the crenel, they quickly glanced at the situation on the top of the city, and quickly jumped down from the crenel to make room for the soldiers behind them to climb up the city.

They know the power of the official army firecrackers, but they also know the weakness of the firecrackers: the accuracy depends entirely on blindness, and the reloading is extremely slow after firing.

The old soldiers who climbed the city in the first row all held wooden shields covered with cowhide, hoping to block the incoming blunderbuss.Although I don't know how effective it will be, having something to cover my hand is more reassuring than just holding a weapon.

A short horn sounded, and the thieves subconsciously put their shields on their chests.Amidst the deafening roar, the flames burst out, and white gunpowder smoke enveloped the city.

The bandit soldier who used the shield to cover the blunderbuss felt a huge force coming from his arm. After the blunderbuss broke through the shield, the speed was only slightly slowed down, but it continued to roll and rush into the bandit soldier's body.

The bullets of the firecrackers are not the conical bullets of modern times.Modern conical warheads have a long flight distance, and after penetrating the human body, the trauma area is small and the blood loss is also small.

Bullet bullets are relatively soft lead, and after being shot into the human body, they will not come out through the body, but will roll irregularly inside the body, stirring up the internal organs of the person who was shot.

The howling sound resounded above the top of the city. Some culprits were shot in the head, but they didn't even make a sound, and their bodies fell back straight after being hit by the huge impact.The head was like a smashed watermelon, red blood mixed with white brains flowed all over the ground.

The first old thieves lay dead or wounded.Taking advantage of the sight obscured by gunpowder smoke, the second group of old thieves also jumped onto the top of the city, and then quickly rushed forward with weapons in hand.They knew that there were a lot of firecrackers at the top of the city, and they wanted to take advantage of the gap between the gunplayers' transformations, and fight hand-to-hand when the gunpowder smoke obstructed the gunplayers' sight.Once fighting in close quarters, the fire gun is not as good as an iron rod, and the gunner has only the fate of being slaughtered.

Another trumpet sounded, the second round of firecrackers blazed, and the second group of bandit soldiers fell to the ground amidst the screams as expected.The team officer directing the firing of the firecrackers stood not far away parallel to the crenel, and had a clear view of the thieves ascending the city.

The smog on the top of the city was so thick that people could not be seen clearly a few steps away, and the third group of bandits jumped up one after another.Facing the top of the city surrounded by thick gunpowder smoke, the bandit soldiers were secretly delighted. After jumping on top of the top of the city, they quickly dispersed to both sides, preparing to avoid possible firecracker strikes.

Ainengqi was in the attacking team of the fifth round, and he was waiting for the third round of gunfire from the official army.

Sure enough, the third round of gunfire rang out, and before the screams from the top of the city had finished, Ainengqi pushed hard, pushing the soldiers in front of him onto the crenel, and the fourth round of bandit soldiers rushed to the city head.

There is still a fourth round!
When the gunfire sounded again, Ainengqi couldn't help feeling lucky.Fortunately, I was more careful, I am afraid that the officers and soldiers still have firecrackers that have not been exposed. If I go to the city for the fourth round, there must be my own rough voice in the screams.

What if there is still a fifth round! ?

A thought flashed into his mind like lightning.

His intuition told him that he couldn't go up!This intuition comes from dozens of battles, and has saved his life several times!He quickly withdrew his left leg that was about to step onto the top of the wall, shrank his body down, and stopped at the top of the ladder.

Fifth round!
With the sound of the fifth round of gunfire, Ainengqi woke up instantly.It's the army!It must be an elite army!How can the shitty guards have so many firecrackers!run!run now!
When Liu Wenxiu heard the sound of the fourth round of firecrackers, his expression changed instantly!The defenders of the city are definitely the official army!This Shouzhou can't be beaten!The fourth child is dangerous!

He shouted loudly: "Blow the trumpet! Blow the trumpet! Retreat! Retreat!"

The long horn and the sound of the fifth round of gunfire sounded at the same time.Liu Wenxiu looked at the top of the wall in despair, the fourth child was dead!The silly fourth child who was always preached by himself is gone!

The bandit veterans who were about to ascend the city had long been terrified. This was no longer a siege, but suicide!The bursts of gunshots accompanied by the screams of their companions made everyone feel as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

As soon as the horn sounded, the thieves on the ladder turned over and retreated desperately, and many jumped off regardless of their care.The thieves who hadn't climbed the ladder turned around and ran back. The destructive power of the stone was too great. Fortunately, as long as they left the city for more than ten steps, they could get out of the threat range of the stone.

But this time there were no stones, and it was the three-edged long arrow that knocked them over.The [-] rounds of arrows from the officers and soldiers shot three waves, killing nearly [-] thieves before stopping.Because most of the thieves have already left the killing range of the bow and arrow, shooting again can only depend on luck.

Liu Wenxiu sat on the horse and stared blankly at the top of the city. He feared that he might not even see the dead body of his favorite brother.

"Wenxiu! Let's go! Shouzhou can't fight anymore!"

The familiar rough voice suddenly sounded, and Liu Wenxiu was taken aback for a moment and quickly came back to her senses.Who is the simple and honest face in front of him but Ai Nengqi?

Liu Wenxiu jumped off the horse, hugged Ai Nengqi and shouted happily.

 It's a lack of inspiration to write blindly.It took time for Lu Xiangsheng's army to arrive. The road in the past was not as flat and wide as it is now, and the army of tens of thousands of people did not move as fast as expected.During these few days, the thieves will always attack. The purpose of showing weakness is to attract the thieves and prevent them from fleeing alertly. The thieves who flow are the most terrifying.All of these are foreshadowing, not irrigation, when the army arrives, it is time to clenched fists and strike hard.In the past, teams of tens of thousands of people set up camps, and it was very troublesome to eat and drink water. It was really not irrigation.If you take it in one stroke, it seems too taken for granted.

(End of this chapter)

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