Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 107 The Great Victory

Chapter 107 The Great Victory
More and more corpses fell on the ground, and the blood of the bandit soldiers had formed a puddle of blood.The thieves continued to ascend the city from the ladder, and then charged to both sides continuously.

When Yizhangqing saw his subordinates ascending the top of the wall, he thought that the event had been settled.

After three rounds of gunfire from the top of the city, there was no movement. It seemed that although the guards were elite soldiers, their numbers were too small.

As long as they have a firm foothold in the city, no matter how brave the officers and soldiers are, they will not be able to withstand the pile of lives.

As wave after wave of men continued to ascend the city, Yizhangqing felt that it was time to attack on both sides to support the friendly forces in the east.

He turned his head and ordered loudly: "Mr. Hu! Take the old battalion up and fight east!"

Hu Laosan with a fierce face immediately greeted, holding a long-handled mace, and leading hundreds of veteran battalion elites to the long ladder.

As time passed, Yizhangqing felt something was wrong.

More than a thousand people went up one after another, and there were hundreds of elite soldiers from the old camp. Hu Laosan was even more famous for his bravery, why didn't he hear the usual cheers and shouts of the sons and daughters?
Just when the attention of the thieves was focused on the top of the city, the south gate of Shouzhou quietly opened.There was a continuous booming noise in the city gate hole, and a tall black horse rushed out of the city gate first, followed by groups of cavalry.Taking advantage of the negligence of the thieves, Huang Degong decided to lead the cavalry out of the city to charge.

Thousands of rogues who were about to ascend the city were defenseless, and they had no power to fight back in front of the fast-charging horses.Huang Deli led the team to rush back and forth several times, and returned to the city calmly when the horsepower was almost exhausted, and the city gate was tightly closed immediately.

The bandits under the city wall suffered heavy casualties, only a thousand remained in the team of thousands of people, and the archers were sitting on the ground to rest. They became the targets of the first wave of massacres, and almost the entire army of more than [-] people was wiped out.Yizhangqing's target was too obvious because of commanding on horseback.When he found that the cavalry of the official army rushed out, he wanted to run away, but because the distance was too close, the cavalry of the official army had already accelerated in the city, and the speed of the horse had reached its peak when it rushed out.He pulled up his horse and couldn't escape, but was hacked to death by Huang Degong.

When Gao Yingxiang heard the news and came with a team of two thousand horses, all he saw were corpses and howling wounded soldiers.

For the first time, he felt a deep sense of defeat.

Since the rebellion, he has been going smoothly, the team has continued to grow, and his reputation has become more and more famous.Facing the Shangguan army, from the earliest fleeing in the wind, to the subsequent consecutive victories, his ambition gradually swelled.

Although he was defeated by Lu Xiangsheng, Gao Yingxiang was not convinced.He thought it was only his own carelessness that allowed the officers and soldiers to take advantage of them.

But this attack on Shouzhou made him feel a little confused.

First, the dedication of the camp was thwarted, then it was attacked at night by the government army, and now the siege failed miserably, with countless casualties.

Shouldn't Shouzhou be beaten?I have destroyed dozens of counties, and I have never encountered such a difficult bone. Who is the general of Shouzhou?How can you fight like this?
Seeing the corpses of the generals in the city being thrown down one by one, Gao Yingxiang's heart was bleeding.He ordered with a blank face: "Go and inform Lao Han, stop for now! Come to my tent to discuss matters! Send someone to bury the body!"

When the bandits attacked Shouzhou, Tianxiong Army and Sichuan Army finally arrived in Shouzhou after a rapid march of hundreds of miles.

A camp of more than 1 people was set up about ten miles southeast of the city, and the Tanma scattered to the west and south.

Lu Xiangsheng and Chen Qiyu rushed to the Tianxiong Army camp. After some discussions, they decided to leave 100 people to take care of the hundreds of wounded and sick in the heat; the soldiers rested quickly and had their meals an hour later, and then the whole army broke out and marched southwest.

Huang Degong was ordered to send 2000 men out of the east gate to fight, Lu Xiangsheng sent [-] cavalry from Li Chongjin's department to attack from the flank, and Chen Qiyu led Xuzhou and Fengyang troops to press up from behind the bandits.

Zu Kuanbu, who had been behind the thief, continued to drag the horse team of the thief, and then moved with the camera.

Huang Degong personally led 3000 officers and troops out of the South Gate to form an array. When the bandits sent troops to fight, Li Chongjin led a thousand cavalry to raid the flank of the bandits from the southeast, followed by the Tianxiong Army and the Sichuan Army.Huang Degong's five-hundred-horse team guerrilla, looking for the weak spots of the bandits and charging to kill them.

Gao Yingxiang, Guo Tianxing, Hun Shiwan and others are discussing matters in the tent.

After learning that Tianxing’s attack on Dongcheng also caused a lot of losses, Gao Yingxiang frowned and said: "No, we can do it if we don't fight in Shouzhou. It's worth losing a few troops! This piece of fat has turned into a bone! Let's gnaw on it again." It just collapsed!"

Guo Tianxing nodded and said: "I don't know which way the officers and soldiers in this city are. There are not many people, but they are very stubborn! I also sent hundreds of old soldiers up, and only a few came back! What a fucking evil spirit! Go up What kind of fucking army is this if you can still be beaten down after entering the city? Heavenly Soldiers and Generals?!"

Hun Shiwan refused to accept it and said: "I feel that if I put more effort, I can beat it down! I'm not comfortable if I retreat after fighting like this!"

The other warrant Ma Tianlang said: "If you want to fight, you have to think about how to fight. The sun is too poisonous at noon, and the boys can't hold it. I think we can fight when the sun is low at Shenshi!"

Gao Yingxiang hesitated, saying that he was the one who was most unwilling.The cavalry lost nearly a thousand, the old battalion also had more than a thousand elite soldiers, and the remaining bandit soldiers also numbered thousands.Withdrawing troops knowing that there are not many officers and soldiers in the city, I really can't swallow this breath.

But if you don't withdraw, there is really no way to break the city.

He asked, "Is Huang Hu attacking the city?"

Gao Yingen sat on the chair with his butt tilted and replied: "My subordinates reported that they sent thousands of people to make a show, and they didn't beat them!"

Gao Yingxiang snorted: "It seems that Huang Hu is back, he only wants to take advantage, not to lose! Just ignore him!"

Guo Tianxing asked: "King Chuang, are you going to fight or not? I don't think it's a shame to withdraw troops. There are so many prefectures and counties in the world. We don't have to spend time here. According to me, go directly to the west. Hitting Huoqiu, and then Yingshang, is better than gnawing bones here!"

Gao Yingxiang pondered for a while, then resolutely said: "Fight! Fight again in Shenshi! I will lead a team of [-] cavalry to the south! Old Han, I will give you a team of [-] cavalry to guard the city gate! If you can't fight again, we will fight tomorrow!" Let's go! The old camp and the cavalry will eat the food and grass! Those muddy legs don't care about him!"

At the end of the day, Gao Yingxiang suddenly received a report, and thousands of officers and soldiers came out of the city to line up!
He laughed loudly: I can't beat Yee because of the city wall, it seems that I won two games and forgot what my name is!Ha ha!As long as Yee is out of town, my cavalry will come in handy!Today I will teach you how to look good!
He didn't realize what was wrong at all: Why did the officers and soldiers suddenly go out of the city to fight in the field without defending the city?If things are abnormal, you will be a demon!
Half an hour later, Gao Yingxiang personally led a team of [-] horses to the south gate, and he could see the official army phalanx outside the city gate from a distance.

It turned out that there were less than 5000 people!
About [-] paces in front of the phalanx, there are a hundred refusal horses, which are erected to prevent the frontal impact of the horses, and the posture of the officers and soldiers is obviously used for defense.

On the east side of the phalanx is a cavalry of hundreds of people, which is used to cover the flanks of the infantry.

Gao Yingxiang ordered the cavalry to move east to prevent the cavalry of the official army from attacking their own infantry, and took the opportunity to attack the infantry of the official army.Then ordered [-] infantry to attack, broke the official army's refusal to horse, and then the cavalry rushed out from the front.The next [-] infantry rushed up to fight when the army was defeated.

The five thousand thieves, regardless of formation, shouted and rushed towards the officers and soldiers after an order.

Hundreds of thieves arrived before Juma first.Armed with shields and axes, these thieves were ready to cut down the horses and clear the way for the rear team.

A whistle sounded, and amidst the humming of the bowstring, a rain of arrows flew.

Eight hundred triangular arrows, which can pierce the cotton armor in sixty steps, poured into the bandits' formation.Although the thieves in the front row held up their shields to guard against them, they suffered little damage.But the thieves behind had no shields to cover them, and hundreds of them fell to the ground with arrows.

Just when the thieves in the front row were rejoicing and started destroying the Juma, there was a sound like popping beans, followed by a large cloud of white gunpowder smoke.Dozens of thieves holding shields were shot into their bodies by the swiftly approaching blunderbuss, causing them to drop their shields and fall to the ground screaming in agony.

The three hundred musketeers were divided into three groups and fought for a round before retreating. More than a hundred thieves holding shields were already wounded or dead.

The eight hundred archers stopped after shooting three rounds, not because of exhaustion, but because there was no one standing about twenty steps before rejecting the horse.Under the continuous blow of firecrackers and bows and arrows, thousands of bandits fell to the ground with wounded or dead, and the bandits behind were so frightened that they stopped charging.

Gao Yingxiang looked at the scene in front of him with a livid face, and immediately ordered the pawns to continue to move forward, and those who dare to retreat will be killed!Then a thousand cavalry team was separated, and they went back to the west side of the official army and charged. The two thousand cavalry confronting the official army cavalry were ready to charge forcefully.

The reason why he did this before he came up was that he was not willing to use the cavalry to fight head-on with the officers and soldiers. It didn't matter if the infantry was dead, one could recruit a hundred.But every loss of the Cavaliers is one less, and it is difficult to make up.

But this time, he had to spend a lot of money, and the officers and soldiers on the opposite side were too difficult.

Under the supervision of dozens of Gao Yingxiang's personal soldiers, the remaining thousands of bandits continued to move forward timidly. After being killed by bows and arrows again, nearly a thousand people were killed, and dozens of refusal horses were finally destroyed. No more obstacles in the space, the first five thousand bandit soldiers have lost more than half, retreating to both sides.

Before the thousand cavalry team reached the west, Gao Yingxiang ordered the second team of 5000 people to attack immediately.

The 5000 people shouted and rushed forward. The officers and soldiers did not retreat but advanced, and began to move forward slowly, and the formation remained unchanged.

A moment later, the two sides collided head-on, and the result was the same as the battle at the head of the city in the morning.

A row of 500 officers and soldiers stabbed out their spears neatly amidst the sound of orders. The bandits were stabbed to death and stabbed before they could get close. A moment later, the second wave of bandits died and injured.

Seeing that they were losing the enemy head-on, the Liu thieves split their heads and turned to the sides, preparing to attack from the side.

The officers and soldiers had already been trained. With one order, the two sides of the phalanx turned vertically in a row, so that the bandits who attacked from the side also returned without success.

Since the archers who broke into the camp had been slaughtered by Huang Degong, there was nothing they could do to face the hedgehog-like officers and soldiers. The atmosphere of despair spread quickly, and most of the bandits were ready to flee.

Gao Yingxiang didn't wait for the thief cavalry on the west side to be in place, he decisively ordered the two thousand cavalry to start charging.The situation in front of him was very clear, the pawns couldn't hold on anymore, they had to use the cavalry to tear apart the phalanx of the officers and soldiers regardless of casualties, otherwise it would be another big defeat.

After Huang Degong noticed that the bandit cavalry started to move, he urged his mounts to trot forward.Although the opponent's cavalry is several times larger than their own, they must fight desperately. If they evacuate, the infantry will never be able to stop the charge of thousands of cavalry.

The horse teams of the two sides were hundreds of steps apart, and at this moment they started to move forward at the same time, and when the horses got up to speed, they could collide with each other after dozens of breaths.

Gao Yingxiang and his cavalry were all focused on the front. A few miles behind him, Li Chongjin's [-]-horse cavalry had already quietly rushed towards him.

Because of breaking into the camp and dividing troops to attack the city by the east gate, there is a gap in the southeast corner.No one, including Gao Yingxiang, would have thought that there would be officers and soldiers coming from here.

After dozens of breaths, the [-] cavalry who broke into the camp and the [-] cavalry from the official army collided fiercely.

Huang Degong held a long knife that was still dripping blood in one hand, turned around the horse's head, turned around, and the ground in front of him was covered with corpses of horses and soldiers.

He glanced back, and there were about 500 horses left in the [-]-man cavalry.

Huang Degong's heart was pierced immediately, and these 500 people followed him from the Yongwei Camp, like brothers for more than a year.He could call everyone's name, but he didn't expect many familiar faces to disappear in one charge.

He turned his head, stared into his blood-red eyes, raised his knife and shouted: "Today's battle to the death!" Then he urged the horses to charge forward again, and the three hundred officers and soldiers urged the horses to follow closely, but no one made a sound.

The two sides collided again and exchanged positions. Gao Yingxiang reined in his horse and looked at the army cavalry with only a hundred people left on the opposite side, feeling both proud and admired.

Five hundred riders dared to confront two thousand riders. Although there were only a hundred people left, they still faced each other head-on, instead of turning around and running away!Well, then today is the perfect day!Just one more charge will completely annihilate the cavalry of the official army, and the remaining infantry will face the cavalry like lambs.

Just when he was about to order to charge again, there was a muffled thunder-like sound behind him. With the shaking of the ground, the war horse under his crotch shook its head and snorted uneasily.

Gao Yingxiang is too familiar with this vision, this is the movement of a large group of cavalry charging!
If it was my own cavalry, it would never charge from behind, only the officers and soldiers would come!Although I don't know where the official army came from, it must be!

He hissed and shouted: "Go west! Run!" Then he slammed on the horse's belly, and the valuable yellow hussar suddenly accelerated and rushed out.

The remaining more than 1000 bandit cavalry did not react as quickly as Gao Yingxiang, and their mounts were not as good as his.Seeing King Chuang galloping westward suddenly, before he understood what he meant, Li Chongjin's thousand cavalry were hundreds of paces away from them.

This node is just right.The thieves charged twice and were resting on their horses, waiting to charge again.

It takes at least a few hundred steps for the horses to charge from a standstill, and the Liaodong cavalry has already increased the speed of the horses to the fastest speed at this time, and they still charge from behind.

When the thieves came to their senses and rushed forward in a panic, the cavalry of the official army had already slammed into them from behind.

There was no suspense in the result. After hedging against Huang Degong, the remaining more than 1000 bandits and cavalry were strangled to death by the Liaodong cavalry who had been charged for a long time. Only less than [-] cavalry fled westward. Follow Gao Yingxiang to flee for his life.

The situation encountered by Guotianxing and Hun Shiwan in the east is basically the same as that of Gao Yingxiang.

During the confrontation with the officers and soldiers arrayed in the city, the one-thousand bandit cavalry was attacked from the side by the officers and they were caught off guard and lost more than half of them. Seeing that the situation was not good, Guo Tianxing and Hun Shiwan fled southward with the rest of the cavalry.

Afterwards, Chen Qiyu led his troops to cover up the attack from behind, and the tens of thousands of thieves in the east of the city were defeated, and there were scattered thieves everywhere.

With the addition of more than 1 of Lu Xiangsheng's subordinates, more than 8 thieves were completely dispersed, and the guards and minzhuang in Shouzhou City also went out of the city to join the ranks of chasing and killing.More than 6 bandits suffered more than [-] casualties, and more than [-] surrendered.

Liu Wenxiu, who had offered the camp, saw things badly, and Ai Nengqi and the rest of the old soldiers fled to the north early, and the remaining tens of thousands of thieves either died or surrendered.

Li Chongjin's troops were slightly damaged, and under the leadership of Lu Xiangsheng, they attacked the bandit cavalry that was facing Zu Kuan to the south.

Without knowing it, the rogue cavalry of 5000 people was caught off guard and was attacked by the officers and soldiers on both sides. Most of the 5000 people were lost, and the rest fled in all directions.

So far, Gao Chuang, the most powerful Jingqi, has been completely lost after he has been rampant in Ming Dynasty for several years.

 Under the bewitching and urging of several veteran fans, two chapters were updated today, and the writing is very watery.

(End of this chapter)

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