Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 116 Conflict

Chapter 116 Conflict
The little flag was taken aback when he heard about Duke Cheng's mansion, then slowly straightened his body, put the knife back into its sheath and said expressionlessly: "Whether Cheng Guogong or Wei Guogong, you have to follow the rules when you come here! Look! In the face of the Duke, I won't let you wait to go back, just wait here!"

Zheng Laowu was used to being arrogant. He squinted and saw the truckloads of salt bags being transported away from the other side, and he couldn't help feeling anxious.He threatened: "Your commander, Mr. Luo, is also very respectful when he sees our Duke. Our Duke's Mansion is an honorable man who lives with the country! In the eyes of our Duke's Mansion, you are just a servant, get out of the way quickly! Otherwise, you will be sued!" You can't bear to go to Master Luo's place!"

The little flag smiled and said: "You are a slave, what are you?! Don't dare to make noise, don't blame me for being rude!" After saying that, he raised his hand.

There was a slight bowstring sound in the distance, and then there was the sound of piercing through the air. In the blink of an eye, two sharp arrows stabbed obliquely in the narrow space in front of the two teams.Not far away, on the roof of a tall barn, two archers stood sideways holding bows, overlooking the crowd.

Zheng Laowu's complexion changed drastically.Originally, he wanted to use the name of the Duke's Mansion and Luo Yangxing to persecute the other party, but who knew that they would not accept such a trick at all, so it was embarrassing.He rolled his eyes, turned around and took a few steps back, boarded a carriage, waved towards the long motorcade behind and shouted loudly: "Everyone behind is gone! Buy all the Duke Yancheng's mansion in the warehouse!" It’s no use waiting in line! Get out!”

The people waiting in line at the back had long been extremely dissatisfied with the actions of the Duke's Mansion just now, and when they heard Zheng Laowu's domineering words, they immediately shouted.

"Let's line up early in the morning, why should your Duke's Mansion buy them all!"

"Your Duke's Mansion did not attend the meeting last time! You shouldn't have come to buy salt this time!"

"Could it be that the Duke's Mansion wants to buy them all, and the price is increased so that I can buy them from him?"

"This is the capital of Daming, not the capital of your Duke's Mansion!"

Zheng Laowu was furious, and he yelled at the crowd: "Stand up if you have the guts, and break it up in front of someone! I kindly tell you to wait, you bastards don't believe it! Well, wait and see! You wait for a grain of salt today!" Don't even think about buying it!"

The Xiaoqi left two people to guard the convoy of Duke Cheng's mansion to prevent them from forcibly jumping in line, then turned and went back to the warehouse.

After more than half an hour, Duke Cheng's mansion finally arrived at the front row.Zheng Laowu walked into the shed outside the warehouse, and impatiently asked several accountants behind the desk: "How much salt is there in the warehouse? Duke Cheng's mansion has paid for it all!"

A cashier obviously knew what happened just now, and said with a smile: "This distinguished guest, please show your attendance certificate for the last salt merchant meeting!"

Zheng Laowu froze for a moment, and asked, "Certificate? What certificate?"

The accountant said with a smile: "The distinguished guest didn't attend the Jingchun Tower meeting last time? I'm sorry!"

Zheng Lao Wu heheed: "Excuse me? Are you saying that you can't buy salt without a certificate?"

"Of course!"

With a crisp sound of "Pa!", the furious Zheng Laowu hurried forward, and slapped the accountant hard on the face.The accountant screamed in pain, covered his face with one hand, and pointed at Zheng Lao Wu with the other, his eyes were both startled and frightened.

Zheng Laowu resentfully said: "Wait, you've eaten a dog's guts? You have humiliated the Duke's Mansion again and again! If you dare not sell us the salt today, I will ruin your mess today!"

Hearing the sound, the Xiaoqi rushed over with a few people, looked Zheng Lao Wu up and down, and said with a smile: "This is really eye-opening! A small butler is so arrogant, this Daming can't handle you, right?" ? Someone! Tied up!"

A school captain suddenly took a few steps forward and kicked Zheng Laowu's lower abdomen. Zheng Laowu bent over with his hands clasped in pain.Immediately afterwards, the school captain leaned forward, and slashed Zheng Laowu's ears with his palm, and Zheng Laowu fell to the ground with a crooked body. It was solid, and then dragged Zheng Laowu to the side.

Seeing this, the more than ten servants of the Duke's Mansion rushed forward, there were a few clicks, followed by a few screams, and several servants fell to the ground clutching their thighs.A few steps away, several school captains holding short crossbows looked coldly at the rest of the people.

The rest of the servants saw that they couldn't get any better today, so they hurriedly dragged the fallen man, turned over and ran quickly, carried the injured man into the carriage, and then quickly left with the team from the other side.

After this brief conflict, the convoy behind became orderly, and there was no more noise.Everyone is accompanied by a smiling face when withdrawing the new salt, with a respectful expression.

The stewards of several Xungui families who did not attend the meeting, such as Wei Guogong and Xiangcheng Bo, saw the end of Cheng Guogong's people and left with the team.

Chongzhen received the report of this skirmish in less than half an hour, and put it aside after a few glances.

Jin Yiwei has its own pride.Luo Yangxing was low-key and fearful at first, because he didn't get the support of the emperor, so of course he wanted to pretend to be a grandson.

More than a year has passed, since the emperor repositioned the importance of Jinyiwei, and after beating him a few times, the characteristics of Jinyiwei that Luo Yangxing had been influenced by for several generations were aroused.

Although he is still respectful when he sees important ministers and honorable persons such as Cheng Guogong, this kind of respect has become a superficial etiquette instead of awe from the heart. Now only the emperor's family can make him feel in awe.

Ever since the emperor instructed him to keep an eye on several noble families, Luo Yangxing knew that the glory of these families would soon be a thing of the past.The current scenery was quickly blown away by the rain and the wind, but the emperor hadn't figured out how to deal with it.

After knowing that Cheng Guogong and his family did not participate in the last salt merchant meeting, Luo Yangxing ordered all thousands of households in the capital not to sell salt without attending the meeting.If someone relies on his power to force his way, he can be arrested and punished directly.With Shangfeng's clear order, the school lieutenants on shift had confidence, otherwise no one would have fought against such a behemoth as the Duke's Mansion.

Chongzhen is quite satisfied with the timely delivery of Jinyiwei's current information.It is impossible for the emperor to go out of the palace anytime and anywhere like in the brain-dead dramas of the later generations, and do such nonsense things as molesting women and fighting injustices. The white dragon fish suit is extremely dangerous.Who knows what will happen if someone finds out the rules.The little emperor of Zhengde loved to go out of the palace to play, and he ignored the advice of the ministers. In the end, he accidentally fell into the water and died after having a fever for more than a month.

No need to think about it, Chongzhen knew that there must be something weird about this matter.

How unbelievable that the emperor of Wancheng could fall into the water while riding a boat!Who stood by the emperor at that time?How did the emperor fall into the water?He fell into the water and didn't drown, so why did he have a fever for more than a month after that?Why were all the imperial doctors who treated him executed after his death?Isn't this killing people?
This world belongs to the Zhu family in name, but in fact it belongs to the civil servants.These literati become ruthless and can do anything.

Gong Fanwu had already arrived in Changlu, and Chongzhen sent [-] Jinyiwei to follow him.

According to Chongzhen's order, in addition to retaining enough manpower to excavate the salt field, the rest of the salt households began to repair the road from the salt field to the outside world.

Chongzhen was extremely dissatisfied with Daming's road conditions.Take Huangzhuang, which he has been to several times, for example. The distance from the capital to Huangzhuang is tens of miles, only two carriages can be paralleled, and most of the roads are uneven.Sitting in a carriage without a shock absorber, the jolted person feels like vomiting. This is an official road near the capital, and the road conditions in Damingfu County can be imagined.

No wonder the masters of crossing built roads when they went back. They are used to the spacious and flat roads of later generations. Modern people really can't stand this kind of road conditions that they have never seen before.

Chongzhen asked the cabinet to dispatch a principal and several officials from the Dushui Department of the Ministry of Industry to Changlu to plan and supervise the construction of roads.The name is to build roads so that the army can be wiped out in time when the pirates make trouble.Although the Ministry of Industry was baffled by the cabinet's order, it could only implement it according to the rules.

The Shouguang Salt Field has been taken over by personnel from the Jinyiwei Experiencing Department, who only need to recruit manpower to expand the area of ​​the salt field, and follow the original standard for daily management.There are a lot of poor people in Shouguang, and it is not a problem to recruit people under favorable conditions.

What Gong Fanwu has to do is to quickly open up salt fields and produce more salt as soon as possible to meet the huge market demand.Due to the limitation of transportation conditions, although there is a large amount of sun-dried salt in Shouguang, the amount of table salt transported to the capital each time is not much.The more than [-] rock salt in the warehouse in Beicheng has been sold out, and now they can only wait for the ships and horse-drawn carriages loaded with salt to be transported from Tianjinwei's wharf.

The dry weather is extremely conducive to drying salt.As long as the salt field is opened, under the sun exposure and high-temperature cooking, large grains of coarse salt can be obtained in a few days, and then after manual crushing, the table salt, which is now called snow white, is actually slightly yellow.

As long as the Changlu Salt Field goes smoothly, it won't take long for the salt in the Gyeonggi area to be available nearby.Shouguang salt will be mainly sold to Shandong, Henan, Huguang and other places.

After the scale of the Changlu Salt Field expands, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Ningxia and other places will also become dumping markets, and then the yellowish sun-dried salt will turn into white silver and flow into the internal funds and the treasury.

Thinking of this, Chongzhen woke up several times laughing in his sleep, which frightened Zhou Hou quite a bit, thinking that the emperor was in a daze.

 This chapter is very watery, and I have no face to ask for votes.

(End of this chapter)

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