Chapter 125
Great victory!The official army defeated Jiannu in Changping and Huairou, beheading and killing nearly [-] slaves!The remnants of Jiannu fled north in a hurry!
Great victory!Lu Xiangsheng, governor of the five provinces, and Chen Qiyu, governor of Fengyang, led the army to defeat the bandits Gao Yingxiang and Zhang Xianzhong in Shouzhou. The 20 bandit army was wiped out!Burglars and thieves don't know where to end!
When the good news spread around the capital at an astonishing speed, Chongzhen was receiving congratulations from the cabinet ministers headed by Wen Tiren, Jiuqing, Shuntian Fu Yin, Liuke Jishizhong, and nobles in the Qianqing Palace.

Lu Xiangsheng rushed to deliver the victory report yesterday with [-] miles, but Chongzhen deliberately suppressed it, waiting to publicize it together with the victory report of Yongweiying's defeat of the Qing army. Although the victory was exaggerated, it was also done to boost morale.The arrival of these two great victories is enough to appease the hearts of the people and cheer up many people who are pessimistic about the situation.At the same time, it will greatly improve the morale and courage of the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, and they will be able to display their due strength in the future battlefields.

Azige led his troops to evacuate Changping and then headed east, trying in vain to join forces with Tan Tai's troops, take down Huairou and Shunyi, loot and plunder before retreating north.

The army left Changping and walked eastward for only [-] miles, when they encountered Tan Taibu who had retreated from the east.

It turned out that when Mrs. Tan learned that a large group of Ming cavalry was coming from the west, she immediately organized the Xianglan, Lianghongqi and the remaining Zhengbaiqi Qing troops to prepare for a counterattack.Unexpectedly, the remaining thousands of infantry in the Xuan Mansion rushed forward regardless of life and death. The Qing army was attacked one after another, so Mrs. Tan had to order the front to mount and prepare to meet the enemy, while the rear dismounted to fight the Ming army on foot.General Xu Jin of the Yongwei Battalion led [-] cavalry to charge from the west, and general Wang Huai'en led [-] cavalry to attack from the east.

Since the Qing army had marched for a long time without eating, and was exhausted after fighting the Xuanfu army for a long time, it could withstand the impact of a large group of cavalry.What's more, most of the cavalry in the Yongwei Battalion wore iron armor, while the Qing army basically had leather armor and cotton armor. They had already suffered a lot in terms of armor. In the end, after leaving thousands of corpses and wounded soldiers behind, Mrs. Tan took the lead. Fled in a hurry until he met Azig.

After listening to Mrs. Tan's brief report, Azig saw the extremely low morale of the defeated army on the East Road, and decisively ordered to leave Juyongguan and return north.The cavalry of the Ming army in the east may come after a temporary rest, and there are heavy troops stationed under the city of Changping. If the Ming court has targeted him, maybe other Ming troops are also on the way, and they will not be able to leave if they don’t leave!
Although the Qing army was defeated, there were [-] cavalrymen under the Zhengbai Banner in the rear. After leaving Juyong Pass, the army turned eastward, and finally returned to Shengjing through the pass of Sihaiye.Although the cavalry of the Yongwei Battalion arrived, they saw that the Qing army was in a tight formation and could not attack, so they followed to Juyongguan and turned back.The remains of the soldiers guarding the pass will be collected by the Ministry of War, and civilian workers will be called to repair the damaged side wall pass.

The report on the battle between Lu Xiangsheng and the Yongwei Battalion has been circulated in the cabinet, and the cabinet ministers all know that these two victories are basically worthless, and the results are indeed brilliant.

Wen Tiren's usually stern and solemn face also showed a smile that no one had ever seen before. He stepped out of the line and bowed his hands and played loudly: "Congratulations, Your Majesty! Congratulations, Your Majesty! Lichen Lu is resolute and decisive, and Fengyang Governor Chen is scheming for good." All the officers and soldiers from all walks of life are fighting to be the first! So far, the two battles have been victorious, all thanks to your Majesty's knowledge of people! Congratulations to His Majesty! Congratulations to Daming!"

Second assistant Wang Yingxiong also came out and said: "Your Majesty Qi Zuo, two consecutive victories are the joy of my emperor's long absence! The veteran thought that the battle of Shouzhou was the most important of the two victories! Lichen Lu, Fu The two ministers, Chen and others, led the army to suppress the bandits as civil servants, and won an unprecedented victory since the time of the bandit disaster! The veteran thinks that these two are the glory of the civil servants! I also hope that your majesty will reward them and urge them to make persistent efforts , use the power of remaining courage to wipe out the remnants, and consolidate the great Ming Dynasty!"

Of course Wang Yingxiong knew that Jiannu was more powerful than Liu Bandit and was a greater threat to Daming.Just saying that the imperial court invested millions of food and salaries in Liaodong every year is enough to show how big the threat of slavery is.Although he hated Lu Xiangsheng and Chen Qiyu for achieving such a result, they are still civil servants after all, so they should be praised more.Although the Yongwei Battalion defeated the powerful Jiannu, who made you have no civil servants to supervise the formation?Civil servants are the last thing to see the rise of military generals. In their eyes, those rude and rude Qiu Ba are not worthy to stand side by side with literati who read sage books.

The assistant minister Zhang Zhi issued a memorial: "I agree with the words of the first assistant and the second assistant! Lu and Chen are indeed the honor of our civil servants. I hope that your majesty will issue an imperial decree to praise them!"

Other civil servants also came out to congratulate, mostly praising Lu Xiangsheng and Chen Qiyu for their strategizing and commanding skills.

Among the civil servants, only Yang Sichang, the new minister of the Ministry of War, was silent, stroking his long beard with his hand as if thinking.

As for the nobles headed by Zhu Chunchen, either they have nothing to do with me, and they are here just to cheer and show their presence.Because no matter whether it is the Yongwei Battalion or other military forces, there are no cronies including them, and there is no filial piety in daily life, so why should I praise you?Or like Yangwu Hou Xue Lian and others, because their sense of existence is too low on weekdays, rashly speaking on such a big occasion may provoke civil servants to attack them, so they simply keep silent.

Chongzhen waited for the ministers to finish speaking, then smiled and said, "I am overjoyed to hear about the two victories! After these two battles, the internal and external troubles have been slightly reduced, and the hearts of the officials, gentry, and people have been settled. Here is not only the merits of Lu and Chen Erqing's planning and command, but also the strength of the officers and soldiers who are united and united against the enemy! What's more, all the ministers and workers work hard every day! I am very relieved! This great victory, the meritorious personnel will be rewarded! Lu Xiangsheng Leading the army for many years, defeating the bandits repeatedly, and adding the title of Zuodu Yushi! I hope that this member will live up to my expectations, and lead the troops to continue to hunt down the bandits. I am very much looking forward to it! Fengyang Governor Chen Qiyu received this special honor shortly after he took office. Added the title of deputy capital censor to the left, the governor of Jin Water Transport and the governor of Fengyang, to sort out the matter of water transport! The dead and disabled soldiers should also be properly restrained and resettled. This matter is handled by the Ministry of War. Yang Qing draws up a plan and submits it to the cabinet. Use the seal of supervision to open up the world! Yang Qing, you are new to the army, and the affairs of the Ministry may be a little unfamiliar, so you can consult the servants of the left and right, and work together to manage the affairs of the Ministry of War!"

Yang Sichang went out to give gifts and receive the order.

A month ago, Chang Ziyu of the Bingke sent a letter to impeach Liang Tingdong, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, on the grounds that Chang Ziyu had a vegetarian meal in the corpse of the Bingdong.Chongzhen will play Ben Mingfa and hand it over to the cabinet for discussion.Wen Tiren guessed and knew that the emperor was tired of Liang Tingdong, otherwise he would not have published the impeachment, so he advocated the dismissal of Liang Tingdong, and then selected a knowledgeable soldier from among the civil servants to replace him.Liang Tingdong was indeed mediocre and incompetent, plus he was usually afraid of the emperor and timid in court, which was disliked by everyone.So after the cabinet unanimously agreed, the vote to dismiss the soldier was proposed to be attached to Chang Ziyu's memorial, and after it was returned to the Sili Supervisor for approval, Liang Tingdong was finally honorably laid off.

Yang Heben, the father of Yang Sichang, was a senior official. Although he was arrested and imprisoned by the Jinyiwei sent by Chongzhen for the crime of losing his chance, he was very popular in the court.Coupled with the fact that Yang Sichang was quite well-known, finally, under Chongzhen's instruction and Wen Tiren's recommendation, Yang Sichang took over Liang Tingdong's seat logically.

Li Banghua, the censor of Zuodu, went out to play and said: "Qizou Your Majesty, I once pretended to go to the city of Changping to watch the battle in person. I saw with my own eyes the cruelty of the battlefield and the bravery of the officers and soldiers. From this, I know that the battle is not what I think. It’s so easy! The officers and soldiers of the Yongwei Battalion are brave and good at fighting, and the commander is able to command them well. They are indeed a rare and powerful army in the Ming Dynasty! But after the minister returned, he thought deeply, and he couldn’t sleep all night because of a worry in his heart!”

After all, he took a look at the honorable ranks.

Chongzhen hurriedly asked: "What you said is very true! The battle is not as simple as what is said in the memorial, and it cannot be said lightly unless you have experienced it yourself! If you have any doubts, it's okay to say it. You can speak freely at this time. I know that you are wrong." A man who speaks nothing!"

Li Banghua cupped his hands and said: "What I'm concerned about involves the safety of the capital, but please think about it, Your Majesty! Although I have an invincible appearance in the Yongwei Battalion, the soldiers are also strict in order, but the lack of soldiers is the biggest shortcoming!"

Zhu Chunchen's heart was moved when he heard the words, Li Banghua, an old thief, seemed to be referring to what he said.

Li Banghua continued: "Chen Yuan saw that the flags raised by the slaves this time were only three of the eight banners (the Manchurian Zhengbai Banner, the Mongolian Zhengbai, Bordered White, and Han Army Banners, he didn't know that there were also Bordered Blue and Two Red Flags involved), The number of people will also exceed ten thousand, but their momentum is imposing, and they look like elite soldiers, and they are indeed our great enemy!"

Chongzhen nodded in agreement and said: "You don't know, this time the establishment of slaves and invaders is not only the number of flags you said, but also the three flags of the Donglu slaves defeated by the Yongweiying. You continue to talk!"

After Li Banghua handed over his hand and thanked him, he went on to say: "This time, our Yongwei Battalion leaned against the city wall, relying on the power of the artillery at the top of the city and the quality of the firearms we used to defeat the slaves. But if we fight against them in the field, even if I feel that the Yongwei Battalion can win Yes, but it was also a tragic victory! According to the Yongwei Battalion, there are only more than ten thousand soldiers, how many soldiers will be left after the tragic victory? If all the eight banners of Jiannu come, will the safety of the capital only depend on the Yongwei Battalion?"

All the ministers fell into thinking after hearing the words.Everyone sent people to watch the battle, and when they returned, they all talked about the power of the cannons, the sharpness of the firecrackers, and the bravery of the officers and soldiers, all of which meant contempt for Jiannu.But Li Banghua's words today hit the point. The victory of the officers and soldiers was achieved under the conditions of the right time, place and people, but everyone knows that slaves were good at fighting. If the officers and soldiers rely on the city wall to win today, what if they encounter them in the wild in the future? ?If the Eight Banners gathered heavy troops to invade this time, as in the second year of Chongzhen, would the more than [-] people in the Yongwei Battalion be able to resist?

Chongzhen nodded approvingly and said: "You can watch the battle in person without avoiding danger. Your courage is worthy of praise! I also know that there are too few soldiers in the Yongwei Battalion. Although they can fight, they cannot withstand damage. But the soldiers who can fight near the capital There are only [-] people, what is your strategy?"

Zhu Chunchen suddenly understood that they were just acting for him.One said that the Yongwei Battalion can fight, but there are too few people, and the other said that there is no way, so there are only so few people.Who doesn't know that there is another soldier in the capital?They are going to attack the Beijing camp!
Although he understood this, he also knew how corrupt the Beijing camp was.The Beijing camp has tens of thousands of troops in name, and only tens of thousands of soldiers can be pulled out, and they are still soldiers who rarely perform daily exercises. Against the Eight Banners soldiers in Changping, it is impossible to win. As for the defeat, God knows.

In a hurry, Zhu Chunchen couldn't think of a way to deal with it, so he could only see how to deal with it, and let's talk about it according to the situation.

Li Banghua was surprised: "Did your majesty forget that there is still a large army in the capital? Are the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in the capital camp useless?"

Chongzhen couldn't help but want to laugh, Li Banghua's acting skills will be at the absolute actor level in later generations.After Wang Chengen went to Li Banghua's house last night and explained the emperor's intention to rectify the Beijing camp, Li Banghua, who was upright and outspoken, was of course overjoyed.He went to Chongzhen a few years ago, counted the disadvantages of nobles controlling the capital, advocated civil servants to oversee the army, completely eradicated the old problems, and built a soldier capable of defending the capital.But the original Chongzhen had a lot of worries. He was afraid of offending Cheng Guogong and others, so he directly kept his memorial, and the matter was left alone.

Knowing that the Holy Majesty wanted to use the power of the official army's victory to take control of the Beijing camp, he fully supported it, and then there was the topic of extending from the victory to the Beijing camp today.

Chongzhen looked at Zhu Chunchen and asked: "Duke Cheng has been in charge of the Beijing camp for a long time, and I also want to know whether the Beijing camp is usable?"

Zhu Chunchen came out in desperation and said: "The minister and the admiral of Xiangcheng have supervised the Beijing camp for several years. They dare not say that they train every day, but they are also diligent and conscientious. The combat power of the Beijing camp is not bad, and it is not as good as that of the Yongwei camp. .”

Chang Ziyu of the Bingke Division came out, saluted Zhu Chunchen and said, "Your Majesty, dare I ask the Duke, how many soldiers are there in the Beijing Camp with 30 soldiers? There are rumors that the Beijing Camp has more than half of the vacant quota, and the imperial court allocates it according to the head every year Where does the large amount of money and food fall? Where is the huge amount of armor and equipment? Please teach me!"

Chang Ziyu's series of questioning made Zhu Chunchen furious. He took a step forward, pointed at Chang Ziyu and shouted, "You are a little seventh-rank official, don't you understand the superiority and inferiority? What qualifications do you have to question the Duke of this country?"

Chang Ziyu sneered and said: "Some people have enjoyed the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty for 200 years. At this time when the Ming Dynasty is in trouble, they don't want to serve the Holy Majesty and the court. , but I can't tolerate such moths in my eyes!"

After finishing speaking, he took out a playbook from his arms, turned to Chongzhen to salute, and said loudly: "Chen Bingke gave Chang Ziyu, impeached Zhu Chunchen, the Duke of Cheng, and Uncle Xiangcheng for greedy ink and salary, enlisting soldiers, reselling military rations, etc. thirteen articles." The crime! The memorial is here, please read it!"

 Thank you book friend SKAHD, for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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