Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 132 Go Westward

Chapter 132 Go Westward
The Wuyang River in the southeast of Yunyang Prefecture is a tributary of the Han River. Due to the lack of rain for several months, the original wide river has become only a few long and wide, and the rushing river has become a trickling stream.

At this time, the south bank of the Wuyang River was crowded with people, people shouting and neighing everywhere, and Gao Yingxiang's troops who had retreated from Shouzhou were gathering to cross the river.

Gao Yingxiang was besieged by tens of thousands of troops from the four routes in Shouzhou, and finally escaped when the Liaodong cavalry charged. .

Gather up the remnants and defeated generals along the way, and then flee westward.After arriving near Yunyang Mansion, they stopped to rest for a few days.After counting the number of people, there were less than 1 of the more than [-] fine cavalry and less than [-] infantry. The morale of the entire team was very low.

Gao Yingxiang saw that the team that had been painstakingly managed for many years had dropped from hundreds of thousands of people in its heyday to only a fraction of what it is now. He couldn't help but feel sad. He couldn't help crying when there was no one in the middle of the night. His original lofty emotions also plummeted .

After thinking about it, Gao Yingxiang couldn't help hating Zhang Xianzhong.

They are thieves, and the official army suppressed thieves. There is nothing wrong with being defeated by the official army, especially at the hands of the world-famous King Lu Yan. It is not shameful to spread the news.Because Lu Yanwang is so good at fighting, the Hebei soldiers under him are also elite soldiers in hundreds of battles, and they also have Liaodong cavalry to help out, as well as the unknown soldier and horse guarding the city. It's as if the most elite people of Ming Dynasty came to besiege him.

Everything is blamed on that damned yellow tiger!Japanese grandma's!Blame him for deliberately delaying the fighter plane, resulting in a small Shouzhou not being captured for several days.

There are various indications that the guarding officers arrived when Huang Hu failed to attack the city twice, and the other guards arrived in Shouzhou several days later.

If Huang Hu broke through the city on the same day after receiving the order, the army that came to reinforce them might have become their meal, and then broke into the camp all the way north, and Lu Yanwang could only eat dirt behind their buttocks. Big defeat!
If everything was as usual, he, Gao Yingxiang, might have been drinking and having fun in Kaifeng's Prince Zhou's mansion!
This yellow tiger who deserves to be hacked into pieces, this bastard!Could it be that he and the officers and soldiers have been in contact for a long time?

On the night when he left his camp, there was a lot of voices for dedicating the camp. At that time, he really thought it was an internal strife in the dedicating camp.Now that I think about it, that bastard left with the elite that night!
I am still careless!In recent years, the army has been repeatedly defeated, and people from all walks of life are vying to vote. The leader with tens of thousands of horses under him will respectfully call him "Chuang Wang" when he sees him. Everything is going so smoothly!I really thought that I was invincible in the world, and that one day the chair in the capital would be my turn to sit on it. Now that I think about it, it seems like a big dream!
Is that the case?No!He, Gao Yingxiang, went from being a horse dealer to the leader of the rebel army who now leads the world with tens of thousands of horses. He has experienced several failures, but hasn't he survived each time?The team expanded from hundreds of riders at the beginning to more than 10 riders at its peak.

Isn't it just a defeat now?It's just that the defeat was a bit miserable, but it's also much better than when it first started.You must cheer yourself up!The most important thing now is to fight back to my hometown in northern Shaanxi and recruit troops. It won't be long before the big names who break into the camp will make the officers and soldiers terrified again!

Thinking of this, Gao Yingxiang got up eagerly, waved his big hand, and ordered loudly: "Cross the river!"

What Gao Yingxiang didn't know was that Zhang Xianzhong, whom he hated so much, had already established a foothold in the Xiangyang mountainous area hundreds of miles away from here. Sichuan, which is isolated from the outside world by natural barriers, has opened up a new world of its own.

Qin Liangyu led [-] white soldiers, after hundreds of miles of hard trek, from the rugged and narrow mountain road all the way north, passing through the two prefectures of Kuizhou and Baoning, and finally arrived at Hanzhong prefecture in Shaanxi after more than a month.

The distance along this road is not very far, but the marching conditions are very harsh.The difficulty of the road to Shu is more difficult than going to the blue sky.

Although the white pole soldiers are used to climbing mountains and cliffs, since no one in the team has ever been to Shaanxi, they have to use money to hire local guides to lead the way wherever they go, so as to prevent the army from getting lost.

Fortunately, the drought has not yet spread to northern Sichuan, and the rivers and streams are abundant.The army marched along the river all the way, and drinking water did not become an obstacle to the march.

Jiao Runsheng, the magistrate of Hanzhong, who had already received orders from Sun Chuanting, sent his staff to lead the white soldiers to the camp in the east of the city, and invited Qin Liangyu, Ma Xianglin and other generals of the Sichuan Army to a banquet in the city to show their closeness, but Qin Liangyu politely declined, and Jiao Runsheng beat him to death. I looked down on Qin Liangyu as a woman, and seeing her like this, I didn't invite her again.

Qin Liangyu knew that his subordinates liked to drink and make money, and their military discipline was a little loose. It didn't matter that they were usually in their hometown, but this time they came to Shaanxi as guest soldiers, so it would be difficult to protect them if something happened.In addition, the emperor just issued an order to praise the Sichuan army. Wouldn't it be a slap in the face of the emperor if something happened at this time?So she strictly ordered her generals to restrain the soldiers, and sent extra guards at the gate of the camp, so that all soldiers were not allowed to leave the camp.

For several days in a row, the white-armed soldiers had nothing to do except drill once every two days, and the Hanzhong Mansion sent food and grass every three days, and it was delivered invincibly.

Qin Liangyu sent scouts to scout around, but they all reported that there was no sign of any major bandit activities, and there were only a few small bandits within a hundred miles.

In order to prevent morale from slackening over time, Qin Liangyu informed Jiao Runsheng and divided the white-armed soldiers into groups of 500 each, led by their respective guards, and took turns to go out to suppress bandits.

In just a few days, the banditry around Hanzhong was cleared up, and the local people applauded. Many county and country gentry thought that the government sent troops to suppress the bandits, and rushed to Hanzhong Mansion to express their gratitude and present generous gifts to Jiao Runsheng for his contribution to suppressing the bandits. .Jiao Runsheng received a big gift while lying down, and overjoyed, he went to the governor's yamen to show his merits, and said that under his wise decision-making and correct command, the guest army achieved such a good record.

Just when Jiao Runsheng was secretly happy, he suddenly received an emergency document from Hanyin County. The intruder Gao Yingxiang led his troops to the west. Xi'an seeks help.He also bluntly said that there are tens of thousands of thieves, and when the distress letter is delivered, Hanyin may have been captured.The purpose of sending the letter is to let the governor and Hanzhong take precautions as soon as possible. I will die with the city, and I will never lose the face of the court and the integrity of the literati.

Jiao Runsheng was shocked when he received the report. Xing'an is only tens of miles away from Hanyin, and the thief can reach it in a day.And Hanyin is only about [-] miles away from Hanzhong. The messengers from Hanyin County rode for two days before arriving in Hanzhong. It is not surprising that Hanyin has fallen at this time. What is the situation of the people in the city? I don't know, the county magistrate, the chief bookkeeper and other officials must have gone to the disaster with their whole family.

It is already very fast to be able to reach three hundred miles in two days.The horse's physical strength is also limited. If it runs at high speed for more than [-] miles, it must rest, otherwise the physical strength will not be able to keep up. This is still under the condition of sufficient nutritional supply.Ordinary horses basically have the speed of a quick trot, not the peak horse speed of cavalry charging on the battlefield. The charging distance is often very short, and the horse needs sufficient rest and nutrition after the outbreak.Those so-called BMWs that travel thousands of miles a day and [-] nights only exist in fairy tales.

Jiao Runsheng didn't care about the grief of hurting others, so he immediately ordered the official sedan chair to serve him. At this time, he couldn't care about his own identity, so he hurried to the Sichuan Army camp to discuss countermeasures.

Qin Liangyu, dressed in casual robes, received Jiao Runsheng in the big tent.She didn't feel bad for Jiao Runsheng, she had seen too much of this kind of arrogance and prejudice in the bones of literati.I was ordered to come here to suppress thieves, and I don't need to care about the faces of local officials.Besides, I am already the first-rank Zuo Dudu, although he is an honorary title, he is already the highest rank among generals, even if he sees the old man, he only needs to bow his hands and pay respects, instead of paying homage.

Jiao Runsheng gave a brief account of the situation in Hanyin, and Qin Liangyu immediately ordered for a map.

Ma Xianglin placed a crude map on the big case, Qin Liangyu leaned over to observe it carefully, and Jiao Runsheng hurriedly moved closer.Although he couldn't understand the mountains and rivers marked on the map, it didn't stop him from pretending to be an expert.

Just as Qin Liangyu was looking at the map and thinking about countermeasures, Jiao Runsheng said with a smile on his face: "General Qin, the Sichuan army has only been in Hanzhong for more than ten days, and the surrounding bandits have been cleared up! I have heard the name of the white-armed soldiers for a long time. , Today Fang is well-known! The gentry and people around Hanzhong are also full of praise for General Qin, and they all say that the general is comparable to the ancient Mulan! In order to thank the Sichuan Army for its service in suppressing bandits, I will send people to send twenty fat sheep, ten A fat pig and two hundred shi of rice noodles were sent to the army to reward the soldiers of the Sichuan Army! Another 500 liang of silver was given to the general to show his gratitude to the gentry in Hanzhong, and the general asked to send someone to check it!"

Qin Liangyu raised his head and smiled slightly, cupped his hands and said: "Since the people of Hanzhong are so warm, this general will not be disrespectful! I also ask Mr. Jiao to express his gratitude to the elders of Hanzhong on behalf of the Sichuan army!"

Jiao Runsheng felt a little dissatisfied in his heart, and said to himself: "Don't you know that the gentry people I mentioned are all excuses? This is all real gold and silver given by the officials! Although it was taken from the thank silver sent by the gentry! But That's already my property!"

He smiled and bowed his hands and said: "Where is that, General Qin is too polite! Then how will General Qin plan to defend against the enemy? The intruders are powerful, and it is said that there are tens of thousands of subordinates! I think our army is a little weak. It is not good for you to fight in the field! As long as you defend the city of Hanzhong, it will be difficult for the thieves to break through! If the thieves cannot attack for a long time, they will definitely move to other places. At that time, the general will have done a great job! I will go to the court and declare the general's achievements!"

Qin Liangyu smiled and said, "Lord Jiao, come and see!"

Jiao Runsheng lowered his head and looked in the direction of Qin Liangyu's finger.

Qin Liangyu pointed to the location of Shiquan County and said: "Hanyin is probably not safe now. Shiquan is only about [-] miles away from Hanyin! After the thieves have plundered Xing'an and Hanyin, they will definitely attack Shiquan! Once Shiquan is broken, the thieves will There is no hindrance to the west to Hanzhong!"

Jiao Runsheng nodded in agreement, but in his heart, as long as Hanzhong was kept, he couldn't control anything else.

Qin Liangyu continued: "As far as I know, the army of bandits has always been lax. Every time a city is destroyed, they must plunder for several days! Although Hanyin is broken at this time, Shiquan is safe for the time being! I will send troops to Shiquan immediately, I hope I can catch up with the siege of Jieshi Spring!"

Jiao Runsheng immediately waved his hands and said, "General Qin, don't make mistakes! From Hanzhong to Shiquan more than two hundred miles away, most of the Sichuan army are infantry. It will take several days to reach Shiquan, but Shiquan has already fallen into the hands of bandits! Tired, how can you be a bandit opponent who waits for work with ease? What's more, the disparity in strength is too great. It is unwise to go far to Shiquan now! This officer thinks that the general only needs to keep Hanzhong! The rest is too weak!"

Qin Liangyu ignored Jiao Runsheng, and she ordered in a deep voice: "Xianglin, gather your troops! After half an hour, the whole army will march eastward! Anyone who delays will be killed!"

 Thanks to the book friends Dawei Mountain Top and Kai Kai Lingyun for their rewards, thank you friends who voted, I wish you a happy mood after voting!
(End of this chapter)

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