Chapter 138

The governor of water transportation, the admiral of military affairs, the governor of Fengyang and other places are also in charge of the river. Behind this long series of titles is a huge power. Chen Qiyu was already very content.

Admiral of the military affairs of the five provinces sounds very prestigious, but it is a tiring job.

Every day, I have to receive a snowflake of reports about bandits from all over the country, and then I have to analyze from the information where the thieves are the most troublesome, where the next step is to flee, and where they should deploy troops to intercept and mediate. How many troops can win, where can we raise food and wages, and many other issues.

The governors of the five provinces did not have a fixed office space, and wherever the soldiers gathered, the governors would rush to the place to command in person.It is even more necessary to prevent the occurrence of dark things such as killing good men and taking meritorious service, sitting back and watching friendly troops being trapped and unable to provide assistance, and privately condoning thieves and bandits.

Of course, many things will still happen even if the Governor is present, but some generals dare not do it blatantly.

The biggest risk for the governors of the five provinces lies in the disadvantage of suppressing thieves. Chen Qiyu was imprisoned precisely because of this taboo.

Speaking of it, he really wronged him, old Chen really has two brushes in suppressing bandits.In less than a year in office, Gao Yingxiang, Zhang Xianzhong, Li Zicheng and other bandit chieftains were thrown around. If only he could take care of the Chexiangxia incident.

Chen Qiyu secretly sighed, she was too inflated at that time.I thought that I had completed my meritorious service, and all that was left was to return to the capital and accept the emperor's award under the envious and jealous eyes of the court officials. According to such great achievements, at least I was a minister of the Ministry of War. If the emperor was happy, it would not be wrong to join the cabinet Possibly, being an extreme minister is the honor of a lifetime.

There is no medicine for regret in the world, after several months in prison, Chen Qiyu cherishes everything now.

Sometimes he feels admiration for himself.

Although Emperor Meng was released from prison and became the governor of Fengyang, if he hadn't been keenly aware of the importance of the Battle of Shouzhou, if he hadn't planned ahead and brought Xuzhou soldiers under his command in advance, if he hadn't made a decisive decision and led the soldiers to the battle. Aiding Shouzhou and working together with Lu Jiandou to win this big victory, no matter how much I toss about in Fengyang, I will not attract the attention of the emperor. As long as I am forgotten by the emperor, it will be almost impossible to get promoted.

Now I finally got my wish, the emperor really knows people with eyes, haha!As long as I have made some achievements in this important position, it will be a matter of course to return to the capital and rank above the palace.

Huai'an is the middle section of the Grand Canal, where the Yellow River and the Huaihe River meet, and is also the key to the entire water transport. In the second year of Xuande, the imperial court established the General Army Mansion to supervise the canal in Kaifu Jianya, Huai'an Prefecture.

Later, because the affairs of the water transportation became more and more busy, and the water transportation was widely involved in the administrative and military affairs of various provinces, a lot of coordination work was required, which was beyond the capabilities of a military official. Therefore, the imperial court often temporarily dispatched civil officials such as assistant ministers, capital censors, and Shaoqing Participate in supervision.In the second year of Jingtai (1451), the imperial court believed that the participation of civil servants must be normalized, so it asked the emperor to set up the Governor of Water Transport, and changed the original Water Transport Commander's Mansion to the Governor's Mansion.

Among the titles of the governor of water transportation, the title of admiral of military affairs is quite powerful.This means that like the governors of other provinces, they can have a certain amount of military power, and the governor of the water transport has a lot of soldiers and horses. In name, the governor has more than 12 soldiers, and there are as many as [-] troops. This group of caojun.

The Governor of Water Transport commanded Yingzhou Bingbei Road, Xuzhou Bingbei Road, Huaiyang Haifang Road, 7 guards including Fengyang of the Zhongdu Left Guards Division, Hongtang Guards, Luzhou Guards, Yangzhou Guards, Gaoyou Guards, Yiwei Guards in South Zhili Zhenwei, Chuzhouwei, Xuzhouwei, Huaianwei, Dahewei, Pizhouwei, Yizhouwei, Sizhouwei, Shouzhouwei, Suzhouwei, Haizhou Zhongshou Imperial Palace.Therefore, the governor of Water Transport is called Shuai, Dashuai, and Caoshuai. He has a military gate, a central army, a left battalion, a right battalion, and a city guard battalion.The guards of Huai'an City where he is located do not need to be managed by local governments such as Shanyang County and Huai'an Prefecture, but are in the charge of the city guard camp of the Governor's Office of Water Transport, and the local government is only assisting.In case of war, the troops within the jurisdiction can also be mobilized, such as the Yangzhou camp and Xuzhou camp.

The power of the governor includes supervising money and food, training soldiers and horses, repairing cities, comforting the army and the people, and prohibiting criminals and crimes.If there is a war, you can choose generals and deploy troops to organize preparations for war.For officials who are incompetent or do not obey orders, they can be investigated, questioned, or even engaged in military law.As for impeachment, it is a piece of cake for a lower-level official to be demoted and killed.

It has been more than a month since he took office as the governor, and the Fengyang guards who followed him to participate in the Shouzhou War have returned to their original positions. Guo Tai's Xuzhou soldiers also returned to the Xuzhou garrison after escorting the prisoners to Huai'an.Mrs. Guo was promoted by the imperial court to be the deputy commander-in-chief of Xuzhou this time, so she bowed her head to Chen Qiyu even more, and was able to be promoted twice after following Mr. Chen. Where can such a good thing be found.

Lu Xiangsheng led the Tianxiong Army, the Liaodong Cavalry and Huang Degong's troops to advance towards the Huguang area, and continued to pursue Zhang Xianzhong and other giant bandits.

The more than [-] people captured in the Shouzhou War have been under the supervision of the governor's yamen soldiers, and the Langzhong of the Water Division of the Ministry of Industry has divided the areas and started dredging the middle section of the severely blocked canal.

More than 3000 people were divided into [-] teams, each with less than [-] people, guarded by [-] soldiers, and started operations under the command of the Ministry of Industry.

Chen Qiyu knew that he didn't understand anything here, so he handed over the matter to Dong Fan, a doctor from the Ministry of Industry.After ordering Chen Qizhi to supervise the food needed for dredging, he led people to start inspections and visits, trying to understand the matter of water transportation in a short time, so that he could write a book to the emperor and state the pros and cons, so that he could be in the emperor's shoes. A good image in the eyes adds a few points.

Most of these captives were from peasant households, and they joined the thieves team because of the failure of the fields. What they wanted was to have a full meal, even if they were not full, it was better than waiting to starve to death at home.But there are also quite a few people who are cruel by nature, and they have done many evil things such as rape and looting.

When Chen Qiyu led his troops to escort the captives to Huai'an, he conducted a screening operation for more than [-] people, with the purpose of deterring them.

In fact, according to his original intention, this group of thieves can just kill and bury the fertile fields, and it is a waste of food to live.But Chongzhen warned him in the decree that this move was for the purpose of attacking people's hearts and leaving thieves elsewhere with the idea of ​​surrendering. Although Chen Qiyu didn't think so, he still complied with it.

He ordered the group of captives to be divided into dozens of battalions, and the camps were fenced off and starved for three days.Afterwards, the officers and soldiers were ordered to place white flour steamed cakes at the gate of the camp, and announced to the captives: Anyone who reports and exposes other people's crimes can go out of the camp to receive meals.Crimes include robbing the people's property after breaking the city, killing and injuring people, raping prostitutes, killing and injuring officials, officers and soldiers, and those who have resentment towards the court, etc. These people will be taken to the mine for mining.

Most of the thieves who had been starving for three days were already in despair, thinking that they would be massacred by the officers and soldiers at some point, but when they heard that they could eat Bai Shengsheng's noodle cakes and have work and food to eat, they almost Everyone became restless.Isn't it just reporting or being reported, and no one will die, it's just that the job is different.

Under the strict supervision of the officers and soldiers with knives and guns, the thieves left the camp in groups of ten, came to the clerk's desk, and explained the name, age, hometown, nickname, and crimes of the accused, and the officials After being called out by the informant, the army will be taken to one camp for custody, and the informant will go to another camp for food.

After several hours of busy work, as many as [-] people were reported, and many of them were mutual denunciations between relatives of the township party.

People whose eyes are already green from hunger see the meal, and the family affection passed down from generation to generation is forgotten, and everything is not as important as a full meal.What's more, the imperial court has already said that you should be sent to mine to atone for your crimes. Since you have indeed done something outrageous, don't blame me for recruiting you.

Chen Qiyu looked at everything in front of him coldly with his hands behind his back.These ignorant people caused so much trouble to the imperial court and brought great harm to Ming Dynasty. Many innocent people died directly or indirectly at their hands.The benevolence of my own wife in the battle of Chexiangxia brought about losing my official position and being imprisoned. That kind of shame was all thanks to these unscrupulous people in front of me!
When the so-called villains and good people returned to the camp respectively, Chen Qiyu turned around and went back to the big tent.

More than 5000 thieves who were reported were squatting or lying in the camp fence, or a few acquaintances gathered together to gossip and whisper about where they would be taken.

Suddenly there was the sound of rumbling footsteps, and five hundred army archers came in line. Under the gazes of the rogues, who were either surprised or desperate, they quickly separated and stood outside the camp fence. The gap between them is aimed at the bandits in the camp.With a majestic shout, the archers shot only the arrows in their hands.

After each person shot seven or eight rounds, the archers stopped shooting after they were exhausted. The camp of the bandits was already full of corpses and wounded. Of the more than [-] people, only a thousand remained intact. These people shouted loudly. They howled and dodged around, and some wanted to climb up the barracks and get out, but were shot down by some archers who still had strength left.Rivers of blood flowed in the entire camp, and the wailing and howling could be heard endlessly. The faces of the thieves in other nearby camps were all pale, and many of them were so frightened that they cried bitterly.

Immediately after the gate of the camp was opened, [-] fully armored sword and shield players and [-] spearmen lined up to enter the arena. After a quarter of an hour, there were no standing thieves in the field, and the sword and shield players began to check the lying thieves. The thieves, make up the knife one by one, and finally the archer enters the field and only takes back the arrows that have been shot.

Chen Qiyu ordered the local county government to send hoes and shovels. Under the supervision of the officers and soldiers, the selected thieves dug dozens of large pits in a wasteland and buried the dead thieves.

Many years have passed, and few locals dare to walk alone from this area. It is said that there are often screams at night.

On the day of the incident, a report was sent to the capital that the bandits and prisoners of war gathered a crowd in an attempt to snatch the weapons of the officers and soldiers and rioted, but they were suppressed by the officers and soldiers, and finally killed thousands of bandits. No casualties were sent to the capital.

 Let me mention water transportation first, which involves future innovation issues.Lao Chen is a capable minister, and he has always wanted to climb up, so he wants to make some achievements to show the emperor.

  Thanks to Yuanbao's mother, book friend 160223094822338 for the reward.Thanks to the book friend SHAJIA for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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