Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 140 Song Yingxing

Chapter 140 Song Yingxing

Fenyi, Jiangxi is a picturesque small county with a population of less than [-]. It is a typical lower county with many mountains and little land.

Because it is located in a mountainous area, it is almost impossible to vigorously develop agriculture and mulberry, and the civil service group has always favored business, so Fenyi's economy has been quite backward for many years.The county magistrate is also basically at the bottom of the examination list, and he has no relationship with the imperial court as a Jinshi. Coming here means that his career prospects are very bleak.

During the Jiajing Dynasty, Fenyi produced a celebrity whom the local people are proud of—Yan Song and Yan Weizhong.This big man who served as the first assistant in the Jiajing Dynasty for more than [-] years had a tragic ending.After being beaten by his second assistant, Xu Jie, he was placed under residential surveillance in Houliu's hometown. Later, under the deliberate instructions of some people, an old man over eighty years old died of freezing and starvation.

The most ironic thing is that the treacherous prime minister who is known by everyone only got more than [-] taels of silver in the end, while Xu Jie, who is known for his incorruptibility, has hundreds of thousands of acres of fertile land in his hometown of Songjiang Mansion alone.Calculated based on the market price of four taels of silver per mu at that time, Xu Shorty was already equal to dozens of Yan Weizhong.

He was also dragged down by Yan Song. Ever since he was identified as a traitor, Fenyi has not been welcomed by the courtiers. Fenyi, who was pretty good when Yan Song was in power, has gradually declined, and he has not slowed down until now.

In a courtyard in the northeast corner of the county government office in the center of the city, Song Yingxing, who has been serving as a teacher in Fenyi County for nearly three years, is writing hard on a dilapidated desk in the house.

Song Yingxing, who was in his fifties, had already turned grizzled at his temples, and his dark complexion coupled with his bland and irrelevant appearance made him look less like a literati, but more like an old farmer.

Since the 43rd year of Wanli in Jiangxi Province, he and his elder brother Song Yingsheng went to our family to take the exam five times, but both of them failed in the end. Since then, they gave up the idea of ​​the imperial examination and became an official. As an official, he went home alone to serve his seventy-year-old mother.

In the seventh year of Chongzhen, Song Yingxing's mother fell ill, and Song Yingxing, whose family was in a difficult situation, found such a low-level official position in Fenyi not far from his hometown. At least he could have a meager salary to support his family.

It was almost noon, and Song Yingxing, who had been writing for two hours, stopped writing.After putting the brush on the pen stand, he rubbed his astringent eyes with his hands, and sighed in his heart: It’s not good to be old, after all, he is an old man in his [-]s. After writing for a long time, the words in front of him will become blurred.

He picked up an article he had just written and checked it from beginning to end, in case there were any mistakes or omissions.

After a while, after reviewing, Song Yingxing nodded in satisfaction, dried the ink with a light breath, and then gathered this new work into a thick stack of manuscripts.

Finally finished writing.

The manuscript that took two years and exhausted my countless efforts was officially completed today, and I finally completed one of the three immortals that the sage said-Li Yan, and I have not read the sage books for so many years in vain.

Recalling all the hardships in writing the book in the past two years, Song Yingxing secretly sighed.

Because there is no extra money in hand, apart from purchasing the necessary four treasures of the study, the production process of many items in the book cannot be verified.Although the process seems to be smooth, the result is unknown.

For example, there is a short article in the manuscript called Ganxi, which records how to grow sugar cane and how to make sucrose after harvesting.

This is what he heard in correspondence with his elder brother Ying Sheng who is the magistrate of Enping County, Zhaoqing Prefecture. But how to make sucrose can only be known by personally practicing it.

As for his desire to debate the authenticity of the book with friends who have the same hobbies, but there is no similar venue to implement it.

It would be great if he was as rich as the Yangzhou salt merchants, and he could have a lot of money in his hands for his own disposal.At that time, find a place, build a large-scale yard, and verify all the things recorded in the book, so that future generations will avoid many detours, and let the farmers learn a small skill to support their families. How many poor people in the world will benefit from it, what a wonderful sight it would be.

No matter what, I want to publish this book to the world, so that more people who are interested in this can use the resources in their hands to practice, correct, and innovate.

This is the essence of Liyan, not just Liyan for the sake of fame.

From the bottom of his heart, he despises those playboys who only know the taste but not the source, and those sour scribes who bury their heads in the scriptures all day long.

Don't these people know that their daily use is produced through the various labors of farmers, artisans and households?
Which of the things he eats and wears came out of thin air after reading books?Aren't they all made with the blood and sweat of the untouchables who they regard as dung?
Those important cabinet ministers and prefectural and county officials keep pity and cherish the farmers, but which one really cares about the farmers?

In addition to the various government taxes and taxes with various names, it is the exploitation and extortion of the subordinates at the bottom, all of them are like evil ghosts who suck the bones and suck the marrow.In all his actions, which one is like loving the people like a child?Is this what the sages taught them in the books?So many years of sage books have been read in the dog's stomach!
Suddenly a burst of thunder came from his belly, interrupting Song Yingxing's thinking.

The county government provides simple meals. Although it is rare to see meat, rice is enough to keep you full.

His wife stayed at home to take care of his mother, and Song Yingxing came to Fenyi alone.

Because there is no extra money to hire servants and maidservants, Song Yingxing has survived these two years alone.

For him who is used to poverty, these are trivial matters that are not worth mentioning.

He now considered where to get the money to get his manuscripts printed.

Most of the elder brother's salary should be sent home to provide for the nursing mother and several brothers who are farming at home.

There are four brothers in the family, except him and the elder brother who are promoted to officials, the second brother and the fourth brother are both managing the land in Fengxin's hometown, and the family of the two is also a large population, with a total of more than ten nephews and nieces. It's just a belly wrap, and other daily expenses can only be lived on the monthly salary of him and his brother.

Oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar, human relations, house repairs, weddings and funerals, these are very large expenses, and they are also indispensable.

Song Yingsheng, who has always been honest and upright, will not have much extra income. He has been an official outside for several years, and he only has an old servant to accompany him, and his sister-in-law and nephew have always stayed in his hometown.

The county edict is an official with no rank, and only has a monthly salary of one tael or seven qian.Occasionally, a student from a well-to-do family would give him a New Year's gift, nothing more than bacon and snacks, but no one had ever given him money.

Even with this meager income, Song Yingxing had to save one or two taels a month, and when he had saved enough five taels of silver, he asked someone to send it home, so that the family would have a little more money and his mother could eat something good.

By the way, what should we name this manuscript?

Song Yingxing forgot about the hunger in his stomach, and frowned and thought hard.

Since it is a book of Gewu, it cannot be called what collection or record.

What is the best name to use?
There is a saying in the corollary of the Book of Changes: if the workers of the sky replace them, they must be indistinguishable from the sky;

Have!that's it!

Everything in the world has its own laws, and only by investigating things can one be able to extend one's knowledge, and one's own knowledge can be further improved, and then realized with practice, the things you think will be manufactured, and their exquisiteness is better than nature!
Created by nature!
right!It is a creation of nature!
At this moment, Song Yingxing danced and danced happily like a child, if the wrinkles on his face were not like deep grooves.

There was a sound of hurried footsteps, as if someone was trotting into the yard.

Song Yingxing stopped moving, feeling a little strange in his heart.

Usually few people come here to look for him, the official business of the county has nothing to do with him, and he doesn't like to associate with people other than students.

"Song Jiaoyu! The county magistrate welcomes you!"

A guard stood at the door panting and shouted.

Song Yingxing straightened his clothes and said in a deep voice, "Do you know why the magistrate of the county is looking for me?"

"Someone is here in the capital! He said he was ordered to pick up Song Jiaoyu and go to the capital! Song Jiaoyu, you are about to get rich!"

The guard said with a beaming face.

Song Yingxing was taken aback, someone from the capital?What happened?I have no relatives or friends in the capital, nor do I have the same subject and year, who will look for me?
When Song Yingxing came to the second hall of the yamen, Zhao Fengchun, the magistrate of Fenyi County, stood up with a smile on his face, and said in his mouth: "Brother Changgeng, please sit down quickly! The two envoys of the capital came to look for you, saying that you were sent by the sage, please You will be of great use in the capital! Congratulations!"

Song Yingxing looked at him, and saw two young men in blue armor sitting on chairs, looking at him curiously.

Seeing Song Yingxing's inexplicable gaze, the two young men stood up and bowed their hands in salute at the same time, and then one of them said, "But Mr. Song in person? A certain person is Fu Si Tiqi from Jinyiwei Beizhen, a certain one is Li Cheng, the captain, It is Xu Song, the school lieutenant. A certain two people have been ordered to come and pick Mr. Song to the capital!"

Song Yingxing couldn't help being even more surprised when he heard this.

Isn't Jinyiwei already in decline?Why did you suddenly appear in a remote small county, and even came here to look for me?I'm just a low-ranking miscellaneous official, and I haven't committed any taboos in my daily life?

Seeing his expression, Li Cheng understood what he was thinking.So he said with a smile: "Mr. Song, don't worry too much. To tell you the truth, the two of you came here according to the sacred metaphor. The sage heard that you are a great talent, and you want to call him to the capital for other uses. If you have nothing else to do, you can still Pack up, let's rush to the capital as soon as possible!"

Zhao Fengchun, the magistrate next to him, looked at everything in front of him with envy.This Song Yingxing has a weird personality and rarely socializes with others.Even in the same yamen, he and Song Yingxing only met a few times, and those few times were all in public during the county examination, and the two never met in private.

Just such a miscellaneous official who was half buried in the earth, why did he suddenly hear it directly?Haven't heard of his talent?Occasionally, I heard that he was just hiding in the house, writing and drawing, but I didn't see any famous lines spread out?

Zhao Fengchun smiled and said: "Song Jiaoyu don't have to worry about it. Just now, I have checked the badges of the two superiors, and they are indeed members of Jinyi's army. The name of Song Jiaoyu went straight to Shengting, and the future is boundless! Song Jiaoyu is overjoyed!"

Song Yingxing no longer doubted the identities of the two, but he was puzzled by how the Holy Majesty, who was thousands of miles away, knew his name.

The Holy One manages all kinds of affairs and worries about state affairs all day long, how does he know such an unknown person like himself?

Li Cheng urged: "Mr. Song, please kowtow to thank you. Your Majesty has repeatedly told you to bring all the manuscripts with you. After that, the two of us will escort you to leave!"

Only then did Song Yingxing remember that no matter it was an imperial decree or a sacred metaphor, he would bow down and thank him.

So he quickly knelt down facing north, shouted Xie En and kowtowed three times and got up, then turned to Li Cheng and said, "Lieutenant Li, Fengxin, Xiaguan's hometown is not far from here, can you allow me to go back to my hometown and say goodbye to my mother?" After going thousands of miles away, I don’t know when I will be able to return home. My mother is in her seventies, and the officials are afraid..."

Li Cheng said with a smile: "Mr. Song didn't know something. The sage knows Mr. and is even a filial person, so he specially ordered Master Luo to send another school lieutenant to Fengxin to take the other relatives of Mr. and his mother to the capital. Sir, you can reunite with your family in the capital!"

Song Yingxing was stunned for a moment, a wave of heat rolled in his heart, his chest seemed to be blocked suddenly, his eyes became hot, tears welled up in his eyes, he was sobbing loudly like a child in his fifties.

 Song Yingxing was unknown when he was alive, just like many old scientists on the scientific and technological front, such people should not be allowed to suffer further devastation in their lives.

  Thanks to book friends Xinghui: Spirited Away, Kai Kai Lingyun, and Love for Half a Life for their rewards.Thank you for recommending friends.As for the I Ching Xici, two sentences are true, and two sentences are made up by me.


  There was a major mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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