Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 147 Ling Chi

Chapter 147 Ling Chi
After receiving the order from Chongzhen, Chen Qiyu immediately sent people to Fengyang and Xuzhou, and recruited Fengyang Guard and Xuzhou Camp who had participated in the Battle of Shouzhou to come to Huai'an to prevent possible civil uprisings.

The reason why Chen Qiyu looked far away was to use the soldiers in the nearby Huai'an Guard, Yangzhou Guard and other guards. The main reason was that he knew the truth too well.

The inland guards have been corrupted for a long time, and the Governor of Water Transport nominally commands more than 1 guards and [-] soldiers, but Chen Qiyu believes that the actual number of soldiers in so many guards will never exceed [-], and their combat effectiveness is worrying.

The military households in Huaianwei and Yangzhouweizhong are no different from ordinary people.They have long forgotten the regulations on guards made by Taizu, and have had various contacts with local residents for many years, and they are no longer simply military households who farm and raise soldiers.The children of the guards are all over various industries, and there are not a few of them intermarrying with common people.

Since these incidents did not happen intensively, they all appeared gradually over the past hundred years, and the local government did not take any measures to prevent the expansion of the situation. Over time, the guards in the Jianghuai area have existed in name only.Chen Qiyu has already proposed in this book that the more than [-] guards under his jurisdiction should be abolished, and only a few guards on the key nodes of the canal should be retained, such as Yangzhou Guard, Huai'an Guard, Gaoyou Guard and so on.

In addition to not thinking highly of the combat effectiveness of these guards, Chen Qiyu also knew that the worst situation really happened, if local soldiers were used to suppress the locals, then he would be the old birthday star hanged himself --- his life was too long.At that time, maybe the two sides will join forces to disrupt the situation that could have been controllable.

After the messengers who went to the two places left, Chen Qiyu chatted with Liang Qi.

The two sat opposite each other in the second hall, and the servant brought the fragrant tea. Liang Qi picked it up, took a sip, and praised loudly: "Good tea!"

Although Chen Qiyu is a second-rank official (Governor of Fengyang), Liang Qi's special status is there. He is the emperor's pro-army, and his rank is not high, but he is not under the jurisdiction of anyone, so Chen Qiyu is against him. Sit down to show respect to the emperor.

Chen Qiyu picked up the tea bowl and sniffed the aroma of the hot tea. After taking a sip, he narrowed his eyes and thought about it, and said with emotion: "It's been a long time since I've had such a good tea! I think back then when I was in charge of soldiers and horses all over the world. Fighting, not to mention drinking tea, sometimes even if you want to drink hot water!"

Liang Qi cupped his hands and said in a solemn voice: "I have also heard about Governor Chen's achievements in humble positions, and I admire him very much! I heard that after Governor Chen took office in Fengyang, he trained a good soldier and personally led him to participate in the suppression of Shouzhou In the battle against thieves, I am so fascinated by the lowly position, I can't wait to kill the thieves in person, in order to repay the kindness of the Holy One!"

Chen Qiyu secretly despised: You still went to battle to kill the enemy, you are just trying to show your prestige to us powerless literati, and you also made a lot of money by the way.

He waved his hand and said: "Liang Baihu is too famous, and Chen has been promoted to a high position by the sage, so he should do his best to relieve the sage's worries. Liang Baihu is very loyal and brave, and he will be useful in the future. Now the matter of the imperial envoy is still done. For good!"

Liang Qi chuckled: "To tell the truth, Mr. Chen, since Beizhen Fusi was reinstated, he has worked hard from top to bottom, and the officers and men have used their lives. He has dealt with many ink corruption cases without any mistakes! As long as you are targeted by my Beizhen Fusi, if you want It is extremely difficult to escape! The lowly position has already sent people to start a casual investigation, and within a few days, a lot of evidence of corruption will be revealed! How can there be no death under the three trees? My lord just wait for the good news!"

While Chen Qiyu was secretly startled, his disgust grew deeper.

He rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "As long as Liang Baihu is sure, let's not talk about this! By the way, since Liang Baihu was full of praise for the tea he drank, I will give you some later. The official inspected various places under the canal, and took a short break at Huai'an and Linqing. , then the official will borrow flowers to present Buddha, and give it to you to taste! Haha!"

As Liang Qi, who specializes in anti-smuggling and interception, professional habits are imprinted in his bones.

After he heard Chen Qiyu say that he couldn't afford these words, his curiosity was immediately aroused.Although he also knew that Chen Qiyu was an expensive governor and could not afford to buy some tea, but this tea should be quite expensive, so he wanted to find out.

But he didn't know that he had fallen into Chen Qiyu's scheme.The other party just wanted to take advantage of Jin Yiwei's weakness of being greedy for meritorious deeds and use him as a pawn to let him take down the two banknotes and make a big fool of the household department, so that he can control the money in the name of nearby control.

In fact, even if he knew that Chen Qiyu was plotting against him, Liang Qi didn't care.As the emperor's eagle dog, of course he will not miss the opportunity to invite credit and make a fortune.This time he came to the Jiangnan area, and in the name of the large number of criminals, he issued several more driving tickets. It can be said that arresting people is justified.

Liang Qi hurriedly asked: "I want to teach Mr. Chen that a humble person is a vulgar person, and he doesn't usually know the quality of tea. Just now he just praised it casually. Could it be that this tea is very valuable? Or why does Mr. Chen like you?" People with high positions are not willing to drink?"

Chen Qiyu sneered secretly: If you are as smart as a ghost, you still have to drink Lao Tzu's footwashing water!

"Come and see! This tea is called Tianmu Qingding, and it is produced in Tianmu Mountain near Hangzhou. It is shaped like a sparrow's tongue, with thick leaves; the buds are exposed, dark green in color, oily and shiny; the taste is mellow and refreshing, and the fragrance is long-lasting , it is really the best tea!" Chen Qiyu praised.

Liang Qi picked up the tea bowl and took a closer look, and suddenly felt that it was exactly as Chen Qiyu said, after brewing with boiling water, the oily leaves stretched out, resembling sparrow tongues.

He asked: "Governor Chen, how much is the price of this tea? Is it better than tribute tea?"

Chen Qiyu said with a smile: "Liang's hundred households don't know that the tea leaves are all from the south. Although the tea used by the nobles in the palace is expensive, but after being transported to the capital by boat, the original taste will be lost after inhaling moisture on the way. This place is not far from Hangzhou. The tea leaves can be delivered within a few days after picking and frying, and the wealthy salt merchants in Yangzhou and Huai'an love this tea. But the production of this tea is scarce, and its price is comparable to gold!"

Liang Qi reached out and groped for the short beard on his chin, and his mind began to spin rapidly.

Chen Qiyu calmly picked up the tea and started to taste it.

After a long journey of more than a month, the prison car escorting Gao Yingxiang and Gao Yingen finally arrived in the capital.

In order to ensure safety on the road, Sun Chuanting dispatched [-] cavalry and [-] infantry from the governor's battalion to escort Gao Yingxiang along the way to ensure that Gao Yingxiang would not be robbed halfway by other thieves.

Practice has proved that he was overthinking.

The elite of Gao Yingxiang's troops were completely lost in the Battle of Shouzhou. At any rate, the remnant soldiers gathered were almost wiped out in Heishui Valley. Only a few thieves fled over the mountains to northern Shaanxi. He was escorted to Beijing, but who has the ability to organize a large group of people to intercept the prison car halfway?

Gao Yingxiang had already recovered under the treatment of local famous doctors in Xi'an. He sat in the prison car very calmly along the way, sometimes talking to himself, sometimes looking up at the sky, and most of the time his expression was very peaceful.

Gao Yingen, who was in another prison car, was dejected, extremely depressed, and often lost control of his emotions and cried loudly.

Qin Bing, who escorted them, did not mistreat them along the way, and the food provided was the same as his own.After all, he is also a generation of heroes who have commanded thousands of troops. Although he is a rebel, he did not make a gesture of begging for mercy after being captured, which everyone admired.

Gao Yingxiang and Gao Yingen were imprisoned in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. After resting in the capital for a few days, the officers and soldiers under escort returned to Xi'an happily after receiving a reward of ten taels of silver.This trip was not in vain, although I didn't get to see the sky as I imagined, but ten taels of silver was quite a fortune.

Chongzhen strongly suppressed the idea of ​​going to meet this famous thief in history in person. It is indeed a bit cheap for the king of a country to see a thief.

No matter how hard you toss, how many people in later generations will sing your praises, just because countless innocent people died directly or indirectly under his hands, you must be severely punished.

Knowing that Gao Yingxiang was escorted to Beijing, Chongzhen, who originally thought Ling Chi was too cruel, couldn't help but see many images in his mind: the town that was broken by thieves was on fire, and countless thieves swarmed into the city like locusts, and then they wailed and resisted A woman was insulted, a young man who tried to escape was beheaded, and a child who could not resist was pierced by a spear and thrown in the air.

Damn this thief!It should be destroyed with the most severe punishment in the world!
A few days later, Gao Yingxiang and his younger brother Gao Yingen and downtown were executed by Ling Chi. The onlookers were in dismay.

The brothers of the Gao family, who were naked and caught in fishing nets, were cut hundreds of times by veteran executioners in Shuntian Prefecture before dying. During the period, officials from the Ministry of Punishment and the prison officials in Shuntian Prefecture vomited wildly, and some people who watched the execution fainted on the spot. fell to the ground.

In the end, the officials of the Ministry of Punishment couldn't bear it anymore, and insisted on asking the executioner to kill the two of them with one knife, and then hurried back to make a deal.

After hearing the news, Chongzhen also felt disgusted for a long time, feeling a little regretful in his heart, he should not have used such a cruel criminal law to deal with the two of them, although their crime should be punished, but beheading is enough, it seems that the punishment of Ling Chi should be abolished.

As rebels, the two of them deserved the death penalty, and Yuan Chonghuan, who was tortured last time, really didn't deserve it.

In any case, he was born as a genuine Jinshi, a second-rank official who supervised Liaodong, and he was not guilty of treason or other ten heinous crimes. Why should he be punished like this?

After much deliberation, I can only explain it by turning embarrassment into anger.

You, Yuan, boasted in front of the emperor, saying that it was five years since the Liao Dynasty, and the emperor believed it under your instigation, and praised you in front of many courtiers, and gave you supreme glory and full trust , to support you unconditionally with all the power of the Ming Dynasty, and the result?In less than two years, he was beaten to the capital by Jiannu!
You are slapping the emperor in the face in public. The emperor, who has been on the throne for only a few years, is about to take this opportunity to establish an image of knowing people, but he was ruined by you, Governor Yuan. Excuse, want to deceive the emperor again, you are clearly insulting the emperor's IQ!Can the emperor spare you?

The news that the gangster was executed by Ling Chi quickly spread throughout the city. While the people clapped their hands and applauded, they also felt a deeper sense of awe towards the imperial court. Let's live well. The fate of going against the imperial court is too miserable. The intruder took so many knives and didn't say a word, he can be regarded as a man.But it's a traitor anyway, damn it.

With the passage of time, after a few days, this matter gradually faded out of everyone's sight. Chen Qiyu's book about the water transportation and Liang Qi's report about the chaos of the Chaoguan were placed on Chongzhen's desk one after another.

 Ling Chi is indeed too cruel. I searched a lot of photos, and I don’t want to eat after seeing them. If you don’t believe me, you can search online.

(End of this chapter)

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