Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 149 Homeopathy

Chapter 149 Homeopathy
When Chongzhen got the list reported by Liang Qi from Luo Yangxing, he couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw the thick stack of documents.

He didn't look through it immediately, but said in a joking tone: "It seems that Liang Qi's trip to the south of the Yangtze River has been very rewarding! Could it be that I made another fortune?"

Luo Yangxing was also smiling, and Liang Qi paid him a full 5000 taels of silver this time.

He smiled back and said: "Reporting to the Holy Majesty, I never thought that this time there would be such a big gain! It is said that the Lianghuai salt merchants are wealthy, and a small promotion officer who has been linked to them has surprised me a lot! If both the Huaihe River and the Huaihe River transfer the Salt Envoy...!"

"This time the Lianghuai Salt Farm will take this opportunity! You immediately send your people to Huai'an, join Liang Qi, capture Hu Tinglu and Song Sizhang, and then sort out the Lianghuai Transit Envoy! I will first raise the Huai'an Commissioner Let the ministers see where the money that should have belonged to the court has gone! As I expected, no one will publicly object to the abolition of the transfer of salt envoys in the two Huaihe Rivers and Huaihe Rivers!" Chongzhen put away his smile and said solemnly .

As long as the largest and most important salt giant in Ming Dynasty is abolished, then the new salt can be launched in a fair manner, and both the household department and the internal funds will benefit endlessly. As long as the normal operation continues, there will be no more worries about money in the future.

After saluting, Luo Yangxing said: "Is there any other order from the Holy One? If there is nothing else, I will go back and make arrangements!"

After thinking for a while, Chongzhen said: "I also have a plan for the banknotes that the governor said. Taxation is the most important weapon of the country, and it must be controlled by the court. This time, by the way, the Huai'an and Linqing banknotes are closed together." And solve it, I will let people inform the Ministry of Households to send a special person to be in charge of the Chaoguan, and Jinyiwei will send someone to set up a yamen at the Chaoguan, whose duty is to supervise the tax collectors and not interfere in the tax collection! Exile in Yizhou! Another thing is to set up the Jinyiwei Thousand Household Office in Yangzhou, and Liang Qi will be in charge of the Thousand Households! The personnel sent this time must be carefully selected, and all experts must be matched!"

The reason why Chongzhen established Jinyi Thousand Households in Yangzhou is mainly because Yangzhou is adjacent to Nanjing in the west, Zhenjiang in the south, and not far from Changzhou and Suzhou, so its geographical location is very important.In later generations, the Yangtze River Delta was the most economically prosperous area. In Daming, it was also the most important source of national taxation. It was also the area with the most scholars and the most active thinking.

Moreover, Yangzhou does not have as many yamen as Nanjing, and there are fewer surveillance and constraints, making it more secretive and convenient to do things, which will help strengthen the monitoring of all aspects of the Jiangnan area and prevent certain interest groups from secretly manipulating people's hearts against the imperial court.

Luo Yangxing saluted and responded.

Chongzhen went on to say: "Jinyiwei's supervision alone is not enough, the imperial court must also send people to supervise. I will ask the Inspectorate to send a special person to inspect the taxation of banknotes, customs, merchants, and prevent other malpractices!"

Luo Yangxing was stunned for a moment, and thought to himself: Your Majesty doesn't trust Jinyi's army a little bit, and even wants to send someone to supervise.

Chongzhen knew what he was thinking from his expression, so he said softly: "Luo Qing, don't think too much, it's not that I can't trust you. Jinyi's army is my minion, and I have done everything right for more than a year. I am very relieved! You and your relatives I remember all the hard work of the army, and I also know that the army has always been one with me! But the court has its own laws, and everything must be followed!"

Luo Yangxing bowed and saluted and said: "To be praised by the Holy Majesty, all the ministers and the whole army are grateful! I understand the painstaking efforts of the Holy Majesty. The Holy Majesty cannot bear to see someone in the pro-army violate the court's rules and regulations in the future, so it is just a precautionary measure! Please rest assured, Jinyi! Although the pro-army has occasional small mistakes, there is absolutely no selfishness in the overall situation!"

Chongzhen nodded and said: "It's good that you can understand my painstaking efforts, so hurry up and make arrangements!"

After Luo Yangxing left, Chongzhen picked up the list of the house raids and looked through it.

Although he had thought that he would gain a lot this time, Liang Qi still gave Chongzhen a big surprise.

From the cellar and warehouse of Yang Rui's house, more than 5 taels of silver, more than 8 taels of gold, more than 3000 antique calligraphy and paintings, and two pawn shops in Yangzhou and Huai'an were copied.His house in Yangzhou was bought for [-] taels, and the current market price is [-] taels; a house in Huaian is worth about [-] taels.

Due to Huang Can's short term in office and his position as a deputy, Huang Can's family property is much lower than Yang Rui's. He copied more than 1000 taels of cash from his home, 3 taels of gold, and dozens of antique calligraphy and paintings; his family operated in Yangzhou. There is a rice shop in the house, and the house is worth [-] taels of silver. The value of the outer house in Huai'an is similar to that of Yang Rui.

What surprised Chongzhen the most was Chen, the official of Huai'an's promotion department. This low-ranking official from the ninth rank was barely in the middle of the ranks. .

Jin Yiwei copied more than [-] taels of cash from his home, and there were five shops in Yangzhou and Huai'an. The main business was grain, rice, cloth, silk, satin, medicinal materials, etc.; It is a typical miniature Jiangnan garden.

Jin Yiwei had already investigated his daily activities, and found out that he used his power to resell private salt in partnership with salt merchants, and sold it to Huguang, Shandong and other places, making quite a lot of money.

However, only more than [-] yuan of silver was found in his home, so there should be another place where the silver is hidden.When his wife and children were interrogated, they really didn't know about it, so they severely punished Chen Jixing.

Sure enough, as Liang Qi said to Chen Qiyu, no one will die under the three trees.How could Chen Jixing, who was born as a Juren, survive any torture, Jin Yiwei just used a pincer, and Chen Jixing recruited the Tibetan Bank.

The Tiqimen rushed to Chen Jixing's rice shop in Huai'an City, and found a cellar in the warehouse in the backyard. The silver taels and copper coins recovered from it were worth more than [-] taels of silver.

The rest of the Saltworks ambassadors in the Tiju Division and the officials in the yamen also had quite a lot of wealth, some more than ten thousand taels, and some few thousands.In this ordinary family of five, one year

You can live a good life with an income of tens of taels of silver, but a few thousand taels is already an astronomical figure.

This time, Beizhen Fusi copied a total of gold, silver and copper coins, with a total value of more than [-] taels of silver; several shops and houses, all of which have been sealed up, waiting for the emperor's order to be disposed of.

These are filtered figures, and the silver taels hidden by Liang Qi and others must account for about [-]% of this figure.

For this kind of thing, Chongzhen knew it well, but he didn't know the specific number.

He took a tolerant attitude towards this, and did not intend to pursue it too carefully for the time being.When employing people, it is better to give the people who do the specific work a little thought. The truth that when the water is clear, there will be no fish has not changed since ancient times.

The houses and antique calligraphy and paintings of the prisoners should be realized as soon as possible. Yang Rui and Huang Can's houses in Yangzhou should be very popular, the environment and location are quite good, tens of thousands of taels of silver is not a big deal for a wealthy salt merchant.

The shop is naturally reserved for the use of the Four Seas Commercial Bank, which just allows the commercial firm to have a foothold in the prosperous Jiangnan, which is more conducive to future development.

When the summoned elders and ministers read the list of raids, the expressions on their faces were quite exciting.

Some were angry, some were shocked, some were indifferent, and some showed a guilty conscience.

Wen Tiren was very angry. After reading the list, he felt that his life was useless.I have worked so hard to climb to such a high position, and my life savings are not as good as [-]% of a small official from the fifth rank.

No!It's not as good as a half-percent of a ninth-rank official who has just entered the stream!

Tolerable or unbearable!
Although he, as a civil servant, has a natural hostility towards Jin Yiwei, but the behavior of his colleagues this time really made him feel angry.

He went out and cupped his hands and said angrily: "Qizou Shengshang, the acquisition of the brocade clothes this time is shocking! I have been an official for dozens of years, and I never thought that from a fifth-rank official, I would be able to embezzle such a huge sum of money! It will be difficult not to punish this bureaucrat severely." He is the ruler of the imperial court! Whoever brings him to this position must not be let go!"

Old Wen didn't forget to put eye drops on others at this time. His political enemies were all over the court. Anyway, these criminals had nothing to do with him, so he might as well clean up the people behind them.

Wang Yingxiong also came out to play and said: "Qi Zou Shengshang, Huai'an Yanti's actions really shocked my ministers. According to my judgment, this is an individual behavior. Most officials are still honest and honest, and they are dedicated to the court. I think the court The supervision of low-quality officials should be strengthened to prevent such things from happening again!"

He felt that it was a bit too much to say that no official is not corrupt, but it is normal for everyone to use their power to seek a little personal gain. This matter will stop here, and the scope of the attack cannot be expanded, otherwise the consequences will embarrass the court.

Zhang Zhifa didn't say a word. Huai'an Salt Tiju Sitong Tiju is his protégé, and it was through his operation that he came to this position. Just now, Wen Tiren's words were very targeted. .If the emperor really wanted to conduct a thorough investigation according to Wen Tiren's words, he would be easily involved in Huang Can's matter.Besides, it is still unknown whether Huang Can confessed him in the hands of Jin Yiwei, which made him a little distracted, and he bowed his head and meditated on how to shirk his responsibility for Huang Can.

Hou Xun, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, came out and said: "Dare to ask the sage, do you have a copy of the property of the criminal official? Although the Ministry of Household Affairs is a little looser this year, huge amounts of money and food are still needed for disaster relief and peace. Tired! This matter involves the Lianghuai salt matter, so it is guaranteed that the imperial court will lose another source of income, and the Holy Majesty must think more about the imperial court!"

Compared with the eighth year of Chongzhen, the life of Hubu has been much better.Every time the emperor confiscated the belongings of officials, he would give some of the money to the Ministry of Households, and many expenses that should have been borne by the court were settled by the emperor with internal funds, so that the Ministry of Households saved a lot of large expenditures.In addition to the taxes paid by the provinces in the south of the Yangtze River that have not been affected by the disaster, there are still about 100 million taels of silver in the Taicang Bank.

But not too much money.Of course Hou Xun knew that the emperor had made a fortune in the past two years, not only by ransacking his home, but also by organizing a firm to earn huge profits, and it seemed that the emperor was behind the new salt. Collect money to clear obstacles.

Now that you have figured out the key points, then you have to give some of the money copied this time to the Ministry of Households. Anyway, all the salt in the world will belong to your Zhu family in the future, so why don't you let the people in the world follow suit?

Chongzhen looked at Hou Xun's hale and hearty appearance, how could he look exhausted?
But people have already seen that the ransacking of the house was caused by the competition between the royal family and the local government for interests, and they also pointed out that the imperial court will have no income from salt lessons in the future, so it is really unreasonable not to give some.

Before Chongzhen nodded and agreed, Li Banghua, the imperial censor of Zuodu, came out and said: "Your Majesty, I think you can see the leopard in the middle of the tube, and a Huai'an promotion officer can make a lot of money. What about the transfer of salt envoys in the two Huaihe Rivers? The situation is self-evident! As the chief official of Baitai, I am responsible for supervising the corruption of officials! Please allow the Inspectorate to send personnel to Yangzhou to thoroughly investigate the Lianghuai Salt Envoy!"

Hou Xun glared at Li Banghua in dissatisfaction. He saw that the Holy Majesty was about to nod in agreement, but Li Banghua successfully diverted the emperor's attention.

As expected, Chongzhen put Hou Xun's words aside, he nodded in approval and said: "Li Qing's words are very true, and I also think so. I have sent more people to go south with Tiqi, follow the vines, and pull out the bigger moths. Come out, don't let the family thieves who are greedy for the interests of the court escape!"

 Thanks for the reward from my colleague Jinmojin, I wish you good results after the book is on the shelves! Book friends are also welcome to support my sister's works, ancient romance novels (madame unruly)

(End of this chapter)

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