Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 158 Leave a name

Chapter 158 Leave a name
It was Shoufu Wen Tiren who spoke.

At this moment, Lao Wen looked solemn. He seemed to be a different person who was taking the lead in opposing the construction of the shrine just now.

"My minister agrees!"

"The chief assistant's words are justified, and the Hall of Martyrs should be built immediately!"

"I have no objection to this matter!"

"The minister agrees with what the chief assistant said!"

All of a sudden, all the ministers who were still opposing the establishment of the temple just now expressed their support for Chongzhen's decision.Everyone understood in an instant that only after the Hall of Martyrs was built, would they have the opportunity to enjoy sacrifices. If you don't build the Hall of Martyrs, wouldn't it be impossible to let the court go to your ancestor's grave to offer sacrifices?

As for being in the temple with those vulgar people, it's better to be the guards under the civil servants.

Many people in later generations expressed incomprehension to the persistent pursuit of literati and bureaucrats at that time to leave a name in history, thinking that the so-called reputation is just an illusory thing, which is far less affordable than money and beauties.

But in fact, as long as your life experience is richer and you know more about history, you will find that if your ancestor is a famous person, then your situation and spirit are completely different.

To give the simplest example, if you meet a person surnamed Fan, even a passer-by, and the other party claims to be the descendant of Fan Zhongyan, who is known as a model of literati through the ages, most people will definitely be in awe; that is involuntary. The respect is the respect for the feeling of worrying about the world's worries first and enjoying the world's joy later.

If your ancestors are notorious in history, I believe you will never mention them in front of everyone.People have been ashamed of the surname Qin since the Song Dynasty, and this is the best proof.

Although it is not as high as Fan Zhongyan's level to worship at the Hall of Heroes, it is countless times more honorable than being buried in the ancestral grave after dying of old age.For example, in future generations, would you rather buy your own cemetery after death or would you like to be buried in Babaoshan Geming Cemetery?

Chongzhen looked at the officials with a smile, and asked: "Just now, the ministers were still strongly opposed to this matter, why did they change their mind now? What is the reason?"

Wen Tiren said righteously and solemnly: "After thinking about it carefully, the old minister, what the Holy Majesty just said is very reasonable! You can't let the souls of loyal people who sacrificed their lives for the country have no place to rest! Let alone leave no one to pay homage to them behind you! The words of the Holy Majesty It moved the old ministers, and the old ministers changed their course and supported the decision of the Holy Majesty!"

Wen Tiren most wanted to enter the temple after death, and he thought that among the officials, he was the most confident one.

He has already understood that the key to entering the shrine is the emperor, and the emperor's approval and opposition play a decisive role.

I am over [-] years old, and I don't know how long I can sit in the seat of the first assistant, and the construction of the Hall of Martyrs will not be completed in a short time.Site selection, cost, shape, materials, manpower, etc. need to be discussed before construction can start. Who knows when it will be completed?What if you don’t finish building your first assistant?Taking advantage of the emperor's trust in himself, he had to hurry up and get this matter done, and try his best to get the qualifications and opportunities to enter the shrine.

As for the posthumous title, although I can't be called Wenzheng, but because of my loyalty to the emperor, I should definitely deserve the word Wenzhong, right?
The posthumous title is the imperial court's decision on the life of an important official. Wen Tiren can't remember how many years he has not heard of a civil servant receiving a posthumous title. If he has a commensurate posthumous title, future generations will be so proud.

Liu Yuliang said: "The formulas of civil and military can complement each other, and it can also better demonstrate the efficacy of the Hall of Martyrs to educate the world and serve as a model for future generations! This strategy is very good, and the veterans agree very much!"

Chongzhen stretched out his hand to stop the ministers who were about to express their opinions impassionedly, and said solemnly: "Since all the ministers have agreed, the Ministry of Industry will choose a date to start construction, and start construction after everything is ready. I will provide the necessary money and food from my own money! Later, the cabinet will write a document to inform the world, so as to inspire the hearts of the officials and the people!"

Wen Tiren and Fan Jingwen, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, received the order with a gift.

The matter of the Hall of Martyrs was finally settled. Although the officials in the middle obstructed it, the ending was more perfect.

Since the rogues emerged in Shaanxi, almost all the prefectural and county officials who were attacked by the rogues chose to perish with their families and the city.Although this tragedy has elements of helplessness, it also fully reflects the backbone of most literati and bureaucrats in this era. Regardless of whether he was a corrupt official when he was alive, he still chose to dedicate himself to the country at the critical moment.

There is nothing important about a person except life and death.Choosing to face death bravely at a critical moment requires great courage and determination, and most people simply cannot do it.

Such a person deserves to be worshiped by future generations, and the strength of character and spirit left behind by him is an integral part of the backbone of China.

Chongzhen turned his head slightly and glanced at Li Erxi, and after understanding, Li Erxi raised his voice and said, "Be quiet! Your Majesty still has something to say!"

The humming sound in the hall disappeared immediately, and the officials who were talking quietly fell silent.

Chongzhen said: "Liu Qing, this dynasty has cultivated many talents for Ming Dynasty in the past 200 years since Taizu founded Guozijian, and their role is irreplaceable. I was ordered to rule the world, and the situation was turbulent, so I felt the value of talents. I want to re-study the Taixue. However, I don’t know what the current situation of the Imperial College is; Liu Qing is in charge of the Ministry of Rites, so he should know this very well, why did you teach me?”

Liu Yuliang has been in charge of the Ministry of Rites for three years. If there is no accident, as long as there is a vacancy in the cabinet, he will naturally join the cabinet and participate in state affairs.On weekdays, his words and deeds have already regarded himself as a cabinet minister, and he has a bad reputation among the ministers.

Seeing the emperor's question, he went out and reported back: "Qizou Shengshang, since the founding of Taixue, the emperors of all dynasties have paid attention to abnormalities, repeatedly allocated money to expand the school, and recruited famous teachers from all over the world to teach. This trend reached its peak in the Zhengtong period! "

Chongzhen nodded and said: "I also know what you said. I want to know the current situation of Taixue, such as the source of teachers and students, the style of study, etc. You can briefly describe it!"

Liu Yuliang was a little embarrassed after being interrupted by the emperor, but he quickly adjusted and continued: "The minister will give a brief explanation! Since the beginning of the Jingtai period, the students from rich families have become more and more rich. In the past, it was not as good as it used to be, but now it has become a gathering place for wealthy households in prefectures and counties; the students are more than fifty years old, and they usually walk around the stage, gathering people to drink and have fun, and behave politely and sweep the floor. To the honor of Tai students!"

Liu Yuliang, who was born as a genuine Jinshi, of course can't understand this, but he can't directly point out that it was the emperor who decreed to expand the proportion of donated students a few years ago because of the lack of military pay, because donated students crowded out regular supervisors The number of places has led to a serious decline in the quality of the entire Imperial College students.

Wen Tiren stood up and said: "Qi Zou Shengshang, the current situation of Guozijian is worrying, and all the sons and daughters from all over the country avoid the door when they go to the capital. Waste of property!"

The rest of the ministers also spoke one after another, saying that the imperial examinations are now dominant, and the Guozijian is like a chicken rib, and there is really no need to invest manpower and material resources in reorganization.

But Chongzhen didn't think so.

In his plan, Guozijian will become the place where it will compete with the imperial examination.

In the future, the selection and appointment of officials will no longer be limited to the background of the examination, and Tai students will also have the qualifications to become an official.

This will naturally elevate the status of the Guozijian, and the candidates no longer can only count on the imperial examination to serve the country.

Of course, this is just a means. The fundamental purpose of Chongzhen is to change the current atmosphere of only emphasizing Confucianism in reading.

Only when a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend will a more advanced theory be born to replace many outdated so-called sage words.

The move to raise the standard of the Guozijian will not be hindered too much, because thousands of applicants, only a few hundred in the examination, most of them will lose the opportunity to display their talents within at least three years.

As long as the status of Guozijian is greatly improved and it returns to the grand occasion when it was in the country, many celebrities and scholars will come to hear the news, and then supplemented by strict academic rules and regulations, the knowledge and vision of the students will undergo earth-shaking changes. Officials will also gradually change the existing officialdom atmosphere.

If you want to change the atmosphere of only emphasizing Confucianism, you must invite the elites of various schools to teach in the Imperial College, and let them use various knowledge and ideas to collide and polish each other in daily teaching and exchanges, so as to break the many stereotypes. decadent atmosphere.

As for teachers, there are quite a few candidates.

Zhu Zhiyu was the No. 1 choice that Chongzhen thought of. He was once regarded as an all-rounder in civil and military affairs. He should still be in Songjiang Mansion now, living with his elder brother Zhu Qiming; It is better to spread his knowledge in Taixue.

Song Yingxing is one.

Since Chongzhen sent people to take them to the capital, dozens of members of Song Yingxing's family were placed in the Liu Dynasty's Huangzhuang.Chongzhen specially instructed Liu Chao to set aside a special site for Song Yingxing, build all the facilities he wanted, provide him with all the materials he needed, and select some flexible children from Huangzhuang orphans to follow him. Under the influence of ears and eyes, there may be unexpected surprises.Of course, all of Song Yingxing's expenses were allocated by Chongzhen from internal funds, so in fact, it didn't cost much.

What the emperor did was exactly what Song Yingxing dreamed of.

His various ideas could not be realized because of his limited pockets, and now he can finally display them as he pleases.

As for Song Yingxing's title, Chongzhen did not give it to him for the time being. Song Yingxing's mind and wisdom are not suitable for officialdom, but for all kinds of whimsy and whimsy that he is intoxicated with.

After the Guozijian is reorganized, he will be given the rank-eight position of Doctor of Imperial Science first, and then slowly promoted in the future.

Not every student only loves stereotyped essays, many people have a strong interest in miscellaneous studies, as long as there are special professors of miscellaneous studies in Taixue, I believe many people will join Song Yingxing's disciples.

Fang Yizhi and Chen Zilong are also excellent candidates for teachers. Both of them are talented people. It is a pity to be an official. The Imperial College is the best channel for them to spread their thoughts and knowledge.

Chongzhen originally planned to arrange these few people he was optimistic about in Huangzhuang to teach those orphans.

There is a saying in later generations that the best paintings can be drawn on white paper.

But then Chongzhen gave up.

These people are equivalent to the level of university professors. You arrange for them to educate illiterate children. Isn’t this anti-aircraft guns to kill mosquitoes?

Among the disciples and grandchildren of Wang Yangming's faction, there are also many outstanding talents. At that time, Jin Yiwei will be sent south to investigate and invite them.To spread Mr. Yangming's theory widely, I believe everyone will refuse this temptation.

As for Huang Zongxi, Gu Yanwu, and Wang Fuzhi, who are well-known in later generations, they are all too young now, and their ability to think independently has not yet been fully formed, and their theories are still in the womb; Deeply wary.

Although the distant Europe is not yet strong and prosperous, various open-type innovations have shown their signs, and many talents have slowly begun to emerge, but they have not attracted much attention in their own country.

Chongzhen has issued an order to Zheng Zhilong, ordering him to offer a huge reward to seek talents from the merchant ships tens of thousands of miles away from Taixi to Daming.As long as any well-known figures and their works and real objects in Thailand and Western countries come to Daming, the imperial court will immediately give them the title of nobility and a salary of 5000 taels of silver per year, and the paid use of their product patents will be protected by the Ming court; as long as someone can Those who persuade these talents to come to Daming to settle or study abroad will be rewarded with 3000 taels of silver for each person they bring in, and their business activities in Daming will receive many benefits.

Chongzhen knew that all the famous people in this era did not know what patent rights are, so he instructed Zheng Zhilong in his will that this must be clearly explained to Thai and Western businessmen, and must not be omitted.

The current West is the generation of technological explosion, and many geniuses are emerging.Although Chongzhen did not know the names of the Western technology masters of this period, it was still feasible to cast a wide net and catch more fish. Even if one of the ten people spent 3 taels was a talent, the subsequent value would be immeasurable.

The salaries offered to talents are very attractive, and what impresses them more is believed to be the title of nobility. Under the double temptation of fame and fortune, they should be able to succeed.

There is a slogan in later generations that is very reasonable. Talent is the most important thing, and wealth is also created by talent.

This is all unknown. Although a reward will be issued, whether it will be successful or not depends on God's will.Now let's talk about the reorganization of the Guozijian first, so that talents can be visited slowly. The important thing is the measures to be implemented.

So Chongzhen said: "Guozijian, as the highest institution of learning in Ming Dynasty, is a place to gather talents for the country. Don't let it go to waste! I plan to make advantages and eliminate disadvantages, and revitalize Taixue! All children of the Qing family can enroll! After failing in the provincial exams You need to stay in Taixue for three years and accept the guidance of famous teachers!"

 May I ask this book friend who talks about water?Why is it called no water?There must be a process in everything. Isn’t it bad to write only the result without writing the process?Then this book can be finished with tens of thousands of words.Do you know what irrigation is? ?Often large paragraphs or a few chapters are copied and pasted by Baidu to be called irrigation. What I write are all plots conceived by myself, how can it be called irrigation?Then please teach me, how to write is not water!Please stop subscribing to my works. There are many high-quality works. You can read other people’s works. What you say has more negative effects than positive ones. I’m not short of your few dollars. If you think my writing is not good , you go and write one yourself.

  For example, building a shrine and reorganizing the Guozijian, is it because the emperor says a word, and the people below will execute it?If the emperor's words worked, how did the Ming Dynasty fall?Everything is the result of mutual compromise of personal interests. If you don't write about other people's change of mind, what should you write about?

(End of this chapter)

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