Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 177 Workshop

Chapter 177 Workshop
"Brother Huang, are you satisfied with the current situation?" Cheng Lin asked with a smile.

Cheng Lin, who is in his late forties, is the treasurer of Sihai Commercial Bank in Hangzhou. After receiving an order from the head office in Beijing a month ago, he visited Chang'an Town, where there are many weaving households, and began to look for a suitable partner. After a few days of searching, he found Huang Bin.

Cheng Lin was originally the chief shopkeeper of several shops set up by Fan Yongdou in Taiyuan City, he was shrewd and tactful.After the Four Seas Commercial Bank took over all the assets of the Shanxi Merchants, all the original personnel were retained, and the positions were hardly changed. Cheng Lin was able to continue to manage the business of the Four Seas Commercial Bank in Taiyuan.

Later, because the firm wanted to expand its business scope in the south of the Yangtze River, Cheng Lin was transferred to Hangzhou Mansion, and set up a poorly managed silk shop in the city as a place to stay, and then looked for opportunities to operate other businesses.

Having been in Hangzhou for more than two months, Cheng Lin usually wandered around in order to get a general understanding of the place.

Last month, he was instructed to find a suitable place to build an unprecedented large-scale silk workshop, aiming to make a big hit in the area of ​​Hangzhou, and to strive for the pricing power of silk as much as possible.

Many principles of doing business have similarities. Although he still has a little understanding of silk workshops, it does not prevent Cheng Lin, who has been in business for many years, from quickly grasping the key point - to establish such a workshop, he must have a large number of weavers. The place.

After some inquiries, Cheng Lin appeared in Chang'an Town.

In the living room of Huang's main house, Huang Bin and Cheng Lin were sitting opposite each other.The two had already talked for a while, and the topic was Huang Bin's family and the silk weaving in Chang'an Town.

Huang Bin said: "To tell you the truth, although the villain's life is very affluent, but the villain feels that if he has more money, it will be better if he can expand his workshop."

Cheng Lin nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile: "Brother Huang, I want to talk to you about something serious. Can you give me an answer after listening?"

Huang Bin nodded and said, "Mr. Cheng, if you have something to say, please tell me. The villain just listens!"

Cheng Lin put away his smile, stared into Huang Bin's eyes seriously and said: "If someone contributes money, build a large workshop with hundreds of people, specializing in silk weaving; hire you as the manager of the workshop, and you will be paid five taels of silver per month. , and I will give you [-]% of the shares, how would you answer?""

Huang Bin was taken aback when he heard the words, his brain turned quickly, and he came up with the answer in an instant: If such a good thing really happened, he would definitely agree to it!

He cupped his fists at Cheng Lin and said, "Mr. Cheng, what you just said just now is not deceiving the villain? If you can build such a big workshop, the money you can make in a year is amazing! Dare to ask the member, who is willing to pay for this?" event?"

He has been engaged in weaving for nearly ten years, so he understands how profitable silk weaving is.There are only five looms in my family, and excluding miscellaneous expenses such as workers' salaries and meals, I can make a net profit of more than forty taels a year. This amount of money was considered a very high income at that time.

But earning this money is very hard, and there is no free day throughout the year.If he works as a workshop manager, not only will his annual salary be slightly higher than his current income, but he will also have 150% of the shares.If there are [-] looms in the workshop, there will be nearly a thousand taels of profit in a year, and if you take one by yourself, it will be nearly a hundred taels of silver, and if you add up, you will have an income of about [-] taels a year, which is much better than working alone. many.

Cheng Lin said with a smile: "Then it seems Brother Huang has such a wish?"

Huang Bin nodded frequently and said: "If this is really the case, the villain is very willing to do it! Parents at home will not stop it!"

Cheng Lin smiled and said: "Since Brother Huang agreed to this matter, I will tell you that the Four Seas Trading Company in the capital is going to build a large workshop with a capacity of [-] looms in Chang'an Town. Take full responsibility! As long as Brother Huang is willing to be in charge of the workshop, all related matters will be taken care of by our Four Seas Trading Company!"

Four Seas Trading Company?Huang Bin, who has only been to Haining County since he was a child and rarely interacts with people, has never heard of this name.

Seeing his bewildered face, Cheng Lin smiled and said, "It's normal for Brother Huang to have doubts. You can rest assured when the workshop starts to be built! The reason why the old man likes you is because he has asked many people in the town. Common people; many people praise you for your clever mind, superb skills, and honesty; after your family has a surplus of money, you often help your neighbors, so this old man found you!"

Huang Bin waved his hands together, and said thankfully, "I can't be praised by the folks! What a villain does is a small matter within his power. In terms of family background, a villain has no worries about food and clothing, and his life is fair. If he has some spare energy to help others, it is also what a villain should do." of!"

Cheng Lin nodded in satisfaction and said: "Brother Huang is worthy of praise for donating money with righteousness! Now I still have something unclear about the workshop, so I have to ask clearly!"

Huang Bin clasped his fists and said: "For members of the staff, please speak directly, the villain knows everything!"

Cheng Lin took a sip of tea, put down the rough porcelain teacup and said, "Then the old man cut to the chase! The old man thinks that it is not difficult to build a workshop, let alone a loom. What the old man wants to know is, is it easy to hire workers? The wages How much is a day? How many workers are needed?"

Without even thinking, Huang Bin opened his mouth and replied: "For the outsider, the villain can tell me about his own situation, and the staff will understand: the villain has five looms in his house, 12 workers, each person pays 35 Wen per day, and takes care of two meals a day. Dayton, the working hours are from Chenshi to Youshi. The same is true for each family in the town, and there is not much difference. If the staff said that there are 6000 looms, more than [-] people will be hired. As long as the daily wages are not in arrears, workers are easy to find. There are more than [-] weaver households, and the number of weavers, old and young, women and children, may not be as many as five or six thousand!"

Cheng Lin was speechless: "There are more than ten thousand people in the town. Doesn't it mean that the city weaves silk?"

Huang Bin smiled proudly: "It's not a big city weaving silk, more than [-]% is always available! As long as the workshop is built and the wages are reasonable, workers are not hard to find!"

After pondering for a while, Cheng Lin said: "The workers employed in the workshop earn forty renminbi a day, and take care of two meals. If they weave good silk, their wages will be added!"

The various account books of the Four Seas Commercial Bank and the copywriting of shops in various places were placed on the imperial case of the Qianqing Palace.Looking at the thick stack of materials, Zhu Youjian couldn't help feeling dizzy.

Liberal arts students have always been insensitive to numbers and very conflicted, not to mention that he can't understand the ancient accounting methods, and these account books have been audited by a special person before they are delivered, so he doesn't need to check them one by one.

Picking up a few copies of the copywriting of the new Pifu county branch of the firm, Zhu Youjian was quite satisfied with the efficiency of the Four Seas firm.

In accordance with Zhu Youjian's instructions, the firm opened a large-scale workshop with [-] looms and more than [-] employees in Hangzhou; it purchased or built three folk kilns in Yanshen Town, Qingzhou Prefecture, Shandong Province, and Jingde Town, Raozhou Prefecture, Jiangxi Province. , employing hundreds of technicians and kiln workers, these workshops and kilns have all started normal operation.

The profits generated by these workshops and kilns are irrelevant, but the silk and porcelain produced by them will be distributed around the world with several times the profits and drive the development of the local industry. This is the most important thing.

Scale-up is imperative, and small handicraft workshops must be phased out gradually.

Wouldn't practitioners be harmed by doing so, but would benefit more.

Because the Four Seas Trading Company set the tone high from the beginning.

The wages of workshops are higher than others, which will benefit the vast majority of people. Although a small number of small workshop operators are affected, I believe they will find a role that suits them, and will never lose their source of income.

The firm also purchased a merchant ship of [-] materials in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, and hired captains and sailors who have been traveling to sea all year round. They are going to try to go to the Lusong route and buy larger and more merchant ships after accumulating experience.

The measures to promote the advancement of Ming Dynasty have already begun to be fully implemented. Although they are not comprehensive enough, at least they have been put into action. Now they only need to wait patiently and adjust them at any time in the middle.

Everything cannot be accomplished overnight, especially such a big event that is equivalent to changing the fate of the world, it will take a long process, and the road is quite tortuous and difficult.

The current historical trend has changed, and I can no longer judge and plan based on history books.

It has now entered the twelfth lunar month of the ninth year of Chongzhen, and there are still more than [-] Tianchaotangs and local government will enter the annual leave. Many things will have to wait until the tenth year of Chongzhen.

Jin Yiwei, who entered Liaodong with various identities two months ago, sent back various news from time to time, including the content of Liaodong generals and Jiannu's fornication, but the specific materials and quantities bought and sold by the two parties are unknown.

This news confirmed Zhu Youjian's guess that the Liaodong general was indeed supporting the bandits.

Originally, Zhu Youjian thought that he would be very angry after his guess was confirmed, but he didn't expect that his heart would not fluctuate much after watching it.

In fact, he already knew that his judgment was correct, and the reason why he sent Jin Yiwei to investigate secretly was just to hope that he had guessed wrong.

This problem is by no means just happening now, nor is it just this time. The reason why Jiannu has grown gradually is due to the generals of Liaodong.

From their own point of view, it is right to do so.As long as there are Jiannu, Liaodong generals can maintain their unique status in Daming and maintain the current prosperity and wealth.

But Zu Dashou misjudged Jiannu's ambitions, and their move was undoubtedly breeding tigers.

What measures should be taken to prohibit such behavior?

Although the country has largely stabilized at present, the army that Zhu Youjian can control does not yet have the strength to completely replace the Liaodong warlords.

Sun Chuanting's Qin army was far in the northwest, and Cao Wenzhao's uncle and nephew would go further west.And according to Zhu Youjian's will, Sun Chuanting and Cao Wenzhao will respectively form large-scale cavalry, and it will take one to two years for them to form combat power.

Lu Xiangsheng and Huang Degong are still attacking Zhang Xianzhong and the Fifth Gezuo Battalion in the Huguang area. Even if they kill the bandits soon, the soldiers under their command should get enough rest.

Especially Lu Xiangsheng's Tianxiong Army, since its establishment in the second year of Chongzhen until now, has been fighting around non-stop.

Hong Chengchou's department also faced the same problem.

No matter how the later generations belittled Zuo Liangyu, He Renlong, Zuo Guangxian, Ai Wannian and others, they have not acted excessively until now, and they were very brave and tenacious when fighting the bandits.

As for the various unbearable behaviors they have shown in later generations in history: abandoning the coach and fleeing for their lives, killing good people without authorization, arrogance and disobedience to the imperial court's orders, etc., they are more psychologically desperate for Daming.

These generals and their soldiers have also fought for many years, and the psychological distortion and depression caused by war weariness have reached a critical point. If they are not given rest and rewards in time, and then transferred to dangerous areas, they may have uncontrollable behavior.

 In order to thank the master of the book friend, the son of the farmer and farmer, life with heart, Kai Kai Lingyun, try the water 0416, autumn fairy tales for this week's rewards, and many friends who voted for monthly votes, subscriptions, collections and support, today After working so hard to add a new chapter, my brain is already cramping from exhaustion, let me play King Glory to rest my mind!Thank you for your support!

  Reply to the book friend’s question, one loom requires more than two people to operate, and the 10,000 looms you mentioned require about 10,000+ people, which cannot be achieved by modern large factories. The 10,000 looms can only be operated by a few small workers. The total number of workshops, not a single one, you can build such a large workshop, where can you find [-]+ people to work for you in one workshop?Will the government allow workshops with [-]+ people to appear?To look at the data, we must analyze the specific situation, rather than simply pile it up.Just like there are hundreds of thousands of officers and soldiers, but they are all distributed in various places. How can there be a single army with hundreds of thousands?
(End of this chapter)

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