Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 183 Liu Guoneng

Chapter 183 Liu Guoneng

At the foot of Jingshan Mountain, more than [-] miles east of Zhushan County captured by Zhang Xianzhong, there is a place called Anping Fort entrenched with a group of thieves.

Liu Guoneng was also one of the many thieves who participated in the burning of the imperial mausoleum at the beginning of the eighth year of Chongzhen. Later, because of fear of revenge from the officers and soldiers, he made his way all the way to the Huguang area.A few months ago, Liu Guoneng, Lao Huihui, Ge Liyan and others led their troops to try to capture Xiangyang Mansion, but they were unsuccessful under the defense of Huguang governor Fang Kongxuan's army. In desperation, the thieves continued to flee westward.

When he arrived at Ankang County at the junction of Yunyang Mansion and Xiangyang Mansion, Liu Guoneng saw that the area around Anping Fort was suitable for resting. At the same time, he felt that his current strength was weak and he urgently needed to raise food and supplies to recruit troops and expand his strength, so he decided to temporarily stay in Anping Fort Stop, rest for a while, and wait and see the wind direction.As for the needed materials, just send people to Xiangyang with money to buy them.Under the turbulent situation, there is no government card on the road to check the road guides. When entering the city, take out some money and secretly pass it to the soldiers at the gate, and no one will pay too much attention.As for attacking Ankang County, Liu Guoneng didn't think about it for the time being, because he had other ideas in his heart.Lao Huihui, Ge Liyan and others went to the neighboring Fangxian County, and the two sides echoed each other to avoid being suppressed after placing an order.

Liu Guoneng's situation is similar to that of Zhang Wenyao who surrendered in Shaanxi, both of whom were from the frontier army.Unlike Zhang Wenyao, Liu Guoneng served in the army in Shaanxi Town.Relying on his bravery and courage, Liu Guoneng made a lot of contributions in the battle with the Tartars after he joined the army, but because he offended his immediate superior, he was never reused and only served as a small captain.

Liu Guoneng's family is in Ansai County. There used to be parents and a younger brother in the family. The family lived on ten acres of land with difficulty.Liu's father herded sheep for the big family during the slack season, and he could have dozens of copper coins every month, which were used to buy oil, salt and other things.

In the fourth year of Tianqi, when he was growing up, he couldn't eat enough. In desperation, 16-year-old Liu Guoneng went to Shaanxi Town to join the army without telling his family.One is to think about being able to have a full meal in the army, and the other is to be able to send money back home to support the family.

In the next few years, relying on Liu Guoneng's sporadic military pay and the rewards he earned from beheading the heads of Tartars, the Liu family lived a lot better than before.The parents in the family are counting the money they have saved, and they are ready to ask for mothers-in-law and aunts for both brothers, so that they can pass on the family line to the Liu family.

At this moment, misfortune befell this suffering family.

In the third year of Chongzhen, Liu's father encountered extremely bad weather while grazing sheep. A gust of wind that flew sand and rocks suddenly hit, and he became invisible in broad daylight.It took a quarter of an hour for the strong wind to subside. Afterwards, Liu's father checked the number of sheep, and there were more than [-] sheep that were blown to no one knows where.

The big family who hired Liu's father accused him of losing the sheep and asked the Liu family to compensate according to the price. The honest Liu family had no choice but to take out all the property they had accumulated over the years to compensate the other party.Who knew that the family thought that the Liu family's compensation of more than seven liang of silver was too little, and insisted on paying ten liang of silver.

Seeing that the money that was going to beg for the mother-in-law and aunt for the two sons disappeared in an instant, and people continued to come to ask for money, the honest and cowardly Liu father couldn't help getting angry, and had an argument with the person who came to ask for money and started a fight. Liu Guoneng's 12-year-old younger brother also went up to help him with the fist, and in the end both were seriously injured by the opponent. After several days of fighting, the father and son died one after another.Mother Liu watched her husband and son die in front of her eyes, crying all day long, and she was blinded in one eye.

The folks who were friends with the Liu family secretly sent a message to Liu Guoneng. Liu Guoneng's eyes were red when he got the news, and he rushed back to Ansai overnight with several friends who fought side by side in the army with weapons.

After Liu Guoneng and the others returned to the village, they went to the village alone during the day to step on the spot, and then they hid in an abandoned cave dwelling outside the village.At night, a few people found the family and climbed over the wall to enter. They killed more than [-] members of the family, and searched for all the gold and silver.

Liu Guoneng took the head of the enemy's family and went to the ancestral grave to burn incense on his father and younger brother. After crying a lot, he went home and took his mother with him.

Liu Guoneng and the others are all good soldiers in the army, whether it is knowledge or brains, they are infinitely better than those local turtles.After joining the gang, they used the skills they learned in the army to train the soldiers and practice fighting with weapons. Soon after, this group of peasant-dominated thieves was already looking good.The leader of the thieves, Wang Zuogua, also admired and trusted Liu Guoneng and others. Several of their brothers were appointed as leaders, and each had hundreds of thieves under his command.

Wang Zuogua and his gang went around looting houses and destroying villages and villages. They gained a lot of fame and attracted the attention of the government.Finally, in the winter month of the third year of Chongzhen, Hong Chengchou, the governor of Yansui at the time, sent guerrilla He Huchen to lead a thousand frontier troops to attack and defeat him. Wang Zuogua was also killed on the spot.

Liu Guoneng and the others escaped their lives by chance, and after the officers and soldiers left, they began to gather up the remnants, and finally gathered more than a thousand people.After Liu Guoneng led people to find Wang Zuogua's body, he found a place to bury it, which was also regarded as a repayment for Wang Zuogua's hospitality.After that, Liu Guoneng took his mother and led the remnants of his followers to move around. With the skills of a few people, he gradually became famous, and more and more followers came to join him, sometimes exceeding [-] people.

Although Liu Guoneng's mother was blind in one eye, she always firmly opposed her son's rebellion. At the beginning, she even refused to eat the meals Liu Guoneng sent, saying that she would rather starve to death than eat stolen food.Finally, after Liu Guoneng begged in every possible way and promised not to kill Liangshan, he reluctantly ate, but since then he has no good face towards Liu Guoneng, and he will scold him when he sees him. Liu Guoneng has to find a rough envoy to take care of his mother.

For several years, Mother Liu followed her son to various places, and she stopped scolding him after a long time, but she always thought about going back to Ansai.Every time she sees her son, Mother Liu, she will nag her son to surrender to the court, then return to Ansai to farm, and take care of the tombs of Liu's father and younger brother by the way. The most filial Liu Guoneng is gradually moved to surrender.

Since he stopped in Ankang and got in touch with Zhang Xianzhong, Liu Guoneng also asked his subordinates to inquire about the news of all parties when they went to Xiangyang to buy salt, medicinal materials, etc., so as to know more about the general situation of the world.

On this day, the subordinates who went to Xiangyang City to buy brought back an important news: Chuang Wang Gao Yingxiang was captured by the army and sent to the capital Ling Chi to be executed.

After the news was confirmed, Liu Guoneng immediately called several brothers who helped him avenge to discuss the matter.

Hearing the news that Gao Yingxiang was captured and Ling Chi, several people were shocked.

The youngest Wang Erwa said: "Brother, this Chuang Wangduan is very powerful. Are there many people under him? How can you say that if you lose, you will lose?"

Liu Shuan, who had a dark complexion and a lean and strong figure, answered, "Maybe he was caught in an ambush by the officers and soldiers? We have been away from Shaanxi for a long time. When did such a strong army appear in this land? Could it be Mr. Hong?" Did the waiter lead troops to suppress it?"

Speaking of Hong Chengchou, several people were terrified.It was under the attack of Hong Chengchou's troops that they were forced to flee from Shaanxi to Henan and other places.

Although Liu Guoneng has been a thief for several years, he is a leader in the army after all, and he still maintains the original respect and respect for court officials.He shook his head and said: "It's not Mr. Hong. Mr. Li has inquired about it. It's Mr. Sun, the new governor of Shaanxi. He has been in Shaanxi for more than a year and has trained a strong army! It was Mr. Sun who led the troops to ambush King Chuang." !"

He Sanguan said: "It seems that we can't go back to Shaanxi. There is old man Hong here, and there is an even more powerful old man Sun. Going back is courting death! Brother, how can we live in the future? Alright? Gao Chuang and Wang Xunqiang have all been suppressed, so we don’t end up being hacked into pieces in the future!”

Wang Erwa and the others were silent. When they thought that Gao Yingxiang's 10 horses had been wiped out, everyone couldn't help feeling anxious.

Liu Guoneng said in a muffled voice: "These brothers are my life-and-death friends with Liu Guoneng. Today, I will say something from my heart: we had no choice but to rebel when we rebelled. Although we have done a lot of evil in the past few years, compared to other stocks The crimes committed by the rebel army are relatively small; my old lady often talked about me, telling me to go to the court and return to the good people, and I also had such thoughts in my heart. Now I heard that King Gao Chuang was suppressed, this is It is said that the imperial army is getting stronger and stronger. If the fighting continues, we may go the way of King Gao Chuang. I really don’t want to see a few brothers who don’t even have a grave in the end! We also served in the army People, seeing that there is really no way out for being a traitor, or we will drop the court and forget it!"

Wang Erwa and the others glanced at each other, He Sanguan hesitated and said: "Brother, in the past few years, we have fought countless battles with the government and the army, and we have broken a lot of states and counties, and the lives in our hands cannot be counted." ! If this is surrendered, can the imperial court save us from death?"

Liu Shuan then said: "Old He is right! It would be okay to demote the imperial court, but what about the debt before that? If the imperial court tricked us into killing us, wouldn't we be the ones who took advantage of it?"

Wang Erwa nodded and said, "That's what I was thinking too! I'm afraid that after we surrendered, the imperial court would spare the lives of those soldiers, but kill us leaders! Besides, we have been used to enjoying happiness for many years. Even if the imperial court spares us, if we go home to farm, I really will not be reconciled!"

Liu Guoneng looked around to see that there was no one else, and said in a low voice: "How could I not know what the brothers said? This is what I planned: the first person will pick up the fight with the big master who has the final say in the government, and let the big master give it to me. We asked for an imperial decree to pardon us from death; after that, we didn't go home to farm, we took our men into the army, and went to wipe out the Eight Kings! First, this is a certificate to prove that we We sincerely belong to you; secondly, with credit, we have a future in the future! What do you guys think?"

 Thanks to the book friends for the fairy tale fly in autumn. Can you help me promote it when you read other people's books?Advertise in the comment section of other books, this book is so poor that I don’t even want to read the data, please~~
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(End of this chapter)

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