Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 192 Ancestral System

Chapter 192 Ancestral System
Zhu Youjian was a little embarrassed by the praise of several important ministers, and waved his hands again and again with a smile: "The words of the Qing family are a bit exaggerated, how can I be compared with Taizu. My move is also out of my feelings about the current situation It was just triggered, I hope it can change the previous vain and extravagant official style. Wen Qing’s words are also from the bottom of my heart, and I have made up my mind to do the same in future trials, selecting practical talents for use by the court.”

Zhang Guowei, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, saluted and said: "This time the examination focuses on strategy and theory. May I ask the Holy Majesty if he has some pointers?"

Zhu Youjian pondered for a while and said: "All policies, inquiries, discussions, representations, and judgments should all focus on practical facts. Whether it is the court strategy, military strategy, and people's livelihood plan of the previous dynasties and even the current dynasties, you can give examples. After the argument, I will express my personal opinion. There is no limit to his speech, and it can fully involve the discussion of the national economy and the people's livelihood and coping strategies. What I hope to see is a scene where a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend, and I will not punish crimes with words! The Ministry of Rites can express my intentions to everyone! "

Zhang Guowei saluted and returned to the train.

Zhu Youjian continued: "Just now, Wen Qing reminded me to be vigilant, and I have thought about it again and again, lest the matter of obtaining practical materials will go to waste for a long time, so I hereby make a decision: I don't care about the past. From now on, those who have no experience in prefectures and counties for more than five years, In the future, they will not be eligible to serve as chief officials in the cabinet and the six ministries! Those elected to the Imperial Academy will also need to rotate to serve as local officials! This example is a permanent example, and the cabinet plans to use it after printing to make it known to the world!"

All the ministers were taken aback when they heard the words, and there was a sudden silence in the Qianqing Palace, and everyone was thinking about the astonishing remarks that the emperor suddenly made just now.

Zhu Youjian's decision was made after careful consideration.

Most of the important court officials in the Ming Dynasty were the best among stereotypes. When it comes to rhetoric and allusions, they must be among the elite, but when it comes to governing the country, developing the economy and improving people's livelihood, there are basically few pillars talent.Like the vast majority of scholars, they have no experience in how to govern a party.

Because from the day they studied, the teachings they received were all the words and phrases left by the so-called sages and sages on paper, and even these ancestors' own knowledge and views on the world.

It cannot be wrong to do so.The experience and conclusions of the sages are all based on the process and results of things in their generation, which can enlighten and alert the people of later generations. Accurate truth.With the continuous emergence of new things, it is no longer possible to deal with the various situations and problems we are facing by simply relying on the old ways.

This group of people who have the right to speak in Ming Dynasty is actually not more capable than ordinary scholars, it's just that their position casts a halo on them, and they don't have the ability to handle affairs of real family children.

In fact, Zhu Youjian is more inclined to use excellent children from aristocratic families to govern the country, and he has a good impression of some people from aristocratic families.

These people have been well-educated and nurtured since childhood, have high personal cultivation and moral standards, pay attention to principles and rules in doing things, are never extreme and stubborn, and do not bother to make profits from the people to satisfy their own selfish desires. When they eat meat I also know how to let others drink a sip of soup.And these people are better at communicating with others, know how to compromise and give in when things happen, they all want to leave a good reputation, and they will never do things too much.

Of course, their shortcomings are also obvious.Two of the most prominent points are self-esteem and ungroundedness.

How to make them more practical and have a deeper understanding of the whole society?
It is the right way to get in touch with the people at the bottom of the society and go deep into the people to listen to the voice of the people.

This will allow them to take more power into account in the future, when formulating relevant strategies and policies, they will be able to take more account of the needs and expectations of the bottom of the society, so as not to cause great harm to the vital interests of a certain party, so as to cause serious damage. as a result of.

Sun Chuanting, Lu Xiangsheng, Hong Chengchou and others are outstanding representatives of the descendants of the aristocratic family.

They were born in official families, both in terms of vision and ability, far surpassed many colleagues from poor families. The people and things they came into contact with since childhood provided them with a broader vision and insight.

To use a modern popular saying, the starting point of many descendants of aristocratic families is the end point of most people.The outstanding children of these aristocratic families are far superior to those who were born in a poor family and came to a high position.

Zhu Youjian is not optimistic about many scholars from poor families.

Due to their poor family background, these people were extremely diligent and hardworking when they were studying. In the end, some of them made it to the top after being named on the gold list.

But after these people came to power, because of poverty and fear, their greed for money, beauty and sex far exceeds that of ordinary people.

They will grab a lot of wealth by any means for their own enjoyment, and they will be more cruel and cruel to the people under their rule. They have long forgotten the desolation and misery of themselves and their families when they were poor.

Beating beggars as soon as they put down the begging stick, this common saying is the best portrayal of these people.

But in any case, it doesn't matter whether they are from aristocratic families or from poor backgrounds, as long as the imperial examination system remains unchanged, they will have to rely on these people to govern the world in the future.This is also a balanced strategy. The imperial examination is also the only way for poor scholars to change their destiny.

The dream of the vast majority of scholars is to take power and command the world.The governor of one party, the chief officials of the six ministries, and the cabinet counselor and maintenance staff are the goals that everyone in the officialdom wants to achieve.

It's just one rule that you can't be promoted to a higher position without going through the state and county.The assessment by the Ministry of Officials on the expiration of the term of local officials will not be unilateral, but will be carried out under the strict supervision of the local censor and Jin Yiwei, using various indicators as specific references, and those who fail to meet will be recorded. Those who have stains in their promotion will find it difficult to advance in their careers.

Zhou Yun, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, broke the silence and went out to play: "I don't know something! Dare I ask the Holy Majesty, what is the meaning of the five-year period? Currently, local officials are appointed for three years. The five-year period that the Holy Majesty said makes me a little confused. You are stupid, please ask your majesty to explain your confusion to me!"

Zhou Yun has been promoted from the position of Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Officials by Zhu Youjian against all opinions to become Minister of the Ministry of Officials. What Zhu Youjian likes about him is because he is good at figuring out and catering to his own thoughts.Obedient ministers are good ministers, and the two Inspectors who dare to speak up are enough, and ministers who can carry out their will must be reused.

Zhu Youjian said with a smile: "It's my negligence! I intend to extend the term of office of magistrates from three years to five years, so there is a saying of proper talent! From the beginning, the term of office of local officials will be changed to five years!"

Zhou Yun Shili accepted the order and returned it.

He didn't ask any more questions, since the holy will has been decided, he will not easily refute the emperor's will, and it is not a big deal to change it from three years to five years.

As the Minister of Rites who is most qualified to join the cabinet, Zhang Guowei must of course ask why the emperor changed the ancestral system one after another, especially the matter of not being allowed to enter the court without passing through the prefectures and counties. This is a major event related to the political situation of the court in the future.

He saluted and said: "Since the Sui and Tang Dynasties began to recruit scholars for several dynasties, none of the ministers has heard of the saying that they cannot enter the court without passing through the prefectures and counties. There have been many famous officials in the past dynasties, but few have been in the place for a long time. Many famous officials even He has never served as a local official, but it does not prevent him from becoming a person in history. Doesn’t the Holy Majesty’s sudden move make all the ministers in the current court completely discouraged from joining the cabinet? I dare not agree, please think twice!”

Except for a few cabinet ministers such as Wen Tiren and Zhou Yun, who have nothing to do with themselves, the rest of the ministers quoted scriptures and resolutely opposed Zhu Youjian's attempt to reform the ancestral system.

What a joke, except for the officials who cannot join the cabinet, everyone else has the qualifications to join the cabinet.This is still looking forward to Wen Tiren and the other elders who can make further progress after they become officials. With this change, you will completely cut off our promotion path. Isn't it obvious that you look down on us?

Only then did Zhu Youjian realize that he was dark under the lights.

I just thought about letting the decision-makers in the court experience in the local area first, and then reuse them after having rich political experience, but forgot that most of the old guys in front of me had never been in the local area.

In desperation, Zhu Youjian had no choice but to compromise in the end, and the provision that he was not allowed to enter the court was changed to be implemented after the candidates who passed the examination took office, and the ministers gave up.

The discussion ended unhappily, and seeing that it was almost noon, Zhu Youjian took Li Erxi back to Kunning Palace.

It has been almost two years since I came back from time travel. After I returned to the harem from the Hall of Martial Arts, I also took turns to rest in each palace. However, there was no news of happiness with Concubine Tian, ​​Concubine Yuan and others after Zhou Hou. This time made Zhu Youjian doubt his own Is there something wrong with the body.

After several imperial doctors took turns to diagnose Zhu Youjian's pulse, they agreed that the Holy Majesty was very healthy, and as long as he worked hard, he would surely gain something.The previous prince and others have proved that the Holy One is destined to have many sons, and the current result may be caused by worrying about state affairs.Afterwards, Wu Youxing gave Zhu Youjian a prescription to nourish his body, and told him to take it regularly, and it would take effect over time.

Although Zhu Youjian treats Zhu Cihong and other children as if they were his own, what he thinks more about on weekdays is how to save the current crisis.But as the situation stabilized, deep down in his heart he still hoped to have a real flesh and blood connected with his own blood.

Emperor Tian pays off, and under Zhu Youjian's hard work, good news came one after another--Zhou Hou and others had joy one after another, which made Zhu Youjian very happy. Then he rewarded several imperial doctors and gave them to the harem. All the eunuchs, female officials, and maids and servants also gave out silver rewards. The emperor's generosity made the atmosphere in the palace more harmonious and festive.

Walking to the gate of Kunning Palace, it happened that Zhu Cihong came back from school with his young eunuch Zhao Qin. Zhu Youjian stopped and looked at the prince coming from a distance with a smile.

Zhu Cihong saw his father standing outside the palace gate looking at him from a distance, so he hurriedly walked up to Zhu Youjian and bowed to salute: "See father, my son will return after listening to Mr. Gong's explanation, thank you Father is waiting here, and my son is rude, I hope father is not to blame!"

Zhu Youjian looked at Zhu Cihong, who looked like a little adult, and said with a smile: "You don't need to be polite, I just came here and stopped after seeing you. The day after tomorrow is the day of Lichun, you have to go with me to the Shanchuan Altar to pray Feng Qingeng. I will tell Zhan Shifu to let you suspend class for a day tomorrow to make preparations. Now it is time to eat, your mother should be waiting impatiently!"

 Back to Kai Kai Lingyun's words: There are no absolutes in everything, and the views I mentioned in the article are only part of the words, not all. It is difficult to get specific data on the relationship between being an official and family status. Different people have different opinions.

(End of this chapter)

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