Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 194 Persuasion

Chapter 194 Persuasion
Watching Lu Jun's leaving back, Zhu Gongyou fell into deep thought.

Lu Juan's remarks just now moved his heart.

The purpose of the emperor in the capital is very simple - to exchange money and food for freedom. This move can be said to have hit the weakness of all the vassal kings. Freedom is what everyone in the vassal palace desires most.

Ever since Zhu Gongyun could remember, he had never been out of Kaifeng City.Most of the time, he lived in this extremely luxurious and magnificent palace in the eyes of outsiders.

He is familiar with every plant, tree, flower and pavilion in the mansion, and he is extremely tired of it.When he is bored, he often pretends to be at the gate of the city alone, and stands aside quietly observing every trafficker, pawn, pedestrian and business traveler who can freely enter and leave the city; through the long gate hole, he explores the world outside the city and feels the breeze The breath of the distant fields brought.

He also looked enviously at those ragged woodcutters complaining that the trapped hares ran away, and the wild fruits this year were less than in previous years.

He likes to see farmers in bunts, carrying a few fresh fish wrapped in wicker sticks in their hands when they come back from outside the city, with a smile from the heart on their faces.

The outside world has an unparalleled temptation for him, although it is close at hand, it is far away.

He wants to go to the magnificent capital built by his ancestors to meet the current emperor and see what he looks like; The dragon-like Great Wall and side walls; he wants to go to the south of the Yangtze River to experience Wu Nong's soft words;

But all this is delusion, he has known for a long time that all the good things are not for him, his whole life is the same as his ancestors, curled up in this seemingly grand, but incomparably cramped corner compared with the whole Ming Dynasty live a lifetime.

"Your Highness, Your Highness?" A few soft calls interrupted Zhu Gongyun's thoughts.

Sun Sansheng who sent Lu Jun out of the palace returned.

Zhu Gongyan came back to his senses, got up and left the seat, walked down the steps towards the apse with his hands behind his back, without looking back, he said: "Cunzhi, let's go for a walk with Gu, I feel a little irritable in my heart!"

Sun Sanxing was secretly happy: he and Lu Jun made a good judgment, Zhou Wang is not a person with a firm heart and deep resentment towards the emperor, this matter has greatly touched Zhou Wang's heart, it seems that it will probably come true!
He hastened his pace to catch up with Zhu Gongyun, and the eunuch in the apse hurriedly put a sable cloak on the prince's body and fastened the buttons, and then handed an exquisite gold-inlaid copper hand stove to Zhu Gongyun's hand.The two of them walked out of Yin'an Hall and walked along the long corridor, with several eunuchs following far behind.

"Cunzhi, I've been close to you for the past five years. Although I can't say that I'm close to each other, at least I have the same understanding on many things. You can be said to be the only person in this world who can talk deeply! It is very clear, what do you think Gu should choose from what the Kaifeng Mansion said today?"

There was deep loneliness and loneliness in Zhu Gongyun's tone.

Sun Sansheng was slightly moved, and his heart was inexplicably moved.

Sun Sanxing also empathized with Zhu Gongyun's words.

In the entire palace, except for him, the long history, because of his special status, he can talk to King Zhou on a relatively equal basis, there is no one else who can have a few words with Zhu Gongyun.

The concubine and the side concubine are the generation of women, more of them are vassals and Zhu Gongyun, who have no right to speak at all; Zhu Gongyou's only son died young, and the two grandsons are still underage, so they don't have the thinking to communicate with each other; there are high-ranking eunuchs in the palace There are quite a few of them, but they are all slaves of the royal family and are not qualified to talk to their masters; people outside the palace are restricted by various regulations, and it is even more impossible for them to have a deep friendship with Zhu Gongyun.

It is no exaggeration to say that I am Zhu Gongyun's only friend in this world. Although I can't fully communicate with each other, at least I can speak freely without violating any taboos.Because he was an official of the imperial court after all, Zhu Gongyou had no right to decide his future and life or death.

Sun Sansheng stopped, bowed his hands to Zhu Gongyun's back in front of him and saluted, "May I ask your highness, can you have both fish and bear's paws? Your highness's question is really thinking in your heart, but you just haven't made a decision yet! "

Zhu Gongyou paused, turned around slowly, looked directly at Sun Sanxing and said, "That's right, I do have some calculations in my heart, but I'm just unwilling! Zhou Fan has been passed down for more than two hundred years, and the ancestors have exhausted their hard work and accumulated so far. , Is it necessary to give up from Gu's hands in exchange for Gu's freedom? If so, Gu is ashamed of his ancestors!"

Sun Sansheng straightened up, and looked at Zhu Gongyun with bright eyes: "Your Highness, what you said is absurd! I dare to ask Your Highness, so when the king was appointed, could Zhou Fan have the current family business? The beginning of Taizu's feudal feudalism, the beginning of Ming Dynasty Therefore, ten thousand hectares were entrusted to the vassals; and after more than two hundred years, the property of the vassals has long been several times that of the Taizu! The meaning of the current emperor is only to restore the properties of the vassals to the beginning of the country It’s all about appearance! Money is something outside of the body, a little pickle! Looking up to the sky and laughing and going out, how can I be from Penghao? This is the free and easy behavior that people in my generation should have! Don’t tell me that your Highness still wants to spend the rest of his life? Can't you live like a prison?"

Zhu Huan was the first king of Zhou, the fifth son of Taizu, and his posthumous title was "Ding".

Zhu Gongyun frowned and said nothing, still hesitating in his heart.

Who can be so free and easy when leaving such a huge family business?
Sun Sansheng's words became fierce: "Your Highness, the current situation of the Ming Dynasty is very different from the original! When the ministers came to the palace in the fifth year of Chongzhen, the situation had already become corrupted: the court was dominated by wolves; the dark caves in Liaodong attracted money Innumerable! There are also Shaanxi thieves who have been suppressed repeatedly, and they will become more powerful after a few years! But since the eighth year of Chongzhen, everything has changed drastically! Today, there are wise and wise actions! I saw it from the Tang newspaper. Now I am in charge of appointing Hong Du, Lu Du, Sun Zhongcheng and other wise ministers, and the mighty divisions, to strangle and kill the thieves who caused troubles in Ming Dynasty one by one! The cavalry team dispatched from the Liaodong Army entered the pass, and the meaning of this move has been divided! The governments of Shaanxi took measures to calm the people by garrisoning the fields, and dispatched censors and Jinyi to patrol around to prevent local officials from harming the people and misleading the country; they also purchased a large amount of grain from the south of the Yangtze River to help the north, so that the people would not have to worry about interruption; the minister can assert that, In just a few years, the Ming Dynasty will restore the state of Haiyan and Heqing! Today's upward movement seems to be in the style of Taizu Taizong. The ministers look at the actions of the present. After the Ming Dynasty is stabilized, its measures to cut down the vassal will far exceed Taizong's! From this Kaifeng This conclusion can be drawn from the words of the government. Rather than being forced upon oneself at that time, it is better to take the initiative to conform to one's will! Today, with the heart of a thousand gold and horse bones, I will definitely treat the person who initiated it kindly! The minister's words are all here, how does His Highness choose? Stop lying!"

In Luoying Mountain in the southeast of Zhushan Mountain, Zhang Xianzhong and more than a dozen people are hiding in a secret cave. Several soldiers are devouring big pancakes. Ainengqi is crouching with an iron rod more than four feet long At the entrance of the cave, he carefully observed the movement around him.

After following the people in Zhushan City and fleeing the county, Zhang Xianzhong and Ai Nengqi led dozens of cronies and followed the thieves and fled to Luoying Mountain, trying to take advantage of the chaos and play by ear.

He originally thought that the officers and soldiers would first drive the people aside and settle down before launching a chase, so that he would have plenty of time to escape; what he never expected was that he would run into an ancestor who put military merit first. Width.

Under Zu Kuan's order, the Liaodong cavalry began to rush regardless. The common people and thieves on the road ahead were trampled into mud if they couldn't dodge.

After more than two thousand horses galloped past, the congested road became wider in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Qin Yiming immediately ordered his subordinates to be divided into two teams. Gao Qixun led 3000 people to pursue Fangcheng Mountain, and he himself led the remaining [-] people to search and pursue Luoying Mountain in the south.

Zu Broadband led the cavalry to clear the field, and divided every hundred of his men into a team, and rushed forward along the roads down the mountain on the north and south sides, trying to cut off the way for the thieves who fled to the mountains on both sides to escape from the mountain.

Although most of the thieves fled into the north and south mountains, they couldn't run with four legs.

The Liaodong cavalry surrounded and cut off the path along the lower side of the mountain, and immediately blocked their way out after climbing the mountain.

Qin Yiming's Sichuan army was best at climbing and fighting. Due to the short interval, many thieves were caught up by the following Sichuan army as soon as they entered the mountain.

After the Sichuan army entered the mountain, they did not need to be ordered by the generals, but were naturally divided into teams of several people: two sword players opened the way and covered them, followed by four spearmen, and two soldiers held iron-clad long wooden sticks on both sides to cover. Finally there are two archers or gunners.

This formation is similar to Qi Jiguang's mandarin duck formation, the difference is the weapons used. In the end, the two became archers and musketeers for long-range suppression, and there were no wolves and palladium hands.

Many of the veterans who escaped this time were the elites of the old battalion. When they found that the officers and soldiers who were chasing were scattered, many thieves thought they had an opportunity, so they stopped and gathered together, ready to kill the officers and soldiers who were chasing. .

A team of Sichuan soldiers saw a small band of thieves about [-] people more than [-] steps away in front of them turned around and prepared to fight. They leaned close together to lay the spears flat, and the big stick players separated from the spearmen on both sides to protect their wings.

The two archers at the back stopped a few steps away from the formation, quickly took out five bows and arrows from their quiver, then stuck four on the ground in front of them, and put the other on the bowstring and shot it out.

All of this happened in a short moment, and the thieves on the opposite side had already rushed forward. With the ringing of the bowstring, there was a miserable howl. Two thieves were shot by bows and arrows, and one was shot in the neck by the falling bow and arrow and died on the spot. The other one was shot in the shoulder blade, and the three-edged long arrow pierced into the bone. The thief fell to the ground clutching his wound and screaming.

Before the thieves could react, the sound of bowstrings sounded continuously, and two archers shot eight long arrows one after another.With such a short distance, all ten long arrows hit the target, and ten rogues were either killed or injured, and nearly [-]% of the more than thirty rogues were damaged in the blink of an eye.

The three-edged arrow can break through the iron armor in thirty steps, and the distance between the two sides is more than twenty steps. Although most of the thieves are wearing cotton armor, they can't withstand the penetration of the sharp arrow.

The rest of the thieves turned over in panic and fled. The Sichuan Army Swordsmen put down their shields and dodged to the sides. The four spearmen rushed forward in unison, and the two big stickmen followed closely on both sides.

After dozens of steps, the Sichuan army caught up with the thieves who were behind, and one of the spearmen yelled "Stick!"

Four long spears more than ten feet long stabbed forward quickly, and there were a few more screams, and the two thieves were stabbed in the back and thigh; The thief who was shot in the name couldn't afford it, and blood gushed out.

Following another thrust, several thieves were shot and fell to the ground. More than half of the thieves in this group of more than [-] people were killed or injured in a short time.

Several escaped thieves suddenly became fierce, stopped and turned around holding up their knives and guns to greet the spearman. Two sword and shield hands rushed forward and raised their shields to cover them. Two big stick hands bypassed the shield and raised their sticks fiercely. The ground smashed down, and the thieves wanted to dodge or block in a panic, but it had no effect on the hardwood sticks covered with iron sheets. The shield hand put away the shield and drew out the waist knife to cut off the thief's head, and then several people continued to chase forward.

The two archers slanted their longbows, first retracted the arrows they shot, and then searched for the belongings on the corpses one by one.

The scene just now happened in many places. The thieves thought that there was something to gain, but they were all killed by the Sichuan army.

 Responding to the words of this book friend: This formation is similar to the mandarin duck formation, but it is different. It should be better to have a famous flag shooter as the leader.

(End of this chapter)

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