Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 196 After the War

Chapter 196 After the War
Lu Xiangsheng's good news arrived in Beijing ten days later.Along with the specific situation of the battle, as well as some trophies seized from Zhushan County, including a gold seal used by Zhang Xianzhong, a gold-threaded dragon stick, eight command flags and arrows each, and gold-plated arrows used by Zhang Xianzhong A Ssangyong iron rod, engraved with the words "Eight Kings Golden Whip", and a gilded broadsword with the words "God-given Flying Sword" engraved on it.

Zhu Youjian inspected these trophies curiously, and his understanding of Zhang Xianzhong deepened.

Gold plating or something is fine, you say you are a thief, you still use double dragon sticks, what kind of gold seal, why don't you prepare the dragon robe and crown together?

Gao Yingxiang's power is not ready to take the throne yet. You are a fly attached to a horse's tail and dare to think twice. Who gave you the confidence and courage?Could it be that a woman surnamed Liang sang a song to you and you started dreaming?Could it be that the two scumbags Pan Duao and Xu Yixian gave him a bad idea?
This traitor really deserved his death. He wanted to wait for Lu Xiangsheng to capture him alive, then cut him into small pieces like the Gao brothers and put them in the sun to dry, but he committed suicide.

The courage given by the woman surnamed Liang was used here, and it was better than being cut into jerky.

The name of Li Dingguo, whom Zhu Youjian was most concerned about, was not mentioned in the battle report. Presumably, the official army didn't care about others except Zhang Xianzhong.Li Dingguo may have died in the battle, or he may not have known where he ended up.Other Sun Kewang, Liu Wenxiu and others like Zhu Youjian didn't take it seriously, they didn't care whether they lived or died.

From the bottom of his heart, Zhu Youjian hoped that this famous Han general who later fought against the Qing Dynasty could escape, because he himself was not as destructive and influential as Zhang Xianzhong, Li Zicheng and others.A well-educated person would not do things too much, let alone regard human life as a waste, but this kind of kindness and benevolence will seriously restrict Li Dingguo's development.

I hope he can live, if there is news about him, just send someone to capture him.

My own arrival has changed the fate of many people, and many things are beyond my control, unless I am a god.

Zhu Youjian really didn't believe that Fang Kongzhang was able to recruit Liu Guoneng and captured Luo Rucai and He Yilong according to the trend.

It can only be said that Fang Yizhi's father was lucky. Liu Guoneng asked him to surrender because he was close to him. If someone else was the governor of Huguang, Liu Guoneng would still ask him to surrender.

Fang Kongzhao is not a person with outstanding literary and military talents. To put it bluntly, he is a bureaucrat with mediocre talents.You said that it is a bit of a fantasy to ask him to design and catch Cao Cao Luo Rucai, who is famous for his cleverness. Zhu Youjian thinks the reverse is more or less the same.

No, people have to ask Liu Guoneng what's going on.

However, Zhu Youjian was also secretly amazed that this old bureaucrat could cultivate such a great talent as Fang Yizhi; in fact, he believed that Fang Yizhi was a genius, which had nothing to do with his father's cultivation.

If Fang Kongzhang's old way of thinking is followed, Fang Yizhi is absolutely not allowed to read other miscellaneous books except the Four Books and Five Classics.

Although Fang Kongxuan's memorial made a brilliant statement about the surrender and capture of the thief, Zhu Youjian was very curious about what happened at that time.

Since there is an example of Zhang Wenyao before, then Liu Guoneng will give a guerrilla as well, and his subordinates will be selected and reorganized and temporarily returned to Lu Xiangsheng's command.Those who surrendered were exceptionally loyal. Bai Guangxian and Gao Jie in history were examples. However, Gao Jie has not appeared now, and he does not know where he is.

Luo Rucai and He Yilong can be beheaded on the spot.These thieves were born recklessly and had no loyalty in their hearts. Unlike Zhang Wenyao and Liu Guoneng who had been in the army, at least they knew how to obey and obey orders.As for Zuo Jin Wang Lin Chengcheng and Laohui Hui Ma Shouying who were nowhere to be seen, they ordered people to search and suppress them.

Gao Yingxiang and Zhang Xianzhong died, the Fifth Gezuo Battalion was destroyed, and Li Zicheng fled. The thieves who overthrew Ming Dynasty in history have basically been wiped out. Is this a change of life?
Thinking of this, Zhu Youjian couldn't help but feel secretly proud.

I was an ordinary person in my previous life, and I felt a sense of accomplishment in my heart when I traveled to accomplish such a great event.

Jianzhou was the only opponent in front of him. With his current strength, it was not a big problem to deal with Jiannu. The key was how to destroy Huang Taiji.

Zhu Youjian actually tends to slowly boil the opponent to death.

Considering Jiannu's current population of only one hundred thousand, the economic volume cannot even keep up with one percent of a developed town in Jiangsu and Zhejiang in later generations.

The harsh climate and natural conditions in Liaodong seriously restricted the self-development of Jiannu.Moreover, all kinds of resources are extremely scarce, and the necessary strategic materials must be imported from the outside world. As long as the entry and exit of the state-building materials are strictly sealed, this semi-slavery tribe will collapse in a few years. can conquer it.

According to the extremely backward production methods and production efficiency of Jiannu, if they had not plundered a large number of people and craftsmen from Daming several times, they would still be in the era of wearing animal skins and using bone arrows.

But if I do this, once I write a book about my affairs in the future, I will be scolded by countless people who read the book, accusing myself of why I didn’t jump on the horse and raise the army to destroy the slaves. It's so embarrassing, so embarrassing.

If you want to spend time suffocating to death, you will save the lives of many Ming soldiers, but the disadvantages are also obvious. This means that during the blockade, you have to hold your nose and continue to feed the scourge of Liaodong generals.

But if it is a strong attack, now is not the time.After years of wars, soldiers need to get enough time to rest.

Zhu Youjian is actually not optimistic about the method of using ships to transport troops to the Jinzhou area and harassing them from the flanks to deal with the slaves.

First of all, this method of harassment requires the use of an elite soldier. There are too many people, how can we supply food and supplies?As for transporting grain by boat, there are still countless people in the mainland waiting for the grain brought by the Zheng family to make ends meet.

So here comes the question, why did you send thousands of people there?
Many people in later generations may have never been to the Northeast, and brought back the densely populated and connected villages and towns of later generations into the past. The total population of the three northeastern provinces is now over [-] million.

But what most people don't know is that the Northeast is too big.

Especially in later generations of Heilongjiang Province, there are endless plains and hills everywhere, and you can only see a small village with a few hundred people after running for dozens of miles. That is still the generation of population explosion.

When the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, the total population was only about 300 million, which was the total number after the previous several raids in the interior of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Youjian estimated that the total population of slaves now ranges from 150 to 50 million, of which about 100 are in the Eight Banners, and the remaining [-] million are composed of Liaodong Han people, inland Han people who were looted, and Mongols.

There are only 10 people in such a vast and vast land. If you send people to harass, who are you harassing?Do you know where to harass?Do you think you can easily find a densely populated and undefended village of Jiannu, and then rush in and slash and kill?
You can't see a single person or a village when you go out for one or two hundred miles, and you send hundreds or thousands of people at a time, how much food and grass do you have to carry?This is going back and forth for hundreds of miles. If Jiannu finds out, can his cavalry spare you on the plain?

storm?dare not; harassment?Do you think Ming Dynasty's officers and soldiers can harass the Mongolian Eight Banners who ride and shoot unparalleled?You harassed me a few times, to get a little advantage, they sent the Mongols there to hide, and you came out to harass again, once the Mongolian Eight Banners charged, would you still harass?Are you here to harass or give away the head?

Well, a few thousand people are too few, so send tens of thousands of people over there, and the food and supplies will be dropped by transport planes every day. Why are these tens of thousands of people going there?It's definitely not harassment. This is a big army, and I have to fight Jiannu hard.

Okay, let's fight, can Jiannu gather half of his troops and beat you?In the end, the head was still given away, and the soldiers, armor, food, grass and supplies left behind made Jiannu a lot of money. Is this Ming Chang Kaishen?
What?Sending troops from the front to rescue, it happened that the troops joined forces to wipe out Liaodong.

Since you can lead troops from the front to wipe out Liaodong, why send people from the flank?Take off your pants and fart -- superfluous.

This way of taking it for granted is purely whimsical and useless, but it has aroused the enthusiastic pursuit of countless military rookies in later generations.It seems that after traveling to the past, you are an idiot if you don't use a ship to harass Jiannu.In fact, they didn't know anything about the massive supplies needed for past wars and the complexity of the roads. Many people thought that the roads in the past were as flat and wide as they are now.

Mao Wenlong actually did not pose any threat to Jiannu in Dongjiang Town. His main contribution was to gather a large number of Liaodong Han people who could not be enslaved.

As for the fact that he sent troops to harass and behead three and five ranks in a month, he killed and injured dozens of them. Is that useful?
The strategies and plans of occupying islands and flanking harassment that are popular in the book of later generations are nothing but artistic creations conceived by a certain great god himself.

This is more like the artistic processing and imagination of burning Bowangpo and flooding the Seventh Army in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which does not exist in the real Three Kingdoms.

Suppressing the Xianying camp is also a great achievement. Although Zhang Xianzhong committed suicide, if the officers and soldiers hadn't fought bravely, he would definitely not have committed suicide.

Those who participated in the killing of Zhang Xianzhong were all promoted to three ranks and rewarded with a hundred taels of silver.

But how the generals rewarded made Zhu Youjian feel a little scratching his head.

It has only been a few days since the reward was awarded, and now there is no reward.

Blame myself for raising the tone, now it's all right, but I can't.

You can't give Zu Kuan the uncle, can you?Although he played a key role in this battle, he was still not at the level of Feng Bo.

What if Zu Kuan was granted the title of uncle, his father, his uncle, and his uncle?Can Zhou Yuji, Cao Wenzhao, Zuo Liangyu, He Renlong, Cao Bianjiao, Li Chongjin, Qin Yiming, etc. have any objections?

Zhou Yuji followed Sun Chuanting to exterminate Gao Yingxiang, Zuo Liangyu and others followed Hong Chengchou to exterminate the thieves in northern Shaanxi. These great achievements have not been conferred, and others will forget it.

Lu Xiangsheng couldn't be promoted anymore, and Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting were there to compare. If he was promoted again, he would have to add the prince and less insurance, but the first assistant Wen Tiren didn't add it, which is unreasonable.

Fang Kongzhang had to give rewards at his discretion, although he may not have done much credit in reality, but at least to the outside world, he was recruiting and catching thieves, so it would be chilling not to reward.

Add the title of Zuo Fudu Yushi, the reward is enough.

The governor of Yunyang didn't make any movement during this battle, and he didn't see Lu Xiangsheng mention it in his memorial.

Zhang Xianzhong actually planted fields in both Zhushan and Zhuxi. It seems that he wanted to use the two places as bases. This time, it was just a matter of letting the people of the two places take advantage of the trend to cultivate land, and the tax reduction and exemption for three years would be enough.

The magistrates of the two counties all died for the country with their families. Let the cabinet posthumously award it according to the usual practice, and send people to visit their families to show sympathy.

Lu Xiangsheng and Lu Xiangsheng's success stories were delivered successively, and there was also a melody written by Lu Jun, the prefect of Kaifeng.

The king of Zhou wanted to go to Beijing to meet the saint.

 Everyone subscribes to vote and collect more, that is the motivation for me to persist in writing, and the data is directly appalling.

  Reply to the words of the book friend Armored Knight: The total population of the Qing Dynasty when it entered the customs in 1644 was less than 300 million. The population of Horqin Mongolia and the captured Jurchens is now at most 11 million. When they entered the customs, the Jurchens were 17 million. This is still six years later.Thank you book friend Sun Zheng for your support, and thank you book friend Great Times Lord for your reward.

  Thank you for the monthly pass for the book club to eat crabs and fish.Thanks to all book friends who voted and subscribed to favorites.

(End of this chapter)

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