Chapter 199
After the general examination is over, Zhu Youjian will issue an order to the cabinet, asking the Ministry of Rites to gather the candidates who did not win the list to the Imperial College, and then arrange for officials from the Six Departments, the Procuratorate, and Dali Temple to teach them how to deal with various government affairs process and method.

Doctors, Yuanwailang, principals, and even scribes and secretaries with outstanding professional abilities from various ministries took turns to go to the Imperial College to teach Juzi.

Those candidates who failed the list had to stay in the Imperial College for three years, during which various assessments would be held regularly, and those who performed well in a certain aspect would be selected as officials and released to take office at any time.

For example, if you have a profound understanding and insight into the law, then congratulations, Juye County in Shandong is short of a criminal officer whose rank is Cong Qi, and the imperial court will assign you a few subordinates. You can take office immediately; your authority is to judge cases according to the law of Ming Dynasty, and no officials have the right to interfere with your own duties, including county magistrates, governors, magistrates and other higher-level officials.You only need to judge the case according to the criminal law.But this does not mean that you can do whatever you want. The local censor and Jinyi Baihu will observe how you try the case, and will record your words and deeds in detail and keep them on file.

If you have obvious mistakes in the trial, Yushi and Jinyi will question your words and deeds, and will submit the problem to your superiors, and then the case will attract more attention from superior officials. Some of them bend the law for personal gain, so you have to consider the consequences.

If you like to build things like construction, then as long as you pass the assessment, you will be placed as the director of the industrial department at the state and county level, which is also a position of Qipin. Planning and management of farmland water conservancy projects and the like.

Because you need to personally participate in various projects, and you have to work in the field for a long time, so this position will have a lot of allowances and subsidies, which can be regarded as an incentive for more people to join in.

It is not unprecedented to select officials from those who failed the list, and this time it is just amplified.This method will be widely welcomed by officials and scholars, because too many people are involved.Who would object to the good thing that more scholars have a way out?Who dares to object?

Many people who have passed the exam have participated in several exams, but they have repeatedly failed, and they themselves will lose confidence in their future.

Although it was said before that a person can be an official, there are only so many official positions. You have to go to the Ministry of Officials to prepare files and then go home and wait. Who knows that there will be vacancies until the year of the monkey.

These juren who fail the test are not not good enough. Are those who can stand out in the rural test stupid?There are many people who are simply unlucky.

While they are envious of these people on the list, they will inevitably feel uncomfortable in their hearts.

When everyone is discussing each other, your article is not necessarily better than mine, and your talent is not as high as mine. Why did you win the list and I failed?There must be tricks in it, and bribing the examiner is not sure.

Zhu Youjian's new plan will give this large group of people an excellent way out, and the effect will be good.


the reason is simple.

Originally frustrated and angry after failing the rankings, this time they were suddenly appointed by the court, and their grades are not low. Can these people not be serious?
For example, the candidate who was elected as the local censor was originally unconvinced, but now he is an official in the same county as the Xinke Jinshi, so he can justly stare at you, and then find the wrong place to impeach you. Such a good thing is impossible to dream of. have not thought.

Since ancient times, literati have neglected each other, and this feature should be made good use of.

Of course, relevant regulations will be formulated in the future, such as the general examination three years later, and most of these candidates will still participate.After all, the future of Jinshi is much farther than that of Juren. You can't just focus on the present, you have to look at the future.

How they will participate in the examination in the future, and who will handle the affairs during the period, this has to be carefully considered.

It doesn't matter, everything will be a few years later, don't think about it for the time being, I will naturally come up with a solution during this period.

There will inevitably be omissions and drawbacks in the implementation of these measures, but it doesn't matter, it will be corrected or improved according to the actual situation at that time.

In the future, the number of candidates for the list of Jinshi will be reduced, from about 300 to [-] each time, and the threshold for the list will be raised, so that the large number of candidates and supervisors will become the mainstream of the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty, and pragmatic and capable will become the new trend in the officialdom .

Juzi and supervisors will not stop at the fifth rank, at least they must reach the third rank or the second rank of the minister. This will give hope to those officials who came from Juren.

These measures of Zhu Youjian will not cause too much controversy in the court, especially one of them: future Guozijian supervisors will enjoy the same treatment as Juzi.

The children in the families of the important ministers are not all elites with outstanding academic performance.In fact, on the contrary, the children and grandchildren of most courtiers rarely have literary talents and outstanding abilities.

Although the emperor will give their younger generations a favor for the sake of the old ministers for many years, but the favor cannot be an official, and can only enjoy that treatment at home.Under such circumstances, if the descendants have no one on the list, the family will soon decline.As long as no one comes out to be an official for a few generations, who will ignore you?

The policy that Guozijian students can become officials has given important ministers hope, the hope that future generations can last forever.Because the children and grandchildren of these important ministers will be recruited into the Imperial College, the emperor mentioned it a few days ago.

Of course, it doesn't mean that all supervisors and recruiters can become officials, but that they must pass various strict assessments before they can.

But the threshold for becoming an official has been lowered a lot, and what achievements the descendants of the family will have in the future depends on whether they are up to date. This move by the emperor is considered as the best of benevolence and righteousness.

The government reform has already set the tone, and all Zhu Youjian has to do now is wait.There is a process to do everything, especially this kind of subversive innovation, there will be a long and tortuous process.

In a sugar factory in Jun'an Town, Xinghua County, Zhangzhou Prefecture, Fujian Province, Li Xing, who is dressed in a bunt, is busy. He holds a half-person-high pottery pot in front of a large vat with both hands, and then puts the pot one by one. The cane juice is black and yellow, and extremely viscous, slowly dripping from the mouth of the tank into the tile placed at the mouth of the large tank.

The tile has a large top and a sharp bottom, and the inside is covered with clean cattail grass. There is a small hole plugged with grass at the bottom of the tile.

After all the cane juice in the pot was poured into the tile, Li Xing put down the pot, wiped the sweat from his face with a rag on his shoulder, turned around and walked to the water pot, picked up the wooden ladle next to it, and scooped it up. He picked up half a scoop of cold water, raised his head and gulped it down.

"Ah Xing, how much money do you have left? There aren't many sugarcanes left, I'll go buy some more!"

The elder brother of Li Xing who spoke - Li Chong.

"There are more than a dozen taels of silver in the cabinet at the back of the house. You take them all and buy sugar cane for ten taels of silver. The rest is bought into rice. There is not much rice in the house!"

Li Xing put down the wooden ladle, wiped the water stains from the corner of his mouth and replied.

This sugar-making Tuliao is his family's business. It has been in operation for almost five years. It can produce more than ten stones of black sugar, one or two stones of white sugar and rock sugar every month, which can bring more than ten taels of silver to the Li family.

However, the sugar production period is only five or six months a year, from the ripening of the sugar cane in the twelfth lunar month to around the Qingming Festival of the next year.There are more than ten members of Li's family, young and old. Leaving aside miscellaneous expenses, they can get three to forty taels of silver from Tangliao a year, which is considered a good income.

Li Xing has just turned 20 years old, and he is short, stocky and powerful.He is the second eldest in the family, with an older brother on top, a younger sister on the bottom, and parents who are over [-] years old.

His elder brother, Li Chong, is two years older than him. He has a wife and two sons. In addition to working in the dormitory, he is also responsible for purchasing daily necessities for the family. The two youngest sons are only six years old and the youngest is four years old. Relatives look after.

Li Xing got married at the age of 17, and his wife gave birth to him a son and a daughter. Because the children are too young, Li Xing's mother, sister-in-law, 12-year-old sister, and his wife take care of the children and do housework at home. , Tangliao's affairs are taken care of by his father and his brother.

Not long after the beginning of spring, the temperature in Fujian gradually began to rise, coupled with the need for heavy physical labor, Li Xing already felt a little heat-resistant.

"Ah Xing, go and see if the sugar juice is hardened!" Dad's voice came from outside the wall.

Li Xing responded, walked up to Wa Liu and glanced at it. The cane juice in Wa Liu had solidified.

"Father, it's done!"

Li Xing shouted out of the wall.

After a while, the lean and strong old man Li entered the dormitory from outside the door carrying a large wooden bucket filled with yellow muddy water.

In order to facilitate the operation, the cattail grass blocking the small hole at the bottom of the tile is tied with a thin straw rope. Li Xing holds the straw rope and gently pulls the cattail grass away, and the tile slider and the large tank underneath pass through. That hole is connected.

Old man Li lifted the wooden barrel with one hand and the bottom of the barrel with the other, and slowly poured the yellow muddy water into the tile.

A miraculous scene appeared.

As the whole bucket of yellow mud water slowly seeped into the water tank below, the yellow mud water took away the impurities in the cane juice, and a layer of white sugar as white as frost appeared in front of the eyes of the father and son.

Li Xing stretched out his index finger and stuck it in the tile, then took it out and glanced at it, grinning and said: "Father, the frosting is more than three inches thick! This time it can sell for a lot of money!"

Father Li also smiled happily, looking at Li Xing who was sucking his fingers, and said: "This time the cooking is very good! If only there were so much frosting sugar every time!"

Li Xing said with a smile: "Dad, don't worry! This time, I will be more careful. From now on, our family will get a lot more frosting sugar every time! Just boil it every time..."

Father Li hurried up and covered his son's mouth with his hands, dragged him to the room where the cane juice was boiled, and said in a low voice, "You child is so heartless! Frosted sugar is a valuable commodity, if there is a good way It has become a secret technique handed down by our family! Are you yelling so loudly that you are afraid that other families will not hear you?"

Li Xing nodded quickly: "What Dad said is true! I will remember it in the future!"

Father Li nodded in satisfaction and said, "Ah Xing, what can you do? I can only tell your brother about this matter, the three of us know about it, and your sister Lian'er can't tell, do you hear me?"

Li Xing was infected by his father's nervousness, and after looking around, he whispered: "Father, my child watched carefully many times when sugarcane juice was being boiled. We used to use a big fire before. After the cane juice is boiled, remove some firewood and cook on a low heat; after about half an hour, use several barrels of cold water to shock the outer wall of the cauldron to make the cane juice cool faster, and finally get more frosted sugar !"

 The last method is something I made up.

  I'll go, this brother's comment made me angry, wow ha ha ha.I said big brother, I was writing with my heart, I really didn’t want to make up the number of words, but to make up the number of words, I just copied and pasted directly from Baidu to save effort, what a shame.

  Thanks to the friends who voted, I have a little less one chapter a day, but the number of words is more. Others only have a little more than [-] words in a chapter, or I will change it to a chapter of [-] words, and change it twice a day.I humbly accept the opinion of the book friend, but time travel is clear about the historical trend, God's perspective is inevitable, and expressing one's views through works is not self-righteous.

(End of this chapter)

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