Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 302 Chaos

Chapter 302 Chaos
Li Ruolian, as the governor of Beizhen, paid the most attention to the emperor's every move on weekdays.He often judges the emperor's preferences and favorite people through the emperor's imperial edicts and oral instructions, so that he can make corresponding judgments and responses, maintain and help these talents so that there will be no big mistakes, and make them become the emperor's most important people in the future. And the young magistrate in front of him is the one who needs his help.

Li Ruolian, who is meticulous in his thoughts, has long known who the emperor's most important ministers are, and the subordinates of these ministers have naturally become the targets of his attention. Because of this, he sent someone to find them on the second day after he arrived in Suzhou Mansion. Fang Wen asked him to find a convenient time to come and have a secret talk.

Fang Wen, who was in a difficult situation, was overjoyed after receiving the notification from Li Ruolian. For him who was isolated and helpless, the sudden appearance of a senior Jinyiwei official made him aware of the approaching opportunity. opportunity.

He immediately came to Suzhou Baihusuo in the name of going out of the city to visit old friends, and brought his servants from Shaanxi in casual clothes.

"Prefect Fang, this time I am going south with orders to deal with people who are trying to disrupt the south of the Yangtze River; when the mountain rain is about to come in Suzhou City, the relative army still needs the help of your government so that the people of Suzhou will not be affected too much. , and can restore the prosperity of the past as soon as possible. If you have any suggestions or hopes for this matter, just tell me, I will work with your family to properly handle this matter, so that my emperor can feel at ease!"

Although according to Li Ruolian's status, there was no need for Fang Wen to be so polite, but Li Ruolian had other plans.

Li Ruolian is well aware of all kinds of strife and attacks in the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty. He is very clear and understands Fang Wen's current situation, so he is going to help Fang Wen eliminate the opponents in the government office, so that Fang Wen can gain a firm foothold in Suzhou Mansion After returning to Beijing, he only needs to mention this matter a little when he reports to the emperor, and it will leave a better impression in the emperor's mind.

All of this is for the position of commander of Jinyiwei.Luo Yang's nature is too moderate, and his methods are too gentle. No one wants to offend. This has led to the emergence of some domineering households, and signs of chaos in Wei Zhong's military discipline. Some people even use their power to secretly blackmail court officials. Li Ruolian couldn't tolerate everything. In his opinion, these actions were to discredit the pro-military forces and seek their own death.

If these incidents spread to the palace, the emperor is likely to take measures to limit the power of the pro-military forces, and the pro-military forces who have finally recovered their former glory may gradually be marginalized. This possible situation is simply unacceptable to Li Ruolian .

As long as I can take over the position of the commander of the capital, all the chaos in the guard will be eradicated, and some black sheep will be dealt with as they should be, so that the position of the pro-army will remain unchanged.

"The words of the imperial envoy really made the lower officials ashamed. The lower officials did not lie to the imperial envoys. Since they took office last year, except for using the official seal when paying the imperial taxes, the rest of the issued articles have been shelved; During the official business, Liufang has always done things that are both positive and negative. Even if the subordinate officials find the wrong place and hit the board in court, the person who executed the punishment is just playing for the subordinates to watch. This time, someone in Suzhou is planning to fight against the imperial court. The lower officials have also heard about it, but they are powerless to stop it. Fortunately, the governor came here in person according to the order, so that the lower officials can feel the power of the imperial court. The governor here has an order, and the lower officials will fully cooperate with it. For your encouragement, return Suzhou Mansion to a bright future as soon as possible!"

Fang Wen made no secret of the predicament he encountered at the moment. After all, such a major event happened under his rule, and he bears the unshirkable responsibility. Now, only by explaining the difficulties he encountered, can he win the favor of the benefactor and the emperor. understanding.

"I am very impressed by the outspokenness of your mansion. This time, some people have colluded with bandits, and the disaster in the south of the Yangtze River is a pure disaster for your mansion. I believe that the Holy Majesty and the imperial court will also consider your mansion's difficulties and will not be against you. Your house is too harsh. Your house is young and promising. If you do your best to serve the sage, you will have a bright future. I also hope that your house will not make mistakes, and you must remember who is the lord of my emperor! Otherwise, some people The fate of is an example!"

Li Ruolian's expression became solemn.

Fang Wen hurriedly got up and bowed his hands to salute, saying that he didn't dare.

"Does your mansion have any cronies in the mansion? After a few days, they will be needed after the turmoil subsides. Now, please draw up a pen in your mansion to list those who have a heart for the imperial court in the mansion. The army will take them all together! After that, your government will immediately send people to come forward to appease the people and restore the prosperity of the market. If there are casualties, you need to compensate the innocent and repair the destroyed houses. The follow-up matters will be handled carefully by your government! After finishing writing, let’s go back to your mansion, and then it’s better to stay behind closed doors on the grounds of being sick, the official affairs of the government office will be handled by Zuo Er, and other matters will be taken care of by myself!”

Li Ruolian pointed to the pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table and said.

Fang Wen was stunned for a moment and then immediately overjoyed.With Li Ruolian's words, he can justifiably knock down all the political enemies in the government office.

With the big basket of colluding with bandits and causing chaos in the south of the Yangtze River, everything can be put in it.

After handing over the list left by Fang Wen to his lieutenant, Li Ruolian sat down and meditated.

Everything has been properly arranged, and now it depends on how far the strike in Suzhou government will go. Li Ruolian hopes that those people will make more trouble, the better.For these Jiangnan officials and gentry who regarded the emperor as nothing, he hated and loathed them from the bottom of his heart, and he wished that all these people would be ransacked and exterminated.

At the beginning of the strike, the mentality of the citizens in Suzhou City was the same as that of Yangzhou Prefecture, but the difference was that because Xu Qiming and others took extraordinary measures, Liang Qi took down all his gangs, and the strike lasted less than two days before being arrested As a result, there was no major disturbance in the city, and the market order was restored quickly.

However, Jiao Yunfeng, the governor of the Suzhou government, Huang Zhi, Wang Zuohai and others did not resort to extreme measures. Instead, they secretly mobilized some scholars in the family to write and post posters everywhere, inducing the people in the city to rebel against the so-called atrocities of the court and the people for profit. .

In the posted post, Zhu Youjian was cryptically attacked personally, saying that he was the only tyrant in the Ming Dynasty since the Taizu, with countless concubines in the palace and staggering daily expenses. The tax collection this time was just to satisfy his own greed. This is a typical example of putting the people in the south of the Yangtze River in the water and fire for the royal family's self-interest.The exposing posts even alluded to the fact that the bandits who ravaged the Northland were also because of his excessive exploitation of the people. In order to survive, the people in the Northland rose up to rebel against the tyranny.

With the spread of rumors, coupled with the lack of food, rice, oil and salt, under the instigation of interested people, the citizens of Suzhou who had already resisted the tax began to riot.First, neighbors gathered to discuss the business tax issue, and then the discussion turned into cursing and denouncing, and the small-scale gatherings were finally dissolved amidst the scolding.

Although dissatisfaction and indignation were brewing in the city, since most households still had food to survive for a few days, the city of Suzhou was generally calm.

But on the fourth day of the strike, this seemingly peaceful atmosphere was broken because most citizens ran out of food at home.

Under Li Ruolian's order, the Four Seas Trading Company in Suzhou City also joined the strike action. Several grain stores and grocery stores were closed. The folks who lived in the city were allotted enough grain and rice for ten days, and then smuggled it home. hid in.

Citizens who had run out of food or were close to running out of food at home couldn't bear it any longer. First, a small number of people took to the streets and began to criticize and criticize. The crowd on the street began to spontaneously go to the Yamen of the prefect of Suzhou.

As most of the residents in the city joined the team, some city rogues hired by Huang Zhi and others were also among them.When passing by a grain store of the Sihai Commercial Bank, a few gangsters pointed at the store and shouted: "This store is opened in the palace! The dog emperor earns money from the common people and has to increase taxes, so we will not be allowed to live! We are here today!" They snatched him away!"

One gangster ran forward and jumped up and kicked the door panel. After thinking about it with a bang, the door panel didn't move at all. The other gangster shouted: "Small the store door! There is food inside!"

This shout aroused the hostility of the people. Some people stepped forward and began to hit the door panels with their bodies, and then more people joined in. Under the joint impact of everyone, several door panels fell to the ground with a bang, and people began to rush into the store first.

As the news spread, other shops of the Four Seas Commercial Bank were also broken into by the public one after another, but whether it was a grain store or groceries, most of the supplies stored there had already been shipped to other places, and the people who broke into the store The gains are not great.

In the chaos, it is unknown who took the opportunity to set the fire on fire. It didn't take long for several fires to burn in several places in the city.Stimulated by the fire, irrational people began to smash and loot shops and residents along the street, and the bustling city of Suzhou suddenly fell into chaos.

 Thank you book friend 20180126134802800 for your reward.Help a new writer to push (bring back to Daming with a seat in Beiping), although I am also a first-level cute new writer, but I am embarrassed to refuse when they ask me to push, everyone, please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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