Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 308 Foresight

Chapter 308 Foresight (please subscribe to collect)

Sensed by the data that the illiteracy rate in Ming Dynasty was as high as 90.00%, Zhu Youjian decided to carry out the literacy campaign in Ming Dynasty in a planned and step-by-step manner.

This group of offenders and future offenders, as long as they do not constitute a capital offense, will become an important source of literacy teachers.

Prisoners and their family members from the four prefectures in the south of the Yangtze River will be sent to the Xi'an, Pingliang, and Fengxiang prefectures in Shaanxi Province to participate in the process of literacy and literacy for school-age children organized by the local government.

Last year, Zhu Youjian had the idea of ​​starting a newspaper, but this idea was quickly shattered by the cruel reality.

In this era when everyone is blind and blind, and the food and clothing problems of most people have not been solved, who do you publish newspapers for?Only scholars read newspapers, and reading and literacy are the privileges of the gentry class. For them who put their own and family interests ahead of the nation, you print newspapers and then talk about patriotism, loyalty to the emperor and the people on it. Do you think they Will you listen?

This move is undoubtedly flirting to the blind.

Only after the problem of food and clothing is solved and the literacy rate of the people is gradually raised to a certain level, can the foundation for running a newspaper be established and the concepts of patriotism and nationalism slowly instilled in the minds of the people.

Haste makes waste, everything has a gradual process, and we can't think about it overnight, once and for all.

The middle- and lower-level officials involved in this case were basically scholars who had no hope of winning the exam, and finally got into the yamen through connections to seek practical benefits. Although their knowledge was not profound, it was more than enough for literacy.

These people have a lot of practical work experience, so it would be a pity to kill them. Since all the property they obtained through corruption or bribery has been confiscated, instead of beheading, it is better to use waste and let them use their waste heat.

There are very few scholars in Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Youjian felt that the method he thought of was very clever.

Elimination of illiteracy requires a large number of people who can read and write, but the vast majority of these scholars are working hard in the imperial examination with the idea of ​​being named on the gold list and honoring their ancestors. Their high salaries, it is estimated that few people will be willing.

Because studying in the pilot test means that one person will ascend to heaven, and it also represents the huge benefits of this person's identity and family interests. How can these be compared with a little salary?
The Four Seas Commercial Bank will choose the best ones to occupy some of the tangible resources such as real estate and shops obtained in this raid, and most of the shops will be sold to encourage more people to participate in the production and circulation of commodities, and drive local The stability and prosperity of commercial activities in and around the area.

The land must be handed over to the local government as public land management, and rented to poor land-lost farmers at a rent of [-] per mu. Except for a part of the income, it will be used as the government's expenses, and the rest will go to the official warehouse to meet contingencies. .

This work needs to be strictly supervised to prevent the officials who handle it from doing things up and down, which will eventually lead to a good coup and an evil government. The heavy responsibility of supervision is naturally handed over to Jin Yiwei.The always proud Jinyiwei will not pay attention to those officials. Even if someone wants to bribe them to let them go, the captains don't care about the little money, but the arrest of corrupt people can be the capital of promotion. , so Zhu Youjian is still very relieved about this.

Li Erxi sent the imperial decree regarding the disposal of the people involved in the riot and Li Banghua, the censor of the left capital, as an imperial envoy to handle related matters with full authority, and it will be urgently sent to Li Banghua in Jining Prefecture soon after.

For the meritorious personnel of the Jinyiwei who properly dealt with the city strike action in several prefectures this time, the reward is the proper meaning in the question.

Li Ruolian was promoted to the title of governor of Zuodu, Jin Tongzhi Jinyiwei, and still served as the governor of Beizhen Fusi.

After this promotion, Li Ruolian became No. 1 in Jinyiwei after Luo Yangxing, and even more powerful than Luo Yangxing. The Fusi Town Fushi of Beizhen was in charge of the investigation and prison.

The rewards for other criminals should be handed over to Li Ruolian.

The current Jinyiwei is divided into three factions: Luo Yanghe, the commander of the capital, and Liu Yingxi, the same confidant, one of the same confidant Qi Changguo and the commander, Huang Fu, the governor of Nanzhen Fusi, and one of Li Ruolian. , is also the weakest faction in Weizhong.

Zhu Youjian took the opportunity to let Li Ruolian win people's hearts, expand and strengthen his own strength, so as to better compete with the other two factions.

The three-legged Jinyiwei is easier to control, and this sharp blade cannot be allowed to become a monopoly. The mutual checks and balances and involvements among the three factions are most beneficial to Zhu Youjian.

On the third day after the imperial decree was issued, Chen Qiyu, who had resigned from the post of governor of Fengyang and governor of water transport, arrived in the capital, and immediately handed in a copy to the palace to ask His Majesty to see him.

Standing in front of the vermilion gate, Chen Qiyu stood with his hands behind his back, full of emotions in his heart.

Since the Battle of Chexiangxia failed and he was arrested and imprisoned, he was heartbroken and sighed in the middle of the night countless times. While he hated those villains who were greedy for thieves and money and encouraged and bewitched him to let the enemy return home, he also hated I am so self-satisfied that I forget it, so I regret it.

In prison, he has already thought about his own consequences, either he will be beheaded by the imperial order to warn future generations, or he will be dismissed from office and return home in vain.

Compared to resigning from office and becoming a commoner, Chen Qiyu would rather be beheaded by the emperor to show the public.

Proud in his heart, he couldn't accept the gloating eyes and comments from the neighbors and villagers when he returned home tragically. When he thought that he would be in the same class as these rough men who ate in the soil for the rest of his life, that kind of embarrassing feeling It made him think of suicide countless times.

God is pitiful, I didn't expect His Majesty to have such a large mind and courage, not only pardoned him and released him from prison, but also bestowed on him the high position of a second-rank official, and asked him to learn lessons and make new contributions , this kind of virtue of regeneration, he, Chen Qiyu, could hardly repay even if he was smashed to pieces.

"Third brother, everything has been arranged in the mansion. The journey has been tiring, so I invite third brother to come to the mansion to take a bath and rest; my younger brother has arranged for the cook to prepare meals. It's already Shenshi, and it's time for third brother to have dinner after taking a bath and changing clothes!"

After receiving the imperial decree to return to Beijing to serve, Chen Qiyu sent Chen Qizhi and Chen Qifan to return to Beijing in advance to make preparations.

Chen Qizhi was in charge of repairing the imperial residence in the capital, adding furniture, hiring servants and maidservants and other trivial matters.

And Chen Qishen wanted to return to Baode, Shanxi, to pick up Chen Qiyu's wife and family members, including his younger brother Chen Qifan's family.

Chen Qiyu has already made up his mind that he will stay in the capital after he becomes an official and will not return to his hometown. , Waiting to find a suitable opportunity, move the father's tomb here, and in the future, after the old lady dies, she will be buried with her father.

From now on, the second wife of the Chen family will spread out in the capital, and will not go back to Baode's hometown for nothing except worshiping the ancestors.

His own younger brother Qi Fan has served his mother in his hometown for many years and has never been an official. Chen Qiyu made up his mind to find a good job for his younger brother to express his guilt and gratitude to his younger brother.

As for the arrangement of the two brothers Chen Qizhi and Chen Qishen, one is to consult their opinions, and the other is to find the right time. The two have accumulated a lot of property since they took office with him, so it is not a matter of arranging official positions. urgent.

Chen Qiyu has thought about it many times. Now the provinces in the Ming Dynasty have stabilized as a whole. If there is no accident, he will not be sent to other places by the emperor after he returns this time. There are more than ten or twenty years that need to be spent in the capital. Of course, the premise of all this is that he will not be convicted of a felony.

"Well, is there any request for your majesty to submit the notebook?"

Chen Qiyu asked and stepped up the steps, and entered the house through the wide open front door.

"It has been submitted to the palace, third brother don't worry!"

(End of this chapter)

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