Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 313 Leisurely

Chapter 313 Leisurely
In the blink of an eye, time came to August in the tenth year of Chongzhen. The wasteland reclaimed by the victims around Nansi Lake was full of harvest. The wheat that was about to mature formed a golden wave of wheat under the blowing of the hot wind.Many victims were worried, and regardless of the hot weather, they came to the fields, built various shacks with branches and weeds, and guarded their own crops like babysitters. Almost everyone's face was filled with joy and longing.

Although most of the fields are raw land, due to the adequate watering and maintenance, and the good weather, there have been no floods since sowing, and the crops are growing very well. Under the ripening of the dry and hot wind, In about a few days or so, the wheat will mature.Looking at the current situation, if there are no accidents, this year will usher in a good harvest, which will also bring a greater sense of security to the victims.

Although farmers in the Jiangbei region grow winter wheat, the mild climate in the Nansihu region makes it suitable for both winter and spring wheat.Last year, because the land reclamation time was too late, the planting period of winter wheat was already missed, so with the help of the government, the victims planted spring wheat at the intersection of March and April.

"Mr. Li, come in and taste it while it's hot. This is a black fish that I just caught from the lake. After I slaughtered the old man, I cleaned the internal organs, scraped the scales, and stewed it in an iron pot with water and salt. You can smell it even ten paces away! Hahaha!"

With a warm greeting, wearing a gray cloth robe, Li Banghua, who was resting under a thick willow tree, slowly got up with a smile, dusted off the dirt on his body, and walked towards a small farmyard more than ten steps away. , two plainclothes guards followed closely behind, and an old man in sackcloth bunt, about [-] years old, was standing at the gate of the courtyard with a smile to greet him.

Li Banghua visited all counties and townships in Jining Prefecture in the past half a year since he came to Jining Prefecture for inspection in the winter of last year. On weekdays, he walked around the streets in plain clothes, going deep into the victims of disasters and local farmers. Conduct search and interview in order to get the most real situation and feedback from the people.

After a long period of searching, although Li Banghua also found many problems, generally speaking, under the dual effects of whips and money, the large-scale resettlement of victims was generally very successful, although some details can be seen everywhere. , but on the whole, the flaws are not concealed, and they can be ignored. Cases similar to the Xinyang Prefecture tragedy have not happened again.

Seeing this situation, Li Banghua couldn't help admiring the pragmatic policy formulated by the emperor. This policy can indeed motivate and restrain the hearts of officials, and prevent the disaster relief money and food allocated by the imperial court from being peeled layer by layer. Money and food can basically be distributed to the victims in real numbers.

The dozen or so censors that Li Banghua brought from the Procuratorate were also divided into two teams, one in the dark and the other in the light, to patrol several counties back and forth, not to mention the constant interrogation of those evil stars in royal clothes.

The situation observed by the censors was roughly the same as what Li Banghua saw. Since Zhu Youjian stipulated that the distribution of money and food must be supervised by Jinyiwei, censors, household officials and local officials on the spot, even if someone wanted to take the opportunity to do something. There is no chance, so corruption almost never happens.This has never been seen in the 200 years since the founding of the Ming Dynasty.

Half a year has passed since going around and going around, and most of the censors who followed Li Banghua to Shandong have returned to their duties in the capital, and will submit what they have seen and heard to the palace in the form of inscriptions for the emperor to read.

In view of the relatively small regulation of the previous question books and the disadvantages of being unable to describe in detail when expressing major issues, Zhu Youjian last year changed the question books from a small book with six lines and [-] characters per line to [-] characters per line. A large book with three characters per line, and special regulations on the form of the title book, requiring the officials of the book to use less uncommon and allusions, and more pragmatic descriptions, not full of empty words, but to be meaningful, reasonable, and meaningful According to the facts, don't just talk about it.

In fact, these censors are also an opportunity to show their merits. As long as they express their hard work and toil in a tactful manner when describing a large number of facts, I believe it will leave a good impression on the emperor's heart, and it will not be too late in the future. Lay a good foundation for promotion.

When Li Banghua's inspection was about to end, he also took the opportunity to visit the surrounding cultural relics in a relaxed mood. On this day, after hearing that there were three sages' tombs on Weishan Island, and after informing Jin Yiwei of his whereabouts, he took two A guard came to Weishan Island by boat.

The so-called tombs of the three sages refer to the cemeteries of the three sages, Wei Zi, Mu Yi, and Zhang Liang, Marquis of Hanliu, but it is really difficult to verify whether these three celebrities are buried.

After simply visiting the tomb of the three sages, Li Banghua took a tour along the lake. Due to the hot weather and the water bags carried by the guards had run out of water, he happened to see someone in the small courtyard by the side of the road, so Li Banghua walked into the lake. In the courtyard, while begging for a bowl of water, I also wanted to visit the old man's thoughts by the way.

Now it is the slack season, and the old man Zhang is resting under the loofah stand in the yard. The rest of the adults and children in the family have gone to the lake. A rough clay teapot and a few rough porcelain bowls poured boiled water for the three of them, then suddenly slapped himself on the head, raised his legs and walked quickly to the dining shed in the corner of the yard, holding a wicker basket full of melons the size of a fist Go back to the loofah stand.

"My official, there is nothing delicious in the countryside. This melon is grown in my own vegetable garden. Try it! It's very sweet! This is just washed by the old man, it's not dirty!"

Old man Zhang warmly greeted the three of them to sit down on some wooden sticks under the loofah stand, pushed the wicker basket on the stone table towards Li Banghua and said with a smile.

"Well, it's exactly as the old man said, this melon is crispy, sweet and refreshing. It's really good for relieving summer heat! What's your last name? How old is this year? How many people are there in the family? Is the livelihood satisfactory? Why do you call us officials?"

Li Banghua was not polite. After putting down the rough porcelain bowl, he picked up a melon and signaled the two guards to do whatever they wanted.

After taking a bite and complimenting a few words, Li Banghua asked casually.

"Hehe! This official has underestimated my old man! Since last year, many refugees from other places have been sent to this island, and these officials have also been in constant contact. In the past year, the officials I have met are better than my ancestors. It’s a lot more! You have an aura of nobility on you, and I can see that you are definitely not a mortal when I put my eyes on it!”

Old man Zhang replied with a smile.He was very proud of his foresight, and forgot to answer Li Banghua's question.

"Old man, you haven't answered my master's question! Let's talk about it later!"

An elderly guard spoke dissatisfiedly and accused.

"Ah? What did this official ask me just now? Atonement is the only thing! The old man has forgotten! Please don't blame me, official!"

The guard's accusation caused the smile on Old Man Zhang's face to disappear, and he hurriedly stood up and bowed to Li Banghua.

"Don't be afraid, old man, I'm just talking to you about ordinary things! Zhang Yun! You two go out and wait!"

Li Banghua comforted the old man Zhang and then ordered.

The two guards got up obediently and went out of the courtyard.

"Hehe, old man, sit down, don't argue with the two of them!"

Seeing Li Banghua's gentle smile, old man Zhang's nervous and fearful mood gradually relaxed, and after sitting down, the two chatted casually.

Li Banghua's mood also improved after he generally learned that the situation of the old man Zhang's family was better than in previous years.

As noon approached, Old Man Li's family returned one after another, and brought back many specialties from the lake. Seeing that it was late, Li Banghua wanted to leave, but Old Man Zhang refused to let him go, and insisted on saving food.In the end, it was not due to the kindness of the old man Zhang, so Li Banghua had to agree to have dinner at his house before leaving. Seeing that his family was busy preparing, Li Banghua came to rest and wait under the willow tree outside the courtyard.

After a brief meal at Old Man Zhang's house, Zhang Yun quietly put a silver scorpion of about one or two taels at his feet. The old man Zhang who came to the lake waved goodbye and returned to the land in a small boat.

After the three of them disembarked, Zhang Yun went to the newly opened carriage and horse shop beside the pier and hired two carriages. The three masters and servants got into the carriages and headed for Weishan County, more than ten miles away.

After more than an hour, the carriage arrived at Weishan County, and not long after returning to the inn where he stayed for a few days, two captains in Jinyi came to the door.

"Liu Cheng and Zhu Qin, the junior lieutenants of Jinyiwei, have seen Li Xiantai. The two of us have come here to report to Xiantai under the orders of my family Li Lieqian. According to the investigation of our company Tiqi, there seems to be something abnormal about the grain stored in Yongji warehouse. What's more, but Feng Yushi of the Metropolitan Procuratorate said that he had discovered the abnormality here long ago, and now he is entangled with our company, Li Qianhu specially asked Xiantai to move to Jining to preside over the case!"

 Thanks to book friends Le Dafen, book friends fried long fish with leeks, book friends 20180126134802800, book friends 20180327070411024, and book friends Fengyun Hou Ye for their rewards, and thanks to the same author for their rewards, be your island master, more promising than me.

(End of this chapter)

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