Chapter 316
After Feng Yucheng learned the exact information from Mr. Zhao, he immediately rushed to Jining Prefecture overnight while the Caoliang fleet was still in Suqian, intending to find a reliable force to solve the case and arrest him.Although he lacked experience in dealing with affairs, although he thought carefully, he found the wrong Yamen, and found the Jinyiwei Hundred Households Office in Jining Prefecture in a state of taking it for granted.

The reason why he didn't ask the local government to send yamen servants to arrest people quickly was because he thought that if word got out that there was a dissonance, this big case that could lay a solid foundation for his official career would be aborted. Finding clues is even more difficult, because those people will definitely restrain their behavior temporarily, and even if they do it later, they will be more cautious.

Whether it's from the mouths of his elders who have served as officials, or what he saw and heard in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Feng Yucheng has a full understanding of the low-level subordinates in the local government.These people have worked in the yamen for generations, and their control and contact with local forces have surpassed those of the lords in the government yamen. Whenever there is any disturbance, these people will always get the news as soon as possible.Feng Yucheng believed that the incident occurred in Jining Prefecture must have existed for a long time, and local snakes in the yamen were likely to be involved.

Only Jin Yiwei is the most reliable.He naively believes that Jin Yiwei is the emperor's pro-army, and that detecting all kinds of crimes is the top priority of the pro-military, and leaking secrets is absolutely impossible. I have to run.

He was right.Jin Yiwei would not pay attention to these fish, turtles, shrimps and crabs in the local area. Besides, Jin Yiwei has never leaked secrets when he is on business. After doing business, there are not many rewards in the future. confused.

But his mistake was that he overestimated the ethics of Jin Yiwei.

Gao Lizhi, a hundred households of Jinyiwei in Jining, received him lukewarmly. Jinyiwei was very hostile to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, a yamen that competed with Jinyiwei for food.

Feng Yucheng ignored Gao Lizhi's attitude, but said that the grain fleet would arrive in Jining Prefecture within a few days. At that time, someone would link up inside and outside, and transport the sacks filled with sand and gravel as grain into Yongji Warehouse. Later, at night, he poured out the real grain from the Yongji warehouse and resold it to others for personal gain. He also asked Jin Yiwei to prepare manpower and arrest criminals when the time came.

Gao Lizhi heard that such an important case was investigated by the censor. Once the case is concluded, Feng Yucheng's name will go straight to Shengting, and he will be rewarded for his meritorious service.He reasoned that all the lieutenants under his command had gone to other places to perform official duties, and there were not enough manpower in the guard, so he had to wait until all the men were ready before he could do anything. He asked Feng Yucheng to rest and wait, and then inform him to go with him when he got the man.

Feng Yucheng is not a fool either. He keenly observed that the other party had other thoughts. After arguing with Gao Lizhi for a few words, he didn't leave at all. Gao Lizhi couldn't laugh or cry.

After receiving the letter sent by Gao Lizhi, Li Lie, a thousand households in Yanzhou Prefecture, immediately took his people to Jining on a flying horse. After arguing with Feng Yucheng for a long time to no avail, he had to send someone to invite Li Banghua to see if he could talk to this man. Xiantai explained that when the case was completed and reported, it was said that Jin Yiwei and Xuncao Yushi discovered the clues of the case from different places at the same time, and finally jointly cracked this major case.

After receiving Jin Yiwei's report, Li Banghua and Shen Shimo rushed to Jiningzhou City that afternoon.

After entering the city, under the guidance of two school lieutenants, Li Banghua came to the Baihusuo not far from the state government.Feng Yucheng and Li Lie were still sitting opposite each other in the second hall.After a long time of quarreling, both of them were physically and mentally exhausted, and they both wanted to quickly find a bed to rest in the hall, but in order to maintain their dignity, they could only stalemate in the hall.

"I've seen Xiantai!"

"Li Xianxian, you old man is here! Your subordinate Feng Yushi is really talented!"

Li Banghua walked into the hall with his hands behind his back, Feng Yucheng and Li Lie hurriedly stood up and saluted.

"Well, Zi Hou, you have worked hard! Don't worry, I will make decisions for you!"

Li Banghua called Feng Yucheng's face and comforted him gently, his eyes were full of unconcealed appreciation.

In this young man who hates evil and acts resolutely, he seems to see the shadow of his youth.After briefly inquiring about the cause of the dispute between Feng Yucheng and Jin Yiwei along the way, Li Banghua was more willing to believe that his love general was the first to discover the clues to the case.

The arrival of Li Banghua seemed to inject new vitality into Feng Yucheng's exhausted body and mind, revived his gradually sluggish spirit, and his high-spirited fighting spirit returned to him.

Li Banghua ignored Li Lie, walked straight to the main seat that Li Lie had occupied, turned around and sat down with his robe lifted up.Li Lie said "Hey", although he was very upset, but Li Banghua's reputation and status were there, so in the end he could only sit in the lower seat depressed, and Feng Yucheng sat across from him with dignity.

"Zi Hou, please tell me the whole story, don't get involved in other things!"

After Li Banghua gave a simple order, Feng Yucheng got up to salute, and described in detail what happened in Suqian City.

"Very good! Zi Hou has little knowledge, is courageous and insightful, and does everything by himself, which is really an example of Baitai! Li Qianhu, since you know the details of this matter, can someone keep an eye on the key points? According to Zihou's words, The grain fleet can arrive at the Canal Wharf of Jining Prefecture as early as tomorrow, so it is the responsibility of the pro-military to follow the vine after getting the stolen goods! The first contribution to this case should be attributed to Zi Hou, and the second is to the pro-military! Alright, my officer A little tired, Zihou will go to the inn to rest with the officer, and wait for the good news of the army after tomorrow!"

After Li Banghua finished speaking, he stood up and walked out of the hall with his hands behind his back. Feng Yucheng followed him calmly, but his eyes could not restrain the joy.

During the whole process, Li Lie didn't even say a word, and it ended with Feng Yucheng's complete victory.Li Banghua came and went suddenly, leaving only the stunned Li Lie on the spot.

"Qianhu, do you want to give the secret performance to the commander first, and let the commander give us this first merit?"

After seeing Li Banghua and his party leave the gate, Gao Lizhi, who was waiting outside the hall, hurried into the hall, and asked Li Lie, who was sulking on the chair, for instructions.

"The secret play of the last fart! Do you think that old Li is not up to the mark? This old man is famous for his integrity, and his qualifications are older than our conductor's father! You think the emperor can trust us instead of him! Forget it Well, isn’t it the first achievement? Just leave it to that stunned young man! Send someone to keep an eye on him in the future, and if he finds the wrong place, he will be dealt with! The manpower everywhere has been properly arranged?”

Although Li Lie was extremely depressed, that was the end of the matter, and the next step was how to arrange and recruit people.The outcome of this case will definitely shock the government and the public. Feng Yucheng's first victory is equivalent to the first victory in the siege, and the rest is the end, and Jin Yiwei is just a little bit of light.If the first credit goes to himself, he will definitely have the opportunity to move up, and his subordinates can follow suit, but now it can only be a matter within his authority.

As the emperor's eyes and ears, Jin Yiwei is responsible for detecting crimes in the world, but he didn't know anything about such a big case, what does the emperor think?This Yongji warehouse is right under the eyes of the Jining Baihu Office, which is really dark under the lights.

Looking at Gao Lizhi standing in front of him, Li Lei wished he could kick this bastard to death, if it wasn't for the fact that this kid keeps giving presents during New Year's Eve.

"Why are you still standing? Why don't you get out and look around! Get out!"

 Thank you book friend Feng Feng Shui Xinxin for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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