Chapter 323
Li Banghua didn't hesitate to face Zhang Yixian's accusation, he slightly cupped his hands and said: "The so-called official prestige, I have explained it clearly yesterday, and Zhang Zhenshou can take a closer look at it when he is free! As for the rude behavior of the soldiers outside the door, But this official cannot be restrained. The Beijing camp officials claim to be directly under the palace. This time they are valued by the emperor, so they are sent south to protect the official's safety. This official has no jurisdiction over them. If Zhang Zhenshou is not angry, he can Just report the matter to the palace! I will introduce you to the two of you. The person next to me is Governor Zuo of the Five Armies, Commander of Jin Yiwei, Li Ruolian, Governor of Beizhen Fusi, and Li Dudu. Just like me, I am also ordered to go south to patrol the south of the Yangtze River, to detect crimes and ask questions! Why are you two here today? Please talk inside!"

After finishing speaking, Li Banghua turned around and stepped into the hall.

Li Banghua's words made Zhang Yixian feel more depressed, but he couldn't get angry.Opposite him was an imperial envoy, a first-rank official. Although he came from the palace, he came here by the emperor's order. He was just a servant of the royal family, and he was far away from the capital. There was no place where he could threaten Li Banghua.

Although Zhang Yixian met Li Ruolian several times when he was in the palace, but because Jin Yiwei has been declining, he didn't take him seriously.Unexpectedly, Jin Yiwei would quickly re-emerge within a few years, and yesterday's underestimated person turned out to be a very powerful high-ranking official, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

Zhang Yixian took a look at Li Ruolian, insisting that he was the supervisor of ceremonies, so he waited for him to salute himself first, while the tactful Zhao Zhilong bowed to Li Ruolian first, and Li Ruolian returned the salute with a smile, but then did not What do you say to Zhang Yixian?

Today, Zhang Yixian, who had been deflated continuously today, was about to explode again under extreme anger. Zhao Zhilong, who knew him quite well, reached out and tugged at his sleeve very covertly. Entering the hall beside Li Ruolian.

The smile on Li Ruolian's face did not change, and before Zhang Yixian passed by him, he turned around and entered the room, went straight to the seat he was sitting on just now, and sat down with his robe lifted.

Li Ruolian didn't care about Zhang Yixian, a eunuch who seemed to be a high-ranking eunuch, but was actually divorced from the real center of power.He knew that although the guarding eunuch would reap a lot of money, it would be difficult for him to return to the palace to hold an important position in the end.A few years ago, the Shangguan of Jinyiweitang was not looked down upon by others, but now it is very different. As an imperial envoy, I can't let this dead eunuch gain the upper hand.

Seeing this, Zhang Yixian was stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled self-consciously, Shi Shiran came to the first seat opposite Li Ruolian and sat down, Zhao Zhilong sat next to him, and Chen Jinmin sat in the lower seat of Li Ruolian.

After all, it was Da Dang from the Supervisor of Rituals. Although the eunuchs are narrow-minded and are most afraid of being looked down upon by others, Zhang Yixian suddenly thought clearly. He originally came to see the imperial envoy and the pro-army come to Nanjing. What is the purpose? What kind of matter, if you care about this kind of details, it will not benefit you and Zhao Zhilong, this kind of emotional conflict is totally out of the question, let's talk about the rest after finishing the matter.

After everyone sat down, Li Banghua looked at Zhang and Zhao and said, "The Li Zhenfu envoy dealt with Yang Su and other four prefectures to strike the city just finished, and today I went to the city to discuss with my official how to report to the Holy Majesty and the imperial court. , I haven't met with each other yet, just happened to come here hand in hand, I don't know why Zhenshou and Xin Chengbo are here today?"

Zhang Yixian twitched his lips slightly, and thought to himself: He is close to the army, and he is appointed by the imperial government, why should he discuss with you about the report?Have you brought thousands of people to discuss with others?This is old and unrefined, talking nonsense makes people uncomfortable, why are you fooling ghosts?
He was thinking like this in his heart, but on the surface he smiled and said: "I heard that Mr. Meng An is not feeling well. Our family is very concerned about it. There is nothing left and right, so we invited Uncle Xin Cheng to visit him together. Mr. An is over sixty years old, and he still has to work for the emperor, but it is really hard. Our family knows a few famous doctors in Nanjing. If Mr. Meng An needs it, our family will immediately invite someone to treat him. Fan, this is the reason for our visit, ha ha! It's just that when our family and Uncle Xin Cheng came, we were surprised to see the streets and alleys full of pro-military figures; now it's Li Zhenfu Even here, the two of us would like to ask a question or two, so that everyone in the city can feel at ease, so as not to miss the chance to run a business for the emperor!"

Zhao Zhilong cupped his hands at Li Ruolian and said with a smile: "The envoy Li Ruolian is here in Nanjing. When you have free time, I will allow Benbo to be the host to show the friendship of the landlord. I hope the envoy will not refuse, hahahaha!"

It stands to reason that Zhao Zhilong doesn't have to be so polite to Li Ruolian as a superstar of the Ming Dynasty, but the sudden appearance of Jin Yiwei today made him feel inexplicably palpitated. should.

Li Ruolian smiled and cupped his hands in return: "It's easy to say, Li is so grateful! Uncle has a heart!"

"Since it's the guard's inquiry, then please ask Li Zhenfu to answer it on your behalf, so as to comfort the guard and Xin Chengbo's heart!"

Li Banghua looked at Li Ruolian and said.

"Since it was ordered by the Constitution, I will be open and honest! You two must have heard about the case of Suyang's four government strikes. The planner's sinister intentions and unscrupulous actions are really chilling! General Tiqi has something to do with it." When the investigative report was delivered to the palace, my emperor was also extremely furious, and gradually became impatient with some people who only cared about their own interests and put the safety of the country at risk. People. I was ordered by the emperor to be in charge of Beizhen Fusi, so I am always ashamed of the emperor's worries! Although the emperor is in power today, I don't want to involve too much, so as to leave some dignity for the outer court, but This time, I would rather violate the holy will than sit back and watch the emperor who despises me and get away! To tell you the truth, I have brought the relevant testimonials and witnesses, but anyone involved in the case of provoking civil unrest in the four prefectures, I will personally The army will never let them go! Beizhen Fusi Prison is very spacious, enough to accommodate more than a thousand prisoners! Anyone among them who vainly tries to resist with force will be killed without mercy!"

Li Ruolian had a resolute and generous look on his face, as if he would be beheaded for violating the holy will after returning to Beijing after finishing his errands.

In fact, his way of acting is not all about acting. As the emperor's minion, the pro-military should have the consciousness to take the blame at any time.Although the strategy of taking advantage of the situation to eradicate the Jiangnan interest group was decided by Zhu Youjian, if the people of the world know that the emperor is so vicious, it may cause great damage to the reputation of the emperor. At this time, someone should stand up This is a black pot.

Li Ruolian takes his own reputation very lightly, so what about the accusations of thousands of people?Everything about him is in the hands of the emperor, whether he is a foreigner or a scholar, even if he is scolded as a heinous traitor, it will not affect his future and the safety of his family in the slightest, only the emperor is A man who holds his destiny in his hands.

"The people behind the scenes? What does Li Zhenfu envoy mean by these words? Whether it's a strike or civil unrest, the cause is the introduction of commercial taxes. Even if some local officials are involved, it's because they were bewitched by others for a while. Just confused, why come from the behind-the-scenes talk? Our family thinks that the eunuch should take the holy will as the standard, discuss the matter as it stands, and don’t involve too many people. You must know that the Qin Hui of the former Song Dynasty was notorious for a long time because of its trumped-up name! As far as our family knows, most of the high-ranking officials in various ministries and departments in Nanjing are clean and self-sufficient during the day, and have a good reputation among the people. If the governor wants to build a prison here this time, I am afraid it will cause unpredictable disasters! It is really going to be that time, my lord If it is blamed, Li Zhenfu can afford it? And if this constitution-making and Li Zhenfu can be dealt with fairly, everyone in Nanjing will be grateful, and the two will definitely return home satisfied!"

 Thank you Jinmojin sister for your reward, I hope she will open a new book soon, I will definitely go to the personal show.Recently, the more I write, the hotter it is. It is not easy for book friends to bear me. Zhuzhu here expresses his deep gratitude and apology to everyone.Going back to the world has a problem with my book friends. I originally planned to set up a department, but the policy may not allow it. It will be bad if it violates the regulations.Then I will help Mengxin write a hand-promoted book, Great Zhou Jiangshan Zhi, with a relatively relaxed style. It is about the Great Zhou established by Chai Rong before the Northern Song Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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