Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 329 Improvements

Chapter 329 Improvements
Seeing that the time had come to an end, Zhu Youjian took Wang Chengen to Qianqing Palace after appeasing Zhou.

In the morning Yang Sichang had already entered the palace to renew the decree, saying that Sun Chuanting had successfully entered Beijing and returned home, and handed over Sun Chuanting's manuscript.

After Zhu Youjian praised a few words, Yang Sichang saw that the emperor had no new intentions, so he saluted and left the palace.

Looking at Sun Chuanting's manuscript, Zhu Youjian couldn't help recalling the scene of his interview more than two years ago.Two years passed quickly, but the situation has changed drastically.

A capable minister is a capable minister. As long as there is strong enough support from all sides, such a capable minister will show his ability to turn the tide.

The most fundamental reason for Sun Chuanting's failure in history was the constraints from various aspects.No silver, no food, no soldiers, only exhausted after receiving the order, and finally buried in the battlefield with unwillingness and resentment, and even left a reputation of taking the opportunity to escape and abscond.

Considering that Sun Chuanting hadn't seen his family for more than two years, and that there was no major military news recently, Zhu Youjian planned to let him rest at home for a while before calling him into the palace, just waiting to be with the legendary heroine. See you when you enter Beijing.

Zhu Youjian was waiting for the news from Nanjing, and the time was about to arrive.

There should not be too many twists and turns in the abolition of Nanjing staying at the court this time. Those people in Nanjing never expected such a shocking thing to happen.

The land in the south of the Yangtze River has no self-reliant force to fight against the imperial court.Today's vested interests in Nanjing are like children walking in the busy city with a huge amount of money in their arms, and they will be knocked down to the ground with just a little force.

They have been accustomed to the various routines and rules of the Ming Dynasty's officialdom for more than two hundred years, and they believe that even the emperor can't do anything to them, and they have never even put the emperor in their eyes.

In the minds of these people, the emperor is just a hozen being played around by the courtiers. Under the suppression of the powerful group of officials, gentry and gentry, as long as the emperor's will is not what they want, then such a will is nothing more than a piece of paper.

While Zhu Youjian was sitting in his thoughts, Luo Yangxing stepped into the hall amidst the eunuch's loud voice outside the hall gate.


Zhu Youjian looked up at Luo Yangxing.

"Go back to the emperor, it should be done! This is Li Ruolian's report from Nanjing!"

Luo Yangxing bowed and took a few steps forward, and handed over several memorials and title books to Wang Chengen who walked down the imperial steps.

"Okay! Luo Qing is waiting, big companion, I will be passed on to the ministers of the cabinet, the six ministers, and the Yin Zhaoren Hall of Shuntian Mansion to discuss the matter!"

After receiving the report and looking through the results roughly, Zhu Youjian ordered in a relaxed and cheerful tone.

Wang Chengen responded and went down the imperial steps, and after leaving the palace gate, he gave a few instructions in a low voice, and a young eunuch rushed away.

"Show Luo Qing a seat!"

Following Zhu Youjian's order, an eunuch hidden in the corner of the hall hurriedly moved Jindun from the side hall and put it down. Luo Yangxing saluted and sat down.

Zhu Youjian chatted with Luo Yangxing for a while, and three elders, Wen Tiren, Wang Yingxiong, and Zhang Zhifa, who were closest to Qianqing Palace, came together.Before the three of them asked why they were summoned, Zhu Youjian ordered to go to Zhaoren Hall to discuss other matters first, and then discuss today's highlight after all the important officials arrived.

Seeing that the emperor sat down on the throne in Zhaoren Hall, Wen Tiren and the others bowed their hands and saluted and sat in their usual seats.

"Wen Qing, what is the progress of the matter of convening a doctor to give lectures in Gyeonggi before? Is there anything that needs to be revised during the period?"

Zhu Youjian's teaching by doctors is a new policy that he just thought of last month.After discussing with the cabinet members, it has now started trial implementation in the prefectures and counties in the Gyeonggi area, and it will be promoted to other provinces after summarizing the experience.

This new policy is to fully implement the medical system subsidized by the imperial court in all villages and towns with convenient transportation in Daming in the next few decades, and strive to equip each village with a doctor who understands basic medical knowledge.

For the time being, this policy cannot benefit people in remote mountain villages, because the constraints of transportation conditions are really difficult to overcome.

When Zhu Youjian proposed this new policy to several members of the cabinet, Wen Tiren and others were silent. Although they admired the emperor's unprecedented idea, they were extremely pessimistic about the prospect of this matter.

Zhu Youjian's move followed the method of the barefoot doctor implemented in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China.Practice has proved that this is an effective strategy, which will directly benefit the majority of farmers in Daming and reduce their psychological and economic burdens.

However, this large-scale, extremely wide-ranging, and long-term project to benefit the people will require a considerable amount of money.

Of course, the biggest obstacle to the promotion of this new policy is not money, but the serious shortage of doctors in the Ming Dynasty.

The cultivation of Chinese medicine cannot be completed overnight, it needs a long period of accumulation, and it takes at least 20 years for a qualified doctor to grow up.At present, most doctors in the Ming Dynasty are concentrated in cities above the prefecture and county level. Once a rural farmer gets sick, no matter how far away, he can only go to the county town to find a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. They died on the road.

Zhu Youjian also knew that according to the current medical conditions and level, coupled with the extremely backward traffic environment, even if an emergency is sent to the city, it is basically a dead word.The purpose of his new policy is not to rescue the incurable patients, but to enable those patients who are not treated in time due to common diseases such as wind-cold fever, diarrhea and abdominal pain, and finally lead to the aggravation of the disease, to receive timely and effective treatment and help.

"Reporting to the Holy Majesty, since receiving the holy metaphor, the ministers and the officials of the Shuntian Prefecture will jointly discuss the specific implementation strategy, and it is decided to divide the two counties of Daxing and Wanping under the jurisdiction of the Shuntian Prefecture, as well as Tongzhou, Zhuozhou, Bazhou, Jizhou, and Changping. Other states and counties are included in this new policy for benefiting the people. Since several states and counties are close to the capital, and the resources of medicine and medicine are far superior to those of other states and counties in Ming Dynasty, the implementation of the new policy should be relatively smooth. The cabinet has written so far In several states and counties, the local government was asked to choose a spacious place in the city, equipped with corresponding facilities, and hired local famous doctors to teach in turn. The students are all from the towns and villages with poor Chinese medicine skills. Due to the short period of implementation, there is no specific report yet. return."

Wen Tiren sat upright and cupped his hands and reported back.

After discussing with Chen Qiyu, the prefect of Shuntian, all the members of the cabinet came up with the current plan, and allocated 2000 taels of silver to each state and county from the Ministry of Households as a new policy fund, which was used to hire famous doctors and train students. expenses such as food and lodging.

"You guys have done a good job. This new policy will not be effective in a short period of time. It is better to be persistent and persevering. I have also thought about this matter in my spare time. In order to prevent the new policy from being abolished due to various constraints, I am determined to establish it. There is a department in charge of this matter, and all relevant personnel and supplies are fully responsible for it. The new department is temporarily named the Department of Health, and the department is currently in charge of the fourth grade. The rank and number of officials are determined by the cabinet after consultation with the Ministry of Officials. The Department of Health is directly under the jurisdiction of the cabinet, and its duties and powers are deliberated by the cabinet and reported to it. Detailed, I will implement it after considering the pros and cons!"

In view of the fact that the current situation is running smoothly in a positive direction, the step-by-step implementation of basic hygiene knowledge has been put on the agenda by Zhu Youjian in places where conditions are available in Daming.

With the help of the Department of Health and the cooperation of the local government, a large-scale cleaning campaign to eliminate rats, flies, mosquitoes, and cockroaches was carried out in county towns and villages, promoting hand washing before meals and after defecation, cold water must be boiled before drinking, and summer meals must be heated overnight. Seriously infectious A series of measures such as isolation of diseases and renovation of latrines in villages and towns will fundamentally improve the sanitation environment in villages and towns, and eliminate various diseases caused by personal and environmental hygiene problems. This is Zhu Youjian's original intention of setting up the Department of Health.

The cost of these upcoming rural environmental sanitation improvements will be borne jointly by the internal funds and the Ministry of Household Affairs, of which domestic funds account for [-]%.

As for whether to set up public hospitals in densely populated areas in the future, it can only be included in the plan now, but how to implement it will be decided according to the specific situation.

 Thank you book friend Shuhuang for your great reward.Today, this book has finally passed a million words. I started writing a book on impulse a year ago. I never thought I could write a million words. At this moment, I still have a little sense of pride in my heart.Over the past year, I have spent countless efforts and doubted myself several times, but in the end I persisted until today.Although I didn't make any money, this book can be regarded as a memory after I get old.Here I would like to thank all the new and old book friends who supported me. Your support and encouragement helped me get rid of those negative emotions of depression and loss, and gave me the courage to continue writing!The little one here bows deeply to everyone, thank you for having you!

(End of this chapter)

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