Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 331 Internal Affairs

Chapter 331 Internal Affairs
"I agree with Zhang Butang's words! I believe that no matter whether it is abolished or merged, it should be based on whether the act is in accordance with the holy will, and whether the order of the court is implemented in accordance with the regulations. Not a person who can be used! What the left-behind Yousi in Nanjing has done is known to the world, so it is best to use it carefully after moving to Beijing from the north!"

The Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Zhou Yun, followed Zhang Guowei's will and wantonly went online, and directly put the big hats of Muwujunshang and the imperial court on it.

These words are very appetizing to Zhu Youjian, and he nodded slowly towards Zhou Yun approvingly.

No matter how talented and capable a disloyal person is, his intentions and purpose will make people suspicious. The officials of Nanjing Yousi have already made it clear that they are not of the same heart with the emperor and the court, and this kind of behavior cannot be reused at all.

Hou Xun cupped his hands at Zhu Youjian and said, "Qizou Shengshang, there are a lot of warehouses under the Nanjing household department. There are only three grain depots containing 50 shi, and the rest are filled with cloth and silk, horse fodder, soybeans, black beans, honey, There are more than [-] warehouses for copper coins, treasures, banknotes and other materials. I have no objection to the joint department. I only ask my emperor to send the officials of the household department to inspect the warehouse materials in various prefectures in Nanzhili, so as to avoid the loss of large quantities of materials. When there is chaos, people take advantage of it!"

Hou Xun's words made Zhu Youjian feel embarrassed.

I only thought about weakening local power, but I didn't think about the various food and materials under the name of the Nanjing Household Department.It seems that the lack of governance experience that considers the overall situation cannot be acquired in a short period of time, and it must be achieved through long-term governance to obtain a sufficient overall perspective.

"Hou Qing puts public affairs first in everything, which is really a model of courtiers! Qing's advice shows what it looks like to be dedicated to the public. After Hou Qing returns, he can immediately arrange people to go to Nanjing for business. The matter of abolition is discussed here. Let’s deal with it! After the Nanjing Yousi moved to the north, it was merged into various functional departments. The chief officials of each department are divided into left and right positions, the capital is on the left, and Nanjing is on the right! , Qing, etc. can go to the court to impeach him, and after verification, the official will immediately be dismissed from office and return to his hometown!"

Zhu Youjian resolutely terminated the discussion on placement and directly made the final decision.

For the spirits in the hall, the emperor's words could not be more obvious: the so-called merger is just to give those people in Nanjing a little face, and the power of each temple will still be in the hands of everyone present, as long as the people in Nanjing can be found If there is a mistake, then you can go to the impeachment, and the emperor will be kind and let the impeached go home.

All the ministers bowed their hands to obey the order, and all the worries in their hearts dissipated.

"Since the left-behind Yousi in Nanjing has been abolished, there is no need for the Southern Zhili Province to continue. However, due to the large number of prefectures and counties under its jurisdiction, it is still difficult to implement the imperial decree without appropriate administrative jurisdiction. I am determined to abolish Yingtian The post of governor, the establishment of Nanjing Prefecture, divided the prefectures and counties under the jurisdiction of Nanzhili into two, and newly established Jiangsu and Anhui provinces to govern them; Jiangsu Province has jurisdiction over Nanjing, Suzhou, Changzhou, Yangzhou, Huai'an, Songjiang, The eight prefectures of Zhenjiang and Xuzhou were established in Nanjing; the post of governor of Fengyang was abolished, and Anhui Province was established, under the jurisdiction of the eight prefectures of Fengyang, Luzhou, Anqing, Taiping, Chizhou, Ningguo, Huizhou, and Chuzhou. The provincial government is located in Luzhou. These two provinces are equipped with corresponding government offices according to the existing provincial system. The two provinces have a governor and a patrol officer. I will select people with outstanding morals and appoint them! You can share the inscription with me, and after I send people to investigate, I will make a choice based on his virtue and ability! The Jiangnan Civil Disturbance Case involves the vacancy of the chief official of the three mansions, and the new candidates can also be recommended by the ministers."

Dividing the huge and bloated Nanzhili into two, and re-establishing provinces to control it, will enable the imperial government to be implemented more quickly and effectively.However, if the administrative division is too large, the problem of information stagnation caused by traffic inconvenience will become more prominent.Minimizing the size of the land and population at the provincial level will be more conducive to the transmission of imperial orders in this era.

All the ministers in the palace were surprised at the emperor's new establishment of two provinces, and then they put their minds on the vacant official positions. Everyone quickly considered the people in their pockets to see which one was more important. It is suitable to roll out to fill these vacancies.

Except for high-ranking officials like the governors of the two provinces, the rest of the positions are all first-class fat jobs, and they are all concentrated in the most prosperous areas of Ming Dynasty. the benefits of.

"Luo Qing, the pro-army Nanjing Thousand Household Office should be established as soon as possible. Jiangsu and Anhui Provinces have established Hundred Household Offices to strengthen the supervision of local chaos! The former Nanjing Jinyiwei Commander and Envoy will be abolished from now on. The original The official school selects those who are loyal and capable, and those from poor families to retain, and the rest will be released from the military after each of them is given five taels of Anjiayin! Please go and arrange it!"

Although Nanjing Jinyiwei has long existed in name only, and most of the few generals and schools in Weinei have engaged in various occupations, there are strong and weak points in any group.Due to various reasons, many hereditary pro-military families in Weizhong are very embarrassed in their daily life, but because they still have military status, they still have a small amount of food and salary to support their families every month. If it is canceled this time Obtaining military registration will make the already poor life worse.

Zhu Youjian had considered this a long time ago, so he specifically put forward relevant requirements for Luo Yangxing. As long as he attached himself to the big group of Jinyiwei, the living conditions of these people would be improved rapidly.

As for the other people who have been dismissed from the military, the five taels of silver can be regarded as a kind of consolation prize for them.After all, they have also served in the army for generations, and they can be regarded as part of the royal family. Although being revoked from the military will make most people unacceptable for a while, they can only blame themselves for forgetting their duty to be pro-military, and they can't blame others for their ruthlessness .

Luo Yangxing hesitated for a moment, got up and saluted and received the order, then exited Zhaoren Hall and returned to the office.

With Jin Yiwei setting up offices in many important prefectures and counties, seven of the original thirteen thousand-household offices in the capital have been dispatched. There are thousands of Jinyi school lieutenants.Looking at the current situation, the emperor intends to set up pro-military yamen in all the key prefectures and counties of the Ming Dynasty, so these thousands of people are simply not enough.

It seems that we are looking for an opportunity to report the situation to the emperor, choose the opportunity to select good family children from the citizens, and recruit them into the Weizhong, so that the newcomers can grow up quickly by using the old to lead the new, so that the number of pro-military and school lieutenants in the capital will never be less than 5000 The bottom line to ensure the safety of the palace.

"Chen Qing, how is the road repair and paving in the capital going? Have all the underground ditches and open channels been cleaned and buried?"

After Luo Yangxing left, Zhu Youjian looked at Chen Qiyu and asked.

"Reporting to my emperor, after I took office, I inspected the key parts of the capital within ten days. Now the main roads of the capital have basically been laid, and the rest of the streets and alleys have also begun to be completed. All road repairs are expected to be completed before the end of October. According to the Holy Spirit For example, just after the rainy season last month, I raised all the manpower and supplies, and the open ditches and underground ditches in the city have been widened and cleaned. This widening project is expected to employ about 22 migrant workers, plus auxiliary workers for transporting materials, boiling water and cooking. More than [-] mouths, a total of about [-] mouths, the total length of the construction ditches is about [-] miles, the estimated cost of money and grain is about [-] taels of silver, more than [-] stones of rice noodles, vegetables, meat, oil and salt have not yet been counted Both Shuntian Mansion and the Ministry of Industry and Construction have officials leading construction supervisors, and strive to complete the project before the end of the year. After the widening and reconstruction of various ditches, the waterlogging during the rainy season in July and August will be greatly relieved. In addition, the roads and alleys in the city are all hardened, and in the rainy season in the future, the city will no longer be flooded and muddy! However, I occasionally have other thoughts, I don’t know if I should report it to my emperor!”

After Chen Qiyu stood up and gave a salute, he revealed his biggest achievements since taking office.

He first briefly mentioned the hardening of the road, and then listed various data to describe the big project that had just started.

Because the hardening started long before he took office, it was the credit of the former governor Li Huaipu and the Ministry of Industry, and had nothing to do with him, and the construction of the ditches was a major project he had received since he was the governor of Shuntian. Of course, we must publicize it in front of all the important ministers.

"Chen Qing is worthy of the name of a capable minister. I am very pleased to hear that he can clearly list the expenses involved and participate in it personally. If all the ministers of Ming Dynasty are like Chen Qing, then I will save a lot of energy Chen Qing should take the lead in this matter, and after the completion of the project, I will reward the rest of the relevant people for their merits! But if you have something to say, just tell it straight!"

 Thanks to book friend Youai Tianxia and book friend Luo Jianwen for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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