Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 343 The Cabinet

Chapter 343 The Cabinet
Shen Shiyu did not argue with Hong Chengchou after hearing the words.

He knew that no matter what happened in the city, only his own identity as Dong Weng could mediate and suppress it. Moreover, it was very likely that the matter did not deteriorate to the point of confrontation with swordsmen. Hong Chengchou's order was only to prepare for the worst.

After clasping his fists at Hong Chengchou and saying to take care of him, he immediately led Wu Jin on his horse and galloped back the way he had come.

Hong Chengchou gave an order, and the soldiers of the standard camp wrapped him in it and rushed to Jinzhou City not far away.

Since the enemy situation had not been resolved for a long time, there were few pedestrians and merchants on the official road. The 200-man cavalry arrived outside the south gate of Jinzhou City within less than a quarter of an hour along the fairly spacious official road.

After receiving the news sent by Zu Yong that Zu Zehong and Wu Sangui were injured and wanted to seek revenge with a weapon, Zu Zerun was surprised but didn't take it too seriously.

He knew that Zu Zehong was reckless and arrogant, and this time he took advantage of the strength of alcohol to find trouble with others, but it was normal for him to be beaten severely if he was inferior in skills, but it would be bad if he really used a weapon.

After Zu Zerun confessed his crimes to the elders, he left the room and walked unhurriedly to the front yard.

Unexpectedly, before he reached the fourth courtyard, Zu Zesheng hurried over from the front.

"Brother! It's not good! There's a fight ahead! The third brother and the eldest uncle were both seriously injured, and the fifth brother and Zeyuan were slightly injured! There were also many casualties among the soldiers in front! All the brothers rushed to help! Now The two sides have already fought outside the residence, and if the fight continues, I'm afraid it will end badly!"

"Ah? How did you get to this situation?! Go and inform your father! Remember, don't let your aunt know!"

Zu Zerun was shocked by the news brought by Zu Zesheng.

What was originally thought to be a trivial matter turned into a mutual killing, and important people on both sides were injured. Even if this matter was suppressed in the end, the Zu and Wu families would completely turn their backs.

The blood-stained battlefield on the spacious street outside Zu Dashou Mansion, after Zu Zeqing and other descendants of the ancestor family joined in, the original small-scale conflict finally escalated into a big battle between the Zu and Wu families.

Although Zu Zeyuan and Zu Kefa have appeared one after another now, debunking the claim that they were killed by Wu Sangui, most of the anger suppressed by the children of the Zu family was aroused by the deaths, injuries and blood stains all over the ground , Under their orders, all the soldiers and family members of each family joined the team besieging the Wu family.

As the number of casualties increased, both sides fought real fire, and the two sides changed from the initial melee combat to an all-round battle involving long-range weapons such as bows and crossbows.

Although Zu Zepu was trying his best to prevent the escalation of the conflict, the red-eyed ancestors were still willing to listen to him, and even those personal soldiers turned a blind eye to his orders.Seeing that the companion who was bragging and farting with me just now turned into a cold corpse in the blink of an eye, and died at the hands of the so-called own family, this kind of fury and huge contrast made everyone lose their minds , There is only one thought in everyone's heart: revenge, revenge for their brother.

More than half of the hundreds of soldiers brought by Wu Sangui have been killed or injured. He himself was shot by a cold arrow in the right shoulder and lost his combat effectiveness. With the help of others, Wu Kui roughly wrapped up the wound and was directing the remaining fifty people to fight hard. Fighting hard, trying to send his young master out of the city to escape for his life.

But the current situation is very unfavorable to them.

The reason is that when Wu Sangui rushed out of the mansion, most of the family members and soldiers waiting outside the ancestral mansion were mixed together in small groups. After everyone reacted, the two sides immediately entered into a melee.

During the melee, Wu Sangui jumped onto the horse under the guard of several personal soldiers, and then the others under Wu Kui's command, some cut off the rear, and some went forward to fight desperately, trying to cut a bloody path for his young master to escape.

In the extremely chaotic scene, Wu Sangui suffered several wounds, and his body was already crumbling under the condition of excessive blood loss.

"Old Ba, you lead someone to block it! I'll go and have a look behind!"

Wu Kui saw that the situation was getting more and more critical, and the number of his men was decreasing rapidly, but the young master only moved forward a few dozen steps, and the horse could not run on the crowded street at all.Now only after quickly killing the people behind him, can my young master have a chance to escape.

In desperation, he decisively ordered Wu Laoba beside him.

"Go! Take care of the young and old for me!"

Wu Laoba, who was in his thirties, chopped off the arm of an ancestral soldier in front of him with one knife, and roared without looking back.

He knew that breaking the empress would mean leaving his life here today, but the young master's kindness to his family over the years was worth fighting for.

Wu Kui had no time to think, turned his head and ran back with the knife.

With the flag of the governor of Ji Liao leading the way, coupled with the false military order passed by Wu Jin when he left the city, the defending team did not dare to stop when they saw the cavalry of the standard battalion of the guards. The small cavalry brought by Hong Chengchou entered smoothly. to the city.

And not long after Hong Chengchou entered the city, when Wu Sangui was about to die in Jinzhou City, the appearance of Zu Dashou brought the short and tragic fierce battle to an abrupt end. The seriously injured Wu Sangui has also been carried into the mansion for treatment.

After meeting the ashen-faced Zu Dashou, Hong Chengchou knew that he had no intention of discussing other matters.

After expressing sympathy for such an unfortunate incident in Jinzhou, Hong Chengchou went to the back house to visit Wu Sangui who was in a coma. Seeing this young talent he liked was included in the thick gauze, Hong Chengchou felt in his heart It can be described as mixed.

The sudden emergence of such a major event in Jinzhou is a lose-lose situation for the Zu and Wu families. The most important thing right now is to see what benefits the imperial court can take from it.

After bidding farewell to the disturbed Zu Dashou, Hong Chengchou went to Fang Yizao's governor's office to have a rest and have tea. Ma quickly sent the news to the capital.

After receiving the first urgent report from Hong Chengchou, Zhu Youjian immediately left Sun's mansion and got on the carriage to return to the palace.

Seeing that the sky has gradually darkened, considering the time to call important ministers into the palace to discuss matters, if the palace gates are locked late, the ministers will not be able to leave the palace city. This is a very big taboo, and it will make a big joke of.

After pondering for a while, Zhu Youjian ordered to summon several officials from the Ministry of War and Chen Qiyu, the governor of Shuntian Prefecture, to go to Wenyuan Pavilion on the east side of the Meridian Gate to discuss matters.

There is the famous cabinet office, which belongs to the outer city of the Forbidden City, and you can enter and leave it with a waist card.

He originally wanted Sun Chuanting to participate in the discussion, but considering that today was the birthday of his mother's grandson, the host would not be there after the guests came, which would make the original cheerful atmosphere much weaker, so he finally dismissed the idea.

Hong Chengchou's emergency report did not show any major relevant content, and Zhu Youjian did not think that there would be any major incidents in Liaoxi at this time. It is better to call relevant personnel to discuss it first, and wait until the specific reports outside the customs are delivered. .

According to the traditional habits of the Ming Dynasty, the cabinet ministers are on duty at night in shifts in order to deal with emergency affairs in various places. This rule has been preserved since the establishment of the cabinet.

It is the first assistant Wen Tiren who is on duty at Wenyuan Pavilion tonight.

Old Wen, who had just finished dinner, was wandering around the small yard to digest his food, and a dozen or so clerks of the two rooms were chatting or busy in their respective public rooms.

Suddenly, more than a dozen Jinyi school captains broke into the courtyard silently, and then quickly inspected all the public houses, and then a tall man walked out of the courtyard quickly under Wen Tiren's surprised and angry eyes. Waiting for the onset of body temperature, Zhu Youjian in plain clothes walked into the hospital with his hands behind his back in the last ray of light before dark.

"Your Majesty?! At such a time, why does Your Majesty wear the white dragon fish here? This kind of child's play, I really don't dare to flatter you! If Your Majesty has nothing else to do, please return to the palace as soon as possible!"

After being surprised, Wen Tiren did not ask Zhu Youjian why he came to the cabinet suddenly at this time, but expressed his dissatisfaction uncharacteristically after saluting.

It's no wonder that Old Wen was a little angry.

Now that Ming Dynasty's internal affairs and foreign affairs are in a prosperous season, the emperor also trusts himself a lot, and he has not had enough of his good life, but the emperor suddenly made a micro-service to go out of the palace, especially when it was dark. Back to Miyagi, but quietly ran to the outer city, in case something unexpected happens, what will happen to this increasingly improving situation
 Thanks to the book friends whose account is no longer used by anyone, the book friends Bodung Youth Bodung Bao for their rewards, and thanks to the book friends who are as famous as smoke and the book friends who love Taisika for their comments and encouragement.The ending of this chapter of the internal strife between the Zu and Wu families is very sloppy, mainly for fear that everyone will feel bored after reading too much.

(End of this chapter)

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