Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 355 Female Doctor

Chapter 355 Female Doctor
"My sister's symptoms are much better now than when she came back last time. This time, the old man has slightly changed the prescription of the last time. After my sister goes back, she only needs to decoct this decoction and take it twice a day for three times a day. Today, this disease should be fine, during this period, you should avoid eating meaty and spicy food, and if you still feel unwell, you can come here to see the doctor."

In the consulting room of the newly-built Jing'an Hall in the capital, Mrs. Fang Li said warmly.

"My sister thanked my sister for her diagnosis and treatment. My family has been suffering from this disease for several years. Whenever it flares up, I can only suffer for a few days. Sometimes the pain is unbearable, but because of the difference between men and women, I have no choice but to endure it. Since In the first ten days, after my sister took the pulse and prescribed a prescription, my old illness also recurred after taking the medicine, but the pain was much lighter. My sister's medicine really helped!
The person who spoke was a woman in her thirties, wearing a multi-flowered skirt. Her husband was a household book office in Shuntian Prefecture.

Fang Li, who treated her, was an old woman in her fifties, and her appearance was not outstanding, but her bookish and kind and calm demeanor were difficult for ordinary women to possess.

Mrs. Fang Li came from a family of traditional Chinese medicine in the capital. She has been influenced by it since she was a child, and learned a good medical skill from the elders in her family.

After growing up, she married into Fang's family as a wife. Because she came from a medical family, she sometimes went to see and treat gynecological diseases for wives and ladies from rich and powerful families. After a long time, she also gained a lot of fame in the capital.

"Chun E, have you remembered everything the old man said just now?"

"Back to grandma, the slaves and maidservants have been recorded, grandma please take a look!"

After the woman went to the office to pay the consultation fee and medicine fee and left, a teenage maid put the wolf hair on the pen holder behind a desk beside the consultation room, picked up a book on the desk, Zhang sprinkled the golden white paper and put his hands on the medical case in front of Fang Lishi. Fang Lishi picked it up and looked at it carefully.

Chun E is the servant girl of Fang Mansion, and she has been serving Fang Li's side since she was eight or nine years old.

Because she is well-behaved and sensible, Mrs. Fang Li treated her like her own granddaughter and taught her to read and read medical books. In four or five years, Chun E also knew a lot about medical skills.

Establishing files for patients is also a rule set by the Department of Health.

The name, place of origin, disease of each patient who comes to see a doctor, and how the doctor diagnoses and prescribes all these must be kept on file to facilitate the treatment of the patient's subsequent illness.

This was naturally Zhu Youjian's suggestion, and Wu Youxing, the director of the Department of Health, greatly appreciated the emperor's idea, and took the lead in implementing it in the imperial hospital.

Jing'an Hall, located in the southern part of the capital, was built under the instruction of Zhu Youjian, under the name of the Department of Health, and its target groups are all women in the capital.

Zhu Youjian's idea was also inspired by Nei Antang in the palace.

It turned out that once they had that kind of gynecological disease after Zhou Hou, because men and women had other reasons, they would not recruit people from the imperial hospital. They would invite women from well-known Chinese medicine families in the capital to come for treatment. Shi has entered the palace more than once to see a doctor and prescribe prescriptions for the nobles, and his medical skills and character are highly praised.

After asking Jin Yiwei to do some investigation, Zhu Youjian learned that there are still many female doctors like Fang Li in the capital, but due to the restrictions of status and status, they are all at home. Only big families who know about them will send someone to hire them to treat their female relatives.

In ancient times, the difficult problem of women's illness and treatment has always been an unsolvable problem.

Wealthy families still have more channels and access to resolve such problems, while it is not uncommon for female family members of small families to avoid medical treatment due to taboo diseases, and finally die of depression in pain and suffering.

Not to mention ordinary peasant families, even their male laborers died due to lack of money for medical treatment, let alone women suffering from gynecological diseases.

It is easy for Zhu Youjian to understand that men and women have different problems in terms of medical treatment.

Not to mention in this era, even in the later generations with a more open atmosphere, many women suffer from unspeakable diseases. When they go to the hospital for treatment, they will turn around and leave when they see a male doctor. doctor?
It's just that what's more serious now is that women are not only ashamed to be diagnosed and treated by male doctors because they suffer from gynecological diseases, but also do not seek treatment from men even if they have common diseases.

Feeling this, in order to allow women to receive medical treatment and help when they are sick, Zhu Youjian decided to set up Jing'an Hall in the capital to solve the chronic problem of women's difficulty in seeking medical treatment.

However, how to make these female doctors willing to accept the publicity and sit in the clinic in public has become a problem.

From the point of view of doctors themselves, especially from the point of view that the patients they face are all female, female doctors like Fang Li do not shy away from attending clinics or visiting for treatment, but the biggest resistance comes from their families.

In the social system that pays attention to the defense of men and women, the social status of women is very low.

Except for small households or peasant women who have to come out to engage in some production activities in order to make a living, in any family with some assets or status, the women in the family rarely have the opportunity to communicate with the outside world, let alone spend many years doing things outside. professional.

Although Zhu Youjian can forcibly issue a decree to recruit, or the imperial court requires female doctors to come out to practice, but the result of doing so is likely to lead to the breakdown of the female doctor's family relationship and affect the family happiness and harmony of others. The desired result.

Zhu Youjian is a perfectionist, and he always hopes to have a happy situation when doing things.

What he has always hoped is that no matter what he does, on the premise of not violating human ethics and court laws, following the other party's subjective wishes should be the most important thing.

Neither coercion nor coercion seems to be the best method, but conditional return should be the most feasible strategy and the most humane choice.

After much deliberation, Zhu Youjian decided to adopt the old method: lure him for profit.

If you still don't accept it, then give it your power.

Of course, the big cake he threw out this time is also a big problem. It also caused a lot of criticism a few months ago, but he forcibly suppressed it.

Zhu Youjian's method is: to recruit female doctors in the name of the Department of Health, and give them a level of treatment that is analogous to bestowing imperial orders.

Another meaning is to recruit women to be officials, but in order not to arouse greater opposition, the official position is awarded to the conscripted family in the name of bestowal, instead of being treated according to the grade of the court official.

Although this move is not unique in history, it is also difficult for most court officials to accept.

Zhu Youjian specially explained the great significance of this matter to Empress Yi'an and Zhou Hou, and the two people who understood the truth immediately expressed their firm support for this.

In order to stop the chatter of the important ministers, Empress Yi'an and Queen Zhou, under the instruction of Zhu Youjian, specially summoned the wives of the officials of the third rank and above into the palace in the name of summer vacation. While playing and giving banquets in the garden, he told about this matter.

Women still understand women. After Empress Yi'an and Queen Zhou broke things down, they immediately won the unanimous approval of all the wives.

Before their husbands made a fortune, many of them suffered from taboo diseases and avoiding medical treatment due to limited conditions, so they had a more intuitive understanding and understanding of this. Coupled with the authority of the royal family, most of them Everyone expressed that they would try their best to persuade their masters to support this matter after returning home.

The power of the pillow wind is indeed extraordinary.

On the third day after the wives went back, the imperial court issued regulations to recruit female medical officers. Although it still caused a lot of discussion, the court was surprisingly silent.

The important ministers did not raise any objections on this matter, which also puzzled middle and low-level officials.

Zhu Youjian couldn't help being proud of his coup in private for a long time, which made Zhou Hou and Tian Fei laugh and laugh.

But it is not Zhu Youjian's fundamental purpose to let female doctors come out to see a doctor. He also wants to take this opportunity to do more things that are beneficial to women's physical and mental health.

 Thanks to the book friend Tianwaifeixian, and the book friend's reward that no one has used this account. Welcome everyone to join the group.

(End of this chapter)

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