Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 358 Temple Affairs

Chapter 358 Temple Affairs
I have to admit that the so-called tiger father has no dog son really has some truth.

Although Wen Tiren can't be called a capable minister, after all, he has been an official for many years, and he has a perfect skill in trying to figure out people's hearts.

And having been exposed to it since he was a child, coupled with the fact that he has followed his father in and out of the highest administrative agency in the past few years, and contacted all kinds of officials, etc., Wen Kan has also learned a lot from his father.

His judgment on the status of Sinong Temple just now is indeed the same as Zhu Youjian's assumption.

According to Zhu Youjian's original intention, he wanted to set up the Ministry of Agriculture in one step, and put the Ministry of Agriculture at the forefront. In the next ten years, agriculture will be the top priority, so as to fundamentally improve and improve the lives of the people. level.

However, under unprecedented circumstances, when there is a shortage of suitable candidates, it is a bit aggressive to rashly set up a second-rank Yamen.

After careful consideration, Zhu Youjian decided to restore the Sinong Temple in the name of imitating the previous dynasty, and wait until the time is right to upgrade its level, and it will not cause too much criticism by then.

"My son's thoughts are very true, and my father's guess is the same! Judging from the current situation in Ming Dynasty, the Holy One will definitely regard agriculture as the top priority in the future, and try his best to produce more food, in order to completely stabilize the people's hearts and prevent them from being forced to continue. There is a calamity of thieves!"

After hearing Wen Kan's words, Wen Tiren smiled even wider.

The second son has been with him for a few years, and his thinking and vision have broadened a lot, and his judgment of things is no longer limited to the surface.

"Weifu, the position of chief minister, is obviously a temporary assignment. After one or two years, the Holy One will definitely send someone to take over this position. During this period, Weifu must do his best to help the headquarters to make contributions so that the Sinong Temple can be seen by all. In order to let the position of the chief minister be replaced by one of the ministers, and my son will follow the trend to move up the position, so that the painstaking efforts of the father will be worthy of it!"

Wen Tiren could see clearly that he was a transitional position as a senior farmer, and when there was a suitable candidate, he should make room for others.

And if other civil servants take over the position of Zhengqing of Sinong Temple, then all the people below will be suppressed, and it will be difficult for the people in Sinong Temple to be promoted, and their own son will also become a victim.

The best way is to find a way to let one of the left and right Shaoqing take over the position of Da Sinong, and Wen Kan is also likely to be promoted to the vacant Shaoqing position, so as to complete the transformation from a middle-level official to a senior official and become a high-ranking official in the scarlet robe one of the.

"As my father, I have been inquired about by someone. Yan Weiqing has worked in the household department for many years. He is quite proficient in the affairs of the department. In terms of talent, he has the image of a capable minister; his personality is calm and resolute, and he treats people well. The position of the fourth rank must also want to do something, and then sit on the position of Dasinong. For those who are motivated and capable, the imperial court will definitely give them great help!"

Yan Weiqing is the name of Yan Junshan, the new Zuo Shaoqing of Sinong Temple. This time, he was nominated by the household minister and appointed after Zhu Youjian sent people to visit.

"Father, my child is to observe the meaning of the Holy Majesty. The primary responsibility of the current imperial court is to use food as the foundation. While opening up wasteland and expanding fields in various places, how to increase the yield per mu has become a top priority. My father is the chief farmer, why don't you make a corresponding proposal for this Do you want to make suggestions and strategies to win the favor of the Holy One?"

"My son's words are very reasonable! This topic is really the key point to get into the temple affairs! In the next few days, you should prepare for it. In a few days, the father's association will call Yan Weiqing and Song Changgeng to discuss temple affairs and increase the yield of the farm. We will try our best to find a solution, and try to implement it in a suitable place in Gyeonggi during the next year's spring plowing!"

A few days later, in a not-so-spacious office of the cabinet, the first high-level meeting since the restoration of Sinong Temple was being held.

"Hehe, Weiqing and Chang Geng, is this the first time for you two to join the cabinet? Although I hold the position of chief minister, I have the same number of shares as you, but the cabinet is so busy that I have some free time to discuss with you until today. Temple affairs, I hope you two don't blame me for being negligent, hehehehe!"

Wen Tiren, who was sitting in the main seat, changed from his usual stern image, and explained to Yan Junshan and Song Yingxing, who were sitting on the lower seats on both sides, with smiles on their faces.

Two braziers burning with silver charcoal are placed at the corner of the room, making the small public house warm like spring.

Yan Junshan and Song Yingxing, who had just put on the scarlet robes for a short time, both sat upright with solemn expressions. Facing the Chief Assistant of the Ming Empire, both of them felt a little nervous.

Wen Kan sat next to Song Yingxing. As one of the chief officials of Sinong Temple, he was also able to attend the meeting.

"To tell you the truth, the chief minister, I have been to the cabinet several times with the department before, but I have never had a seat for a subordinate official. This is the first time in my life that a subordinate official has sat in the cabinet office. Now that I can get the chief minister's attention, I am very happy." There is also a little nervous feeling!"

Yan Junshan, who is handsome, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, smiled and cupped his hands and admitted frankly.

"The lower official came from a lowly background, and he has been working in the county and township before. This time, he was promoted to a high position by the sage. It is the first time to enter such a confidential place in the cabinet. If there is any impoliteness, I hope the chief assistant Haihan!"

Song Yingxing, who had a dark complexion and looked like an old farmer, stood up and clapped his hands in reply.

"Chang Geng, sit down quickly! You and I are colleagues, why bother to be polite? I have heard of Chang Geng's name for a long time, and I have even read Chang Geng's masterpiece, and I am also in admiration of Chang Geng's talent in private. Only then can we get to know Chang Geng's great talent with the countryside, and resolutely promote and reuse them. Otherwise, even though Chang Geng is talented, he might hate the countryside!"

Wen Tiren's words are not an exaggeration at all. If the current Zhu Youjian was not passed through by later generations, Song Yingxing would have never been reused in history.

Situations like his are not uncommon in the past dynasties, and there are countless such things that cannot be used.

Chollima often exists, but bole does not often exist, no matter ancient or modern.

Song Yingxing, who was not good at words and communication, sat down silently after saluting.

Seeing Wen Tiren's respect for him in his words, Yan Junshan at the side felt more important to Song Yingxing.

This time when the Ministry of Households was selecting the position of Zuo Shaoqing of Sinong Temple, Yan Junshan, who was over [-] years old, was able to win the highly competitive recommendation because of his usual good relationship with Zuo Shilang Zhou Zhiqian.

After learning the details of the main officials of Sinong Temple, Yan Junshan quickly sorted out the interests and interests, and at the same time, he had a deep desire for the position of Da Sinong Temple in the future.

For his partner You Shaoqing Song Yingxing, Yan Junshan, who had never heard of his name before, also inquired in many ways, but found that almost no one knew the origin of this person. In the end, he only knew that he joined the Imperial Academy as a juren. Unexpectedly In a few years time, he will be promoted to the high position of the fourth rank.

Just when Yan Junshan was wondering who Song Yingxing's backer was, Wen Tiren's just words finally solved the doubt in his heart: It turned out that he was a person who directly reached Shengting. No wonder he rose so fast in a few years. You can't put on official airs when you get along.

"Weiqing, Chang Geng, and Zhenyu are the second sons of this official, but you two must strictly restrain him in daily business, don't take this official's face into consideration, and put the official business first, you must remember this point! "

Wen Tiren put away his smile and said solemnly.

"Please don't worry, the Chief Assistant. Although the lower officials and Brother Wen are different in official positions, they are actually relatives of the same colleagues. When they are in public, they should be based on the collective wisdom and efforts. We must work together to handle the affairs of the temple properly!"

Yan Junshan quickly expressed his position: Don't worry, chief assistant, although your son is nominally a subordinate of Song Yingxing and me, of course we would not treat him as a subordinate in normal times. The three of us discussed and settled matters in the temple.

"The lower officials are less talented and less educated. In the future, we will have to rely on the support of the two upper officials. If there are errands, transportation, and internal and external affairs in the temple, the lower officials will do their part and do their best!"

Wen Kan got up and saluted the two superiors, then said with a smile.

 Thanks to book friend Lin Lingsu 2018 and book friend Liu Qi Xiaojiu for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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