Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 360 Prototype

Chapter 360 Prototype
Seeing that Lin Rong still looked worried, Wu Qun continued patiently: "Don't worry, Lao Lin. As far as I know, the number of red-haired thieves in the south is less than a thousand. If they want to attack me, they will definitely stay and defend the city." If they come to attack, the number of them should be between six and eight hundred. Lao Lin, although you are a civil servant, you don't know soldiers, but you do the math, two thousand to eight Hundred, who can win? Om?"

"Old Wu, although your words are not bad, but I have also read some miscellaneous books. There are many things about winning more with less, so don't be careless!"

Lin Rong looked out of the hall and reminded worriedly.

"Hey! I said Lao Lin, where did you read these nonsense essays? It depends on the lineup on both sides to win with less! It's not bragging. Even if I have 2000 people against [-] thieves, I can kill him seven times. In and seven out! This red-haired thief is also a cannon, and we have the same here, how capable do you think he is to defeat me?"

In the nearly two years since Chongzhen landed in Taiwan in the ninth year, Wu Qun and Lin Rong have gotten along well with each other, and they have cooperated tacitly in most major issues and small situations. The friendship between the two has continued to heat up until now. Divide your situation.

After finding out the situation on the island, the two first used force to kill several leaders of the Zheng family who stayed on the island, and forced others to submit to the imperial court. large-scale infrastructure construction.

I have to say that it was the right move for Zhu Youjian to arrange the artisans to go to the island first. With the efforts of these artisans and their families, and with the cooperation of more than 2000 immigrants on the island, four large villages ten miles apart can be seen with the naked eye. Visible speed builds up.

Most of the buildings in the village are made of wood. For this reason, Lin Rong went back to Fuzhou on purpose. After meeting with Fujian Governor Zou Weilian, he stated the current situation on the island and begged for more support from the Fujian government.

Zou Weilian has been promoted by Zhu Youjian to the title of Dongge University Bachelor because of his contribution to Zheng Zhilong and immigration.

According to what he heard, his time in Fujian may be numbered. The emperor thought of his hard work and planned to send him to the inland provinces to avoid the hot and humid south.

Of course Zou Weilian was aware of the importance of immigrants from Taiwan, so he met Lin Rong specially in a good mood, and with a swipe of a pen, he used the money allocated by Zhu Youjian to purchase a large number of materials urgently needed by Taiwan, and hired ships to send them to the island in batches. superior.

This batch of production and living materials, including hammers, sickles, axes, iron nails, raw lacquer, lime, ropes, cloth, medicinal materials, mosquito nets, masonry, etc., has greatly alleviated the shortage of materials on the island, and has also increased the speed of various constructions.

Officials from various prefectures and counties who came with the victims played a very important role. Under their control and command, the craftsmen dug wells, repaired canals, repaired roads and laid bricks, and soon every village was equipped with the most advanced facilities. Basic living conditions and facilities.

The reason why the four villages are built in such a standardized way is due to the planning and layout of the Fujian Governor's Yagongfang who sent people to the island to do it.

The book offices and officials of these workshops have marked the layout of the village with lime, especially the strict and meticulous arrangements for the drinking wells in the middle.

There is a water well in the middle of each village and at the four corners of the village. The inner walls are all made of bricks and stones. source of water.

Due to the abundance of groundwater resources in Taiwan, it does not take much effort to drill wells, and each well is not deep.

Every village is built on a higher ground, and the drainage ditches in the village are dug deep enough and wide enough, so that even if there is a heavy rain, it will not cause too much waterlogging.

Due to the abundance of labor, the infrastructure of several villages was built in less than ten days, and then the houses of each family were built.

Under the unified deployment of Lin Rong and the officials, the immigrants and the middle-aged men from the Zheng family formed several construction teams to help each family build houses and courtyards for free, while the old and weak women and children were responsible for washing and cooking. In a few months, all the immigrants moved into their new homes.

The warm and humid climate in central and southern Taiwan also provided the best conditions for reclaiming wasteland.

The rice on the island can be harvested three times a year, and the several granaries that the Zheng family had built on the island had already been fully stocked with rice.

With the construction of the village and land reclamation going on at the same time, the grain and rice on the island are already enough for more than ten thousand people to eat, and there is no need to rely on the Zheng family's fleet to transport grain from outside to the island.

After the houses for the victims were built, the Taichung County Government, located in the center of the four villages and with simple regulations, was finally built, and Lin Rong finally found the feeling of being an official.

Subsequently, two barracks of different sizes were built one after another.

After much consideration, Wu Qun built the barracks of the Chinese Army in the southwest direction of the southernmost village. The purpose of doing so was to guard against the threat from the Dutch in the south.

After the barracks was completed, Wu Qun personally led 500 people to station in it.

Except for the barracks facing the sea, three spacious forts were built with rammed earth and bricks on the other three sides, and each fort was equipped with six Francophones. But there is a huge price to pay.

Another smaller barracks was built in the direction of the sea in the northwest. This was designed to prevent the enemy from landing from the sea from copying the back route. The regulations of the two barracks are basically the same.

Today, Wu Qun deliberately ran from the Chinese army thirty miles away to the county government office to ask Lin Rong for a doctor and medicinal materials to prevent injuries during the war, and to have a meal here by the way.

Lin San, the cook next to Lin Rong, cooked excellent dishes. The exquisite southern Hokkien dishes made Wu Qun, a bumpkin from the north, never get tired of eating them.

"I'm talking about Lao Lin, where is Lin San? I haven't seen him for a few days. This guy will go out to find that widow again, right? It's almost noon now, this kid should hurry back!"

"Bah! You just came to my place for dinner a few days ago, and you still have the face to say that you haven't seen Lin San for a long time! Don't worry about whether Lin San will find the widow, he is busy in the kitchen right now!"

Just as the Ming army on the island was preparing to defend against possible invading enemies, in the city of Zeelandia, located in the southeast of Taiwan Island, Putman, the chief executive of the Netherlands who lived in Taiwan, was convening relevant personnel in the executive office to discuss the emigration of the Ming Dynasty to the island. .

The city of Zeelandia is a typical modern European bastion, surrounded by moats and sloped earth embankments as platform foundations.

The walls are made of red bricks, which are pounded and glued with sugar water, glutinous rice, oyster shell ash, and sand.The inner city is square, with upper and lower floors, and the length and width are 120 steps. The city wall is about three feet high and four feet thick. The thickness of the four-cornered bastion is five feet. Boom can't be opened.

The basement in the city of Zeelandia is a warehouse for storing ammunition, food and sundries, and the upper floor is equipped with facilities such as the executive office, church, watchtower, and soldier barracks.

The outer city (four-corner attached city) is rectangular, about [-] paces long and nearly [-] steps wide, slightly lower than the inner city, where there are dormitories for officials and staff, offices, conference halls, hospitals, warehouses and other public buildings.

"Everyone, after our scouts have arrived several times for reconnaissance, it is now certain that, in addition to the more than 2000 people from Earl Zheng's family who have moved to the island over the years, the Ming government is organizing large-scale immigration to Taiwan Island, and even A large number of troops have been sent to protect the safety of these immigrants. These actions of the Ming government have seriously threatened the interests of our Netherlands in Southeast Asia, and our government must take appropriate measures to prevent the continuation of such actions!"

Putman, who is in his 40s, has a grim expression on his face, and there is a little anxiety and worry in his words.

Since the second half of last year, there have been various news from the merchant ships and fleets of the Netherlands traveling on the ocean.

They found that large and small ships flying the flag of Zheng's family frequently traveled between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, constantly transporting a large amount of various materials to the island, and in the first half of this year, similar behaviors did not decrease.

When they reported this situation to the Taiwan Governor's Office, it aroused Putman's high vigilance.

Putman had known for a long time that there were thousands of people from the Zheng family who moved from Daming on the island, but due to the small number of immigrants, the Dutch didn't take this matter to heart.

However, the recent actions of the Zheng family's fleet were somewhat abnormal. Putman decided to send a small group of scouts to check the specific situation near the Zheng's family's wharf.

After scouts arrived several times over several months for reconnaissance, the news that came back made Putman realize that something was wrong.

Not only has a large population been added to the island, it is also protected by an army of no less than 1000 people, and these troops are obviously not armed by the Zheng family, they are more like the government army of the Ming Dynasty.

 Thanks to the book friends who are sweet and not salty, the book friends who are the ultimate click, and the book friends whose account is no longer used.

(End of this chapter)

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