Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 367 Counter Shots

Chapter 367 Counter Shots
When the Ming army had just walked ten steps away, the Dutch army fired the third round of musketry. Due to the close distance between the two sides, this volley caused the casualties of three Ming army soldiers.

"Stop! Align!"

Liu Shiquan, who was silently counting the number of steps in his heart, gave the order again when he reached the fifteenth step, the sound of the military drums stopped abruptly, and the Ming army phalanx stopped and stood up and began to quickly align left and right.

Although they only advanced a short distance of more than ten steps, some timid soldiers were already panting heavily.

This kind of daily drill has been carried out countless times, but when facing a strong enemy, negative emotions such as fear, timidity and nervousness still prevail.

"Raise the gun!"

Liu Shiquan's shout sounded again.

The army drum beat heavily, and the soldiers quickly formed a three-stage formation, and the fourth line of Dutch heavy musketeers more than [-] steps away had also lined up, and the large square formation behind them had also begun. Move forward.


Just when the Dutch army put the brackets in place and set up the heavy guns, Liu Shiquan gave the order to shoot.

A sharp and short swan sound went straight into the sky, followed by a continuous and rapid bean-popping sound, and large clouds of white smoke quickly covered the front of the Ming army, and only six of the fifty firecrackers It just didn't fire successfully.The remaining forty or so lead bullets flew in front of the heavy musketeers of the Dutch Army in the blink of an eye.

The muffled groans and screams sounded almost at the same time, and seven of the ten Dutch musketeers fell to the ground in an instant. Only the remaining three fired their muskets, but they did not cause casualties to the Ming army.

Just when the first row was finished and the firecrackers were quickly cleared and ammunition was loaded, the sound of swans sounded again, and the firecrackers in the hands of the Ming soldiers who bent forward in the second row continued to fire. The remaining three Dutch soldiers were knocked to the ground.

A bugle sounded from the Dutch army, and the remaining forty heavy musketeers turned around and retreated under the command of the officer. The large square formation in the middle had also moved forward neatly. Quickly rushed to the musketeers who were lying on the ground.

"Damn it! The muskets of the Ming army are as powerful as our army! And their discipline is also comparable to our army! Their muskets seem to have a long range! We may not be able to win this battle! Tell the artillerymen, get ready! shooting!"

Fan.Deckard saw the brief confrontation scene between the two sides through the binoculars, and apart from being shocked, he already had a trace of regret in his heart.

The fighting power and weapons of the Ming army are completely contrary to the rumors outside, and their shooting formation is also the most advanced. Could it be that the Ming army hired Spanish or Swedish instructors?
In the current situation, there is no way to retreat. We can only hope that the arquebus gunners and artillery can disrupt the enemy's formation, and then the spearmen will take advantage of the victory and press up to completely defeat them.

While the phalanx on the left was exchanging fire with the Dutch army, Chen Dashuan had already ordered the phalanx around him to press forward, preparing to attack the left side of the Dutch phalanx.


When parallel to the left phalanx, Chen Dashuan ordered the whole army to stop and line up, and launched an attack on the left phalanx of the Dutch army.

The improved gunpowder and custom-packed paper shell ammunition packs improved by the military inspector increased the effective range of the original firecracker by nearly [-] steps, and the Dutch army had to move forward by about [-] steps because of the lack of shooting range. In order to cause damage to the Ming army.

But the distance of ten steps has become an insurmountable moat in front of the Dutch army.

Seeing the Ming army stop at a distance of 70 meters and prepare to shoot, Major Fan.Feng Traar couldn't help but sneered in his heart.

The furthest range of muskets on the European battlefield is 100 meters, but the effective killing range is only 60 to [-] meters.

Now there is a distance of more than 70 meters between the two armies, and this Ming army is about to shoot. This should be a sign of timidity caused by lack of training.

Hmph, after you finish a round, you should be slaughtered by us!
Fan, who was walking in the front row of the team, heard the strange and piercing sound of the horn of the Ming army.A thought flashed through Feng Traar's mind: This sound actually sounds like the swans roaming on Lake Ningsee in the suburbs of Amsterdam.

Fan.What Feng Teal never expected was that this thought just now became the last thought in his life.

As the sound of sharp swans sounded continuously, the musket phalanx on the left and right sides of the Dutch army, which was advancing with guns, was hit by continuous firepower from the gunmen of the Ming army.

Fan.In the first round of firing by the Ming army, Feng Telar was hit between the eyebrows by a lead bullet, and the entire upper part of his head was crushed by the bullet flying at high speed. It fell to the ground like an unconscious wooden stake, and the white brain mixed with the bright red blood wriggled and flowed out.

Under the intensive and continuous firepower of the Ming army, the advancing Dutch musketeers were shot over a large area, except for Fan.In addition to majors like Feng Telal, some officers of the rank of captain and lieutenant were also shot and fell to the ground.

The Dutch army, which lacked command, was completely stunned. Most of the Dutch army stopped moving forward, while a small number of soldiers started running around with their muskets like headless chickens, and some even threw away their muskets and started to run backwards.

"Ten steps forward!"

After seeing that the first row of soldiers had been loaded, Chen Dashuan decisively gave the order.

Six rounds of nearly [-] lead bullets knocked down at least [-] Dutch troops. Taking advantage of the temporary confusion of most of the Dutch troops, Chen Dashuan decided to press forward and shoot another round, and then ordered the spearmen to The assault completely defeated the Dutch army.

Seeing that the high-nosed, deep-eyed Hong Yi, who was dressed in exotic clothes, was not as strong and brave as the rumored one, and would suffer casualties and signs of collapse under the blow of the firecrackers, the courage of the entire Ming army increased greatly. After the sound of the army drums, the soldiers of the Ming army began to press towards the Dutch army in the rhythm of the drums.

Under the command of Liu Shiquan, the gunner phalanx on the left wing also caused a lot of damage to the right-wing Dutch musketeers. Dozens of Dutch soldiers fell to the ground or were killed or injured.

But compared to the Dutch army, which has shown signs of collapse on the left wing, the Dutch army on the right wing is relatively calm. Their commander, Major Fan.Lovedett was not hit by the bullets. He saw that the commander's flag was still flying, and the formation of the right-wing Dutch army was not scattered, but the fear and tension of the soldiers had already been shown on their faces.

Suddenly a loud noise came from the side behind the Dutch army, and then a black ball rose into the air, roaring towards the Ming army phalanx on the left, and landed in the second direction of the Ming army's advance in the blink of an eye. At a distance of more than ten steps.

After the projectile hit the ground, it exploded with a bang, and countless shrapnel splashed everywhere, and a shallow pit with a diameter of several feet and a depth of about one foot appeared on the ground.

No one, including Chen Dashuan, had ever seen this kind of flowering bullet. Although the bullet did not cause any damage to the Ming army after it exploded, the soldiers of the Ming army who were advancing subconsciously stopped in their tracks.

Immediately afterwards, there were two loud noises, and two shells flew in instantly, and landed on the ground a few steps in front of the soldiers of the Ming army on the left and exploded.

After two bangs, the shrapnel and the shock wave formed by the explosion knocked down seven or eight soldiers in the front row to the ground, followed by a burst of screams from the wounded soldiers.

After firing a round of shells, the Dutch gunners in the rear of the right wing began to scrub the barrel nervously, load ammunition, and prepare for the second round of shooting.

"Back! Back!"

After being stunned for a moment by this sudden blow, Liu Shiquan waved his hands anxiously at his soldiers while shouting loudly.

The Ming army, who was stunned by the explosion, heard the shouts of their own superiors. Although they hadn't woken up yet, they still subconsciously divided into two parts from the middle according to the habit formed in usual drills, and prepared to turn around and retreat.

However, the Dutch musketeers on the right took this opportunity to adjust their formation and strode towards the Ming army under the command of Fan and Woodgate.

Before the Ming army on the left could completely turn around, the Dutch army had chased them to a distance of about fifty paces. With the sound of bugles, the Dutch army in the front row fired their muskets and immediately turned around to both sides, preparing to return to the rear to reload ammunition.

Amidst a burst of explosions, the barrage of 25 muskets in the first row of the Dutch army knocked down seven Ming soldiers to the ground, and the Ming soldiers who were still turning around and preparing to evacuate to both sides suddenly panicked.

Immediately afterwards, the Dutch army in the second row stepped forward again, raised their guns to aim and then fired their muskets. After a burst of screams, five soldiers of the Ming army were shot and fell to the ground.

Seeing that the third batch of Dutch troops had moved forward in unison, some timid soldiers of the Ming army disregarded the orders of their superiors in panic and began to push their companions and fled backwards on their own.

The Ming army phalanx, which was originally fairly neat, was already showing signs of collapse.

 Because the computer can’t connect to the Internet, I used my mobile phone to send it for the first time, but I sent the next chapter first, and I fainted directly.
(End of this chapter)

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