Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 373 Beating

Chapter 373 Beating
Tian Wan's long-endured anger finally broke out under Zou Shu's halberd finger.

The proud and arrogant he dislikes the most when someone points at him and scolds him, which will make him feel despised psychologically.

"Into your mother's X! What are you, you dare to point at me and scold me! Today I must teach you that Lord Ma has three eyes!"

Tian Wan has learned a few tricks from the knight-errant who Tian Hongyu brought home since he was a child. Although he usually lives a happy life of wine and beautiful women, his foundation is there after all.

He lifted up the corner of his robe and tucked it into his belt, stepped forward, pushed away the arm that Zou Shu was pointing at with his left hand, clenched his fist with his right hand, and sealed Zou Shu's right eye with one punch. Then he raised his right leg sideways and kicked Zou Shu to the ground with one kick.

Afterwards, he took advantage of the situation and jumped up, riding on Zou Shu's body while punching and beating him while shouting loudly.

Zou Shu, who had long been hollowed out by wine, was powerless to fight back. He was beaten up by Tian Wan and screamed again and again. In the blink of an eye, his face was bruised and his mouth and nose were bleeding.

All this happened in an instant. Although the dozen or so people on Wujiang's side relied on their large numbers and power, and had the idea of ​​deceiving Tian Wan and the others as outsiders, they were confident.

But this group of people are either the sons of gentry or come from the family of officials. They usually linger in the place of love and elegance, who call themselves elegant scholars. They have never seen such a scene before. People were stunned on the spot, and suddenly they didn't know how to deal with it.

Seeing such a scene, several young masters who had reacted jumped towards Tian Wan with blood rushing up and down.

Before they got close, two of Tian Wan's followers jumped forward and kicked and beat them, knocking them down in the blink of an eye.

Some of the other Wujiang people wanted to fight, and some wanted to turn around to avoid it out of timidity. Mother Liu stepped aside early when she saw the situation was not good, and shouted in surprise to let everyone stop, but under the noise and chaos, , everyone is already involuntary.

Seeing this, Ms. Liu rushed out of the theatre. The servants of the sons and daughters were all waiting for their master outside the courtyard. Ms. Liu had no choice but to run out to call for someone in desperation.

She already understood that if she didn't ask someone to come to help, if the fight continued, if someone was killed, even if she had nothing to do with her, but in the end she would have to die, and it was up to her whether she could keep her troupe or not.

After knocking down a few people, the two followers of the Tian family still felt that they were not enjoying themselves, so they simply rushed into the crowd and started punching and kicking everyone in Wujiang.

Both of these two are veterans in fighting, and their strikes are particularly fierce. They only pick up the vital parts of a person's body and strike hard, and often only need two blows to make people fall to the ground in pain.

And although there are a lot of people in this group of sons and gentlemen, they usually keep their fingers out of the sun, and they have to be served by others when they go to the latrine.

With the howling of ghosts and wolves, the remaining sons and brothers were all knocked down to the ground within a few tens of breaths, howling incessantly.

The two withdrew their hands triumphantly, and Tian Wan also stood up panting.

Zou Shu lay on the ground moaning and moaning, his long gown was messed up, his hair was untidy, his eyes were black and blue, his face was swollen and deformed, and blood was still flowing from his mouth and nose, his appearance was extremely miserable.

"Master, it's better for us to leave this place first, otherwise there may be trouble in the future!"

The follower Liu Yong came up to Tian Wan, and said softly after dusting off the dirt on his robe.

"Master, what Old Liu said is very true, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time!"

Another follower, Zhao Yuan, also lowered his voice to persuade.

"Forget it! Let's go!"

Tian Wan just regained his sanity lost due to anger. He calmed down his breath, glanced around, kicked at Zou Shu who was beside him, and walked towards the back door of the theater first. go.

Zhao Yuan took a few steps to explore the road ahead, Liu Yong took a few steps behind to protect Tian Wan's back, and the three hurried towards the backyard. Only a dozen people from Wu Jiang were lying on the ground moaning under the stage.

The gang of street heroes that Tian Hongyu befriended were very good at ambush and evacuation. Tian Wan had been exposed to it since he was a child, so he knew the safest place to evacuate.

Mama Liu's troupe is located in an elegant and quiet garden-style building. It takes a long walk from the stage at the back to the gate of the front yard. When she ran outside to call for someone to come back, Tian Wan and the three of them had already left through the corner gate of the back yard. , Hired a small boat on the bank of the river not far away and headed towards Suzhou Mansion.

"Young Master Zou, all nobles, I never thought that you would suffer such a catastrophe today! It's all Nunu's fault! Nunu would like to pay 500 taels of soup and medicine to compensate you! Nunu this time! Woooooo~~~~~”

Mother Liu wiped her tears and knelt on the ground, kowtowed and apologized to Zou Shu and the others who were sitting on the chair and moaning.

The 500 taels was her savings that she had accumulated for a long time, but she did not expect to vomit all at once this time. The more Liu mother thought about it, the more she felt aggrieved and pained, she simply lay down on the ground and burst into tears.

Although Zou Shu and the others kept giving rewards, every time after listening to the play, Mother Liu would order a few good tables from nearby restaurants for everyone to enjoy, and even hired geisha from those upstairs to play and sing for fun. , These are not small expenses.

Adding in the rent of this courtyard, the monthly salaries of each member of the troupe, food and drink expenses, etc., Lin Lin finally calculated that it was not easy to save this money.

"Mother Liu, get up! This matter has nothing to do with you at all, so there is no need for soup and medicine! We don't need that little money. It's just that we are deeply ashamed of today's humiliation! If you can't get rid of those three thieves Execute me, what kind of face do we have in Wujiang! After Tian Thief is brought to justice, Zou will tell everyone!"

Although he was beaten up by Tian Wan, Zou Shu was not hurt. Although he felt a little dizzy, he did not lose his normal thinking and judgment.

The pain from the wound was not comparable to the embarrassment in his heart at this moment, and the killing intent towards Tian Wan had already risen.

Although he was extremely angry, he was from a noble family after all, at this moment Zou Shu did not lose his demeanor because of venting his anger on others, besides, he still had Chen Yuanyuan in his heart, so he couldn't afford to miss his important affairs for a little money.

Although some of the other people wanted to ask Mother Liu for a sum of money, they gave up after seeing Zou Shu, who had always regarded himself as a leader, acting like this.

"Brothers and virtuous brothers, we can't bear today's shame! According to Zou, you should return to your respective houses first, and appeal to the elders in your family for the unreasonable disaster you have suffered today. I implore the family to use resources to find the villain surnamed Tian. Then he will be severely punished! Zou will do the same thing later. It’s just that Zou still has something to ask Mama Liu, so please go ahead!”

Zou Shu endured the pain and stood up from the chair, and saluted all the young masters. Everyone either understood or just wanted to return home as soon as possible. After greeting Zou Shu, they were carried away by their servants. troupe.

Mother Liu got up with great joy and bid farewell to everyone.

"Nu Nu thanked Mr. Zou for his magnanimity! The son's great kindness is so great that Nu Nu can't repay you in this life. I only hope that in the next life I can repay you by forming a grass title ring! I don't know what else you can order? Nu Nu will do it!"

Mother Liu, who returned to the theater, knelt down again and sincerely thanked Zou Shu for his generosity and tolerance, and at the same time she had a decision in her heart.

The shrewd mother Liu actually guessed what Zou Shu was thinking. Originally, she planned to delay it for another year or so to earn more money, but this sudden change made her feel terrified. It happened once and it killed her directly.

"The thief surnamed Tian came for Miss Chen this time. In order to prevent Miss Chen from being frightened again, Zou wants to bring him into Zou's residence for a period of time. What does Mama Liu think? Sending 800 taels of silver to my mother is considered compensation for the damage of the troupe this time!"

 Thanks to the book friend, the account is no longer used, it is so difficult for the book friend to make a complaint, the book friend's ultimate click, and the book friend Lin Lingsu 2018 for the reward.Since words like brothels are not allowed, I used those buildings instead.

(End of this chapter)

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