Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 392 Deployment

Chapter 392 Deployment
In the garrison office of Songshan City, Hong Chengchou was sitting and drinking tea with Shen Shiyu in the warm study.

Although the season is approaching early spring and February, the flowers in the south of the Yangtze River are becoming more and more charming, but the northeast land is still in the cold spring, and the trees and weeds are rarely green.

"Mr. Hong, the army of the Eastern Prisoners has gathered a large number of troops and marched southward this time. Its magnitude is really rare. It seems that the plan of the slave chieftains is not small! Since they started digging trenches and besieging the city a few days ago, there are several castles in the south of Songshan Mountain. The police came to the police, and looking at its situation, it seemed that it wanted to pull out all the fortresses other than Songjin. If it succeeded, Songjin would be in danger of becoming an isolated city! Don't leave the city to kill him? Is it better to just sit back and watch Dongnu run rampant?"

Facing the menacing Qing army, Hong Chengchou, as the highest officer outside the pass, did not take corresponding actions to deal with it. Instead, he allowed a large group of Han people to dig trenches everywhere under the supervision of the Qing army, so as to restrict the The trip of the Ming army.

"Hehehe, Kungang, please stay safe and don't be impatient. Now that the specific movements of the Eastern captives are not yet clear, it is the best policy to guard the city and wait for changes. This time, the slave chieftains are sending their main force south, and their intention is nothing more than a vain attempt. Swallow my land outside the Daming Pass in one fell swoop, and at the worst, I will also eat the castles south of Guangning, especially the big cities like Songjin. They are already determined to win! The only way is to avoid its sharpness and wait for the opportunity to find its weak and weak to break it!"

Hong Chengchou was not worried about the fact that the Qing army's going south had been predicted for a long time.

Since the second half of the tenth year of Chongzhen, the defense of the castle north of Ningyuan has been successively taken over by the Beijing camp or the Qin army. The original soldiers and civilians in the city have been moved to the south of Ningyuan, and the food and materials in the city have long been stockpiled. Several, enough to supply the garrison for several months.

Judging from the previous fights between Daming and Jiannu, Jiannu has always lacked effective means and measures to attack the city. Moreover, the garrison in the city has now been replaced by a few strong troops mainly armed with firearms. Every city is still full of confidence.

As for the practice of building slaves and digging trenches to besiege the city, Hong Chengchou was not worried at all.

The combat strategy sent by the Ministry of War has clearly pointed out that the purpose of this battle is to prolong the battle as long as possible, to wear down the Jiannu with consumption, and wait until the east and west flanks are successfully raided and the morale of the Jiannu is depressed, and then look for an opportunity to defeat the enemy .

"Although Hong Gong's words are not bad, the students also know the strategy of the imperial court, but the actions of Donglu this time are quite different from the past, and there may be other motives in it! Last time, our army's Yebushu team and their sentries were in the area of ​​Desheng Fort Encounter, this matter is very strange! Why did Donglu send sentries to investigate deep into the rear of our army? What is its purpose? Although this matter is small, the students think it has a profound meaning! I hope Duke Hong will think about it carefully!"

After Cui Xingyun's victory report was delivered to Songshan, Hong Chengchou immediately recorded it and sent it to various castles to boost the morale of the army.

After all, this is a real military achievement, beheading ten Qing army sentries, including a white armored soldier, this news is enough to greatly boost the confidence of the entire army.

Hong Chengchou didn't care about why the Qing army sent sentries to go deep into the rear of Songjin. Now that Shen Shiyu mentioned this, Hong Chengchou also gave his own answer by the way: "What happened to the sentries on both sides is also a big deal. It can be small; Dongnu was born in the deep mountains and dense forests of Tunguska. The whole family has always lived on fishing and hunting. When hunting tigers, leopards, bears and deer, they are always sent out to search for their tracks, and then set up ambush to hunt them. Therefore, Dongnu brought this habit into the battle. , I am used to sending sentries to explore hundreds of miles or even farther. Speaking of the big picture, this move is a way to find out my way of food. Speaking of the small place, this encounter may be due to the loss of the path in the forest. Occasionally."

Seeing that Shen Shiyu still had a disapproving expression, Hong Chengchou smiled slightly, took a sip of tea and continued: "Kungang, this battle has been expected by us, and the castles are well prepared. What's the problem with my grain road? Its more than [-] troops gathered, how much is the daily consumption? The villages and towns to the north of Ningyuan have long been solidified and cleared, where can I get food? In a few months, when the food and grass are not enough, and the rear is unstable. The day is the time for me to make meritorious deeds!"

In Zhenyuan Fort, more than forty miles southeast of Ningyuan City, Chen Qiyu, a scholar of Dongge University, was looking through the military report sent in front of him in the study of the garrison office.

Just after receiving the victory report document from Cui Xingyun's department last month, Zhu Youjian convened relevant important ministers to discuss it. Everyone has always believed that the in-depth investigation of the slave sentry was to investigate the storage of grain, grass and luggage for the army, and to Possibility of a raid here.

Chen Qiyu once again pointed out that the importance of food and grass is related to the success or failure of the war, and important ministers must be selected to supervise them, so as to prevent the rear from being taken advantage of by the enemy.

Of course, everyone present understood the meaning of his words, but except for Sun Chuanting and Yang Sichang, no one else could compare with this military commander in terms of military strategy. Take into account such vital points.

After careful consideration, Zhu Youjian decided to send Chen Qiyu to sit outside the customs to take charge of food, grass and transportation matters and act cheaply. His post of Shuntian Fu Yin was taken over by Ni Yuanlu, Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Rites and Jijiu of the Imperial College.

On the other hand, Sun Chuanting led more than [-] Qin troops and [-] white soldiers led by Qin Liangyu to go out together, and camped in the south of Ningyuan on standby, in case they found out the whereabouts of Jiannu. Sun Yingyuan led the remaining troops of the Yongwei Battalion to advance Made the corresponding subordinates.

Then Yang Sichang issued an order in accordance with Zhu Youjian's instructions, asking the ministries outside the pass to shrink back and not to take interception actions against the Jiannu sentry.

After reading the latest military bulletin, Chen Qiyu fell into deep thought. Chen Qizhi, who accompanied him to the outside of the pass, refilled his hot tea and quietly exited the study room, then turned around and gently closed the door.

Chen Qiyu knew what Yang Sichang meant, which was to use the land of baggage as bait to lure the Qing army to attack, and then use heavy troops to annihilate the invading Qing army.

From the warehouse where he was located to the front line of Songjin, the distance is nearly 2 miles. There are six castles along the way, and the total number of officers and troops stationed there is nearly [-]. If the Qing army really dared to march If you take the risk, you have to bear the huge risk of being cut off.

After reading the latest military report, Chen Qiyu determined in his heart that the Qing army will come in nine out of ten, and its strength will not be less than [-].

According to Zhenyuan Fort's night not accepting returns, in the past few days, no less than three teams of Qing army sentries have been found around the baggage camp, watching around the huge baggage camp.

Obviously, the sentry of the Qing army was investigating the strength and arrangement of the Ming army's guards, and then decided how many troops to send and where to attack.

The Ming army's supply camp was ten miles east of Zhenyuan Fort, backed by the Bohai Sea, and bordered by mountains and dense forests in the south. Only the west and north could be attacked.

There are only [-] Qin army officers and soldiers guarding the heavy camp, led by the deputy commander Zhang Yuan.

The 5000 people were divided into two places, and camped in the west and north of the baggage camp. The whole layout can be said to be clear at a glance. I believe that in addition to leaving manpower to continue the investigation, the Qing military sentry must have returned to report. Let the master make the decision.

It takes at least five to seven days from the report of the sentry to the arrival of the Qing army. Every extra day, the Qing army's nearly 20 people will have an additional consumption. This huge consumption will force the Qing army to take risks. move.

Thinking of this, Chen Qiyu couldn't help sneering in his heart.

The Qing army would never have imagined that what they detected was only what was on the surface, but what was really deadly was right under their noses.

 Thanks to book friend Lin Lingsu for the reward in 2018.

(End of this chapter)

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