Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 400 Arming

Chapter 400 Arming
"The mountain people have their own clever tricks! I said Li Sanwa, today's first round of beating is not bad! The nonsense Jiannu invincible, judging from the forehead, this is the place where those cowards in western Liaoning dared to blow it out! Fire gun one Hey, invincible has to lie down too! Hey hey, Li Sanwa, you coward! That’s my meal, save some for me, I want to eat it myself!”

Seeing Li Sanwa just lowering her head and stuffing a large handful of rice balls from her helmet into her mouth, Zhang Yuan jumped up and ran over a few steps, fighting with Li Sanwa.

Before they could finish eating, military discipline officer Qian Jie, Chief Qian Liu Shun, and Hu Dabang rushed to the tent one after another.

Now the Ministry of War’s measures to dispatch general discipline officers to various ministries have been fully rolled out, and all the officers and soldiers above the guerrillas who lead the army alone have been stationed with military discipline officers who were born in Jinyiwei, as the existence of impeaching lawlessness and supervising military discipline.

Qian Jie, who was less than [-] years old, was originally a small flag in the Fusi of Jinyiwei South Town. In the ninth year of Chongzhen, he was sent to the Qin Army as a military discipline officer together with more than a dozen school lieutenants drawn from each thousand households.

These military disciplinary officers were of different ages, but what they had in common was that they could read and write well, and had good arithmetic, so that they could supervise the accurate distribution of food and supplies in the barracks where they were located, and prevent the generals in charge of military supplies from corrupting ink.

The most important duty of a military disciplinary officer is to test and record merit. After summarizing the daily and wartime performance of the officers and soldiers in the military academy, they will report to the Ministry of War after discussing with the chief general of the first battalion.

In fact, the generals knew in their hearts that the so-called military discipline officers were actually sent by the imperial court to guard against the generals' self-respect, and specially sent them down to monitor them.

Because although these military disciplinary officers are only equivalent to the rank of Qianzong, they are still affiliated with Jinyi's pro-army, and no one has the right to give them orders.

"Even if everyone is here, let's summarize the gains and losses of today's battle first, and then make a total plan to deal with Jiannu's next offensive. Li Sanwa, have Jiannu's corpses been dealt with? This day is getting closer and closer." It’s hot, and the battlefield must be cleaned up in time to prevent the spread of the epidemic! Remember this rule!”

After ordering to show Qian Jie a seat, Zhang Yuan, who was sitting on the chair, spoke.

"Reporting to the vice-president, the corpses left by Jiannu in the camp were beheaded and thrown out. The dead and wounded outside the gate of the camp were dragged away by the Jiannu dispatchers. The humble staff have turned the ground over with a shovel. , Those bloody waters are covered in the ground! The shovel issued by the military masters is really easy to use. It is easy to dig up the soil. It would be great if we can use such things when we go home to farm in the future! Tsk tsk! It’s really easy tight!"

After Li Sanwa clasped her fists to report, she talked elsewhere.

The shovels issued by the Ministry of War for each army were copied by Zhu Youjian from the style of the engineering shovels of later generations, and they were made of refined iron by the military supervisor. It is loved and praised by soldiers and soldiers.

"Okay, okay, don't talk nonsense, you bastard! Officer Qian Ying, have you recorded the roster of soldiers who have contributed to the First World War today? Are the casualties of our troops properly arranged? Is the armament ready?"

Zhang Yuan raised his hand to stop Li Sanwa's nonsense, looked at Qian Jie and asked politely.

"Returning to the Vice President, there were a total of 35 casualties in our department in this battle, of which [-] were killed, and the rest were all wounded. After being treated by the army doctor, the wounded were sent to the baggage camp. The list of soldiers who have made meritorious service in this battle It has been registered, and the ordnance mentioned by the deputy chief is ready, and it can be transported by the people to the front of the camp at any time!"

The lethality of the heavy arrows of the Qing army was astonishing. Although the spearmen of the Ming army had withdrawn within a short period of time, many people still fell under the arrows of the Qing army.

In addition to being in charge of normal duties, Qian Jie also took care of the civilian husbands in the rear camp and the ambulance team composed of more than a dozen people, which was basically equivalent to half a logistics battalion officer.

"There is a labor camp officer. Although our army won a small victory in today's battle, we must not ignore Jiannu's fighting spirit! I think that Jiannu's defeat today is too underestimating the enemy. If they attack on a large scale, our army will be defeated Even victory will result in greater casualties. I presume that Jiannu must be trying to break through our barracks, and then attack. The Ministry of War has explained that Jiannu always use shield chariots as the front line, and our military fire Although the gun is sharp, it can't penetrate the shield chariot, so you have to find a way to break the Jiannu shield chariot, if you have any clever tricks, you might as well tell them!"

In fact, Zhang Yuan already has a countermeasure, but he still wants to hear if his subordinates have a better way to break Jiannu's shield car offensive.

"Vice President, to break the shield car, only the artillery, the tiger squatting guns in our rear battalion are not powerful enough, or before Jiannu comes, let's send someone to the supply camp to get a few Franglers to try ?”

After thinking for a while, Li Sanwa spoke first.

All the generals of the Qin Army above Qianqian knew that there was news of the imperial elite in the supply camp. Li Sanwa said that he was going to borrow guns, but in fact he planned to borrow the gunners as well. The main army is the guest army.

"No, no! Don't mention this matter again!"

Zhang Yuan shook his head again and again.

As for the Yongwei Battalion directly under the emperor, he didn't have the guts to borrow troops without the order of the Ministry of War, not to mention that he couldn't afford to lose this man. He gave up before the war started?

"Vice President, if there is any arrangement, let's hurry up and order. The low-ranking people should hurry up and prepare. If Jiannu calls after noon, we will be in trouble if we don't think of a way!"

President Qian Liu Shun clasped his fists and saluted.

"It's not that important. If there are no accidents, I guessed that Jiannu would destroy our barracks overnight, and I would attack tomorrow with a stance."

Zhang Yuan shook his head and replied.

"Vice President, I thought that the tiger crouching guns would be brought over from the rear battalion first, and then the low wall would be lengthened after nightfall, and then the tiger squatting guns would be placed in the front, enough for the slaves to drink a pot of!"

Hu Dabang, another CEO of Qian, suggested.

"Good idea! Great stick, you lead your troops to switch defenses with Li Sanwa's troops tonight, and tomorrow you fight Jiannu! Li Sanwa, you lead your troops to respond at any time!"

Seeing that several of his subordinates had no good suggestions, Zhang Yuan immediately issued an order.

"The vice president, since Jiannu was expected to destroy our camp, why didn't he take precautions and make it easy to win? Why not arrange a good manpower, and when Jiannu comes at night, he will attack him head-on?"

Qian Jie on the side hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke up.

According to court rules, military discipline officers have no right to interfere with the general's military command and deployment, but seeing a bloody battle between the strong and the weak imminent, Qian Jie always felt that he should do something.

For example, when Jiannu sent people to destroy the barracks, maybe Zhang Yuan had made some omissions and never thought of deploying manpower to prevent it, so his suggestion might be able to fill in the gaps.

"Officer Qian Ying doesn't need to worry too much. Since Jiannu wants to destroy it, then the barracks will definitely not be able to be kept. It is difficult to prevent it from being unclear at night. Why not let him go! I will make my own arrangements, and I will definitely teach Jiannu to suffer. No!"

After eating at noon that day, Zhang Yuan asked Qian Jie to transfer five hundred minzhuangs from the back camp. After explaining his thoughts in general, he personally directed the minzhuangs to get busy under the cover of the camp fence.

Hu Dabang, who was in charge of the battle tomorrow, followed Zhang Yuan with a few generals, and while listening to his talk, he was thinking about how to send troops to form the formation.

Just when it was still dark, the fortifications re-arranged and built around the two forts that were more than [-] steps away from the barracks were finally completed.

 Thanks to the old book friends for the generous reward of 2018 starting coins that no one has used for this account!Thanks to the old book friends, I am what I insist on, Tianwaifeixian, Lin Lingsu [-], and new book friends Xiaohui for reading history.

(End of this chapter)

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