Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 406 Array

Chapter 406 Array
Just when Yue Tuo was about to send a fast horse to the Qing army camp outside Ningyuan City and told Abatai to dispatch [-] Mongolian Eight Banners to besiege the Qin army, the heavy gate of the north gate of Ningyuan City slowly opened, and [-] people dressed in various colors The armored cavalry galloped out of the city gate in a row of two, and then hit their horses and went straight forward.

Immediately afterwards, a thousand sword-and-shield fighters in red cotton armor lined up, and then divided into two teams. Under the guidance of the flag, they marched towards the ditch two miles away, and spread out to both sides after arriving. , and then four thousand gunners followed closely, forming four square formations among the swordsmen.

After that, four thousand spearmen went out of the city and formed the same formation thirty paces behind the gunmen.

The so-called trench digging by the Qing army did not dig the trenches into a connected form, but left four passages about ten steps wide in the middle. The purpose of this was to lure the Ming army out of the city to fight with them.

When the gate of Ningyuan City was opened, some of the few Qing army cavalry wandering more than a hundred steps away from the passage galloped towards the camp five miles away.

Among the hundreds of Qing troops riding horses, some rode their horses to observe the movements of the Ming troops, or a few people sat around and had a rest and joked indifferently, or a few of them were chasing and playing around, and did not catch the Ming troops who were leaving the city. Put it in your eyes.

As the Ming army of the brigade went out of the city one after another, the Qing army's camp sounded loud and clear horns. Not long after, amidst the muffled thunder-like sound in the distance, a large cloud of dust and smoke rose, and six thousand Mongolian Eight Banners cavalry carried as if The aura that can swallow everything came galloping.

Six thousand Mongolian cavalry rushed in like a flood, and were divided into two brigades three miles away from the trench, covering the two wings, leaving only a large open area in front.

Not long after, with banners waving all over the sky, Raoyubeile Abatai, who was wearing a black mail armor, galloped out of the camp under the guard of more than a hundred Bayalas, except for the three Niulu Qing In addition to the troops staying in the camp to guard the supplies, twelve Qing troops with a total of 600 soldiers from the Xianglan Banner marched out of the camp, heading towards the Ming troops who had left the city.

Just when the infantry of the Qing army came out of the camp, several square formations of the Ming army were completed, and then two thousand civilians rushed out of the city. Start digging the soil.

Seeing this, more than a hundred sentry cavalry of the Qing army rushed over to investigate. The front row musketeers of the four phalanxes of the Ming army raised their guns and pointed forward under the loud orders of President Qian. The Qing army sentry cavalry faced a long row of black muzzles. , I couldn't help but feel numb for a while, and without knowing why Min Zhuang was digging, he had no choice but to steer his horse to avoid more than a hundred steps away.

In less than a quarter of an hour, under the watchful eyes of the Qing army cavalry, more than [-] large platforms with a height of half a person, a length and width of more than ten feet, and a long slope behind them were built on the edge of the trench. Zhuang then withdrew back one after another.

Immediately afterwards, twenty bullock carts dragged the two-wheeled gun mounts and slowly drove out of the city gate. On the gun mounts were twenty five-hundred-jin Franc cannons. Forts prepared for these lethal weapons.

When more than [-] Qing troops arrived at the middle battlefield, the Ming army's [-] Frang machine guns were basically set up.

"Marshal, the battle formation is ready, please give orders!"

On the head of the north gate of Ningyuan City, Zhou Yuji, the general of the Qin Army in chain armor, cupped his fists and reported loudly to Sun Chuanting.

"Okay! I will watch how General Zhou defeats the enemy from the top of the city! Let's go!"

Sun Chuanting, who was dressed in a red official uniform, stood upright with his hands behind his back, looking at the formation of the Qing army with piercing eyes, and ordered in a deep voice.

"The humble job will definitely live up to the expectations of the commander-in-chief! I swear that Jiannu will be defeated by Ningyuan!"

Zhou Yuji clasped his fists again and saluted loudly, then turned around and brought his soldiers back to the city, stepped on his horse and galloped away from the city gate, with dozens of soldiers behind him urging their horses to follow closely behind.

Zhou Yuji rode his horse to the highest platform, reined in his mount, got off his horse and climbed up the platform along the slope, followed by several soldiers in charge of delivering orders.

After getting on the platform, Zhou Yuji, who had already observed the formation of the Qing army at the head of the city, gave a casual order. A soldier beside him held up a yellow pennant flag and waved it from side to side. Run to the passages on both sides, quickly cross the trench and gallop to the flanks.

A not-so-long horn blew, and the cavalry of the Qing army about three miles away galloped out a team of 200 people to meet Min Zhuang who was carrying the repelling horse, and prepared to kill all these bold Nikan on the spot .

Seeing the speeding up Qing army horses, the folks panicked one by one. If the battalion leader hadn't yelled and cursed loudly, many of them would have abandoned their horses and fled.

At this moment, several thunderbolts exploded in the sky, and four thousand-jin Hongyi cannons on the top of the city fired one after another, and five-jin projectiles whizzed out, drawing several wonderful arcs in the sky Finally, it smashed into the advancing route of the Qing army cavalry who were rushing towards the folk strongmen.

The two first-fired projectiles did not directly hit the enemy cavalry, but jumped up suddenly after landing and rushed towards the accelerating Qing cavalry.

A Mongolian cavalryman rushing to the front was hit directly by the projectile that bounced up immediately after landing, his upper body was smashed to pieces, and the horse under his crotch was still galloping forward.

The projectile that pierced his body did not slow down, but continued to rush forward, like a plowshare plowing the ground, plowing a long bloody path among the Qing army's cavalry.

On the route that the projectile passed, five or six Qing soldiers were either directly smashed to death, or fell to the ground before their mounts were shot, and then were trampled into a pulp by the horses behind them who couldn't dodge.

The four projectiles that flew one after another caused more than [-] deaths and injuries of the Qing army, and the fallen horses also caused a lot of confusion in the Qing army cavalry. The speed of the side cavalry has also been greatly slowed down.

The continuous sound of cannons was like a shot in the arm for the people. The people who were terribly afraid suddenly became more courageous. They involuntarily accelerated their pace and rushed forward. Shouting and running backwards.

More than 200 refusal horses piled up randomly formed a large obstacle area. After a short period of confusion, the Qing cavalry rushed again at a speed, but seeing a pile of impenetrable obstacles blocking the way, they had no choice but to watch. Min Zhuang, like a flock of sheep, ran back into the ditch more than a hundred paces away.

Although the placement of a large number of refusal horses is not satisfactory, it can barely cover the two wings of the Ming army. Zhou Yuji immediately issued further instructions.

A large red flag swung left and right several times, and the four phalanxes of long spears moved towards the outermost passages on both sides respectively, passed through the passages and then moved forward to both sides, and finally formed two large phalanxes behind the horses.

Immediately afterwards, the gunner phalanx as the main attacker filed out from the two passages in the middle, stood still after walking more than two hundred steps, and gathered into two large-scale formations with a distance of ten steps and 400 people in each row, a total of five rows. phalanx.

The [-] cavalry and [-] sword-shieldmen of the Ming army were on standby, waiting for opportunities to move at any time.

The [-] cavalry were assembled by Sun Chuanting from the Guanning cavalry in the fort near Ningyuan after he arrived outside the pass. Because the number of cavalry was far less than that of the Qing army, they could only wait for the opportunity in a relatively safe area.

According to the prior consultation, the Ming army marched out of the city in a defensive posture, waiting for the Qing army's large-scale attack.

This arrangement was not because the Qin army was not brave enough, but because Sun Chuanting wanted to take advantage of the general idea of ​​underestimating the enemy in the Qing army and prepare to maximize the power of the Frang machine gun.

The Frang machine with an effective range of about [-] steps will be the winner of this battle.

Lure the enemy to attack, while causing heavy damage to the Qing army, it will also attract the attention of the Qing army, which will make Chen Qiyu's surprise attack more sure.

"Axibao, you bring five Niulu to prepare for the front, Kulecha, you take 1000 archers and [-] infantry to the right flank, and transfer [-] people from Ahha behind, and you command the archers to cover them and break the horses. Ge Rilen led a thousand cavalry team to charge, and the infantry followed up and charged! Today, I must teach these bright people to see the majesty of my Eight Banners!"

After watching the battle on horseback, Abate gave a loud order.

 Thanks to the book friends for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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